Simon never got his mark; the vampires never helped fight in the war; Sebastian bested Jace; Clary did not portal to Lake Lynn; and Valentine got his wish.

So when Valentine wishes for all Nephilim blood to be spilt except for his own, it seems that Valentine has won; he has successfully executed the first phase of his plan, the downworlders have evacuated Idris, and the rest of the Nephilim lie scattered across Alicante and the world. Dead. So on to phase two, right? With only Valentine's Nephilim blood alive wiping out the remaining downworlders should be simple, except with family comes blood. There are three Nephilim left in the world Valentine and Sebastian are two of them. Then there's the one he never wanted; he never knew; he never needed.


Rated T, the rating might go up to M later throughout the story, I'm not entirely sure yet. However, if you think it needs to be raised tell me please.

Author's note(s): Obviously most of the main characters, meaning the Nephilim, will be dead for the majority of this story. (Isabelle, Alec, Jace, Jocelyn, etc.) Set after City of Glass. Also, if I'm screwing anything up, like the format or grammar, please tell me. I'm not 100% sure how this site works and I'd like to get it right. Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own anything, that all belongs to Cassandra Clare, except the plot line. Even that was inspired by Killing Wonderland who wrote an amazing, post-apocalyptic story for the Mortal Instruments books.

City of Retribution

Chapter 1: Bloodlines

For two weeks Clary had been in hiding. For two weeks she had seen no other shadowhunters. For two weeks she had seen nothing but demons in Idris.

They were everywhere. Wandering around like they own the place, destroying anything in sight. If one was to return to Idris right now for any reason at all, one would have thought they stumbled into the fourth dimension. The land was barren, scared probably beyond repair; even the sky which was once an endless blue had turned into a sea of black and gray clouds. The trees were stripped of their leaves, the grass was yellow, and any bird who dared sing its song in the morning quickly meant a swift death.

Clary knew Valentine was responsible for this. She had seen him wish upon the Angel, if only she hadn't swallowed so much of Lake Lynn's water, again. She could have stopped this, she could have saved everyone she loved, but she was lucky enough to have been spared.

For some reason, Valentine had been too overcome by the joy of his plan being successful, to notice Clary slowly crawling away from the lake. He must have figured the Angel would destroy her as well, except the angel didn't. And Clary knew why.

She had his blood, of all his glory, intelligence, and arrogance; he had forgotten she has his daughter, bound by blood. She had decided he had planned the wish with that particular wording so he would not lose his son, Sebastian/Jonathon (whoever), when he wished for the destruction of the Nephilim race.

But that would be his downfall. When Valentine made his wish, Clary made her promise. To reverse the evil that has forsaken the world and destroy her father and brother; because in this case, blood was life, not love.

Clary needed a plan, it was nearly twilight in Idris and she needed to get out, tonight. But without Magnus how would she? Clary cursed herself for relying on the warlock. She had a stele. She could create ruins. Clary took out the stele silently, wouldn't want to get caught by any demons nearby, and began to draw on a nearby tree. The markings burned the wood, threatening to smoke and draw attention to her but she did not stop. She could not stop.

The motions seemed to flow through her, and she let them take over, closing her eyes and focusing on two words, Central Park. There was no way she could go back to the institute, her house, Simon's house (if Simon was still alive) or Magnus's apartment, they were all too risky, surely Valentine would have installed some kind of monitoring system.

When she opened her eyes, the marks were burning into the tree with wisps of smoke curling off them. Slowly something began to appear, first like a ghost, then growing more solid and luminous. The portal wasn't on the tree, the trunk being much too thin, but more in front it, like if Clary were to walk through it she would smack her head against the tree like a practical joke.

She moved towards the portal, sticking her finger through and when she didn't feel the tree on the other side she stepped through, into nothingness.

It was only dark for a blink in time, but it was enough to frighten her. The feeling of a cool detachment filled her inside, then a hot flash of light as she stepped out in Central Park, leaving her shaking and dry heaving. But she was out, she was free, somewhat. She was in her home, in her land where she would have the upper hand and take down Valentine.

All she needed was a little help. But with her normal accomplices in downworld missing in action, she would have to resort to other acquaintances. Ones even she did not fully trust.

So I know it's short, but I had to get the basics down and straighten out my thoughts. So review? please and thank you :)