Clove wasn't going to get any sleep tonight, that she was sure of, so she decided to explore. She quietly slipped from her bedroom, and went out to the balcony that attached to the living area of the second floor. It was cold out, and she cursed herself for not grabbing a jacket, a blanket... anything. All she could see were lights and all she could hear was chanting. The Capitol was full of lights and noise even though it was very very late.

"Couldn't sleep?"

She about jumped out of her skin as she felt someone come up behind her.


Cato appeared beside her, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't scare me, idiot," Clove scoffed as though her being scared was absolutely ludicrous, but quietly hoped he hadn't seen just how high she had jumped.

Cato smirked, "Uh-huh."

So he had. Damn.

Cato watched her from the corner of his eye, she was shivering but obviously trying to hide it. He had to smile at her demeanor. She tried so, so hard to appear strong, powerful, cruel. Yet, he was sure that there was more to her. Maybe even a soft side. He hoped he'd get a chance to see it before he had to kill her.


Clove shook her head, "Nah."

"Here," he slipped his jacket off and placed it over her shoulders.

She shoved the jacket back in his arms, "I said I wasn't cold, moron. Are you deaf or something?"

"Chill, would you? There's a few days until you can try and kill me in the arena, but how about until then, we try and be friends?" Cato smiled at her, finding her refusal to let him close almost amusing.

Clove sighed, "Fine, friends. Happy?"

Cato nodded, "And friends let friends borrow jackets when they're cold. So, here." He placed the jacket around her shoulders again, and was surprised when she didn't call him a name, or slap him, or give it back. Progress, however small, was still progress.
