I'm genuinley sorry for not updating anything in a month or so, and for yjose of you reading my other stories, I'm not abandoning them, I've just had some trouble getting on with them. And a lot of new ideas have popped up.

Like this thing. It has been sitting on my laptop for a while now, but I wanted to make sure I was happy with the plot before I posted anything :)

I have about three or four other stories on my laptop which I'm working on as well, so hopefully some more stuff will be up soon :)

"Brandon, seriously, I don't wanna go to a stupid party," I complained. Brandon, one of my best friends ever since Big Time Rush was dissolved, shot me a shocked look. "Diamond, are you sick or something? You cannot tell me you don't wanna go to a party at one of the music industry's hottest members' house? You're the party king of Hollywood." Brandon knew I loved to party, so he already had a hand practically glued to my forehead, checking my temperature. Apparently it was normal. Brandon retrieved his hand and placed it on his hip, slightly tilting his head, looking at me like I was a disobedient child. "What's up?" he asked softly, but slightly annoyed. I sighed heavily. I didn't know what I should say. I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell him I had ran into Katie Knight a couple of times – okay more than that, a lot more than that – over the past month and half or so.

After the band had come to an end, so did or tight friendships. We still spoke a few times a year, like every two or three months at the most frequent.

Logan had researched universities forever and finally found the one with the best med-program, an university which I was unable to remember the name of, all I knew was that it was too far from Los Angeles. Kendall on the other hand had gotten a position on the Dallas Stars. It wasn't the Minnesota Wilds like he had always dreamed, but from what I heard, Kendall was doing great and loved playing with the Stars. I didn't really have any idea what Carlos was doing though; it wasn't really something we talked about the few times we actually spoke on the phone or Skype or whatever.

Katie however, had remained in LA and gone to college with a major in management. I had a feeling she would end up as a manager at some point, especially given the amazing resume she already had despite not having an actual education in the field.

Still, I hadn't seen Carlos, Logan, Kendall or even Katie and mama Knight in years. Until I all of a sudden ran into Katie at Starbucks on my way to Roque Records. Yes, I had gone solo after Big Time Rush. I had been texting somebody, probably Brandon, I can't really remember, and Katie had been checking her mail on her smart phone. Luckily neither of us had our cups of coffee then as I had just entered, and Katie was about to leave. We both dropped our phones in the collision, and bent down to pick it up. "I'm so sorry," we had both exclaimed, both of us immediately recognizing the other's voice. "Katie?"

"James?" she exclaimed and almost sounded as cheerful as I felt. And man did she look good. She was dressed in a dark grey pencil skirt with a ruffle-blouse in a shade in-between purple and pink, a breathtaking color on her. The entire outfit hugged her curves in a way that shouldn't really be allowed. Her hair was gently pulled back in a voluminous ponytail with gently styled curls and she wore a pair of simple black heels. Her makeup was barley there and enhanced her natural beauty in a way I never thought possible. Katie had never been ugly, she was always beautiful, but I had always thought of her as the cute little sister. Now though. Wow. Gorgeous seemed a gross understatement. I was left utterly speechless. I had never seen a woman with such natural beauty in my life. I noticed my heart pounded heavily against my chest, so much in fact I was almost surprised she couldn't hear the loud thud's of my heart. Never before had a woman had this effect on me. Ever.

"Ja-ames?" Katie sing-songed, waving a hand in front of my eyes. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah. Just… Haven't seen ya in a long time, Kates," I said and attempted a charming smile, but felt like I failed miserably. "Yeah, it has been a long time. It's what, four years now?" she asked and guided me to an empty table and we started catching up. That confidence I had always had with the ladies? Yeah, long gone. Like it never existed.

I mentally cursed myself for loosing touch with her, and apologized to Katie for it, all the while we spoke I was completely unable to take my eyes off of her.

After a while I ultimately had to head over to Rouqe Records or I'd be late for work and Gustavo would be pissed, and Katie might be late and get fired, which I would never be able to forgive myself for.

I sighed. "Fine, I'm gonna go get ready," I said, not bothering to argue against going as that would only mean I had to tell Brandon everything. And I just couldn't tell him - or anybody, really - that I was head over heels in love with my best friend's sister. I couldn't tell Brandon that I didn't want to deal with women practically throwing themselves at me. It was no secret that they did.

As much as I normally liked it, having seen Katie again after all this time, I just didn't want that. I didn't want anyone but her. I'm cheesy that way. I never ever thought I'd end up only wanting one girl, never wanting to leave her side or finding someone whom I liked for their personality and not just her amazing looks. Katie definitely had both – breathtaking beauty and an amazing personality.

Brandon cheered and smiled like an over-excited kid on Christmas Day ready to open presents. I couldn't help but to chuckle at his silliness. "Geez, Brandon, it's just a party," I said mockingly and headed for my room. Brandon and I lived together, basically just because Brandon's apartment had been total damaged during a fire and my house was way too big to be living alone in.

I was done in the shower and fully dressed about half an hour later, leaving Brandon impressed. I usually used a lot more time getting ready before a party. I could tell he was a bit worried that something was wrong with me, but he decided not to ask.

I know this is short, BUT it's just the prolouge :)

Please let me know what you think of it :)