This story was influenced by "Giving In" by Artificial.

Chapter 1: Beginning

Another world meeting, always starting, proceeding, and ending the same. America taking over as the leader, England and France fighting, Italy bringing up lunch ideas of pasta or pizza, Japan calmly trying to calm down things, Russia watching his Baltic "Slaves"-States not slaves, and Canada once again sitting there with no turn in the matter, all being broken by Germany's yelling.

"I thought it was going well!" America laughed, he's so bad at sensing the mood, which was clearly a bit tense.

"Well if that frog didn't have to bring up-" England started.

"Your just jealous!" France interrupted him.

"I would never be jealous of a frog!" England yelled back.

"Hon hon. Yes you would black sheep~" France laughed. It was starting again…

"Shut up!" Germany yelled. "You two will not do this again! We have already wasted 20 minutes listening to you two argue and all your damn chatter over stupid things! These meetings are only an hour long! We only have 40 minutes to get over this entire list." Germany held up a piece of paper with typed writing on it.

"That doesn't look that bad." America said. Germany flipped the paper over for a longer list, which was in a small font. America silenced himself with the shock of the list and took out a hamburger to prepare himself for the long and boring 40 minutes ahead.

The meeting continued calmly, mostly, with Germany leading the way. America had lost interest after 10 minutes and decided to have a "staring contest" with his food, until England slapped it out of his hand that is, which made the American gasp and almost cry about his perfectly good burger. Canada patiently waited for his opinion on the most recent topic, the Olympics, on how they should proceed with them in London, but his turn never came. (They actually skipped right over him).

Belarus seemed to stay close to her big brother as he quietly watched everyone talk. It was strange though; usually Russia would make some kind of nod or talk a little, but he was silence the entire time. He sometimes looked down at his notes, maybe to re-read them, but stopped writing them after the first half hour of the meeting.

With very little success, the meeting ended, everyone going their separate ways. Today's meeting was in Tokyo, Japan today, meaning it was hotel time. Since America's economy had dropped, most of the nations weren't in a good mood with themselves catching an illness. Most of them seemed to be much healthier today though, even America, who had been taking some pills to keep symptoms down. He often teased England though, who often went back to the hotel coughing an with a head ache.

Canada finished writing down all his notes while everyone got their coats and started to leave. He finished writing neatly and put his notes into a nicely organized folder, unlike America who shoved everything in the inside of his jacket.

"Okay Kumiju, it's time to go the hotel." He said to his little pet, who was sleeping under the table. His voice was a bit scratchy though, he had also been having a hard time because of the economy of his brother. He picked the bear up blew his breathe into the bear's face, which was a bit cold and smelled like pancakes. The bear opened his eyes and blinked.

"Home?" He asked, thinking the air was just the winter breeze back in Vancouver, the smell of pancakes just made him think it was home more. Canada grinned a bit and put the bear on the chair next to him.

"No, we're in Tokyo remember?" Canada said putting his jacket on. "We're going to the hotel."

"Room service." The bear said. Canada smiled and giggled a bit at his pet.

"I know, I know. Your hungry. I'll get some food for you when we get there eh?"

"Who are you?"

"Canada." he picked his pet up, put him inside his jacket, and zippered it. "It's cold out."

"Okay." The bear had no problem with staying inside the boy's jacket, he would be kept warm from both the fluffiness of the jacket and Canada's body heat, not problem with that at all. He walked out of the heated meeting room to the cold outside world of Tokyo, which he always liked to see. He watched the other nations get into taxis, America decided to jump in and share one with England uninvited, and called one of his own.

As he stepped into the taxi, he took out his phone for a translator app, cause there is an app for everything. He looked up words to explain where he was going, the Japanese language wasn't his favorite, neither was Chinese.

The app had said to put your destination first, then the question, so, "Hoteru, um, ni ikitai desu." he tried to say. The driver seemed to understand the poorly spoke words.

"Hoteru?" he asked. "Namae?" Canada paused for a moment to figure out that namae must mean name, the name of the hotel.

"Oh um, Ana Intercontinental Tokyo." He finally said, (He forgot at first). But the driver understood and began to drive. Canada sat back in his seat and relaxed for a moment. The day was long, he was tired, and even starting to get a head ache. If his head started hurting, it usually meant a cold was coming on. He signed before getting back into reality from his little break. He took out his wallet and took some Yen out, Japan was kind and traded the money for him so he didn't have to waste time changing the currencies. He wasn't sure just how much he had but it would be enough for the taxi ride at least. The drive lasted another 10 minutes, by that time his eyes were closed and he was almost asleep until he felt the car come to a stop. He woke himself up and gave the driver the money, hoping he would get change back. But the driver wasn't cruel and took advance of Canada's very little knowledge of the Japanese ways and gave him back the right amount of change, even smiling at the Canadian.

"Thank-I mean arigato." he bowed his head a little for one of those bows, he knew that was important, but knew he was missing something with the thank you he gave. He put the change in his pocket, grabbed the suitcase he had, and went into the nice hotel.

"Domo." Canada said walking into the hotel.

"What?" Kumajirou asked, he woke up when they got out of the taxi.

"Domo arigato, that's how you say thank you. I only said arigato." Canada said, he knew he was forgetting something!

"Does it matter?" Kumajirou asked.

"I guess not." Canada shrugged. He waited on line to check into his room, he was looking forward to laying in a big bed and sleeping. The line finally went down as he went to check in, his head ache was getting worse by that time.

"Konban wa." The receptionist said smiling. Canada didn't remember what that was but he assumed it was a greeting. More translating time, he thought. He took out his phone to check his translation.

"Y-yoyaku shite arimasu." He said, he stuttered a bit. The receptionist smiled.

"And what is your name sir?" she said. Canada blinked in surprise.

"You speak English?"

"Yes sir, I have to you know?" She was pretty fluent in it too. Thank god, he thought.

Canada smiled, "Well that's a relief." he took out his passport. "My name is Matthew Williams, I have a reservation."

"Hai," she looked it up on her computer. "Just you sir?"

"And a pet." He couldn't forget Kumajirou.

"Right," she typed on her computer more. "Alright your room number is 258, its on the second floor." She handed him the key.

"Thank you." Canada bowed his head again but he was curious. "U-um, excuse me, but was the phase I said before right?"

"Yes, a little off but you were correct." She gave another smile as Canada thanked her once again before going to his room.

His head started to hurt more, it was ruining his good mood now. He went to his room only to find out England was across the hall, he could hear England yelling along with America's laughter. He signed, unlocked the door, and went in. He slowly dragged his feet over to the bed and plopped down on it, leaving the suitcase by the door. Kumajirou had gotten out of his coat in the elevator and closed the door after noticing the Canadian didn't even close it.

Canada laid in his bed with his eyes closed, he was still so very tired. The head ache didn't help. He was hungry too, which reminded him that he had to get food for Kumajirou.

"What do you want to eat? Sushi?" Canada peeked his head up and asked the animal. Kumajirou scratched his ear.

"I dunno." he said. "I want fish." Canada smiled and lifted himself up.

"I'll get room service I guess, I'm pretty hungry too."


"Canada." He picked up a brochure that was laying on the nightstand and looked over it for a menu. He eventually found it on the back, he didn't realize the whole back of the paper was in English. He was unfamiliar with the foods but there were a description of each, so he picked whatever one he thought he would eat. He picked up the phone and got onto the room service line.

Unfortunately, it was in Japanese. He tried to remember what England had told him about ordering things, the Brit came to Japan a lot.

"Sashimi to Ramen ga irimasu." he didn't know how to say numbers over 20 so he was in trouble with the room number, figured he try to say it and hope the guy knew what he was saying. "Heya Ni, Go, Hachi." There was a silence on the other said until the guy said "hai" and some other Japanese words he didn't know. He said thank you and hung up.

"Your still in your coat." Kumajirou said. Canada didn't even notice. He took it off and threw it on the chair.

"I should shower." He mumbled.

"What's shower in Chinese?"

"Its Japanese and I think Shawa or something like that." he mumbled, he didn't want to think anymore. "I'm gonna shower, you just stay here and don't get into trouble. If the guy comes, come get me."

"TV." Kumajirou said. Canada turned on the TV to entertain the bear as he went into the bathroom.

His head was pounding now, it calmed down when he closed his eyes though. The hot water on his body felt good though, he was sure that he spent 5 minutes just standing in the shower. The water felt nice, but it only made him more sleepy.

He came back out in a towel to find the bear patiently sitting on the bed and staring at the TV, he was watching hockey too, which usually would put Canada in a good mood, but he was too tired to even see who was playing. He got out his clothes from the suitcase and quickly changed into pjs, it was just a t-shirt and soft pj pants that America had given him as a Christmas gift, they were red with pictures of maple leafs on him so it was a pretty good gift that Canada enjoyed. He laid back on the bed and waited for food as the bear watched the players go up and down the rink smacking the puck and eventually getting into a fist fight.

There was a knock at the door as Canada looked forward to dinner, even though it was almost 11 pm, those meetings may only last an hour each but he went to several different ones for nations, meaning he's been sitting at those meetings since he got there early in the morning.

He got up and unlocked the door to find it wasn't room service, but Russia.

"R-Russia." the Canadian stuttered. "W-what are you doing here?" Why would Russia be there, knocking at Canada's door? They barely talked to each other, Russia often sat on Canada because he didn't see him, and never asked him anything during the meetings.

"Hello comrade Canada." the Russian smiled. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I need to ask a favor." Canada stood at the door. A favor? What kind of favor? Would he be a sacrifice in one of Russia's demon worshiping rituals? (America had said he was connected to the devil)

"I-I guess so." he said without thought, he could of just signed up for his death.

Russia smiled more. "Oh thank you. I need to borrow your notes from the last meeting today. I seemed to have-lost mine." Canada blinked. Notes? Just notes?

"O-oh! Yea sure." Canada blinked again "Just let me get them."


Canada turned around to get the notes from his folder. Kumajirou looked at the door and at the Russia, seeing that it wasn't the food he was wanting, and turned his head back to the TV. Canada went back to the door with the notes.

"Here they are."

"All of them?"

"I believe so," he skimmed through the notes real quick "Yup all of them."

"Da." he took the notes from the Canadian "Thank you." that smile still sent shivers down Canada's spine, no matter how many times he's seen it.

"I will return it to you in the morning." the Russian turned away and was gone before Canada could finish his answer of "Okay", he went into the room next door. He breathed out and closed the door. He went back into his room and plopped back onto his bed before there was a knock on the door once again.

I hope its not Russia again, he thought as he got back up. He went to the door again to find his dinner had finally come. Kumajirou jumped off the bed and turned his attention away from the TV to see something better then hockey; food!

Canada thanked the man and brought the food int. Kumajirou followed his every move as he put the food down on the nightstand. He put the plate of Kumajirou's food on the floor for him and dug into his own. His hunger was taken care of now, but the head ache and his exhaustion weren't. He put the plate back onto the table and got under the covers.

"Kumijiri, I'm going to bed. When your done eating, turn off the TV and go to bed too." Canada turned off the light only leaving the light of the various pictures on the TV.

"With you?"

"With me or the couch, doesn't matter." he took his glasses off and placed them on the nightstand, a action that Kumajirou knew meant the boy was out for the night. It was the last action the Canadian did for the night as he quickly fell asleep.

He awoke in the middle of the night, it was around 3 am, for no reason. The pitch black room helped him get in the mood to go back to sleep, but his body wouldn't let him. Canada tossed and turned in his bed, Kumajirou sleeping on the other side of the bed, and could not fall back to sleep. He signed and sat up in the bed, grabbing onto his glasses and putting them on.

He massaged his temples as his head ache, it went away when he fell asleep, came back to him with force. He closed his eyes a little to help but it didn't work. Not a good night for him, clearly. His cold had gotten worse as his nose was stuffy too. He laid back down only to jump at the sound of a bang in the room next door, Russia's room.


Thank you~

First off, this is influenced by "Giving In" By Artificial. We did talk it over and the author has given me permission to start it like this.

I do not own the characters used in this fan fiction, nor do I own the anime they are from. The hotel used in this is a real hotel, and I do not own it or have any connection to it.



"Hoteru ni ikitai desu": hotel I want to go to (I want to go to the hotel)

"Hoteru": Hotel

"Namae?": Name

"Arigato": Thank you (informal)

"Domo arigato": Thank you

"Yoyaku shite arimasu.": I have a reservation

"Sashimi to Ramen ga irimasu": Sashimi and Ramen I need (I need Sashimi and Ramen)

"Heya, Ni, Go, Hachi": Room 2, 5, 8

"Shawa": shower (or close to it)

"Hai": Yes


"Da": Yes.

Translations done by google translator!