I can't express how relieved I was to see you guys weren't going to leave this story. You believed more in it than I did at the time and for that I'm grateful.

After week's of the torturous, or what Kurt believes to be torturous, sessions he hadn't really opened up to the woman and it showed no signs that he ever would. After the first few times he decided that it wasn't helping and now only answered with "Yes." "No" or "I don't know."

"Kurt I can't very well help you if all you say is 'I don't know.'", the woman said in her professional tone.

"You can't help me…so it doesn't matter, I'm only doing this for my dad.", he countered, arms crossed showing he wasn't going to talk.

"I can help you, you have to let me know why you feel this way. If we get to the root of it we can really do this.", she said, loosing a bit of the stoniness in her voice. Kurt said nothing, looking at the carpet like it was the most interesting thing in the world. The woman sighed and ran a hand through her hair, she had exhausted all angles and was just as frustrated as the boy on the couch opposite her.

"You seem to have trouble expressing your feelings to me by talking. How do you normally express yourself? Kurt looked up at this, slightly intrigued, in a morbid sort of way.

"I'm in a glee club at my school." The woman smiled.

"Great! SO you express yourself through music, ok than before our next session I want you to find a song that expresses how you feel when your about to cut and tell me when you come in.", she said before standing up. Kurt did the same and the two left the room, both feeling a little better than when they'd entered.

"She want's me to pick songs.", Kurt informed Blaine as the two busied themselves around Kurt's kitchen, making snacks for watching a movie.

"Really?", Blaine asked, interested at the odd approach. Kurt nodded and popped a grape in his mouth, making a face.

"Ugh I hate the sour ones.", Kurt complained. Blaine smiled.

"One of the reasons I love you.", he grinned placing his lips against the others. When they pulled apart Kurt gave him a quizzled look.

"You love me because I despise sour grapes?", he joked. Blaine shook his head and grabbed the sink house, pointing it at Kurt.

"I love you because you can't stay mad at me even when I do things like this.", and before he knew it, Kurt was drenched. His mouth dropped open so far Blaine fear it unhinged.

"BLAINE!", he screeched before tossing a nearby bowl of flour at the boy whom now resembled a ghost. Soon things were flying all around and by the end both were covered in everything from cottage cheese to flour. Both sit side by side laughing and breathing heavily.

"That was probably the most fun I have in a long time.", Kurt said as he turned to Blaine.

"I have to agree."

"Damn, I'm covered. Come on were taking a shower because I refuse to smell of rotting food, or let you.", Kurt said with a whine, standing up. Blaine grinned wickedly and did the same.

"I take that back, shower with the hottest boyfriend ever sounds way more fun."