So this is absolutely the final chapter of this story – a little epilogue of sorts, to close off a few loose ends with Callen and Nell.

It was Nell's first day back at work after her ordeal. She had passed the required psychological evaluation and though she had been certified to return, the psychologist had wanted her to undergo further sessions to ensure she was coping. Nell had politely declined, knowing she would take greater comfort in being around those she cared about and who cared about her, particularly Special Agent G Callen. Though the whole team had been there for her, it was Callen who really got her through it. He had saved her life, he had been there for her when she fell apart and he hadn't left her side since.

She had stayed two days at the safe house, with Callen for constant companionship, slowly getting over what happened. But two nights ago she had insisted on coming back to her apartment. Callen had been concerned at that, questioning whether she should go back to a place where something so awful happened. But Nell had told him that being forced to leave her home would only mean that Stevens had won and she was not going to let that happen. He seemed to understand but there was no mistaking the worry she had seen in his eyes. It had been present since the moment her life was threatened and even though she was now safe, the worry was still there. Perhaps that was why he had insisted on sleeping on her couch her first night back in her apartment and why when she had looked out her window last night she had been entirely unsurprised to spot him sitting outside her building in his car.

As she stood in the middle of the lounge, Nell acknowledged the great job done by the cleaners that Hetty had arranged. Though she would never forget what happened in her quaint little apartment, there wasn't a trace of the bloodshed and a subtle rearrangement of the furniture had changed the dynamic of the room. Now when she looked at it, she didn't see Valdez, she saw her home.

"You ready to go?"

Nell turned around and nodded to Callen, who was waiting by the door. He had insisted on picking her up and taking her to work and she had a feeling about why that was. Since her whole ordeal began, she had picked up on certain behaviours Callen had displayed towards her. She hadn't had time to think about it while they were looking for Stevens, instead filing them away for later analysis. Then in the aftermath of Valdez's attack she needed time to get her head around everything that had transpired. But now, now she could allow herself to think about the way he spoke to her, the words he used, the gentle touches he bestowed upon her and the way he never seemed to take his eyes off her. He hadn't said as much but Nell felt that Callen cared for her as more than a friend and colleague and whilst she didn't understand her own feelings, she knew she was interested. Not only did she find him attractive physically, she found his mind astounding. His penchant for languages and love of literature had sparked many a discussion over the past couple of days. But more than that, she felt safe with him and right now she wanted nothing more than to just feel safe.

"I'm ready." She nodded and started across the room. As she moved past Callen she felt him place his hand on her lower back and steer her forward into the hall. A smile crept onto her face and though she had no idea what was going to happen, she was open to anything, especially if it meant keeping G Callen close.

Thank you so much for all the support and reviews for this story. It's been a challenge writing something more case based and I've enjoyed it but I'm going back to my comfort zone with my next story – a fluffy sequel to this to delve into the Callen and Nell relationship I've hinted at throughout this. It will be called "Into the Woods" and the first instalment should be posted in the next few days.