Title: When Monsters Appear

Pairings: Kurogane/Fai, others

Rating: M overall, PG for this chapter

Warnings: eventual sex, blood drinking, (minor) violence

Notes: written by me and truedespair

Summary: Fai's a vampire and Kurogane's a werewolf living together in the city when someone starts following them and starts a chain reaction of events.

Fai brought his coat tighter around him to try and fight the chill in the wind. It was late as he headed down the street back to his apartment. The only light offered was the yellow-orange glow from streetlamps, he had worked a late shift as usual, but was looking forward to being home and warm.

At the same time, there was a whistling of a tea kettle as the stove was turned off and water was poured into a cup. A tea bag was drop and the water dilated into a slightly darker color. With a hum of improvement, a hand grabbed the cup and a sip was taken. Just then ears perked up as a click of a lock was heard.

Fai closed the door behind him and once it was locked began his daily ritual of taking off his coat and shoes and putting them away. "Kuro-wankoro~! I'm home~!" He called, smile bright as his cheeks were flushed from the cold while he began walking further into his home.

Kurogane twitched at the nickname but made no movement. He finished his tea in one gulp as he placed the cup in the sink as went out of the kitchen. "Welcome back." He noticed the flushed cheeks and frowned. "Long day?"

"Same as always, it was a bit windy coming home though." Fai replied and leaned up to plant a kiss. "And you?"

Kurogane made a noise as he felt Fai's slightly cold lips on his. "Same. Just got back not long before you."

Fai hugged the other man then, leaning his weight into Kurogane. "Muuhh...you're nice and warm." He could smell the faint scent of sweat and cologne and the distinct smell that was Kurogane. It reminded him of outside, of trees, and damp places.

The taller man wrapped his arms around Fai as he felt the coldness of the blonde's skin seep into him. His nostrils flared at the scent that was Fai, maybe it was his heightened senses acting up but there was no other scent that was Fai. And he liked it. "And you're cold." He mumbled. "You need to change into some warmer clothes before you get sick."

"It's not the old that gets you sick, its germs Kuro-tan." He grinned and looked up at Kurogane, enjoying simple things like this. "But I am cold and a little hungry."

Kurogane frowned. "It doesn't matter, moron. I don't like seeing you sick." He then looked at around the kitchen. "I think we have some leftovers we can heat up."

"Maybe later, but that's not the kind of hungry I meant." He pulled away just enough to grab Kurogane's hand and pull him into their living room. The curtains were closed, shielded them from the outside world.

'Oh, 'that' kind of hungry.' Kurogane thought as he let himself get pulled by the blonde.

He gently pushed the other to sit before taking a seat next to him. "Kuro-min doesn't mind?"

The man looked at the blonde with calmness and a bit of irritation. "If I mind, would I be sitting here, waiting for you to get it over with?" He sighed. "I'll be fine; take what you need."

Fai always asked just to make sure. He smiled and gave another quick kiss before lowering his head downwards towards Kurogane's throat. He sighed, as his eyes fluttered shut and he felt as his canines grew longer and before long he had sunk his teeth into tanned skin.

Kurogane felt the hot breath on his neck just seconds before wincing as the teeth sank into his skin. He can feel his blood being drained as Fai was filling his hunger. He never minded the fact that Fai likes sucking his blood whenever he needed it; and at times he liked it. But what he didn't like was the aftermath; the loss of energy caused by getting his blood sucked out. He felt his eyelids dropped a bit as he felt a bit lightheaded.

He took only a little this time, only to curve his hunger for awhile longer. Lapping up a few stray drops, Fai pulled away soon enough. "Thank you."

Kurogane sighed as he felt Fai's tongue lapping at his neck. As the blonde pulled away, he rubbed his forehead. "It's no big deal." He then placed a kiss on Fai's head.

"Kuro-wolfie's so sweet." He cooed and licked his lips to get rid of any blood.

The man looked away as Fai was licking his fingers. He didn't want to admit it but it was rather...erotic to see Fai do that. He shouldn't be thinking those thoughts right now. Maybe it was the slight lightheaded-ness talking...hopefully. "I think I'll reheat some leftovers." He announced as he got up and went out of the living room.

Fai hopped up and went after him, always worried after a feeding. He had been lucky to find Kurogane, anywhere he travelled he had to be careful, had to make sure no one saw through him to see what he really was. "You should sit. Let me take care of you now."

"I'm fine." Kurogane argued. He felt his head spin a bit as he entered the kitchen. "It's just us. And you just got back."

He knew that the blonde was worried about him, but his stubbornness always got in the way. Whether it was for pride or not, he takes care of Fai, not the other way around.

Sighing, he took a seat and watched the other move about. "You sure? I don't mind."

"I'm sure." Kurogane sighed as he went to the fridge, "I'll be fine. Not the first time this happen anyway." He then felt a bit dizzy. He shook his head. "So, anything new happen today?"

"No, just the same old thing." Normally he wouldn't be able to work at a job that had so many people, but with Kurogane he was more than able to manage his cravings, which broaden the jobs and places he could work at. "Too many people and all that."

"That's what happens when a vampire tries to blend into the damn society." Kurogane grumbled. "'Human' society, that is." He sighed as he got the containers and placed them on the counter.

"So says the werewolf." Fai smiled. They kept each other in check, making sure the other was safe when they needed to do something that wasn't for human eyes. "It's hard for all creatures, but we don't want to be monsters so we cope. Kuro-tan helps me a lot though, in more ways than one~"

Kurogane nodded. "And the same goes for you, I know." He then placed one of the containers into the microwave and started it up. He groaned. "Sometimes, I feel like the monster that I really am." He muttered. "It was hard to look into a mirror and see that; knowing...you're not normal...that you're just a walking bomb waiting to explode. I hate that I can't control it sometimes. If I'm not careful, I can do something that I know I'll regret. I can't let that happen." He barely heard the bell as the food was ready.

"Kuro-sama just has to wait. Eventually when you're old enough you'll be able to control yourself even when under a full moon. Besides I like have you around when you're changed, you're very soft and warm." Fai smiled, trying to make his partner feel better. "Besides you don't need to feed on people like I do."

"I know." Kurogane agreed to some degree. "But I'm a beast; just a thin line away from creating a freaking massacre upon the public. The last thing I want is to hurt people...and...you." He muttered the last part.

"You wouldn't. I can handle myself if you get out of hand, but you know me and I've seen you change." Kurogane had always been almost nice to him when in his other form, so he had never feared.

"You're right about that." Kurogane let out a very faint smile. "But still...it's something that I can't take lightly. My father didn't and neither will I."

"I know it's important, but just know you don't have to be alone with it." He was glad he had made the other feel at least a little better. "Now, let's eat. I need to shower and go to sleep~"

"Right." Kurogane turned his attention back to the containers and the microwave. He was glad that there was at least one person who would be at his side, and if worse does come to worse well; they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. At that, he grinned toothily; showing his sharp canine teeth. "Chicken and pasta sound good?"

The werewolf placed the food on the plate with utensils and brought them over to the table. He placed one in front of Fai and one in front of himself. He then took one of beers as he sat down. He raised it up a bit. "To us." And started drinking the beer,

Fai chuckled at the impromptu toast but tilted his bottle all the same. As a vampire he relied on blood, but that didn't mean he couldn't eat regular food, he just couldn't survive on it. That however reminded him of Kurogane. Werewolves, while the changed forms, were still very human. Kurogane could enjoy a meal and many other things that he couldn't, at least not really.

Kurogane knew that Fai eating food just a formality as he was a vampire. But it was nice to see the blonde eat, like he was just like any other person. Cutting into the chicken, Kurogane took a bite. "Chicken's still good." He muttered.

"Well it was only made a couple days ago. One of us will have to go to the store soon. We can't survive on leftovers for too much longer." Fai replied, comfortable sitting with the other, like they were almost a human couple. Not that there was much of a difference. Perhaps their form of foreplay was a little different, and on occasion one of them became dangerous to people, but otherwise they were like anyone else.

"I'll go to the store." Kurogane shrugged, "Just get me a list and I'll do it." He finished his beer as he started on the pasta. "Besides, I hate doing nothing even for a couple of hours."

"I'm free tomorrow, so you won't be bored. I'll keep Kuro-tan busy~" The blonde smiled warmly as he ate.

The man smiled a bit. "Yeah keeping me busy by annoying the crap out of me." He finished his dinner. "But I guess having someone is better than being alone with the other idiots there." He stood up.

"So mean~!" Fai covered his face in mock despair. "To think I would b with someone who would be so cruel."

Kurogane rolled his eyes at the blonde's antics. "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river."

"Terrible, Kuro-moon is terrible." Fai wailed as he took the dishes to the sink to let them soak.

The man looked at the man's back as the blonde dumped the plates into the sink. He walked up to the vampire and placed a chaste kiss on the top of his hair. He then moved away quickly as he could. "You should take a shower." He then looked away. "I'll take care of the damn dishes."

"No, you cooked." Fai shooed him away as best he could. "It's the least I can do."

With his eyes softening, Kurogane huffed. "Fine. Whatever floats your boat." He then started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Though I wouldn't mind if you ran us a bath." Fai called after him, trying not to laugh as he imaged Kurogane's reaction. Rolling up his sleeves he began scrubbing.

Choking on air, Kurogane stuttered as he looked back on the blonde who as already starting to wash the dishes. He narrowed his eyes, he scoffed. Damn vampire. He walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. He opened the curtains and pull up the faucet. He checked the water to make sure that it wasn't too cold or too hot.

Fai finished soon enough, drying his hands on a dishtowel after having drained the sink. He wondered into their bedroom, grabbing some clothes and headed towards the bath. "Kuro-kun spent all this time getting everything ready?"

"I just don't want to hear you whining about the water," Kurogane blushed a bit.

"You know I don't mind as long as it isn't cold." Fai countered as he began stripping, having already set his clothes aside.

"Still." Kurogane said as he side glanced at Fai who was stripping down. He felt his face heat up a bit.

Kicking his dirty clothes to the side to get later, the vampire slipped into the bath and sighed. "Kuro-min out did himself~" Fai closed his eyes and absorbed the water's warmth, letting it soak into his usually cold body.

Kurogane 'hmm-ed' as his way of saying 'thank you' as the vampire sat inside the bathtub.

"Join me?" Fai asked as he looked up. It was rare they got to spend any real time together as one of them were typically busy at any given time.

Kurogane pressed his lips into a thin line before stiffly nodding. "Sure." He then started taking of his clothes. As he was bare, he sat on the other side of the bathtub. He sighed as he felt the warmth of the water seeping into his body. He slid further down as he sighed in content.

"See, not so bad and I promise not to bite." Fai smirked as he watched Kurogane.

The man let out a soft groan as he felt his muscles loosen from the warm water. He then glanced at Fai who had a smirk. He frowned. "As if that would make me worry less."

"Aww...you act like you can't enjoy a bath with me." Fai pouted as he grabbed a bottle and began washing his hair.

Kurogane watched as Fai was scrubbing his hair. Bubbles started to form on the vampire's head as some dropped into the water. Grabbing a bar of soap and a soft sponge, he rubbed them against the water until bubbles started to form. He then moved near Fai. Silently, he started washing Fai's back for him.

The blonde paused for a moment and decided just this once not to tease. It was rare that Kurogane would do something like this without him asking first.

When he thought the back was washed enough, Kurogane took a scoopful of water and gently rinsed Fai's back. He didn't know what possessed him to do this. Maybe it was the fact the two never spend that much together or the fact that he can be a stubborn jackass when it comes to affections. But he would never stop showing Fai how much he means to him...with words or otherwise.

They both took their time, Fai returning the favoring and adding a few kisses on top of it. "Are you tired?" He asked, feeling lazy and ready for sleep now after a long soak.

"A bit." Kurogane yawned.

Kissing Kurogane chastely he pulled away and got out. "Let's go to bed then." He smiled as he began drying himself on and redressing. The idea of getting to snuggle was very appealing to him.

Kurogane followed as he got out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went straight into the bedroom. After dressing into his nightwear, he then went into the bed, feeling more tired by the second.

Fai was there beside him, practically trying to meld them together under the blankets as he fell asleep.

Later that night, Kurogane's ears perked up. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with darkness. He blinked twice before he heard the noise again. He looked down at Fai who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He didn't want to disturb the blonde but he had to see what was up. Gently and slowly, he released his hold on Fai and got out of bed quietly. He tip-toed around the bed and went to the window, He pulled the curtain just a bit so he can see, under the window was a hooded figure. The figure was staring up at the same window Kurogane was looking from. He narrowed his eyes at the figure. It was like it was waiting for something...or someone. But as soon as the wolf man blinked, the hooded figure was gone. He rubbed his eyes. "What the hell...?" He muttered in a whisper.

"Mmm...Kuro-min, come back to bed." Fai mumbled half asleep as he buried his face into his pillow. He had woken from the bed shifting, but it didn't take long for him to slip into sleep again.

Kurogane stared at the window for what seemed like an eternity. He didn't know if what he saw was real or not. With a sigh, Kurogane went back into bed; holding the blonde in his arms as gently as he could. 'Maybe it was just a hallucination or something.' Kurogane thought as sleep started to take him. With a tired yawn, Kurogane fell back into sleep; pushing what he saw into the back of his mind.