Hello, people! It's my first sequel! Let's celebrate! WOOOO! Anyway, our little blue friends are not with me today, but they will be here in the next chapter. I am touched that you all loved my first story and I promise that the Crafty Smurfette Saga will continue on for a long time. I hope you guys enjoy this story. I'm sorry if this story is short, but they'll get longer. I promise.

I only own Crafty, Hummer, etc. The Smurfs belong to Peyo. Enjoy!

"Go long, Puppy!" Crafty cried, shoving a ball into her Smurf Cannon and launching it. Puppy yipped with excitement as pursued the ball into the forest.

Winter had come and gone in the Smurf village and spring had finally arrived. This also meant that this would Crafty Smurfette's first spring with the Smurfs. Winter turned out to be no problem at all for her. It was now the first day of spring ever and the plants and animals in the forest were bursting with life.

Farmer whistled, impressed with Crafty's contraption, "Smurfnation, Crafty. I do believe there is nothing that can not be done by you, Crafty."

"Smurfaroo! Can I try it?" Snappy pleaded. Hey, if he couldn't go into it to try it, the least he could do was use it to play with Puppy.

The other Smurflings cried out, also wanting a turn with the cannon. Crafty chuckled and said yes. Puppy bounded back with the red ball in his mouth he dropped it to the ground, waiting for it to be thrown again. Crafty and Farmer heaved the ball into the cannon and set it up for launching.

Snappy climbed to the launching button and slammed his palm on it. The ball shot out of the device like a cheetah and went far into the forest. Puppy didn't care, though. He loved going into the forest to fetch the toys he was thrown.

"Nice, Snappy! I give that an 9.5!" Crafty applauded.

Snappy frowned, "A 9.5? That was a perfect shot!"

Crafty shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand in a "so-so" motion, "Yeah. But you could've smurfed a bit more style into it. A bit more flare."

"Smurfs! Oh, Smurfs!" A voice called out to the six Smurfs.

Harmony ran over, blowing his horn in an extremely off-key note that caused them to cover their ears in distaste.

"Papa Smurf has an announcement to make! We need to smurf it on over to the Village square now!"

"Aww! Do we have to?" The Smurflings whined. "Crafty said she'd let us use her Smurf Cannon to play with Puppy!"

"C'mon, Smurflings," Crafty coaxed. "We can keep playing with Puppy when the announcement is over. I promise."

"Oh, alright!" Snappy groaned, letting his shoulders sag dramatically. "But you better keep your promise, Crafty!"

"I will, Snappy. I will," Crafty chuckled. Hummer suddenly flew down from the trees, satisfied that he came back with a full stomach. He chirped a greeting to all of the Smurfs and perched himself on Crafty's shoulders. "Hi there, buddy. Get enough to eat?"

Hummer hummed contently and rapidly nodded his head. Then her perked his head up and looked above the Smurfs. Perplexed by this, they looked up as well, but then jumped back as two pure white doves came down near them in what either looked like a playful chase or a dance in mid-air.

The bigger one was obviously male. His feathers were only a bit ruffled, but were well-groomed all the same like all doves. He was chasing what looked like the female of the two, who was smaller but had her feathers in much better condition. She didn't seem afraid of the male at all. She actually looked like she was having fun with him. The two circled each other and cooed at each other and flew off in another direction.

"Smurfness. What do you all think was the matter with them two?" Farmer asked scratching his head.

"I don't know, Farmer. I don't know," Crafty replied shaking her head in confusion. The seven of them then gathered themselves together and started for the Village square.

"Gather around, my little Smurfs! Gather around!" Papa Smurf called as he stood on a mushroom in the Village square. Many of the Smurfs had already gathered around.

"Golly, Crafty. What do ya think that Papa wants to smurf us?" Clumsy asked to the brunette Smurfette with the red-throated hummingbird sitting on her shoulders.

Crafty only shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't know, Clumsy. I know just about as much as you do. I don't smurf everything."

"Not like I do, anyway," Brainy boasted with his chin up and his chest puffed out in pride. The surrounding Smurfs that heard him rolled their eyes and shook their heads in annoyance.

"Numptie," Gutsy grumbled as he, Grouchy, and Hefty were making their way through the crowd and up to the three Smurfs. Brainy frowned and sent a glare at his Scottish brother.

Crafty smirked and asked, "Alright then, Brainy. Since you know so much, let me ask you this: Just what is it that Papa is going to address us about?"

Brainy bit his lip and blabbered, "Uh, well...That is a very obvious question, Crafty. I'm surprised and shocked that even you don't know the answer to that elementary question."

Crafty's smirk widened as she noticed that Brainy was stalling. The other Smurfs snickered at Crafty's slyness as Brainy continued to procratinate with answering the question.

"Well. I'm waiting," Crafty sang mockingly. The snickers all around them grew into howling laughter as Brainy's face flushed with embarassment.

"Attention, my little Smurfs!" Papa yelled over the laughter of the crowd. The snickers and giggles died down quickly and Papa cleared his throat, "Well, then. As you all know, today is the end of winter and the first smurfy day of spring."

The Smurfs cheered in excitement jumping up and down in the air. Brainy looked visibly relieved that Papa made his announcement before he had to give his answer to a certain Smurfette. That certain Smurfette had a victorious smirk on her lips.

"It is also the time of year when our dear and smurfy friend Cupid is smurf and about. So, you best get along with each other, or a love arrow may just aim its way right at you," Papa chuckled, playfully waving a finger at his young Smurfs. "Alright, everyone. Let's have a smurfy day!"

Everysmurf went back to doing their daily tasks except for ten Smurfs. Crafty, Gutsy, Handy, Clumsy, Grouchy, Hefty, and the Smurflings stayed behind for some reason. Well, the Smurflings were waiting for Crafty to take them back to the cannon.

"Pfft! Can ye believe dat?" Gutsy scoffed. "I'll tell ye this right now, boys. I ain't gonna have my eyes on any lassie any time soon."

"Smurf me about it," Crafty agreed rolling her eyes. "If I'm going to fall in love, I'm not gonna let some "love arrow" tell me who I'm gonna love. Besides, I don't plan on falling in love for a long time."

"Oh! Would you six Smurfs mind going out and picking the Smurfberries. They should be turning ripe right about now and we don't have that many left," Papa asked walking up to the group of Smurfs.

"But Pappy! Crafty was gonna let us use her Smurf Cannon to play with Puppy!" Sassette whined.

Crafty thought for a moment then her face brightened. She let out a high-pitched whistle. Suddenly, a blue and green blur tackled Crafty to the ground and started licking her face.

"Wild! Wild, stop it!" Crafty giggled, gently shoving the feral Smurf off of her. "I'm happy to see you, too."

Wild smiled and panted, happy to see one of his closest friends.

"Wild. Could you smurf me a favor and supervise the Smurflings while I go pick Smurfberries? I won't be very long."

Wild used his hind leg to itch behind his ear, then he nodded his head, chittering an "Okay!". The Smurflings cheered and ran off in the direction of the Smurf Cannon with Wild following them on all fours.

"There. That's taken care of," Crafty dusted her hands onto her dark-blue overalls. "Now let's go!"

The Smurfs laughed but went to get their newly made bark baskets Crafty had recently constructed. The leaf baskets were nice when you wanted something light, but the leaves died quickly. The bark was a bit heavier and rougher, but it was definitely a more permanent invention. Hummer went and slipped on his smaller bark basket that he used to collect twigs and some rocks for Crafty's inventions. Or, if she didn't need the rocks, Clumsy would usually look at them to see if there were any he liked.

"Be careful my little Smurfs! And you too, Hummer!" Papa called to the six retreating Smurfs and fluttering Hummingbird.

On a farm not too far from the Enchanted Forest, a rooster and a hen were pecking at each other. The two of them were fighting over the seeds passed out for breakfast. The rooster argued that he had gotten to the food first, so he should have it. The hen, however, thought otherwise.

An arrow suddenly shot at them and released red mist around the arguing fowls. They blinked and shook their heads before looking at each other with loving eyes. The rooster stuck his neck out and nuzzled the hen affectionately. She nuzzled him back with an equal amount of attraction. The two then started pecking at the ground, sharing the seeds between the two.

"Ah, love. It never fails," An ancient looking cherub sighed dreamily from a tree branch not too far from the once arguing bunch. This was no ordinary cherub. This was the legendary Cupid. The master of love and romance.

Cupid flew from his place in the tree and off to wherever the next creatures in need of love were. He soon found a buck and a doe striking at each other with their hooves. Cupid pulled out a love arrow from behind his back and aimed it at the two dueling deer.

Suddenly, a duck that strayed from his flock had bumped into Cupid, making him release his arrow, but the blow had made him lose his aim. Cupid recovered swiftly and quickly brought out another arrow, which he shot at the two deer. The red mist surrounded the both of them and the nuzzled each other with great adoration. They then went and pranced off into the forest.

He then looked around, hoping to spot the missing love arrow. Nothing that looked like his love arrow or any arrow at all was within his sight.

Cupid shrugged his shoulders, muttering to himself, "Well, I'll look for that love arrow later. I have a route to finish. Besides, what harm could it possibly do?"

He then flew off to finish his route. Little did he know that that one missing love arrow would cause a heap of trouble.

The six Smurfs had decided to split up into three groups of two and to go into three different directions to collect the Smurfberries. Hefty and Grouchy decided to head to the west part of the wood. Handy and Clumsy planned on going north to do their collecting. Gutsy and Crafty agreed on going to the east part of the forest.

It was always an adventure with those two when it came to just about anything, especially with Smurfberry picking. They always made everything they did a challenge or a game to make it more interesting. The other Smurfs had tried to do it their way once, but...well, let's just say they decided to let those games belong to Gutsy and Crafty alone and leave it at that.

"C'mon, Blue Kilt! You have got to have more game than that!" Crafty mocked playfully, swinging from branch to branch of the Smurfberry bushes, taking the most delicious looking berries she could find and throw them into her basket.

"Oh, just you wait, lassie! I'll beat you yet!" He yelled back, pretending to be insulted. It was, however, not convincing with him laughing.

Unfortunately, a hidden vine had snagged itself onto Gutsy's arm and shot him right to the ground. Crafty was too far ahead to hear the thud that he gave off when he hit the moist forest floor.

As Gutsy sat up, he grabbed his head and groaned in agony as pain rocked through his skull. His vision was blurry and he blinked rapidly to clear it.

"Sweet giblets, that hurts!" He hissed as his sight had started to return to him. When it did, however, he looked up to see a speedy, red object flying right at him. "What de smurf?"

His words were cut off as Cupid's missing arrow released its red mist over Gutsy. His eyes went blank and he fell back down, unconscious and light-headed.

"Gutsy?" Crafty called back, now worried for her friend. At first, she did acknowledge that Gutsy had fallen, but he was a very tough Smurf and not really one to let something like a small fall to hold him back, but when he wasn't following her anymore, she started going back to see if he was alright.

"Gut-GUTSY!" She gasped as she ran to Gutsy's side, lifting him up slightly so he would be sitting up a bit. She looked over him, trying to see if anything was physically wrong with him.

"Gutsy, you moron. What did you do this time?" Crafty chuckled half joking and half concerned. When Gutsy just laid there, not moving whatsoever, she lightly slapped his cheek and whispered gently, "C'mon, Blue Kilt. Rise and shine."

Gutsy winced and his eyes fluttered open. His vision was, again, blurred and he blinked a few times to clear it. When his vision cleared, he barely held back a surprised gasp. Just this morning when he looked at Crafty, she was the same adventurous, sassy Crafty Smurfette he knew and loved as a dear friend. But now, there was something completely different about her. He did admit she was beautiful before, but now she just looked even more radiant and even more beautiful.

"Thank smurfness! You scared me half to death, Blue Kilt!" Crafty laughed jokingly.

Now to Crafty, her voice sounded like it always should to her. Gutsy, however, now thought otherwise. Her voice and her laugh sounded so...so different. It sounded beautiful. Melodic. Angelic. He didn't know how to describe it. It seemed that no word to him would do her voice any justice at all.

Gutsy sighed dreamily at her voice and his eyes nearly drooped shut. Crafty looked down at him, now feeling a lot of worry for him. He looked completely disoriented and flushed. She put a hand to his forehead to feel for a fever. Unknown to her, Gutsy closed his eyes and pressed his head into her hand, savoring the gentle touch of her hand.

"Hmm. You do feel pretty warm. We better smurf you back to the village. But first," Crafty let out a loud whistle and seconds later, Hummer came fluttering down with a half-full basket onto a thin branch. He chirped mournfully while pointing a wing at Gutsy. "It's alright, Hummer. He'll be fine, but I need to send a message to Handy, Hefty, whoever is out there collecting Smurfberries. I need to take Gutsy back to the village. Can you do that?"

Hummer nodded enthusiastically. Crafty smiled and brought out a feathered pen and a piece of parchment and wrote down a message. Hummer took the rolled up message into his beak and began to fly to the west.

Crafty sighed, "Alright, tough guy. Let's get you back to the village."

She relieved Gutsy of his basket and joined it with her own. She then helped Gutsy to his feet, where she took his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders to keep him balanced as they began on their way back to the village. Gutsy had rested his head comfortably on her shoulder and took in a deep breath of her scent. It smelled sweeter than anything he ever experienced.

Luckily for Crafty, the walk back to the village was only fifteen minutes. Which was really good for her since she thought that Gutsy had fallen asleep on her since he became a lot more heavy.

"Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf!" Crafty gasped as she pulled Gutsy into the village. Smurfs walking by gave worried looks at the both of them. Some at Gutsy for him being completely out cold and others at Crafty for having to carry him along with both of their baskets.

Papa ran out of his mushroom at the call of his name and was shocked to see what exactly was going on.

"Great Smurfs! What happened?" Papa gasped.

"Before I answer that, can someone come and smurf him? He's really getting heavy," Crafty said, now feeling like she's about to fall over. Greedy and Jokey ran over and held Gutsy up. Crafty dropped the baskets and gasped in a large breath.

"Thank you. I just found him like that. He looked really dizzy when he woke up and it felt like he had a fever. So, I just brought him back to the village."

Papa tugged on his beard in thought and felt the Scottish Smurf's forehead. It did indeed still feel warm.

"My smurfness! I believe you're right, Crafty. It's a good thing you smurfed him back here when you did."

"It wasn't that easy, Papa," Crafty breathed out.

Papa chuckled, understanding what she was talking about. "Greedy, Jokey. Would you two mind smurfing Gutsy back to his mushroom and into bed?"

Greedy nodded and Jokey commented, "Sure, Papa Smurf. Gee, it sure is funny to see Gutsy like this! Hyuk hyuk!"

The two Smurfs then proceeded to lift Gutsy off of the ground and carry him to his mushroom.

Papa smiled and turned his attention to Crafty. He frowned as he saw she was looking over at where the two Smurfs had retreated with her friend.

"Is something troubling you, my dear?"

Crafty shook her head and said sadly, "I don't know, Papa. It's just Gutsy is never like that. He was just fine and smurfy this morning. How could he be down and out like that so quick?"

Papa smiled at her concern. It was heartening to see that she could care so much for any one of his own children in such little time.

"Don't you worry, Crafty. I'm sure it's nothing serious. He'll be good and smurfy when he gets some rest."

Crafty perked up a little, "Yeah. I guess you're right. I better get these to the kitchen before Greedy gets to them."

Papa chuckled and shook his head as Crafty took both baskets and took them to the kitchen.

Hummer was getting extremely exhausted. It felt like hours since he went to look for the Smurfs, but either they already went back to the village or they were good at hiding themselves. Finally, he found something blue moving through the bushes below. He dove down into the vegetation.

"Uh, Handy? What's that?" Clumsy asked, fearfully pointing at the green blur rushing towards him and Handy.

Handy put a hand above his eyes to get a better view. He then chuckeld at Clumsy's unneeded concern. "It's alright, Clumsy. It's just Hummer."

Hummer fluttered down and sat on a nearby branch, panting heavily from all of the flying. Handy noticed the parchment in his beak and took it out to read it.

"What's that, Handy?" Clumsy asked leaning over to read it too.

"Dear Smurfs

Gutsy isn't feeling so smurfy, so I'm taking him back to the village. I'll meet you all there.


"Well, I guess we're done with our smurfing. We better find Hefty and Grouchy and head back."

Handy turned to Hummer and gestured to his shoulders, "Want a lift, buddy?"

Hummer nodded his head enthusiastically and perched himself on Handy's shoulders.