"You do not talk to Tex like that." Caboose ordered, his voice confident and loud. He stared at South's body, holding what was left of the bottle in his hand. He threw it on her purple armor, as if to disgrace the Freelancer even more. "Never talk to Tex like that."

Wyoming and North stared at the Simulation Blue Soldier. They hadn't expected him to hit South, and especially not that hard. North was preoccupied with his sister, thinking if he should let go of the Freelancer and help South to the medical wing. But Wyoming held him in place, knowing that he couldn't hold Tex by himself.

"Why not?" Wyoming asked the Blue. He raised a white eyebrow at him.

"Because Tex is a nice lady and she hasn't hurt me in a long time. She is a meanie sometimes, but she is never as mean is this lady." Caboose kicked South's foot to show who he was talking about. "And she is really pretty. More pretty than any other girl that I know that are not my sisters. She helps me when I ask her, unlike others."

The two Freelancers were at a loss of words. That didn't sound like the Texas that they knew and hated. Not at all. Wyoming was wondering what had happened in the canyon Tex was stationed in that had changed her. That is, if Caboose's words were true.

Tex was also startled. She hadn't noticed how she had been acting around Caboose, much less noticing Caboose at all. It must have been that over the years in Blood Gulch, Caboose's innocence was softening her up a little bit. She didn't know how to respond, so she just closed her eyes to shut her thoughts out.

"So let go of her, now." Caboose ordered. His blue eyes stared deep into their souls. The two men didn't move. Caboose squinted his eyes and ground his teeth slightly. "Now!"

For some odd reason, North and Wyoming obeyed Caboose's commands. They dropped Tex, and she fell to her knees. Tex let out a gasp as she tried to clear her mind, but that was impossible from all the amount of alcohol that was in her system. After a minute of silence, Tex stood up. She was between Wyoming and North, who were trying to avoid her glares.

Without a warning, Tex punched both North and Wyoming in the face simultaneously. As their heads moved with the punch, Tex grabbed them by their hair and forced them to butt heads. The two lasting Freelancers fell to the ground, finally unconscious. Tex and Caboose were left standing over the four bodies, and the two of them were both somewhat admiring their work.

The Standard Issue Soldiers had been watching the fight the whole time. But now that it was over, they ignored the mess that Tex had caused. The three soldiers who were playing a game of Pool finally decided to continue their game, now that all of the action had ended.

"Well, that was fun," Tex stated, somewhat sarcastic as she picked up a cloth off of the bar and started wiping her blood off of her face. "Thanks, Caboose."

"Oh, it was nothing." Caboose muttered, being fairly bashful about it. He sat down on one of the remaining bar stools and put his head down on the bar's counter. "I just did what you told me to do. Wait—no I didn't. I talked and looked and touched stuff. Sorry, Tex…"

Tex threw the dirty, blood covered cloth down on the floor next to South. She picked up their helmets and placed them on her back. Tex grabbed Caboose's hand, which he gripped tightly, and they started to make their way out of the bar. But Tex stopped once they were halfway out the door; she recognized one of the soldiers that were in the far off corner.

"Hey, Four-Seven-Niner, can you give us a lift back?" Tex called out.

The soldier looked up. She nodded and finished her coffee before putting her helmet back on. Four-Seven-Niner grabbed the keys on the table she had been occupying and joined the two in the doorway.

"Excuse me, Agent Texas, I'll warm up my Bird for you," Four Seven-Niner stated as she shoved her way through Tex and Caboose. "It'll be a couple minutes."

Tex nodded and took one last look at the bar. She smirked when her eyes stopped at the passed out Freelancers.

They never learn, Tex thought quietly to herself before addressing everyone else left in the bar. "See ya next week, guys."

Her goodbye was met with a couple waves, and with that, Tex closed the door, encasing the cigar smoke once again in the building. Tex held her head, wondering how drunk she was. Somehow, she knew she was extremely drunk, and she knew she would have a rotten hangover tomorrow. But she didn't care about that at the moment.

Again, Tex grabbed Caboose's hand as she led them towards Four-Seven-Niner's Pelican. But this time, Caboose gave Tex's hand a little squeeze. Tex froze in place and twisted around to glare at him. Caboose just smiled back at Tex, his lips a little flustered. Tex realized that Caboose was drunk too, completely and utterly drunk.

Tex groaned and helped the unsteady Caboose into the back of the Pelican. Once they were safely inside, Four-Seven-Niner closed the hatch and throttled the engine. Tex and Caboose took their seats next to each other. Other than the hour drive that Sheila had taken, Four-Seven-Niner's pelican would get them back to Blood Gulch in less than twenty minutes.

Tex and Caboose rode the first couple minutes in silence. They were both thinking very deep thoughts. Caboose chewed his lips as he thought. Finally, he looked up.

"Tex, I think you are very pretty." Caboose announced.

"Yes, Caboose, I know." Tex stated as she tried to force her swollen, purple nose back into place.

"And I think that those guys were mean to you back there," Caboose muttered. He had averted his eyes to examining his gloved hands. "They were meaner than O'Malley."

"Yes, Caboose, they were," Tex agreed. She was staring at him; she knew he had been thinking of something extremely hard. "What is it, Caboose?"

"Those guys, they made me really, really mad when they hurt you." Caboose muttered, through gritted teeth. He was forcing these words to come out, and his body was tensed up. "It was making me really angry. And I don't know why."

Tex's first reaction was that Caboose had been really close to losing his control back there. And that could have been deadly. Extremely deadly. Tex then realized why Caboose had been that angry. In his traumatized state, along with the amount of alcohol in his system, Caboose had developed strong feelings for Tex.

And Tex somehow liked the sound of that.

"Fuckin' alcohol," Tex mumbled to herself as she rolled her eyes.

She leaned over and stared at Caboose. Caboose looked straight into Tex's emerald green eyes. He didn't know what she was planning, and he had stopped breathing to think about it. Tex stared at him for a long time, not even moving to flinch when the Pelican hit an air current.

"Uh, Tex, what are you—"

Caboose couldn't finish; Tex had pressed her lips against his. At first Caboose was startled, but he slowly loosened his body up, letting Tex press him against the Pelican's siding. There was no tenderness in this act, but just pure force and lust. Tex was dominating the Blue soldier, leading Caboose along the way.

Tex broke contact to suck in a deep breath of air, but didn't let Caboose catch his own breath. In a matter of milliseconds, the two were connected once again for an unbearably long amount of time. Both of them were starting to sweat from the intensity, but neither of them cared.

Slowly, Tex started taking their armor off. Caboose was clueless, and intently watched her actions.

Four-Seven-Niner took off her helmet to take a sip of her black coffee. She heard the ruckus in the back of her Pelican. She rolled her eyes and pressed a button on the controls. The door to the back closed, and Four-Seven-Niner was free of the unwanted sounds from the soldiers.

"Why is it," Four-Seven-Niner sighed heavily, "that every single ride I give leads to my Pelican becoming the 'Love Van'?"

Four-Seven-Niner dropped the two love birds off at the edge of Blood Gulch. It would only take the two about a ten minute walk into the canyon and back to their Base. Both were back in their armor, helmets on and everything. Caboose carried himself with a newfound confidence, and Tex couldn't help but snigger inside her helmet.

The two started walking together, their hands intertwined for the last part of their night's journey.

"Tex, why did you bring me with you?" Caboose asked after a couple minutes walking together.

"Oh, I can't remember." Tex lied. It was best not to tell him the truth.

She stopped and thought for a second. Caboose also stopped and looked into her visor. She blushed slightly, but told her body to stop reacting. She looked up at the sky to avoid eye contact. Caboose followed her actions and looked up at the clear blue sky. Somehow, the sky had changed for him since the last time he gazed up there. It looked different.

"Tex, am I going to forget all of this?" Caboose randomly asked.

Tex jumped at the question, but started to shake her head. She stopped halfway, realizing what she could do. Now that Tex was a little bit more sober, she realized how much berating she would go through with all of Blue Team if they knew what the two of them had done. If.

"Yes, Caboose, you're going to forget all of this." Tex stated, somewhat reluctantly.

Suddenly, Tex let go of her body, and she let her ghost form step away. Her body fell to the ground, and Caboose instantly bent his head down to inspect her. As he began to worry about her health, Tex jumped inside of Caboose. For a long while, Tex rummaged around Caboose's deranged brain searching for the place where he stored his memories. She found it and quickly destroyed the past twenty hours worth of information.

Tex jumped back out of his mind and settled back into her body. Just as she stood back up, Caboose recovered from his possession and looked around stupidly. He found Tex and took off his helmet.

"Uh, Tex? Do you know where we are?" Caboose asked like a little child, his eyes once again filled with childlike innocence.

Tex nodded, happy that her plan worked. She grabbed Caboose by the shoulder and forced him to walk forward. With her other hand, she put his helmet back on for safety reasons.

"Come on, Caboose. I'll tell you everything you need to know on our way back home," Tex reassured him.

In their last few minutes alone together, Tex fabricated a fake story about how the both of them were sent on a secret mission. It was a good story, and it was in reality just an altered story about what had just happened. Minus the intimacy between the two of them, that is.

"Oh, I wish I remembered that," Caboose whined. "It sounded fun."

Tex let out a small chuckle. "It was, Caboose. It was."

Finally, they entered the canyon. A wall of heat struck them, and they both started to sweat profusely. Tex took out her Battle Rifle and activated the scope. She was looking for any sign of activity, or even a sign of life, in Blood Gulch. What she found startled her.

"Oh, son of a bitch." Tex muttered angrily.

All hell had broken loose since they left. The two Simulation Armies had started a battle shortly after Tex and Caboose's departure. It had been started when Simmons shot Church.

Church was back in his body, finally, and was chasing Simmons around at an incredibly fast pace. He poorly shot his Sniper Rifle at him, but had brought enough rounds with him to last an eternity. Simmons was running around like a moron, and was calling for Sarge.

Sarge, however, was ignoring Simmons because he had managed to chase Doc up in one of the only trees in Blood Gulch. Sarge couldn't climb the tree and was shooting his Shotgun at the poor medic. He finally decided to leave the medic alone when Sheila started firing at him.

And Sheila had somehow managed to flip entirely over. She was stuck in the position she was in, and was firing blindly at anyone who would get too close to her. Red or Blue; it didn't matter. Sheila was starting to malfunction slightly, and sparks were scattering from her controls.

Grif was holding tightly to Sister, who was trying to break free while shouting insults at her older brother. Tucker was a couple yards away from them, but he didn't dare approach Grif, who held his Magnum ready at him. Junior wasn't that far behind his father, playing in a lone dirt hole that was once a mud puddle. Sister finally freed herself from Grif, and she sprinted over towards Tucker, and once they made a quick embrace, they made a run for it. Grif was right on their trails, more determined than ever.

Donut looked like the least troubled in the situation. He was having fun with the Motorcycle, trying to do tricks on it. It was evident that the Red Rookie was oblivious to the battle around him. Every once in a while, Donut would let out a girl-like scream, not from terror but rather enjoyment.

"I leave for seven fucking hours and I come home to this," Tex muttered to herself. She turned to face Caboose. "Turn Sheila over, will you?"

Caboose nodded and ran over to Blue Team's tank. Tex took one last look at him before she started to repress her own memories. She ordered herself to forget, and she never looked back.

"Hey boys!" Tex yelled out. Everyone stopped their fighting and stared to look at the soldier in black. She glared at all of the soldiers from Red Team. Tex loaded her Battle Rifle and cocked it before continuing. "Who's first?"

And that ends that crazy adventure. Thanks for reading!

To be continued . . ?