Gehena Heiretsu Ch. 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Rated: T for violence and swearing

"Mmkay. So fer today's lesson, I'm supposed to teach all of yer about other dimensions an' stuff." Shura announced as she sat on top of the teacher's desk with her legs hanging down. "Alternate universes are kinda like a mirror to our own world, just with various differences an' scenarios-"

"Uh, sensei?" Bon cut in as he raised his hand slightly. Rin turned to look at him with a somewhat interested glance.


"Why are the desks pushed to the wall?" He asked as he gestured around himself and the other students. Everyone, including Rin, was awkwardly standing about in the middle of the room wondering if they should sit on the floor or what.

"Well if yer'd just waited a moment I would've gotten there." She answered, hopping off the table and crossed her arms. "Today yer all gonna work together and draw the magic circle fer this spell."

Shura picked up some chalk and a small stack of papers each bearing two designs of circles with all sorts of symbols surrounding them, and began handing it out to each of the students.

"On this paper are two different types of portal circles. The left one is fer getting a glimpse at other dimensions, an' the one on the right is fer going to other dimensions. We're gonna do the left one 'cause cross-dimensional travel is dangerous." She explained after finishing passing everything out.

"How so?" Izumo asked as she looked to the sheet of paper.

"Once yer've gone through the portal, it immediately closes an' even if ya open another one, yer never gonna know if it'll open to yer homeworld." She answered simply as she sat back on top of the desk. "The window we're making will first show us this classroom, or the location where this classroom is and from there we can make the view change."

"Now all of yer start drawing this circle out. An' be careful 'cause any mistake can be deadly." Shura warned.

"I call drawing the characters!" Rin declared, his tail also waving around happily as if he were a puppy. He loved stuff like this; it reminded him of those mangas he borrowed from Yukio.

"I guess we better let him, Satan's son might turn us to ash if we disobey him." Izumo mock sighed as she crouched down and began drawing the outline of the circle.

"Hey! Would you all drop that already? You had your fun with it at Kyoto." The half demon protested as Izumo began smirking while continuing to work.

"Both of you shuttap and work already, Koneko and I will do the scripture. That okay?" Bon told them as he then turned to face Konekomaru.

"Sure bon." Koneko smiled as they both sat down and began writing out the symbols. Likewise, the others divvied up the rest of the tasks and began working.

'Now which one were we supposed to draw again?' Rin thought to himself. He really shouldn't have dozed off like he had when Shura had started explaining what they were supposed to do, but he'd stayed up all night playing again with Kuro and was half asleep right now. 'I could ask Bon…'

Rin shook the thought away, if he even asked him, or anyone actually, Bon would make a whole scene about how he needed to pay attention more in class and what not. As if he needed Suguro scolding him yet again about academic stuff.

'I'll go with the one on the right. There's probably not that big of a difference between them anyways.'

With that, the black haired teen began scrawling out the odd characters decorating the circle onto the floor. He made sure to carefully do each character as it was shown so no one would get mad at it being sloppy or messed up. The total process of drawing the magic circle took half an hour even though all of them, including Takara, had been steadily working.

"Finally! Done! Man my hand hurts." Rin laughed as he began shaking out his hand.

"You're the one who wanted to draw the characters." Shima chuckled as he dropped his chalk and stood up as well.

"Ah, that was hard wasn't it Nii-chan?" Shiemi asked her little greenman summon.

"Nii!" He answered in his usual cheer.

"Well, looks like yer all done drawing it out. Now everyone use this knife to make a small cut at the base of yer thumb and drip the blood onto the circle." Shura instructed as she pulled out a knife and did so first.

Rin adjusted kurikara on his shoulder as he waited for the knife to come his way. He didn't mind cutting his hand since it would heal in only a matter of seconds; so when he got the knife, he wasn't as careful as the others and made a slightly bigger cut into his palm than the others had.

The teen held out his hand and let the blood drip from the cut until the skin fixed itself and it was as unblemished as it had been only a minute ago.

"That's just creepy." Suguro muttered to Shima and Koneko, not caring if Rin heard.

"Hey!" Rin snapped.

"What? It is! Your skin just sealed itself back together in a matter of moments!"

"Yeah well, at least I don't have hair that looks like a rooster!"

"I'd rather have awesome hair like a rooster than be an idiot like you!"

"Why you-!"

"Don't mean to barge in on yer little catfight, but we're in the middle of a something right now." Shura cut in as she rolled her eyes. "Now, all of yer, repeat after me."

Shura closed her eyes and began the chant to open the portal slowly so the others could repeat after her. As they all began speaking the words, a wind appeared from nowhere and began swirling around the circle as it tossed Rin's fringe around.

Even though he got the feeling they should all be closing their eyes, he couldn't help but sneak a peek at the circle; and if he got yelled at well hey, Shura hadn't outright said they had to close their eyes. Surrounding the portal was a black mist that had begun developing in the center of the circle and then it soon settled onto the floor. Once Shura and everyone else had finished reciting the spell, an image appeared on the floor.

"Woah…" Rin breathed as he got onto his hands and knees to get a closer look.

"Wait a second..." Shura muttered, looking more closely at the characters Rin had written. "These aren't the right symbols! Rin get back!"

"What?" The half demon asked as he tried to turn, but Shura's sudden increase in volume surprised him causing his arm to slip and plunge him forward and into the portal. Rin braced himself to smack his face into the floor, but the pain never came.

"RIN!" he heard Shiemi shout as he fell through the floor.

'Shit, I guess this means it was the left circle.' Going through the portal felt like falling through sludgy water to Rin. Although, at least it wasn't as bad as that Gehenna gate Satan tried to pull him through. That time it had been like sinking through wet tar.

Suddenly, the wet sludge like feeling disappeared and the teen realized he was falling through thin air.

"Ouch!" Rin hissed as he smacked his head on the ground. The half demon got up from the ground as he rubbed his head and began looking around, the tip of his tail flickering side to side.

"What the…?" He rubbed his eyes and then stared at his surroundings again. It wasn't a trick of his eyes as he'd somewhat hoped; everything around him was rubble and broken structures.

'Didn't Shura say we'd first pop up where the classroom was?' And then it dawned on him; this was the classroom. Although everything was broken and crumbling walls surrounded him, he could tell it was about the same size as the room, and after brushing some dirt and stone away, he saw that the tiles looked like they used to be the same as well.

"What the hell happened here?" Rin asked the emptiness in disbelief.

A/N : This is my first real fanfiction, so reviews and constructive criticisms are appreciated!
I will try and update weekly if I have time, but before I post a new chapter I would like to try and get three reviews.
Thanks for reading!

Rin: For the record, I fell through the portal on purpose! No way someone as cool as me would slip up like that! Heh heh heh...
Just review please.