A/N: I'm sorry about not updating! I would start and plan to finish it but something would come up! i managed to type this when my dog was asleep. The puppy is a damn terror! Hes stopped me multiple times from typing this chapter up! :) anyways thanks for reviewing and i hope you enjoy this story! Any questions feel free to ask! I've also created a twitter if i haven't mentioned it before and i just wanted to say i will tweet each time i update and my progress along with other stupid things:) Enjoy!

Edward stood beside Mustang a pale white sheet wrapped around his body. His hair was long and came down in golden tumbles.

He looked angelic.

Roy was currently working on something not interested in the blonde.

"Roy, you've been working since we finished. Come back to bed." Ed said soothingly. Roy sighed as he ran a hand through his black locks.

"You know how busy it is right now. With examinations coming up I can't afford to slack off." Ed frowned and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't make me force you, Roy. How many times have you seen Elizabeth this week?" Ed questioned as Roy looked up again.

"I see her plenty of times." Was the only reply he got out before Ed cut him off.

"More than just a hello in the morning. You don't even know your daughter, Roy." Roy looked up his eyes angry as he grabbed Ed's hand gently prying it off him.

"I'm busy, Ed. You know how important this is on reports for Fuhrer." Ed snapped his hand away not bothering to show Roy he was also pissed.

"I don't even think I know you anymore either." He hissed before taking off out of the room. They both failed to realize the girl standing behind the book shelf watching with wide eyes.

Elizabeth knew things between her parents weren't exactly working. She knew it for a long time already. She still loved her parents and smiled whenever they were angry at each other. They never struck each other. The arguments never got that heated.

She thought over the way her family had worked when it was still alive. It was obvious her father was a busy man. Her daddy always told her Roy was busy taking care of something and would come home as soon as possible. She didn't have to be a genius to know even he didn't know what her papa was doing.

But she knew one point in time they loved each other. How else would she have come into existence? She pondered over it as she pulled a flower out from the grass and started to pluck at the petals. In this universe everyone was carefree and happy.

No one forced a smile. It was a big happy family. It was the peaceful life that didn't exist in her realm.

"Hey, Mini-Mustang! Ed said to get dressed!" She looked up to Envy who was currently shouting from the back porch. Another thing she wouldn't get used to as the fact Envy was her happy go free uncle. She got up dusting herself off as she ran into the house forcing another smile to her uncle.

But she didn't get to go in when she realized Envy placed a hand on her shoulder forcing her to stay. She looked up in surprise as Envy looked down his face unreadable.

"Don't think you're fooling anyone with that smile. If something's on your mind don't hesitate to tell us." He patted her shoulder smirking obviously unable to smile without looking creepy. She swallowed nodding before she continued her trek upstairs.

One good thing about living there was the fact she owned her own room and her privacy was respected. The room was too spacious for her liking but was still satisfying. She pulled out shorts and a regular shirt before dressing and hearing a knock on her door.

She looked up and met golden eyes. Ed stood in her doorway currently reading over a document a pen in his mouth. He was dressed in blue uniform his hair pulled up in a ponytail. He pulled the pen out and made a motion with his head that it was time to go.

"We have to report to the bastard and from there introduce you to the guys on the squad." She nodded seeing him smile when he finished the report and tossed the pen on the counter.

"Envy! Were leaving! Don't fuck up the house!" He grabbed his keys and hat from the rack hearing an insult from upstairs. He pushed Elizabeth outside before leaving not bothering to try and understand what his brother had told him.

Edward could drive.

He managed to get lessons from Havoc and even though no one wanted to be in the same car with him, he was a very good driver. (In his eyes. Other people said he turned too quickly and was a little too close to the other cars.)

Arriving at Head quarters he placed his military hat on Elizabeth's head and gestured her into the building.

"Why did I have to come?" Elizabeth asked as Ed showed his state watch to the secretary.

"Because Mustang wants to look you over and make sure you're not a danger to anyone."

She stayed silent feeling special with her military hat. That was until a question struck her as odd. "Daddy, why can't we tell Papa I'm his daughter?"

Ed swallowed looking at the girls' curious golden before sighing and running a hand through his golden ponytail. "I and Mustang aren't in that kind of a relationship, Elizabeth. We are only commanding officer and Subordinate. We aren't romantically involved and I don't want him thinking less of me if I tell him this."

The words didn't sound stupid in his mind. Now that they were out of his mouth he realized how awkward they were. She played with the hem of her blouse as she stopped walking and stared at the ground.

"I didn't know my papa from my world either. He was always working and hardly saw me." Ed stared at the girl and put an arm around her shoulder and held her close as he continued to walk.

"I don't want it to be this way. But if there was a way to get you to know him better without endangering him I would."

She didn't say anything anymore. She decided silence was always a good exit option in a conversation neither of them wanted to have. Arriving to the Fuhrer's office Ed groaned knocking on the doors and ignoring the secretary who obviously had just seen the angry side of the Fuhrer.

Ed opened the door, Elizabeth holding onto his pants as he smirked staring at Mustang who was rubbing his temples.

"Haven't had your coffee yet Mustang? Shame." Mustang looked up his eyes narrowing as Ed waved slightly and went to his desk after closing the door behind him. He set the report on the desk and sat down sitting Elizabeth beside him. There was silence as Elizabeth played with Ed's auto mail hand and Roy read over the documents. Once Roy finished he sighed and closed it rubbing his eyes.

"I already know this Fullmetal. I'm more concerned on the girl beside you."

Elizabeth looked up taking off Ed's hat before sighing.

"I'm not a homunculus if that's what you're asking." She said suddenly as Ed stared at her in surprise.

"How do you know what a homunculus is?" Roy questioned suspiciously.

Elizabeth gave a smirk reminding Edward of Roy. "My father is Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist. How couldn't I know about the homunculi?"

She had a good point.

Ed knew he wasn't the Fullmetal Alchemist in her world. He was the Fullmetal Alchemist's brother but he didn't want to point it out since it would cause other problems.

"Can she perform Alchemy?" Roy asked while standing up and stretching. Ed looked at her not even sure himself if she could.

"Yes, But I don't do it often. I use circles and my knowledge is…" She moved her hand in a wobbly motion to show it was somewhat good.

"Thank you, that's all I need to know. Can you stand out in the hallway for me, Elizabeth? I need to talk to your father about something." She nodded taking Ed's hat with her before disappearing. Once she was gone Edward glared at Mustang.

"How can you even accuse of her of being a Homunculus? She's my daughter for fucks sake!" Ed exclaimed glaring as Roy stared at the door curiously. He shook his head of the thoughts and looked at Ed.

"She may be your daughter but you can never be too sure. There's something else I wanted to discuss with you. Dimension hopping isn't a natural phenomenon." He stated plainly as Ed leaned his head back on the seat.

"We know this, Mustang. No one is going to be able to come from the other dimension." Roy grabbed a book off the shelf and tossed it at him before looking for another one.

"I was looking through the records the Fuhrer has and noticed different theories of dimension hopping. Do you think you can tell me what the theory is?" Ed stared at him with narrowed eyes as another book came his way.

"Don't tell me you want to go Dimension hopping. It's a stupid idea and can disrupt the worlds in the worst way. I can't even guarantee we'll make it to the dimension she came from." Roy looked at Ed in surprise.

"I'm surprised you thought I'd do something like that. I want the theory so I can make sure none of these books have the correct one. I'm surprised she managed to make it through alive. A hole in dimensions' isn't exactly healthy." Roy settled that dispute quickly as Ed analyzed the books being thrown at him.

"The theory is being able to get the designs of time and space. If you can connect them in the right order you can open the gate into the dimension you want. It takes a lot of hard work which surprises me, since Elizabeth said I drew it in a few seconds. It takes up the entire soul of the one performing the act and can only send one at a time."

Roy finished throwing books and walked to the couch standing behind Ed who was reading a book curiously. "Can you design it if you wanted?"

There was a quick moment of silence as Ed stared up briefly. "Yes, I can. If I wanted to I could make the exact one Elizabeth probably saw."

Roy didn't say anything as he moved to sit on the couch. "What do you think about the troops heading to the Anti-Mustang groups?" Ed closed the book quirking an eyebrow at Roy.

"Are you asking my opinion?"

Roy looked away still holding his dignity as Ed found a warm smile sneak onto his face.

"They wouldn't strike headquarters twice. They know you're powerful and won't be stupid to strike when we're still alert. The troops were a good idea and protecting the borderlines. If anything it will do well. I just don't like that you sent Al by himself. Envy is a very good sparring partner and would have protected Al if anything came up."

Roy rolled his eyes and looked at Ed with a warm look. "I think he's old enough to be on his own. He will be back in town soon and you can stop worrying."

Ed looked away from Roy pretending to focus on the book and trying to hide his blush. Since he was a teenager he remembered Mustang being able to make him feel different. His heart beat skipped a little as he tried to get a little space between him and Mustang. There was a soft knock on the door and they looked at it expectantly.

"She is pure evil!" The scream forced Ed and Roy to jump. Havoc looked furious and flustered. Behind him was Elizabeth holding a bottle of glue and some paper.

"What the hell happened?" Roy asked getting up as did Ed, ready to protect his daughter.

"I don't know? She just started spraying glue at me!" Ed hadn't really looked at havoc and now that he did he burst out into laughter. Glitter and pieces of paper were spread out on every inch of Havoc's face. He held his sides unable to keep his laughs silent.

He heard the laughter also coming from Roy which made his heart stutter rather uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry! I seriously didn't think she'd do it!" They looked realizing it was Fuery and Breda laughing as well. Elizabeth had a tiny smile on her face and Ed smiled at her as she came in making Havoc flinch glaring daggers at her. She grabbed Ed's hands and forced him to bring her into an embrace.

The simple embrace said if he did anything to her Edward was going to kill him. Roy continued to stare at Elizabeth a look of concentration crossing his face before he shrugged it off and tried to stop Havoc from strangling the girl.

"How were you able to get him so messy in like 10 minutes?" Ed questioned as he brushed Elizabeth's hair back making her smile.

"Surprise attacks. Always use surprise attacks."

He smirked making her blush and rock back and forth on her heels. Roy stopped patting Havoc's shoulder when he looked at the girl in triumph.

"I finally figured out who you remind me of!" He exclaimed making all the men stare at their Fuhrer in confusion. "My grandmother. You look like my grandmother minus the gold eyes."

Elizabeth blinked staring at Roy before rolling her eyes. "I know that! You've told me before!"

Roy knew Edward very well.

Working with the blonde made it easy to hint when the truth was told and a lie was suddenly placed to cover it up. Edward was always really horrible at lying. It was something Roy liked to point out. It made him blush a bright pink. When her words stunned him Edward started to stutter closing a hand over the girls mouth.

"Don't be dumb Elizabeth! You don't even know what his grandmother looks like. I bet she was a better person then he will ever be." The teasing eyes he tossed to Roy had no effect when Roy stared hard into his eyes. Edward gripped Elizabeth's shoulder staring back trying not to show anything was wrong.

Roy had two options.

He could point out Ed's mistakes and force the boy to reveal the truth, or he could play around and let the blonde go. He weighed his options and almost forced Ed to tell him when he noticed the look in Ed's eyes. It was fear. Fear of being caught. Roy knew Edward would never admit to anything unless it involved a fist fight. Roy swallowed his words and flicked Ed in the forehead.

"I'm Fuhrer you brat! I'm better then that old hag would ever be." Relief flooded on his face as he flicked Roy's hand away throwing a fake glare.

"A pretty old Fuhrer if you ask me!" The insult was light hearted and Roy shrugged walking away from the fight as he let his eyes linger on the little girl. He was going to get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing he did.

"Ed didn't want to tell you either?" Havoc asked while he took in a deep breath of cool air. Riza appeared from the kitchen holding a baby in her arms. Her hair was tied into a bun and her eyes were as stern as ever.

"No, he made it very clear that he didn't want anyone to know." She smiled at the baby who was now babbling in baby gibberish.

"What do you think he's hiding?" Havoc asked turning as he opened his arms. Riza looked up her eyes still stern as she let Havoc hold their son.

"I don't know but it might have to do with all the trips Knox is currently making to the Elric's household." Havoc sighed looking at her concerned before rolling his eyes.

"Why do I have to do this?" She smirked evilly as she wrapped her arms around Havoc.

"Because you know I won't let you into the house unless you do." Havoc sighed staring at the face of his wife before he kissed her lips.

"You owe me for this." He muttered as she smiled and kissed it fiercely.

"Everything looks fine." Knox said as he started to put away his tools. Edward got up from the bed blush planted on his face.

"Fine? Don't be stupid! This is abnormal!" He exclaimed in agony as Knox snickered at the boy. Knox reached over and poked Edward in the abdomen.

"Lucky for you, you have the parts of a 10 year old girl. It will take you a few years in order to appreciate the women species."

Ed was beginning to hate the nameless man that shoved him into the transmutation even more.

"Isn't there a way just to remove them?" Ed asked grumpily as he brought his knees up to his chest.

Knox shook his head.

"Your body had a hard time accepting the organs. If I remove them once they got comfortable I can kill you. Not to mention missing your arm and leg would make it harder for me to perform surgery on you. All I can tell you is that you need to stop complaining and live with it!"

Ed stared at the man in astonishment.

"Live with it? I am not going to live with this! I'm a guy if you haven't noticed?" He exclaimed angrily as the doctor finished packing and Ed a gruff smirk.

"Your insides beg to differ, Edward." Ed tossed a pillow at the man who narrowly escaped his wrath as Edward was left to blush and compose himself.

"Hello Havoc!"

It was Envy's voice which alerted Edward that Havoc was here. Ed reached for a shirt wondering what the man was doing here. He was going back to work tomorrow and from what Mustang told him yesterday Hawkeye was being strict in what Havoc did. Especially since their Son was becoming a top priority.

Ed pulled his shirt on and walked out of the room peeking into the hallway where Knox was currently standing staring down the steps. He joined Envy downstairs and saw Havoc holding a basket in his hand.

"Hey there chief! Fuery sent me over to drop off something he said would make you feel better!" His joyful attitude was contagious as Ed reached over to take it.

"I'm not that bad! Tell Fuery I said thanks though!" He turned eyeing Envy who shrugged silently and helped lead the doctor out.

"Hey Dr. Knox, I didn't know you made home visits for your patients!" Havoc said looking surprised to see the doctor there.

"Ed's not exactly a regular patient, major." Knox remarked dryly while shooting a glance at Edward.

"What actually happened to you to make you so sick?" Havoc asked innocently as Ed peered at him.

"Nothing to worry about. Just something with the transmutation." Ed said smiling as he played off the half truth. Havoc didn't respond but smiled nodding at Ed.

"Just wanted to drop that off. Mustang said he has the papers for the school you asked about yesterday. She's required to go in tomorrow." Havoc said seriously as Ed frowned and gave a nod.

"Thanks for the message, Havoc. I'll be in tomorrow so tell Fuhrer Bastard to hold it together." It was common knowledge that Roy worked better when Edward was in work.

Havoc smirked and turned to leave the house feeling proud he managed to get some answers to his questions.

"Good Morning, Fuhrer." Hawkeye said pleasantly as Roy yawned into his hand. He gave her a nod still exhausted from staying up the night before. He was trying to create a treaty that would make peace with Drachma.

He managed to develop most of it but at the moment he needed to settle things between Drachma and the ice queen. He knew if they both didn't agree to the treaty he was risking a war. Sometimes he wondered why they were placed where they were. General Armstrong was sent back to Briggs after the attack on central.

"Have you finished the work from last night?" Riza asked innocently as she shuffled the stack of paperwork in her arms.

"Not yet. I need to think over some things before I ask for an audience with Olivier and Drachma's Fuhrer. If I can stop them from fighting I will be able to set up a trade route with them." Riza nodded in understanding.

Ever since Edward had been out of work she had been keeping up the work on his end. When Ed wasn't in work she became Roy's secretary somewhat. At the moment she was just delivering paperwork while Ed made his way to work.

"There's something I'd like to ask you." Riza said as she closed the door to Roy's office. Roy looked up surprised while dropping his own files on the desk.

"Go ahead."

She nodded and set the paperwork on the desk before staring at him seriously.

"I haven't been able to get what's making Edward sick. Do you know what happened during the transmutation?" She asked curiously as he cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Now that you mention it I forgot to read the file of Edward's medical file. I wanted to know as well but the paperwork got in the way. Knox said it had something to do with his organs but he should be fine. Nothing to serious."

Hawkeye gave him a suspicious look. "Sir, if it has to do with his organs don't you think that's a little serious?"

Roy rolled his eyes at her and searched through the files on his desk.

"I don't know why you're so curious but his chart says he's perfectly fine. I'm taking the doctor's word on this. As if I'd trust Edward's words on his health." Riza nodded looking at the file being handed to her.

She didn't want to invade Edward's privacy but she was curious about what Edward was hiding from them. She knew he would tell her eventually but she knew everything Edward was hiding had to do with Roy.

True to Roy's word, the doctor had wrote exactly that. Edward merely had a transmutation side effect but that was all it described. She sighed shaking her head.

She knew this wasn't the truth.

"Thank you, Sir. Edward should be in soon. He had to drop off Elizabeth first." Roy suddenly looked up as if he remembered something.

"Hawkeye, do you remember my grandmother? The one who said those idiotic things about us?" Hawkeye frowned at the question before nodding.

"Of course I remember. She made me wait two hours on the front lawn for you to get home from some stupid party." Roy grimaced at the memory but nodded.

"Doesn't Elizabeth look like her?" Riza opened her mouth about to deny it when she found herself remembering the two people they had been talking about. Elizabeth did resemble his grandmother. The hair color was the same but the way her face looked reminded Riza of her.

"now that you mention it, she does. Why? Is something troubling you?" Roy turned back to his work and shook his head.

"No. I was just wondering."