This will be a side-story. So, yeahhh. Anyway, this is Kurt and Sebastian. Don't kill me. I'm just experimenting with this pairing. So, here ya go.

Chapter One

"SEBASTIAN!" Kurt squealed, dodging a water gun. "Take it like a man, Hummel!" Sebastian laughed, chasing after him. "That's what he said!" Kurt giggled. Sebastian grabbed him by his waist. "Let me go, you ape!" Kurt squealed. "No!" Sebastian said. "Boys? It's time for lunch", Rachel said, standing with Carole. "Fine!" Kurt groaned.

"Calm down, drama queen", Sebastian said. Rachel laughed as Kurt ran away from Sebastian. "Those boys are nuts", Rachel said to her mother-in-law. "Yeah. But, they grew up together. I'm surprised they aren't dating by now", Carole said. "Same here. They're perfect for each other. Except they both have boyfriends", Rachel said.

"Boys! Come on!" Carole said. "In a minute! Dave's texting me", Kurt said. Sebastian groaned. "What's wrong with you?" Kurt asked, checking his phone. "Dave. The guy's an ape. What do you see in him?" Sebastian asked, making Rachel and Carole listen in to their conversation. "Please! Don't judge me on my love life. You're dating Mr. Preppy-"

"Ohhhh, Hummel. That's original", Sebastian said. "Smythe, watch it, okay? Dave is….sweet, kind, funny. Your boyfriend's just a big bowl of rainbows. I think he is so gay. Not even I'm that gay", Kurt said. Sebastian gaped. "He's not…", Sebastian said. "Thought so. Now, lunch is ready", Kurt said, walking up the back porch steps. "You-"

"Sebastian? I wouldn't even try", Rachel said. Carole stifled a giggle. "Listen to Rach, Sebastian. She's wiser than you", Kurt said. Sebastian gaped. He ran after Kurt and threw him over his shoulder. "Put me down!" Kurt squealed. "Carole, Rachel, Kurt and I will be in his room. If the fashionable bed is rocking, don't come knocking. We'll be na-"

"Sebastian!" Kurt scolded, blushing. "Have fun!" Carole and Rachel said in unison, walking into the kitchen. Sebastian took Kurt to his room like promised. "Put me down, Seb", Kurt said. "And if I don't?" Sebastian asked, challenging him. Kurt squeezed his ass. "Kurt!" Sebastian squeaked, putting him down. "Yes?" Kurt asked innocently.

"Stupid face", Sebastian said. "Ohhhh, Smythe. That's original", Kurt teased. Sebastian held his fake glare for as long as possible until he busted into a fit of giggles. Kurt joined him. Once they'd calmed down, Kurt was sitting in Sebastian's lap on his couch. "How did you even end up in my lap?" Sebastian chuckled. "I fell. I'm a klutz", Kurt sighed.

"You sure that's why you're in my lap?" Sebastian winked. "Seb!" Kurt gasped. "Calm down, Angel Eyes", Sebastian said. Kurt smiled. When they first met at age 5, Sebastian said he had eyes like an angel. From then on, Kurt was Angel Eyes to Sebastian and no one else. "Okay, Casanova", Kurt said. Sebastian's nickname was developed when they were 13, and Sebastian tried going straight. He got all the girls. But, he was fully bent for guys. (A/N: No pun intended. ;D) So, Kurt called him Casanova. "So?" Sebastian asked.

"So?" Kurt mimicked. "Oh! Did you get that signed album by Lady Gaga?" Sebastian asked. "I did! It only took like 15 hours!" Kurt squealed, running to get it from his closet. Sebastian got up and looked around Kurt's room. "It's way back in here, so I'll be out in a few minutes", Kurt said. "'Kay", Sebastian said. "Just look around", Kurt yelled. "Fi-"

"Just shut up", Kurt demanded. Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes!" Kurt warned. Sebastian began to open Kurt's top dresser drawer. There was a box shoved to the back. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. He opened it quietly, and his eyes grew wide. Gay porno magazine's were on top of the pile. He pushed them aside. He squealed. "Oh my-"

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, rushing back into the room. He eyed his purple vibrator on his bedroom floor, along with lube, a CD labeled 'Kurt's Kinks ;)', a pair of handcuffs, and a blindfold. "I can explain", Kurt said carefully, eyeing a embarrassed, and slightly turned on, looking Sebastian. "Please", Sebastian husked. "Well, I'm sexually act-"

"I'm guessing!" Sebastian said. "Dave mailed that to me last week. We've been having a few fights lately about it", Kurt said. "That pervert! I'm going to kick his ass", Sebastian said, turning to leave. Kurt ran in front of him and placed a hand on his chest. Since they had been swimming, Sebastian was shirtless. They looked into each other eyes. "Uh-"

"Hey, boys", Rachel said, coming down with a tray of food. Kurt pulled away from Sebastian and smiled at her. "Seb, are you okay? You look like you've seen a gho-"

"Holy mother of Christ!" Rachel squealed, looking at the floor in front of Kurt's dresser. "Rachel! Carole might come down here!" Kurt shrieked, kicking the vibrator under his dresser while trying to put the rest of the things away. Carole came down as he shut the drawer. "What's wrong with you people? Did you see a ghost?" Carole asked. "No. A vibrator", Sebastian mumbled. Kurt elbowed him. "Uh, we're fine", Rachel said. "But-"

"Trust me, Carole. We're good", Kurt smiled. She nodded and went back upstairs. "Kurt, why the hell do you have one of those? Wait. Don't answer that. Eww. Eww. Eww!" Rachel said. "I thought you were comfortable with gays, Rachel", Kurt said. "I am. But, you don't see me wanting to know how Sebastian gets off alone!" Rachel said. "I just-"

"No! Stop it!" Rachel said. "I never said I used that one", Kurt snapped. Rachel froze. "T-that one? How many do you have that you do use?" Rachel asked. "One", Kurt mumbled. "Oh. My. God. What is this? Kurt's Masturbation Techniques 101?" Rachel asked. "No. But, that class would be entertaining", Sebastian smirked. "Sebastian!" Kurt scolded.

"Lord have mercy on you two", Rachel said. "Rach, can you go? I need to talk to Sebastian alone", Kurt said. Rachel sat down the tray and gladly went upstairs. "So, what's up?" Sebastian asked, sitting on the couch. Kurt sat down beside him. "Can we never bring this up again?" He asked. "Deal", Sebastian said, laughing. "It's not fun-"

"Yes. It was", Sebastian said. Kurt glared at him. "Kurt, I'm sorry. So, when you say sexually active, does that mean you lost your V card to Hamhock?" Sebastian asked. "His name is Dave and no", Kurt said, looking uncomfortable. "Why are you uncomfortable?" Sebastian asked bluntly. "Dave, uh, wants to go….further", Kurt said, looking away from Sebastian's eyes. "O-oh", Sebastian said. "Yeah. I don't know what to do, though. Do I-"

"Wait. You need to wait. Save it for someone who's actually worth your time", Sebastian said. "Dave is worth my time!" Kurt defended. "Really? Have you told him you loved him yet?" Sebastian asked. "I-I'm not ready for that", Kurt said. Sebastian shrugged. "Now I'm speechless. Over the edge and just breathless. I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again", Sebastian sang. "Dork!" Kurt giggled. He got closer to the singing boy.

"I think about your eyes all the time", Sebastian said, staring into Kurt's, "You're beautiful, and you don't even try. Modesty is just so hard to find. Now, I'm speechless. Over the edge and just breathless. I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again", Sebastian sang. He looked at Kurt, smiling at him with a big grin, urging the boy to sing.

"Hopeless. Head over heels in the moment. I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again", Kurt sang. "You know a Jonas Brothers song! Gasp!" Sebastian said. "Shut up!" Kurt laughed. "Do you know…more?" Sebastian asked. Kurt slapped his arm then smirked. "I'm hot. You're cold. And you go around like you know…who I am. But you don't. You've got me on my toes", Kurt sang. "You do!" Sebastian gasped dramatically.

"Why are we friends?" Kurt groaned. "Because I'm sex on a stick and you're fashionable. And we're both gay", Sebastian said. "Sex on a stick? Really, Seb? I've seen you naked. Not much to look at", Kurt said. "We were 10!" Sebastian said. "And I was still bigger back then, too", Kurt smirked. "Are you questioning the size of my manhood?" Sebastian asked. "I'm doing just that", Kurt said, bending over to get a sandwich. "I'm just saying-"

"SEBASTIAN!" Kurt squealed as Sebastian slapped his butt. Kurt sprung like a panther and pinned Sebastian against couch. "I-I-I like it rough", Sebastian sang. Kurt growled. Sebastian's eyes grew darker at the sound. Kurt ignored the sight. "Boys! I'm going swimming. Are you done eating?" Rachel yelled downstairs. "Y-yeah, Rach. Just a sec!" Kurt called back. He got off of Sebastian. "Come on", Kurt said, walking to the stairs.

"Coming. Jeez!" Sebastian said, rushing to Kurt's side. "You're a dork. And not a modern dork. An 80s dork in those cheesy movies", Kurt said as they walked up the stairs. "And you're the cheerleader bitch", Sebastian said. "Just because Coach Sue renewed my position as a Cheerio doesn't mean you have to be jealous", Kurt said.

"Jealous? I get to watch your ass sway around in a cheerleading uniform. I'm up for it", Sebastian shrugged. "Seb!" Kurt hissed. Rachel raised an eyebrow at them. "Cheerio? Again, Kurt?" Rachel sighed. "What? They need my hips and ass", Kurt said smugly. Carole laughed. "Yes. Yes they do. Just….mmm, damn!" Sebastian said, squeezing Kurt's ass. "I don't like your hands on me", Kurt growled. "You didn't say that last ni-"

"Sebastian!" Kurt scolded. "As entertaining this is, we have a shopping date, Kurt", Rachel said. "And Seb has a date with Mr. Preppy", Kurt piped in. Sebastian mock glared at him. "Okay. He is preppy, but he's a good fuck", Sebastian said. "So is Dave", Kurt said, following Sebastian to the front door. "Wait. What?" Sebastian asked. Kurt smirked, handing him his shoes. "I need clothes", Sebastian said, gesturing to his half naked body.

"Go like that. Might get it in", Kurt said. Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Now, what did you mean about Dave?" He asked. "He's a good fuck", Kurt shrugged. "Y-you said you were a-a virgin!" Sebastian said. "Seb, calm down. I'm kidding. Gosh, I didn't know you hated Dave that much", Kurt said. "It's just that…Kurt, like I said, find someone who's worth your time. Value yourself a little, will ya?" Sebastian asked. "And what about you-?"

"Don't be like me. And no matter what he does or says, Dave isn't good enough for you", Sebastian shrugged. "Then who is?" Kurt asked, just realizing how close their faces were. He searched Sebastian's eyes, but they were blank, the emotion behind wall. Sebastian backed away. "I'm going to be late for my date", Sebastian said. "Bye, Casanova", Kurt said, smirking and leaning against the door frame. He opened the door for Sebastian.

"Bye, Angel Eyes", Sebastian said, kissing Kurt's cheek lightly. Kurt smiled. He closed the door behind Sebastian. He sighed happily. "Kurt? Are you ready to go?" Rachel asked. "I have to get dressed! Hold on!" Kurt said back. "Okay. Well, hurry", Rachel said. "Okay, Rach. I'm going. I'm going", Kurt groaned. He heard Rachel giggle.

Sebastian heard Rachel giggle in the house. "Kurt, me. That's the answer to your question", He whispered, getting in his car. He got out his phone, texting Blaine and canceling. "Just so you know, this feeling's takin' control of me", Sebastian phone sang. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey! I just wanted to know if you wanted anything at the mall", Kurt said. "Sure", Sebastian said. "What do you want?" Kurt asked. You smiling in my arms.

"Surprise me", Sebastian said. "Okay. I will do just that", Kurt said. Sebastian heard the smile in his voice. "Kurt?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah?" Kurt asked. "I love you", Sebastian said. "Aww. Sebastian, I love you, too. Gotta go. Bye!" Kurt said. The line went silent. "Not like I love you, though", Sebastian said. He turned into his house, but he decided against it. He texted Blaine and began to drive to his house, needing to forget Kurt.

Kinda sad. I know. Anyway, we saw how Sebastian feels. What about Kurt? And do you want them to stay with their boyfriends? Well, Kurt's boyfriend and Sebastian's fuck buddy but still. Hope you liked it. I hope I wrote Sebastian's character well. It's my first time. :/ Anyway, stay put until the next chapter… If you guys want one. Okay? But, you have to tell me if you do. Don't lie. Okay. Bye.