Hey everyone. This is another project of mine. I don't really have plans on how this might go so… Who knows? Anyways, I've been thinking this over. What would happen if you add Tsuna, Yamamoto, and a baby with no one around? Love sparks fly high of course. Plus, they're both good with kids. Just as long as Yamamoto doesn't play ball with the baby. Why do I feel worried now? Please enjoy the story.

Chapter One: Hello To Baby Matthew

The sound of wailing of a small child was heard. And it awakens Tsuna during the process. As the clueless brunet rose from his bed, he spots a small baby besides him. He blinks lazily before returning back to sleep. A minute later, he sat up and stared at the bundle of joy besides him. The wailing came to an end when the child is receiving Tsuna's attention. He cooed happily as his reach out to Tsuna with small hands. Tsuna couldn't help himself from panicking silently. Why is he seeing a baby next to him? And he doesn't remember knowing any babies or having siblings whatsoever. Chocolate brown eyes fell down to a single piece of paper. Retrieving it, he reads it over quickly.

Dear Tsu-kun,

By the time you wake up, you'll find a baby beside you. His name is Matthew. He's belongs to my old friends back in high school. She asked me to take care of him, but Papa came back and asked me on vacation. At first, I thought it would cause trouble, but Papa said you'll be fine. On the bright side, I took the others with me and Papa so you don't have to worry. Reborn-kun said he asked someone to come over to help you out. And he said something about training and responsibility. And don't worry, I bought things you'll need later on and left some money. We'll send more regularly, promise.

Love, Mama

P.S. We'll be on vacation for the whole year. Good luck Tsu-kun.

Tsuna was gaping by the time he finished. Vacation? A Year? Responsibility? Baby? If anything, this is called cruelty on very high levels. He couldn't take care himself much less a baby! This is betrayal! Tsuna angrily crumples the paper and threw it across the room. Matthew giggles cheerfully at how frustrated Tsuna became. The brunet smiles sheepishly before giving up. "What am I going to do now?" He asked the child. But his response was a clap. Shrugging his shoulders, Tsuna leans down to hold Matthew in his arms. Readjusting, Tsuna was able to properly support the baby. He smiles at himself for at least managing that correctly. Both males made their way to the kitchen to get a warm bottle of milk. But they were interrupted when the sound of a doorbell ringing was heard. Tsuna opens the door to find a smiling Yamamoto on the other side. "Yamamoto? What are you doing here?"

"My old man is going on a one-year fishing trip. When the kid heard it, he asked me to come and stay here. To help you take care of a baby, I think?" He informs.

Tsuna can feel his jaw dropping to the ground immediately. The one Reborn asked to help him out was Yamamoto? The baseball player took notice the bundle of joy in Tsuna's arms. He smiles widely. "Is that the baby?" Tsuna nods unconsciously. He was still shock over Yamamoto being the one he's stuck with for a whole year. "Is it all right if I hold him Tsuna?" By that time, he was over it and gently hands Matthew over to Yamamoto. The baseball player stared in awe at the baby in his arms. It feels kind of strange and somewhat amazing. Matthew held Yamamoto's finger as he cooed. A warm feeling overwhelmed Yamamoto's body. It's the same feeling when he was with everyone. His attention trailed away from the baby to Tsuna in front of him. Tsuna was focused on Matthew playing with Yamamoto. A smile expressed how happy he is currently. He didn't even notice someone else has his eyes on him. "What's his name Tsuna?"


Yamamoto stares back at the baby before smiling once more. "Hey there Matthew. It's nice to meet you. I'm Yamamoto Takeshi." He greeted Matthew. The child giggles loudly before resuming on playing with his fingers. Tsuna moves aside to let the baseball fanatic inside and runs off to get the bottle of milk. Yamamoto enters the living room as he let himself get comfortable. He looks around to see that the household is quiet. Apparently, everyone is gone except for Tsuna. His attention went back to Matthew, whom is busy biting his thumb. If he takes a closer look, Matthew almost resembles him and Tsuna. Yamamoto shook the thought out of his head. There is no way that it's possible. Plus, he's only here to assist Tsuna with Matthew. Just the thought made him feel disappointed. He pouts at Matthew, "You must be lucky Matthew." He told the clueless child. He only resumes his chewing, not really understanding what the Rain guardian was babbling about.

"Lucky for what Yamamoto?"

Yamamoto turns around to see Tsuna standing behind him with a bottle in his hand. There was that same clueless look he recognizes. "It's n-nothing. Right Matthew?" Matthew screams in joy at how everyone is calling him. Tsuna giggles at how they were behaving and getting along with each other. The young brunet found a spot close to Yamamoto and hands over the warm milk to Matthew as he held it. Yamamoto suddenly blushes as to how extremely close they are. But to Tsuna, it was normal right? Then how come Yamamoto was the only one affected by it? He pushes the thought aside. Matthew continues to drink the milk as he fell to sleep in Yamamoto's warm and comfortable arms. Yamamoto took his turn to feed the milk as Tsuna rest his arm. "Sorry that you got caught up in this Yamamoto." Tsuna apologized. The Rain guardian blinks blankly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, what I mean is… you're busy with baseball and stuff. But now you're stuck with me taking care of Matthew."

Yamamoto remains quiet before speaking. "It's okay. I'm always happy to help you out Tsuna. Friends help other friends. It's natural." He said with confidence. Tsuna stared in awe at how Yamamoto was willing to assist him. He smiles lightly before nodding in agreement. After a while, the bottle was empty and Matthew resumes sleeping soundlessly. Tsuna signals Yamamoto to hand over Matthew and takes him to his bedroom. The brunet tucks Matthew in securely and tightly to make sure he doesn't fall. He walks back to the living room where Yamamoto was located. The Rain guardian was just sitting where he was as Tsuna approaches him. "Matthew is now sound asleep. Thanks Yamamoto." The spoken person turns around with a smile forming. "No problem."

Tsuna took a spot besides Yamamoto but puts some distance between them. They remain like that for most of the time till silence was killing them. "Is there anything you want to talk about Tsuna?" The young brunet shook his head in response. He asked the same thing to Yamamoto, but he shook his head as well. Both male's eyes travel away as they wait for some miracle to happen to break free from the silence. So far, there isn't a likely chance of that. "Um, Yamamoto. There's something I was meaning to ask you." Yamamoto nods his head as he waits for Tsuna's question. "Since my family and your dad are going to be gone for a year, why don't you…" Tsuna stops midway. Yamamoto can only raise a brow.

"Why don't I what Tsuna?"

"Well, you know… Live with me and Matthew. Till everyone comes back that is. That is if you want to. If you don't, I can understand."

Before Yamamoto could answer back, sounds of a baby crying was heard coming from upstairs. Tsuna stood from where he was and rush towards his room. Yamamoto soon followed him. Mathew cries loudly as his arms swings harshly. Tsuna removes the blanket off and held the baby as he rocks Matthew back and forth. The tears and crying came to a stop as Matthew saw Tsuna. He nudges his head against Tsuna's chest. The only thing Tsuna could hear was silent sniffling decreasing by the minute. Yamamoto finally caught up with Tsuna to see everything is okay. He sighs happily.

The whole time, Tsuna carried Matthew with him everywhere. He knew that once Matthew wakes up to see no one, he'll cry again. Yamamoto asks to help Tsuna with Matthew from time to time for Tsuna to rest. It was now Yamamoto's fifth time around. Since Matthew woke up, he cried nonstop. It was draining the two. And Yamamoto never really got the chance to answer the brunet either. Considering how he is running around the house to find one little thing for Matthew. "Matthew is it all right if you give us a break? Haha." He jokes. Matthew tilts his head in confusion. Of course he doesn't understand. Tiredness to into disgust every quickly. A foul odor reaches Yamamoto's nose. He pinches his nose in the process. That was when Matthew begins to cry loudly. Yamamoto was quick enough to realize the odor is coming from Matthew. Tsuna came rushing in, exhausted, to check if Matthew is all right. "What's wrong? Is he hungry?" Tsuna asked nervously. The disgusted expression on Yamamoto made Tsuna raise a confused brow. "Yamamoto, is something wrong?" The reason why reaches his nose as he wrinkles his nose.

"What is that smell?"

"Matthew needs a new set of diaper." Yamamoto looks ready to pass out.

Tsuna rushed over to hold Matthew in order for Yamamoto to breathe. Tsuna quickly made way to his room to change the diaper. He rest Matthew on his bed before reaching out for new diapers. Matthew creases his crying as he watches Tsuna in amusement. "Aha! Found you!" Tsuna shouts in victory. He managed to get ahold of a diaper. Now, for Matthew. Tsuna slowly approach the baby as he held the diaper high. He removes the blanket on Matthew and disposes the old diaper. He also made sure to wipe any leftovers on Matthew. And finally, he wraps the diaper around the baby. Matthew claps happily as Tsuna held him. "All better, right Matthew?" Matthew smiles in response. Tsuna took his time to dispose the old diaper and walk to the living room. The baseball fanatic was busy opening windows to remove the stench out of the house.

Matthew only cooed to get Yamamoto's attention. "Ah, you're back." Yamamoto smiles happily before approaching the two. "Matthew is fine for now. I'll go get his bottle for him." Tsuna gently hands over Matthew to Yamamoto before running into the kitchen. Yamamoto stood there dumbfound. Feeling a small tug on his shirt, he looks down to see Matthew smiling directly at him. He returns the smile back happily. He never expect for such a small person to bring this much trouble or joy. "Taking care of a baby is no laughing matter, huh Matthew?" Matthew giggles loudly before he searched around for Yamamoto's fingers to nibble on. Tsuna came back with a full bottle of milk in his hand. He hands it over to Yamamoto in order to for him to feed Matthew.

After a while, Matthew fell asleep in Yamamoto's arms. Tsuna smiles before massaging his own shoulders. Yamamoto took a few glimpses at Tsuna as he watch Matthew also. "Tsuna, about before, I'll stay." He informs. Tsuna's eyes widen. "Really?" He asked. Yamamoto nods his head, "There is no way I'm leaving you alone on this." Chocolate brown eyes met with confident hazel brown. Ba-thump… Ba-thump. Tsuna raise his hand on his chest as a light blush forms on his cheeks. Yamamoto became puzzle at the sudden action. "Are you okay Tsuna?" The baseball fanatic asked out of concern.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm fine." He lied.

There was still some doubts Yamamoto had left but didn't pry any further on the matter. If Tsuna wants to talk about it, he'll talk about it. "I'll just take Matthew to your room. Rest up for now." Tsuna nods in response. By the time Yamamoto was out of his sight, he leans down on the floor. His heart was beating a bit faster out of a sudden. And his body feels kind of warm. "What was that about?" He whispers to himself. He presses his fingers on the wooden material, forming invisible holes. But he fails to notice someone standing behind him. Yamamoto was leaning against the door frame with arms crossed. His watchful eyes were perfectly locked on the brunet. A feeling told Yamamoto that something is bothering Tsuna. He's okay if Tsuna wants some space on personal matters, he just help ease some of it. If it was possible that is. "Matthew is safe and sound in your room Tsuna." Tsuna rise from the ground and his shoulders stiff ever so slightly. Yamamoto raises a puzzling brow. "That's g-good. Thanks Yamamoto."


Tsuna turns to Yamamoto, whom is till leaning against the door frame. "Yes?"

"I… If there's something bothering you, you can always tell me. I'll be here for you. I promise."

The words left a warm feeling filling his chest. "Thanks Yamamoto." He whispers silently. The baseball player sat on the same spot as he did before. Not once had he let his eyes trail away from the brunet. "Don't you think it's kind of strange? How our family left out of a sudden for a year?" Tsuna asks, not really sure how they got into this situation. Since they were both busy taking care of Matthew that question never once crossed their minds until now. Yamamoto thought it over carefully before answering, "Maybe it's a sign."

"A sign? What do you mean?" The small brunet repeats the last two words.

"Yeah, it's a sign for us to strengthen our bonds haha." Yamamoto laughs cheerfully.

Tsuna smiles at the thought. Maybe Yamamoto is right. But there is something in the back of his mind was bothering him terribly. Is it okay to be close to Matthew? Of course they had to. They're responsible for the baby for crying out loud. But is it safe to be emotional attach to something temporary? Tsuna felt a warm and comforting hand patting upon his head. Chocolate brown eyes refocus on the baseball fanatic once more to see the trademark smile. Those eyes are reading him like an open book. "Don't worry Tsuna. A whole year is a long time. We'll do a great job raising Matthew." Tsuna stares blankly at the confident Yamamoto before laughing. He's right. A year is going to be a while till everyone returns home. And with Yamamoto by his side, Tsuna can rest in ease.

"Yeah... We'll take care of Matthew properly for the time being."

They smile at each other before going off to bed. Since they weren't really sure about the rooming arrangements, Yamamoto is sleeping in I-pin and Lambo's room. Tsuna is sleeping with Matthew just in case the baby cries. They have a long day ahead of them.


Wow, this story is hard to write. So, what do you think? Good or bad? What do you think of baby Matthew? Anyways, this is one of the many more works I'm focusing on about now. Plus, I have some spare time to write since I'm on spring break. There's going to be more so I hope everyone is excited about it as I am. Oh, since I'm not really sure how to come up with the next chapter idea, I thought you guys would pick. What do you want to see in the next chapter? Any ideas will be appreciated. And I'll thank you in the next chapter. Please review. Thank you. See you next time. To be honest, when I was writing about the diaper scene, I didn't have any idea what to do. I literally went blank... This is going to be interesting…