Chapter 1

Please read at the bottom, If you can read a really long ass explanation as to why I deleted my other story. . .I'm only talking about it in some of it, so you can skip the rest if you want to! Now, go read this kick ass story! Ha ha joking, but seriously read it!

The Northwest Werewolf pack Council meeting had already begun by the time Ikuto had arrived at the forest ranger station. Half a dozen of the pack's greatest warriors surrounded the large wooden table. He did a double take. There, in the corner of the room, stood three women; their eyes lit up with fiery and determination.

This was very new.

Kukai inched to Ikuto's side. "A vampire coven has moved in just outside the pack territory," he whispered. "There is evidence they might be feeding on the wolves. Jackson wants a pretemptive attack but-"

"It isn't fair to treat us this way!" a woman's voice cried out in pure frustration.

Kukai winced. "The women want to help."

Ikuto's brows shot up. He eyed the women. So that explained the angry looks. He smiled to himself and sat down in the back to enjoy the show. The Council wouldn't allow it to happen, that much he knew. Even for their pack - which was ruled by the progressive alpha, Christian - it was an outrageous request. If their aggressive posturing was any indication, the women would not go down easily. He hooked one leg over the other and leaned back.

"Maybe they're right," Hikaru, a younger pack member said. "Sheltering pack women is a little thing of the past. It's time we moved on. Let them make the decision for themselves."

"Female werewolves are rare," the eldest, Mathias replied. "And they aren't built like men. They can't change to crinos, our strongest half-wolf form. It is our duty to keep them safe from harm."

Ikuto nodded in agreement. He always liked Mathias.

"This is ridiculous," a dirty blond said. "It's the twenty-first century. Women have rights outside the supernatural world. We should have rights within the pack, too"

"It's not that we want to repress you, Rima," Marthias continued. "The pack, above all, treasures you existence. We only want what is best for all of us."

"At our expence?" she yelled.

A small figure stepped out from behind the dirty blond. "He's right, Rima. It is best for the pack for us to remain safe."

Ikuto's heart thudded in his chest and he shot up straight in his seat. The speaker wasn't the most beautiful woman in the room - not like Rima with her dirty blond hair or the other raven haired beauty. She was short and curvy, and her shoulder length sakura pink hair hung plainly on the sides of her heart shaped face. But a charming set of freckles spattered across her cheeks and her hazel eyes popped next to creamy skin. There was something about her that drew him to her.

Must be because she was the only sensible person in the room, other then himself of course.

Her eyes sparkled with calculating intelligence. And the way her ranger uniform hugged her sexy little body, brought more than just his heart to life. If you know what I mean.

The dirty blond gave the woman a murderous glare then whispered, "Amu!"

Amu. He smiled in spite of himself. Yes, she looked like a Amu. Sweet, docile, and a peacemaker.

Amu cut her friend off with a wave of her small, delicate hand. "The Council it right. If we go chasing vampires unprepaired we will only get hurt. Or worse. And it is vital to our pack to have female members."

Ikuto grinned, sitting at the teetering edge of his seat now.

She took a deep breath then exhaled slowly. "That's why I propose the women train in combat just like men."

His grin faded.

"If we can prove ourselves as equals in combat, then there is no reason as to deny our involvement. Not only will the double standard set a bad example to the rest of the pack, but once the other women catch word of you little biases, you will have a mutiny on your hands."

He narrowed his blue eyes at the little minx. He'd show her where a mutiny got her.

"We only ask for fairness," she continued. "After all. It is Cristian's pack -"

"He's not here to make the decision," someone countered.

"But his model of leadership stands. Every objection deserves a fair trial, don't you think?"

The other two women smirked as they looked at each Council member in the eyes. A growl emerged low in Ikuto's chest as the other men contemplated her challenge. How had he ever thought of her as sensible, even for a moment?

Ikuto stood so quickly, that he knocked the chai down behind him. He kicked it aside. From the other side of the room, Amu's gaze flickered to his. He pierced her with his most intimidating glare then crossed his arms over his chest. She met his glare with one of her own and with a passable attempt at bravado. But because of her size, it only made him want to laugh.

But there was nothing funny about the way she raised her chin and held eye contact far longer than he'd hoped. They would have some words when the meeting was over.

Ikuto was Beta of the Northwest werewolf pack, Christian, their alpha, was working with a vampire assasin to track down a serial killer. And Amu, the devious little trouble maker, would learn exactly who was in charge of this pack.

Ikuto didn't bother to join the Council's discussion regarding the women's request. It did not matter what they chose, his authority overrode theirs. The Council, and the women, should've known better then to question pack rules when he was in charge.

To be Continued :)

Hey guys! Please, please, please let me know what you think. It would be very, very, very helpful! Um, this is my second story that I have posted on this site but my first story didn't get no reviews-only three. And I also lost all my work when I re-booted my last computer. Which is now in the shop and I am having to uses my Papa's laptop. And yes, I just said Papa. Got a problem with it? Suck it, then. Kidding! I don't have anything for you to suck, so never mind! :) Ha ha ha, I'm weird right? Yeah, I know I am. So anyways leave me a review and tell me what you think of this chapter. Please? With gummy bears on top? :*( And I know, this shit is long but I just wanted to ramble for a little bit, to you know - get off a little steam. I'm not going to be like some people and act like I'm talkin' to the characters from Shugo Chara 'cause to me that just seems a bit on the "Creep Radar" Not that I'm callin' anybody creep's I just don't want to talk to the characters, I would but I just don't feel like it. Okay so I am rambleing. . .Again. Ha ha okay I'm going to go and do some things since Easter is tomorrow and we're having my Uncle, Aunt, cousin's, my brother, his wife, and my nephew coming over tomorrow. Well I don't know about my brother and his wife, I think they're going to her mom's. Bleh, I hate her mom's. It stinks, badly. Just trust me on it, it really does. I'm partly glad that they probably are not coming. I don't want to listen to my sister-in-law bitch about my brother and his insitivity to some dumb ass shit. Am I cussing a lot in this? Sorry if I am, I'm so used to cussing around my sister and brothers. I've never cussed infront of my parents and other family, besides my older cousins. Okay I'm seriously going now, since I really am rambling now. . .Bye!