
Me: Hey Everyone! I'm back with the next chapter!

Lucy: This one is a little longer than the last one

Natsu: It does have some memorable moments

Happy: I'm in it!

Erza: will you all stop messing around! We've got a story to tell.

Gray: I'm with Erza on this one

Me: Gray! Don't look now but where's your clothes?

Gray looks down

Gray: What are you talking about? I'm wearing my clothes

Me: Haha I know I just made you look!

Natsu: haha idiot

Gray: Say it to my face

Erza: What did you boys say?

They both Embrace each other

Natsu and Gray: Nothing! We're the best of friends

Lucy: Ahh... you can say that again

Me: Well on to the chapter!

Chapter 4: Commence the Barrier!

Natsu looked around the Island trying to decide where the best location would be to locate the fish, it would be a whole lot easier to find if he had Happy with him. That cat sure did have a nose for fish! He walks around on the beach the sun starting to beat down making the sand extremely hot but he didn't mind at all, "Now that looks like a good fishing spot!" he says finding a designated spot. The place was full of rocks and made it really easy to see the fish through the clear blue water, Happy sure would love this place. Natsu stops short standing still, "Happy? Erza? We need to find them!" he turns around completely forgetting about the food almost running straight into Gray and Lucy.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, where are you going?" Gray asks grabbing on to his muffler almost choking him but at least it got him to stop moving. Natsu gasps for air loosening the muffler, "We have to find Happy and Erza" he tugs back on his muffler causing Gray to fall down next to him, "Hey guys! I think I found something!" Lucy yells waving at them. They both quickly make their way over to her seeing what she had found, "It's Erza's luggage, that must mean that she made it here" Lucy says in an upbeat tone attempting to pick up some of the clothes that had fallen out of the open cases.

"Let's go get some breakfast and then we'll search for them" Gray announces walking towards the beach, "Fine" Natsu says quietly following him keeping his thoughts to himself. Lucy finishes closing the luggage before following the guys down to the hot beach.

Natsu and Grey remove some of their clothes preparing to go into the deep part of the ocean above some rocks. Natsu quickly removes his muzzler and ties it above his head running and attempting to jump into the water only to find himself smack dab against some type of invisible barrier, "What the…?" Natsu questions rubbing his head standing up, "What's the problem? Afraid of some water?" Gray taunts making Natsu just glare at him. He was going to tell him about the barrier but he figured Gray deserved it.

Soon enough the ice mage runs straight into the barrier landing directly next to Natsu, "Did you know that was there?" He asks rubbing his face while Natsu get's up from the ground and begins pounding the barrier, "Why can't we get through!?" He growls as Lucy approaches them, "It has to be some sort of magic barrier, I couldn't even step into the ocean. It's like it's cloaking this part of the island." she says with her face full of concern.

"So we're stuck here until we figure this thing out" Gray says unenthusiastically leaning against the barrier, "What doesn't make sense is the fact that some of the luggages I found had come straight from the ocean, so maybe objects can get through the barrier but not anyone with magical energy" The two begin to ponder the different possibilities as to what this could possibly mean as Natsu continues to pound away at the barrier, "Damn it!" he yells frustrated, "Natsu, stop it" Lucy pleads tying to calm him down, "Not again! This thing will not keep me from getting out!"

"Natsu!" A voice yells from somewhere near the island. Natsu pauses as his head perks up listening to the voice, "Happy?" he questions focusing on the voice, "Natsu!" it comes again and he immediately knows where to go, "Happy! I'll save you!" he yells running off in a random direction, "Let's follow him, Happy might know where Erza is" Gray says in hot pursuit with Lucy.

They finally reach Natsu who looks around for happy, he pauses before exiting the deep brush that separated him from the outside area of the island. They peer through finally catching a glimpse of Happy.

"Lucy!" Happy yells from across the water on a separate island, "Happy, is Erza with you?" she asks as Natsu comes barreling into the barrier trying to get to the other side, "Natsu!" Happy yells happily once again, "Natsu, we've got a problem" Erza says popping up next to Happy making him jump a little, "Erza" Lucy says smiling, she would know what the heck was going on.

"I'm traveling to the center of the island. I'll be back in a couple of days and all i want is for you to wait for me to get back. There's something weird going on around here and I'll figure out what it is" Natsu tries to protest when Erza turns to look straight at him giving him a glare that would make anyone run for the hills, "Am I understood?" Natsu reluctantly agrees, "You better get back soon" he says trying to formulate a plan in his head to get past the barrier, "Happy will come with me and if anything happens he'll be the messenger" Happy turns white, there's no way he wanted to go into the forest, "Erza's almost as mean as Lucy" happy mutters to himself kicking the sand, "What did you say!?" Lucy yells, he was lucky she couldn't get her hands on him.

"Be safe Erza" Gray says getting up from his seat on the sand, "I expect to see you back here" she nods her head making sure to give Natsu a warning glare, she knew he would try something, "You stay put" she says as he let's out a sigh, "But Erza!" He starts when Lucy Places her hand on his shoulder, "Natsu, just let her go, you can't do anything right now" he abruptly stands up, "We'll just see about that" he says determined walking back towards the beach with Gray.

Lucy begin to walk back towards the beach thinking how they should set up some real shelter rather than relying on the cave, "Lucy, stay here for a moment longer, there's something I need to tell you" Lucy turns back as the guys leave out of sight, "What is it?" She asks as Erza plops down sitting on the floor crossing her arms with her eyes closed as Lucy awkwardly stares at her not sure what to do. She begins to sit down when Erza's eyes snap open, "Lucy" she says staring straight at her with a serious look making Lucy stand up straight, "Yes?" she pulls some keys out of her pocket, "My Keys!" Lucy yells temporarily forgetting about the barrier falling face first into it, "Ow, I forgot about that" she says rubbing her face. Happy attempts to cover his mouth while chuckling making her glare at him

"Don't worry I'll keep them safe. That's not what I wanted to tell you. Make sure you stay near Natsu or Gray, without your key's you can't defend yourself." Lucy sweat drops a little, she didn't think she was that helpless without her magic, "There's something powerful on this island and they split us up for a reason, if you see anything weird tell the guys. I'll see you in a couple of days" Erza stands up wiping the sand off of herself, "Lucy, take care of the boys" Lucy nods her head, "I'll do my best" says walking back towards the beach.

Natsu and Gray had already begun their separate huts, "What are you guys doing?" Lucy was almost afraid to ask that question not wanting to know what crazy idea was going through their heads at the moment. The boys both worked diligently on their huts, "We're making shelter" Gray says wiping his forehead and removing his clothes, "I get that but why are you building two!?" she shouts turning away from him, he seriously needed to work on his stripping.

"Because Fireball over there doesn't want to make one together," Natsu pats his hut coming closer to completion, "Beside's there's no way in hell I'm staying with a Lunatic, so you in?" sure Natsu had his silly or rather eccentric moments but that didn't mean much, right? Natsu walks over to the pair, "Luce, do you really want to stay in the same place as the pervy flasher? Besides I stay at your place most of the time anyway so it make sense as why you'd choose to live with me"

"How about we just join these two places together?" she suggests trying to level with the stubborn boys. Natsu takes one look at Gray who just stands indifferently not paying much attention to Natsu, "No" he says turning back to his hut grabbing some bamboo sticks to reinforce the doors. Lucy looks back at Gray who just shrugs his shoulders and continues to work on his own hut. Lucy slowly sinks into the sand, this was not going her way at all, Erza would totally disapprove.

A silver key shone through the muddy sand. Lucy quickly picks it up examining it, "It's Plue's key" she says quietly to herself holding it near her. At least she had one friend with her.


Erza slashed through the dense forest, getting through it was turing out to be troublesome. She had already run into a few of the larger creators that happened to be living on the island and got rid of them with ease. They made for a pretty tasty snack although Happy didn't like them all too much. It wasn't like he had much of a choice on what to eat, there weren't any fish around which just made him hate the island even more.

Erza was shocked when she stepped though what seemed to be one of those rare trees that had leaves that cascaded to the floor like a curtain. What she found was an open area full of hot springs, she would definitely stop by this place later. Happy slowly trudged behind her, they had been walking for hours by now and he was already tired and wanted to take a nap.

"Erzzaaa…" he whines making her stop and turn to look at him. She could tell he was getting tired and she was surprised he hadn't stopped her earlier, "Well stay and rest here tonight" she announces quickly setting up a barrier around the hot springs. Happy happily sits down next to one of them the heat was enough to make him want to sleep.

Erza sighs, they'd been walking for hours and they still hadn't reached the middle of the island. With her calculations they should have been to the middle at least twenty minutes ago. Whatever magic that was creating the barrier must be doing this. It was the only conclusion that she could reach. Oh well, she'd figure it out tomorrow. Tonight all she had to do was rest and relax. Slowly a mist began to fill the hot springs. Erza narrowed her eyes this was not normal at all. She couldn't pin point where it was coming from but it felt like magic.

"Erzzaa" Happy says walking towards here with big hearts in his eyes. She stares at the cat a little confused as he flies into her chest trying to hold on to her as she holds him at arms length examining him, "Happy, snap out of it!" she yells forcefully trying to get through to him. That would normally send him off crying but this time it seemed to have no effect. She tosses him into the hot springs where the mist hadn't collected.

Happy pops his head out scared to his bones, "ERZA IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" he yells trying to swim to the edge of the hot spring to get out of the dreadful water; there were just somethings that a cat shouldn't do and swimming was one of them.

Erza looks at him as he climbs out of the water getting that lovey dovey look as soon as he takes a whiff of the mist. That was it! She quickly repeats the same action of throwing happy in the water and to no avail he was normal yet again. This time when he tried to get out of the water she quickly explained what was going on, "Fine I'll stay in here" he says not so happy. (haha pun happy isn't happy)

Erza sat down thinking to herself when it suddenly hit here, "Lucy and the boys!" she shouts if this was happening there then there's not telling what would happen, "Oh no Natsu!" Happy yells understanding the situation, "Maybe Gray won't kill him, who am I kidding Natsu is gonna get killed by Lucy!" Happy did have an overactive imagination.

"Happy first thing tomorrow fly to where we met them today. Make sure they know about the mist" Happy nods his head, "Aye" he says as the mist evaporates finally climbing out of the water.


The sun was beginning to set and the guys were still at it. Lucy had had it, she made her way dragging along some of the bamboo trees. If the guys were going to make their huts, then she was going to make her own as well. She was already almost complete with her design and all she was missing was a door. That's what she was using the bamboo trees for but at the moment she was pretty tired so she opted with using some long leaves as the door. The hut wasn't really anything special but it had two separate spaces. Lucy had managed to set up a bed space that didn't look quite so sturdy but she wasn't going to go ask the guys for help.

"Hey Lucy! You hungry?" Natsu comes barreling into her hut almost tearing out her makeshift door, "Watch it!" she says rushing to make sure the leaves wouldn't fall out. Natsu begins wandering through her hut. An idea pops into his head as he pulls her out of the place leading her over to the fire he had started, "I never said I was hungry" she sighs taking a seat on a log as he stomach beings to growl.

Gray smirks looking at her, "You were saying?" she just laughs it off. Lucy watches as Natsu searches around the beach looking for something when she feel something pinch her making her jim five feet in the air, "Ouch!" she yells running to see what's the thing hurting her, "There you are!" Natsu says removing the crab from her skirt, "Looks like he wanted a piece of Lucy for dinner" he jokes as she smacks him, "That really hurt" she whines rubbing on to her bottom.

"I can help with that" Gray offers smirking, "No thanks" she says this time watching where she sits before that incident repeated itself.

It wasn't long before the food was prepared, it was definitely a good thing that they had Natsu or cooking and making fire would have definitely been a problem. The three of them sit around the fire eating their meal in silence, each one lost in their own thoughts, "I wonder how Erza and Happy are doing" Lucy says looking into the fire as it crackles and pops, "They're fine, it's Erza we're talking about" Gray says leaning back

"Earlier today, I saw a place to take a shower so that's where I'm headed so no peeping!" Lucy yells shaking her fist at the boys, "Shower, that sounds like a good idea" Natsu says getting a grin on his face, "Well I'm going first and so help you god, if I catch either one of you looking you'll be sorry" she glares at the boys walking into the forest, "We should at least look out for her" Natsu suggests looking over at Gray

"She seemed pretty serious this time, I say we just leave her alone" Gray stretches a little letting out a yawn, it was getting late. Natsu stands up from the campfire, "Well I'm going" he follows Lucy's path. He made it near a bush when he hears a twig snap. He quickly turns around to see Gray following him, "I thought you didn't want to tag along" Natsu states mimicking him, "I'm not going to let a pervert like you watch out for her, heck you probably just came along to see her"

Natsu laughs, "Yeah right you're probably just made that you didn't think of it first" Gray shakes his head,"I'm not the perverted one here" Natsu looks Gray up and down, "Says the one who's not wearing clothes" he states as Gray looks down cursing his teacher for making him form the bad habit in the first place. Natsu and Gray both sit next to one another underneath a big tropical tree when something hard hits Natsu on the head. He rubs it glaring at Gray, he knew he did it on purpose.

Within the next few minutes something hits Gray hard on the head as he turns to see Natsu snickering, "What the hell are you looking at?" he says in an annoyed tone, "An idiot" Natsu retorts back. Soon enough the two were lunging for each other rolling down the hill landing in a thorn bush. That didn't stop them at all they just continued their pummeling.

Lucy let's out a big scream making the guys freeze holding each other's hair in one hand and fist in the other. What was going on?


Me: So that was the end of this chapter!

Natsu: Do you always have to have a cliff hanger?

Me: It's a rule in my writing! Always leave a question! So what do you all think is going on? You might be right or you might be wrong either way it's always fun to guess

Lucy:You guys...

Gray: I was just trying to look out for you

Natsu: Sure just keep telling yourself that

Me: Well now! you know the drill, review! So anyway speaking of reviews I just wanted to let you all know that anyone and I do mean anyone who reviews this story will get a special preview to the next chapter! And I promise to update sooner! My finals are coming within these next three weeks so if I don't update by then it's because I'm busy studying. But as soon as summer hits... I promise I shall be writing everyday!

Lucy: You all have a lot to look forward to and don't worry there will be some NaLu... eventually

Me: What? It's not like she's going to tell you when it happens. :D so it just looks like you'll have to wait and see

Natsu: I would tell you all if I had a full script, they only give it to me on a week by week basis.

Me: Anyway! Don't forget to review for the special preview! Until next time! I love you all! 3