I do not own Togainu no Chi nor its characters~ I just wrote this fanfic~

Well, after the disasters I had with The Three Musketeers, I decided I was going to write something different, and so this came out. I hope you enjoy…

The First chapter is more of an introduction then anything else, so please be patient and wait for the next chapter~!

His life was dull, ever since Arbitro got that new pet, he didn't even once do as much as glance at Kau. Kau crawled along the corridors of the large Vichio mansion, the pleather of his boots and gloves sticking a bit to the carpet. There he was Kau heard him coming, he always did, because this pet was always getting whistles from the servants walking around the mansion…

"Kau, there you are. Arbitro is looking for you, he says you smell and need a bath'' Kau snorts as much as he can. I need a bath? Says the cat who smells of blood and dirt. Kau simply ignores him and goes on with his journey to look for Gunji. Gunji always pats his head and is always pleased with him, the only star in his small dark existence.

"Kau! Don't ignore me!" Mpfh, now that stupid idiot is even following me. Why do the servants like him, and not me? They always laugh at me with those mocking faces, even I know that… and I cant even see them…

Why in the world was Kau ignoring him? He was always so nice… Akira pats Kau's head and tries to stop him by grabbing onto his collar. "Come on Kau, Arbitro wants to see you" Why in the world Kau liked living here he didn't understand anyway, Arbitro was a horrible master in any way possible.

Kau groans as Akira grabs onto his collar, why is he so mean? Kau sighs and turns around as he now goes looking for his master…

At last that idiot leaves him alone, thank god for that… Maybe today he can finally make clear to his master that he needs attention…

Akira let go of Kau's collar "Are you going to Arbitro?"

Kau nods as he crawls on.

"Do you even know where Arbitro is" Akira sighs "He is in his office"

Kau snorts, like he doesn't know that. His master's smell is always very obvious, since he is the only one (together with Kau himself) who actually smells good.

Akira stares at Kau in confusion… "I guess you can find him"

Kau comes past many servants all of them trying to trip him, or throw heartless insults at him. He didn't understand, why him? In reality he does know, it's all because his master made him a perfect creation, one who can't see or speak…

He nudges the door open to Arbitro's office and crawls in. "Kau there you are my dear~!" Arbitro claps his hands together and drops the pen he was using. "Come here and give me a kiss."

Kau obeys his master command, he always does, because he loves his master, even though his master only sees him as an object.

"Where have you been all this time? I even had to sent Akira out to go get you" Arbitro gently pats his head and kisses his nose.

Kau looks away at the mention of Akira, why does everything have to be about him? Akira this, Akira that. Why does his so much adored master not notice that Kau misses his attention. This, Kau knows as well, it is because Kau is the perfect pet, who will just sit waiting until he gets the desired attention…

Arbitro lifts Kau into his lap, but pushes him of roughly almost immediately "EHW! Kau! You smell horrible! When was the last time you got a bad?" Kau groans as he lands on the hard floor, another bruise to add to his collection…

"You are in dire need of a bath, you filthy dog." Kau whimpers as his masters harsh voice reaches his ears, his master still doesn't understand his ears are sensitive, ever since he cant depend on his sight or voice, his hearing has improved drastically and his sense of smell as well. He can smell that foul smell of line from miles away…

"Ahw, I am sorry, I was very busy with Akira, he puts up a nice fight~" At the moment he says that Kiriwar comes barging into his office " 'Bitro, Akira was trying to escape again" Kiriwar throws Akira on the floor in front of Arbitro's desk. "I had to chain his arms and legs together, that constant kicking and punching was getting annoying"

Kau moans desperately, and yet again Akira is the topic of the day. He simply ignores the fuss and crawls underneath Arbitro's desk before curling up into a small ball.

Akira moans in pain as he sits up from the spot on the floor on which he was thrown. "Let me go!" He struggles in the tight bonds chaining his arms and legs together.

"No my dearest pet~ You are mine now~" Arbitro sits up straight and glares at Kiriwar "Why are you still here?" I have better things to do then looking at your horrible face.

Kiriwar simply ignores the comment and leaves.

"I AM NOT YOUR PET!" Akira growls and twitches. "Oh dear~ I do think you are, and I also think you need some more disciplinary training." Arbitro rises from his large office chair and goes for Akira "I am feeling like playing anyway~"

Kau snorts from under the desk, he was planning to do that with him! Not with that unrefined street dog! He should go back and stay where he belongs.

"I do not want to play." Akira growls defiantly at Arbitro and glares daggers at him.

"Oh my little dog, I do not care about that at all." Arbitro grabs the metal collar around Akira's neck and drags him of to another door in the office. Not the exit Kau knows, it is the room where Arbitro keeps all his other slaves, the ones he takes he anger out on.

"There we go" Arbitro opens the door and pushes Akira in roughly. Akira grunts as he hits the floor again.

As soon as the door opens moans filled with either pain or pure lust can be heard loudly. Kau knows this, for once he could make those sounds as well… Sadly for him, not anymore though… He would love to moan for his master again, the only noise he can make is some strange wheezing sound.

Arbitro closes the door behind Akira and himself. "Lets have fun my pet"

Kau whines as Arbitro closes the door, finally when he was getting attention, Akira just had to come and ruin everything for him… Kau softly starts crying and curls up into an even tighter ball. Just like that he falls into an nightmare filled slumber, only awakening long past midnight, when his master is finally done with the mutt.

Arbitro sits down in his chair again and only then notices Kau is still there. "Kau, what are you still doing here? Its too late you should have gone to bed already!" Of course now his master is scolding him… Arbitro picks up Kau and kisses his cheek "Dearest, your cheeks are wet, have you been crying?"

Kau nods clinging to his beloved master as soon as he is in his arms, finally safe. "Why? Did something happen?" Kau nods again thinking about how Akira stole his place and starts sobbing again, without sound of course, because Kau cant make those…

Arbitro holds Kau close and kisses him "What happened did someone hurt you?" At that Kau shakes his head, nobody hurt him… he hurt his relationship with his master… "not…mmm… what happened then?" At this point Kau simply nods in the direction of the door Arbitro came out not too long ago.

"What is in there? Were you scared on your own?" Yet again Kau shakes his head. "What was it then dear? I need to know…Was it a person?" Finally Kau nods "Who was it was it one of those slaves" Kau shakes his head again, Arbitro doesn't think of Akira as his slave, more something like a plaything "But the only other person in there is Akira" Kau nods quickly and whines.

"Was it Akira? What has that mutt done to you" Kau clings to Arbitro like his live is depending on him, gently showering him with kisses, even though they are slightly awkward around the large bit gag in his mouth.

"Don't worry, I will take of the whole day tomorrow to have fun with him" Kau just gives up… He cant compete against Akira… A screaming and defiant mutt… Kau falls to the floor out of Arbitro's arms and scrambles away

"Kau, are you going to bed?" Kau nods sadly "Okay, goodnight then love, I will see you tomorrow." Kau crawls down the halls to the large bedroom he and Arbitro share, well you cant really call it sharing, as Kau sleeps in a small cage standing besides a huge King size bed.

He strips of the leather from his body and puts on a simple pair of silken shorts. They always feel great after a long day of wearing the leather, Kau doesn't really mind though, since his master wants him to wear it.

At last he takes off the leather mask covering up his eyes… Everyday he does this he wonders what color his eyes used to be, he hopes green or maybe gray… Finally he takes out the thick bit gag from in between his teeth, his lips are always chapped… At least ever since Akira came, because master never takes time to groom him anymore…

He crawls into the small cage, curling up because there isn't enough space to actually stretch… Maybe if he is lucky his master will place him on the bed when he comes to sleep… Probably not though…

And here ends another day of Kau's now sad and boring existence, tomorrow he is going to make a plan. Akira must go. He will run away from the castle to go look for someone to help him. That's his plan. Kau smiles at the thought of Akira leaving them alone, and with that same content smile on his face, Kau falls into a deep sleep, preparing himself for the next morning.

I hope you guys enjoyed, I am very sorry if there are spelling mistakes in here… and yes, I know, my writing sucks…