Tonight I am All Yours

My first M sex fan fiction. If you don't like it I'm warning you now that there is sex. No flames please.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the last airbender, sadly

Chapter 1: Katara is First

Aang and Katara have been dating for a few years and they have never gone pass somewhat heated make-out sessions. Aang was always too timid and Katara wanted Aang to be in charge when he was ready. But they both want to advance to the next level of their relationship. Aang may have a couple surprises for Katara this year on their anniversary.

Later in their bedroom…alone.

How am I going to do this? Aang thought to himself, I don't even where to start.

"Katara," Aang said.

"Yes Aang," Katara responded.

"You are so beautiful, I love you" Aang confessed.

"I love you t…" Katara got cut off.

He kissed her. It was light but passionate. He couldn't hold it any longer, she was just so beautiful and he wanted to show her how much he loved her.

At first Katara was too surprised to respond but then after a few moments when Aang was about to give up she closed her wide, blue eyes and kissed him back hard with so much passion welding their lips together. But that wasn't enough. Aang parted his lips a little and licked Katara's bottom lip, asking permission to let him in and explore her. She let him in but soon started to battle for dominance. She won which caused a little smirk appear on her lips. Aang could feel this which turned him on more.

Aang brought Katara closer, picked her up and pushed her against the wall. Katara wrapped her legs around Aang's waist. That was when she could really start to feel how she affected Aang. She could feel his hard rubbing against her core.

They were both so sensitive now that even the slightest movement would bring them pleasure. Katara got the idea to start grinding on Aang's hard. They both moan in unison Katara was getting so wet and Aang was so hard that it hurt him.

He carried Katara over to the bed and laid her down. Katara seemed sad for the split second that Aang was not in contact with her. But Aang lay down on top of her and immediately attacked her neck. Sucking, kissing, and the occasional love bite. He earned moans and her crying his name asking for more.

Aang brought his lips up, after kissing every exposed bit of skin, to her lips and gave a quick yet passionate kiss and looked her in the eyes. "How far do you want to go?" Aang asked huskily, his voice and eyes filled with lust and wanting.

Katara responded with a sexy smile, "How far you want to take me… tonight I am all yours."

"Okay, I just want to make sure that I have your permission and that you want the same thing as me." He said with that goofy half-smile that she loves.

He went down for a long, hot kiss, as they kissed Aang reached down and started to take off Katara's clothes. He didn't stop till she was only in her undergarments. Now it was Katara's turn. She took off his clothes until he only had on the wrapping around his waist.

They lay there for a few moments just looking in each other's eyes. Their eye's held so many emotions: Love, lust, wanting, and Aang's of course were asking permission one last time.

"Aang, I already gave my consent," Katara said getting a little annoyed.

"Sorry I just want to make sure and I don't want you to be forced to do anything that you might regret later," Aang responded.

"I will never regret you or anything that I will do with you." Katara said with so much love saturated in her voice that he couldn't help but kiss her.

Aang started to move down to her neck again and Katara started to moan loader the lower he got. When Aang reach her cleavage he started to unwrap the bindings… well at least he tried to. Katara giggled and decided to help him after a few moments of him trying but failing.

"This would be so much easier if you were in your fire nation outfit," Aang told Katara with a blush.

"Are you saying that you were checking me out in the fire nation?" Katara said with a smirk as she untied her bindings. That comment made Aang's cheeks grow brighter and hotter.

"Well, ya you look hot in red, but I think you look most beautiful in blue." Aang said truthfully, now it was her turn to blush.

Katara finally got the bindings undone. Aang practically attacked her left breast with his hand and her right nipple with his mouth. Sucking on it and flicking his tongue over it. Earning moans and gasps from Katara. Her breathing came faster and shallow. She tried to get her breathing to slow down and even out but it was impossible now that Aang switched sides and the nipple that was in his mouth hit the cold air becoming hard again and he started to message the swollen nipple. Ugh this feels so good! Katara thought if he keeps this up I will definitely soak my underwear.

Katara started to let her hands roam over his body, sometimes she would get dangerously close to the hem of his underwear, which was starting to loosen up and fall a little. She couldn't think about how easy it would be to get Aang all the way naked because he was still paying way to much attention to her nipples.

When Aang was happy with the job he did on Katara's breasts and nipples. He started to move down her stomach occasionally kissing, licking, and nipping at her skin. When he reached her underwear he began to slid them off and Katara reached down to help but before she knew it she could feel cold air on her pussy and she saw Aang sit back to just look at her and take her in.

She is so beautiful, he thought.

I hope you enjoyed it! I will and should have more chapters up soon. Thank you for reading. R&R please.