AN: Gentlemen...BEHOLD! The long awaited sequel to 'Fear Itself'. Like the previous story, the chapters will start out a bit short and then eventually get longer. I hope you enjoy this as much as the first one :) Please no flaming, just constructive cristisism thank you.

Disclaimer: Powerpuff Girls and it's characters are owned by Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network(even tho that channel SUCKS nowadays T-T)not me.

-Chapter 1: One Month Later-

It was 7:30 pm on a warm July evening in Townsville, USA. A figure leaned against a street light post, waiting. That figure was Blossom Utonium. She was waiting for her male counterpart, Brick Jojo. Last spring, she got into quite a tangle of events that landed the red headed girl into partial servitude of sorts to her archrival. It almost came to disastrous results, but a compromise was reached by the two teams, the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys. The boys seemed to be getting a better part of the deal, but there was no other way around it. One of the teams was for Blossom to hook up with every weekend. Blossom did not like this at all, but she had very little choice in the whole affair.

She continued to wait for the red clad boy. All the Powerpuff leader wanted, was to just get it over with already. But Brick was late. Very late. And it was the second time that month. Blossom was starting to get tired of waiting. She secretly hoped that Brick would be quite wishful thinking on her part. The red headed girl let out a big sigh and remained where she stood. Ten minutes later, she heard a bell toll, signal that it was now 8 o'clock. And Brick was an hour late. Blossom now let out a growl of frustration.

"Ugh, this is crazy!" she ranted. "I'm going home!"

The pink clad girl took off into the air, silently fuming to herself. When she was halfway into her journey, Blossom was suddenly find upon by a laser.

"Wha...What on earth was that?" she mentally cried.

Blossom dodged the lasers being fired at her and attempted to fire back. Before she could, she accidently smacked into a tree in the park.

"Ooff! Oww!"

Blossom landed on her fanny on the grassy floor beneath her. Before she had a chance to get up, the Powerpuff leader was suddenly confronted by her rival. And he was NOT happy with her.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doin', Red?" Brick shouted.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" Blossom cried. "You almost killed me for crying out loud!"

"Well you were about to walk out on me!"

"That's because I thought you were going to be a no show."

"You're going to wish I was a no show."

Then, the Rowdyruff leader grabbed Blossom's arm and took off into the sky. Blossom let out a groan. Did Brick really need to be that much of a tight ass? She had half of mind to give him a taste of her own medicine. But it was better to just let him take her wherever he had planned. Besides, by the time they got there, Brick would have fumed out anger. Minutes later they came to the secret scrap metal yard that Brick and his brother ran. Blossom was very familiar with it. The Rowdyruff Boys had held her prisoner there once.

"So what do you have in mind for tonight, Brick?" Blossom asked in a monotone voice.

"Shuddup, Red!" Brick hissed. "I'm still pissed at you!"

"Sheesh, I'm only trying to make conversation with you."

Brick made a growl at her and continued his flight. They finally landed at an old abandoned house near the scrap yard. It had been built with plaster and brick and was only at ground level. It also looked very dilapidated.

"We're going here?" Blossom asked.

"Didn't I tell ya to shut it?" Brick snapped.

Now Blossom really wanted to punch the red clad right square in the face. Brick was being really rude. He was taking her attempt to leave a bit too seriously.

'Just stay quiet for now.' Blossom told herself. 'He'll calm down eventually."

The Rowdyruff leader kicked the rickety door open, almost off its hinges. Blossom was being dragged around by her arm. Then Brick suddenly let go of her, and she nearly fell on her fanny again.

"Hey!" the red-headed girl cried. "That wasn't necessary!"

"Whatever." Brick snorted.

Groaning, the pink clad girl decided to make some amends. At least, in her case, suck up to Brick.

"Look, I'm sorry I tried to walk out on you, okay?" she said. "It's just you were kinda late and I thought you were gonna be a no show."

Brick turned around and glared at her like she was the most incompetent thing on the entire planet.

"What the heck made you think I was gonna be a no show?" he demanded.

"Didn't I just tell you?" Blossom cried in disbelief.

Brick raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"You have no faith in me, do ya Red?" he asked.

"Well..." Blossom murmured, wondering if she should answer that question.

Brick smirked a little and started approaching the Powerpuff leader. Blossom didn't notice at first because she was busy think of a better answer to the red clad boy's question. Then she suddenly caught sight of Brick getting uncomfortably close to her.

"Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" the red-headed girl exclaimed.

"Nothin'." Brick sneered.

"Okay that's close enough, Brick."

Blossom had started to back away from an advancing Brick.

"Brick I mean it." she said in an warning tone.

The pink clad girl wasn't as submissive to him as she had been before. Once she actually opened fire on him because he went a bit too far, but it only turned the red headed boy even more. Blossom was getting increasingly angry at him.

"Brick, I'm warning you!" she hissed.

"You need to chill, Red." Brick said smoothly.

"I swear I'm gonna punch you!"

Brick only smiled. Blossom's violent side, though greatly small, really appealed to him. He dared one more step which prompted her to throw a punch, which he easily caught. The red clad boy then pulled her towards him making Blossom yelp out.

"Hey! Lemme go!" she cried trying to wriggle out of his arms.

"Will you just chill?" Brick retorted.

Blossom let out an exasperated sigh and fell limp in Brick's hold. Then he scooped her up and carried her to a worn out mattress and put her down on it.

"So, you wanna hear what the boys and I did last night?" Brick boasted.

Blossom rolled her eyes.

"Do tell." she replied nonchalantly.

The red clad boy then delved into a story of how they robbed a candy store and then an electronic store. This all made Blossom feel sick and appalled. Hanging around a criminal made her feel worse. But she couldn't reprimand him for it. Part of the truce that was reached a month ago, allowed the Rowdyruff Boys to have Townsville at night. However, there wasn't anything in the truce that didn't allow Blossom to try and help repair any damages there were made. She might just do that the next morning. Then, suddenly, the pink clad girl began to feel tired. While Brick was too busy to notice, Blossom fell gently against his shoulder and nodding off to the sound of his voice. By the time he was finished he found that his red-headed rival had fallen asleep. At first, he was very miffed by this, but realized that he could keep her a bit longer this way. Brick then pulled the slumbering Blossom into his lap and leaned against the wall, putting a hand on the back of his hand and the other around the Powerpuff leader.

"Nighty, night, Red." Brick whispered.