A/N: You guys are going to hate me for this. I just know it.

D: In an alternate universe, I still don't own the damn thing.

3. Young Forever

Logan's POV

"EMBRY! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING." His limp body slumped in my arms as I tapped his face with my fingers to try and wake him. "Come on Em, breathe." I begged again.

I could feel the plethora amount of emotions weighing my body down. The most noticeable one: fear. The fear of never getting that chance to admit my love to him, to hold him while he smiled back at me. A fear that this could be the last time I could hear the beautiful chimes of his heart beating, I won't smell the sensational mist of the ocean that only he has been able to provide, or touch the skin that kept me warm since I could dare to remember. In this brink of the moment, I knew it could end any second, and I would do anything to stop it from happening.

"Please…" I cried out, my hand shaking as I brushed my palm on his fading skin. "I'm sorry Embry… I need you… I-I please… don't go."

Choking out the words didn't seem to help, my wolf was fading, my sun was dimming by the second, the breath in my lungs were being puncture by the thorns of a tainted rose. The reason of my being was leaving me. And I tried holding him tighter, voiding any others to approach him. Every time Uncle Sam tried coming close, I'd shriek at him. No one was to come close to him.

"Please Emrby…" my dad Seth begged. "We need to get him home to take care of him."

The more I cried, the more it hurt. Whoever said it helped to let it out, was full of shit. The agony intensifies with every tear that drops. The shutters of guilt crush your heart into a vice where it lingers, dangles on your being like a hook in your heart.

I stared down at the pale body, realizing that the blood was now seeping through his wound on the neck; he was losing precious amounts and seemed to be dying quicker. The fact that he was dying sent shivers up my spine, the vampire in fact bit him, and the only way to revive him is to suck the venom out, and the only one who could, was another vampire.

"His heartbeat is slowing Jake." I hadn't realized now that Sam was even checking his pulse now.

I seemed too detached from reality. The love of my life was dying, and it was my entire fault. I couldn't save him. I couldn't phase like I should be able to. Something was wrong with me to not pick up my birthright, I'm supposed to inherit the genes, but I couldn't in the time I needed it the most, in time to save the love of my life.

The sad part of it, it took me losing him to realize I'd do anything for him.

"Please Sam…" I whimpered. "Save him."

I couldn't do anything but beg. I was lost now, and if Embry didn't return by my side, I would have no purpose.

"Son?" Papa Paul shook me out of my trance. "Did you imprint?"

I wasn't sure to why he was asking me this all of the sudden. His best friend was on his deathbed, literally, and he wanted to know if I returned the imprint.

"Please son?" He stared into my eyes. "It's crucial to know if you imprinted."

I shook my head. I wish I had, but I didn't. I haven't even had the opportunity to look in his eyes. And like I said, I hadn't even phased yet. But he sighed in relief. It was then I realized the importance of it, if Embry dies so do I, and since I didn't imprint, it meant I should be okay. Right? I doubt it. Whatever the hell this was was real.

"He's gone." Sam murmured. "Embry's gone." He repeated as if he needed confirmation himself.

But those were the last words I wanted to hear. But it's the blunt truth. Embry laid on the damp soil, covered in mud as his blood pooled around him. I couldn't hear his heart beat anymore, his chest remained still, and his eyes made him look empty, like it was just a hollow shell lying in front of us. Dad reached over to close his eyes, giving him peace as we grieved for him.

I couldn't grieve, I wouldn't grieve, I was pissed. Someone had to pay for my loss. Someone had to pay for taking the one reason for my existence.

Every nerve in my system went into full throttle, every cell in my blood circulation pulsated and bulged in growth, each muscle ripped and doubled in size, the rush of rage raced throughout my body and up to my head sending me in an animalistic frenzy. My breathing picked up to the point it sounded as if I was ready to start a tornado, my fists clenched together so hard that I swore I cut my own flesh.

I pulled back quickly from the beautiful body laying below me, as much as it shattered my mind and soul, I needed to move as far as I could before making it worse. My sobs were being overpowered by my hunger for revenge.

I was ready to kill.

"Calm down Logan." Jake moved to my side right away, gripping my bicep.

The thing is, I don't think I could. I lost this battle, so why should I fight what's natural. I thought they would be thrilled once I phased.

"Logan, you need to calm yourself." Seth had my other bicep. "Sam take Embry home."

"Come on son, you know Embry wouldn't want you to lose it." Paul reminded.

"I. DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK." I fumed. "He was taken away from me, so why should I give a fuck about anyone's benefit?"

"You could hurt yourself." Jake growled.

I couldn't control the pain that pinched my every sense, gripped my sanity, and clenched my thirst for revenge, the change was happening. I don't know who was going to pay seeing how the vamp was already killed, but the first leech I'd see was going to suffer.

"It's too late." Jake gripped on Seth, pulling Paul with them, "he's going to phase. We need to stand clear from his path, make sure he doesn't harm anyone."

"Logan." Seth practically screamed. "Think about Embry, he wouldn't want you to do something you'd regret."

"I am thinking of him." I imploded. "He was taken from me."

One snap, and I was tearing through the wet soil, shifting through the opening before colliding with the nearest cedar tree, taking it down as I thrashed through whatever remained. I don't know how much this could help; I just knew that I needed to ventilate.

'Logie, you need to stop.' Was I losing my mind? Did reality decide I needed more punishment? That I needed a dramatic reminder that Embry's voice was still fresh in my mind.

'Please.' I whimpered and whined, circling myself, before lying down on the ground and curled up. 'Please tell me that you're okay. Please tell me that I can see you again.' My expression was faded and it felt as if my face was being pulled down to droop in sadness. 'Please tell me that you're alive.'

'Logan, babe.' Embry's voice chimed in my head, but he was nowhere to be found. Just my parents examining my every movement as I laid at the root of the tree, exhausted and overwhelmed with the sadness. 'Of course I'm okay.'

'Well where are you?' I tried curling my body in more, burying my face more into my side. Letting a tear slide down my fury cheek. 'I need you. You promised you'd never leave me.' I was left silent with my thoughts; I knew it was too good to be true. I knew that whatever life I hoped to have with him faded the moment that vampire attacked him, I knew I was too late to save him. ' You said you'd always be there for me, to protect me, that I would never ever lose you.' I was arguing with myself again.

It was like my final goodbye. One last chance to hear his voice, one last whisper of his angelic voice graced my ears. I would welcome hallucinations now; anything to assure me that Embry was close. But the inkling truth was that he was gone. My Embry, gone from the face of the earth. Sustained to another realm where I hope he'd wait for me. I know I'll follow not long after, maybe I did imprint? Maybe I had always imprinted on him? It's the only realistic reasons of my heartbreak, why it was intense.

'Just let him be.' It was dad Jake, trying to let me be with my thoughts. 'He needs to let it out.'

I peaked my head up to glance at a concerned father, dad Seth seemed to mirror my emotions. He just lost his best friend, all of them did, but I lost my one chance at real love, at life.

Whatever impalement of sorrow took me away; I'd welcome every ounce of it. I'd accept my fate to end my life. I know it wasn't the perfect solution, but the chance to sulk on the forest floor and forget the events that happened in the past couple of months, I would be grateful. If none of this happened, I'd be appreciative. But nothing seemed to overcome the emotions of loss of a loved one, especially when that one person is the one you love, and finding out it was too late to tell them.

I closed my eyes… hoping that when I awakened, I'd be at the gates of heaven with Embry on my side…




Another rude awakening, another indecent reminder of my loneliness to somber my emotions into a darker and deeper state. Awake in the early hours of the morning to watch the moon graze the sky in its dark gloomy shades of black and blue. How I ended up here, I'll never know, but I hoped that sleep took me away from here. Reality seemed a lot scarier than my nightmares; I'd take on any beast or monster in my nightmares than the angst of the life that was taken from me.

"I miss you Embry." I cried out. Curled up into fetal position as I stared at the rocking chair in the corner of my room. "I love you."

I thought if I kept telling myself that, it might have been strong enough to revive him, so not only the memories of him would be alive, but also him next to me was more than a prayer or a wish. I just needed him next to me. I wanted him next to me to tell me everything was going to be okay.

I watched the door creak open, illuminating the light from the hallways causing me to squint my eyes from the discomfort and the sudden brightness shining in my eyes. "I don't want to be bothered."

"You're awake?" The timid voice gave off a baritone.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled.

"Logie, I've done that for way too long." The voice detested. "I'm not leaving."

I remained still, questioning if this was another nightmare, if this was another literate memory taunting my grasp on actuality. My lip quivered and almost triggered the tears to flow once again. I felt so lost, obligated to live alone in the debts of isolation, attained to the nothings.

"Your bandages are coming loose." I opened my eyes to see the figure hover above me, adjusting the bandage I now realized wrapped around my head. "Doc? He's awake."

"Embry?" I didn't want to ask to end up disappointed, but I needed assurance that I wasn't losing my mind. "Is that you?"

"In the flesh Logan." His breath ghosted across my forehead, now adjusting my pillow below my head.

"Is it really you?" I whimpered, reaching for his face.

He grasped my hand in his, pulling into his chest. "Yes, I told you I wouldn't leave your side."

"I thought you died?" I murmured.

"No, but you almost did." I felt the bed dip as he sat next to me. "I almost lost you Logan, and it scared the hell out of me."

"…" I was speechless, as the door opened to allow more light in, his figure was becoming more clear and his face began to show the beautiful smile.

"It's good to see you awake." A man in about his late twenties walked in with what looked like a suitcase. His complexion was lighter than most of us, and his light brown hair was cropped like most of us. He pulled out the stethoscope and lifted my arm to check my breathing. "Well your breathing is fine as always, and the cut on your head has healed miraculously."

"What happened?" I looked around to realize my dads were standing at the door, but more amused to why Embry was sitting by my side, and alive I might add.

"You did what you always do…" Embry chuckled. "You and your crazy antics almost go you killed."

FLASHBACK (Being told in Embry's POV)

Of course I though I it was my end, and of course I let it slip for a moment. But what happened next caught me off guard. It caught the leech off guard too. A sandy colored wolf impaling into the vamp's side, crushing him before the man could start pounding into my imprints side. I knew it was Logan, and what's worse than a newborn vampire? A first time shifter from an alpha's descendent, you piss him off, you piss off an army.

"Embry? Are you okay?" Seth panicked, acting as a doctor, checking my bruised neck.

"It's already healed." I informed him, staring at the scene in front of us, watching, as my imprint deliriously tore through the leech limb by limb.

"Embry, you need to phase and calm him before he destroys everything in his path." Jake ordered.

As quick as I could, I was by Logan's side, trying to convince him I was okay. But he was far from reality. His wolf has taken over and he wasn't stopping his tirades. I had to let him play it out and exhaust himself, and make sure he didn't hurt anyone while doing it. 'Logie please… you need to calm down.'

It was strange how he stood still like if I pushed the pause button, halted to move a muscle. Keeping me in his sight before phasing back into his human form and collapsing to the forest floor. That's how he hit his head on the sharp edges of a boulder below him. Funny how he can face armies of vampires, yet the only thing to knock him unconscious was the clumsiness he inherited from his dad Seth. So this unfortunate event has sent Logan on the bed for a couple hours, healing from his stupidity.

END OF FLASHBACK (Back to Logan)

To say I was afraid that this was another nightmare was true. But his touch feels so real; his scent invaded still sends chills up spine as I inhaled his scent.

Just as I was coming fully aware that Embry was here, and alive, the light was switched on and my dads and uncles walked in with sighs of relief. They all stared at me with what looked like pride, and relief.

"You gave me a scare kid." Dad Jake chuckled, kissing my forehead.

"A klutz like Seth." Paul added, earning a shove in the shoulder by my dad.

What surprised me most, well at the least, my dad Jake couldn't seem to keep sight of the doctor, leaving the second he did, and now knowing I was fine. I wasn't going to bother asking.

"So…" I mumbled, feeling embarrassed by the eyes glued on Embry and me.

"Can you guys give us some privacy?" Embry asked, not taking his eyes off of me.

With the request, everyone shuffled through to get by a left us alone in the room. Silence filled the room, not awkward silence, but peaceful. I hadn't noticed it until then, that whatever feelings I had towards him, seemed evolved from the last time I laid eyes on him. My family was in here, and the only one I wanted to see was Embry, the only one that seemed to matter to me. I realized that if he left my side, I would crumble into oblivion, and whatever pain I felt before would be ten times worse if he decided to abandon my love, it was just a matter of confessing it.

"Em?" I shied, looking like a fool smiling at the beautiful man sitting in front of me. "I want to say this before its too late, before I wake up or end up somewhere else. I'm content with having you by my side, and I'm afraid it's going to end here, so I want to say that I LOVE YOU, and it has never felt so right."

"I know… well now I do." He chuckled. "When I woke up to go see you, the smile you gave me before the attack told me a lot more. It could've been me conjuring up something more than it was, but that smile confirmed a lot of the love you had to give, and the hope that it was for me. But when you phased to save my life, and you only listening to me when you almost tore the forest down, felt like you would do the same for me that I'd do for you. I love you Logan, and I always will."

"I'm sorry I rejected the imprint at first." I couldn't look into his eyes at the moment, the guilt still subsided, "but I was afraid of a lot of things, mainly that you would grow tired of me, you would look at me as some kid that needed to grow up."

"I would never grow tired of you, it seems as the relationship we have, just continues to build with the flaws and attributes of it." He smiled. "I was afraid of the same thing, that you might be insulted of the age difference, and one day you'd realize that you wanted someone you're age, that can provide a family for you… I was afraid of a lot of things."

"Seems we lacked communication." I mumbled.

He nodded. "We have to promise each other that we remain honest with each other, that's if you want to be with me, and that if have a concern, we bring it up rather than let it grown into something worse. We have to confide into each other with no regrets."

"Of course I want to be with you Embry." I chuckled. "Call me crazy, but I always wanted to be with you. I thought something was wrong with me for crushing on you, but now I see why. I use to always fantasize that one day you'd climb in my window and claim your love for me." He gave me another smile and held my hand tighter. "I felt like some school girl when it came to you."

"Well from now on." He leaned closer where his face hovered over mine. "I will let you know everyday that I love you, and I won't stop unless you ask me."

Before I realized what I was doing, my hand wrapped behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine. As I imagined, a fruity taste, sweet and succulent, with a slight tingle that grazed my lips as he pushed his tongue against my lips. I never thought it would get better, but I was proven wrong as he moaned as soon as our tongues touched, now sending sparks through my entire body.

"Was better than I thought it would be." He giggled as soon as the words slipped.

"You can say that again."

"Did I imprint?" It was a stupid question, but I couldn't stop smiling and acting like a fool when he touched or even looked at me.

"Yeah." He smiled. "The moment I stopped you from your rampage… I felt my heart drop, and you caught it. The feeling was phenomenal, exquisite to say the least. Like I imprinted all over again, I wasn't sure what it was at first, but I felt and hoped that it meant we were inseparable. But the sparkle in your eyes, the whimper you gave me, melted my heart."

"So I basically looked ridiculous?" I smirked.

"No. It was cute." He pulled my hand. "Now come on, we need you to get used of phasing."

"Right now?" I complained as he pulled me up to follow him through the house.

The smiled still permanently attached to my face, noticing that everyone was excited for the both of us, well most of us considering my dad Jake still trying to convince the doc to let him take him on a date.

"He's pretty forward when it comes down to it." Papa Paul teased.

"Did he…" I asked, still being dragged by my imprint.

"Who knows." Dad Seth chuckled. "And I don't want to know."

It's been two years and we're still standing strong, maybe more than before. I thank the creator each day for giving me another day with Embry, that we were given another chance.

After being binded through the pack's and the tribe's traditional beliefs, we moved in together, now living in the beautiful log house that dad Jake and Papa Paul helped me build. I knew whatever foundation we began our life on, had to be special, and so did Embry.

The strange thing about our relationship, but had never felt so right, that even though there was a big age difference, it hardly crossed our minds until my birthday would come up. The fact that our maturity levels were similar had most believing that I was slightly older than my imprint, but that's the alpha gene that kicked in.

Which is another duty under my belt, dad Jake stood down to be with his… boyfriend -Dr. Reed, the guy he couldn't take his eyes off when he was tending to my supposed wounds- so that they could grow old together. So now I'm alpha, and hardly any vamps come near, it's mainly me, Embry, Andrew (Sam's son), and Natalie (Jared's daughter) that scan the perimeters, even though I'm still training Andrew and Natalie, it's been great so far.

My parents decided to travel now that they were sure I could handle most of it, kind of like their first honeymoon. There return today has been a highlight for us, and yes I still get excited to see my dads.

The entire pack, but more of dad Jake, predicts us to inherit everything from our family line, including the miracle baby. I think he reminds us more just to tease Embry about becoming a huge pregnant man, which Embry gives a punch in the arm to remind him he's still a guy that could probably kick his ass.

But for now, I'm satisfied with every aspect of my life. As for becoming a father, or a parent for that matter, I'm leaving that decision up to Embry, even if it is possible.

I won't ask for anything else, I have what I want. I have what I need. Family, friends, the pack, and my Embry.

A/N: I'm pretty satisfied with this. The beginning was going to be in italics, but I wanted you guys to believe that it was really happening, but then realizing it was a nightmare. So I hope you enjoyed their story and enjoyed following Logan and Embry through their short journey.

So a big thanks to the ones who stood by me and reviewed rAbiDmutt03, Demon2Angel, SoundShield11, sibaruneko, ant1gon3, Head Mistress Cullen, tinker03, luvinlapush, yes-my-name-is-seth, oh2byoung, dark-magician100, hopelessromantic5, BeautifulStarShianne, and NamiZexi for your awesome reviews. I mostly hope you readers are satisfied with this. I tried getting the updates up sooner, but I've been dealing with challenges my family has faced… so thank you for not rushing me.

Now its time to work on 'The Boy Who Cried For The Wolf.'

Much Love,
