Hi guys! Blah blah blah I'm sorry it took so long etc. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year and read and enjoy!

"You're basically naked" He whispered in my ear.

"I like it" He planted sweet hot kisses around my ear down my neck, his chin pushing my bra strap down my shoulder. Each kiss sent shivers through my whole body. I was frozen to spot, I never wanted it to stop.

"You know I do mean it Graves"

"Mean what?" he said in a low dreamy voice as he got in a comfy position with his head resting on my shoulder and his arm across my stomach, hand teasing with the top of my night shorts under the duvet.

"I love you so much" it became easy to say it now.

"I wish this would never end" I said in a breath.

Looking up at me his eyes became more alert.

"It never has to end unless you change your mind…" he said sweetly, his fingers went under my shorts, I tensed.

"Another time?" he questioned lightly.

"Another time" I said and his warm hand came up and wrapped around my waist, he kissed me lightly on the lips and shut his eyes with his head facing my chest on my shoulder.

Boys, I thought. Always liking the best view.

Then I fell asleep perfectly better than all week.

I stirred in my sleep to the smell of toast and loup garou, I preferred the smell of the latter.

I opened my eyes to find fresh toast and orange juice with a helping of gorgeous loup garou sitting on the end of my bed.

"Morning" he grinned.

"Morning to you too" I said half asleep snuggled up in my bed. I looked him up and down, He was wearing a white fitted tee shirt, black jeans and his hair was shiny and black as the winter's night sky, a hot combination I could die for.

"So it's a Saturday that means it's a day off right? I was thinking I could get a feel of the place again and maybe catch up with some of the guys".

By guys he obviously meant the wulfen. So he doesn't want to spend a day with me does he, he wants to spend it messing around with his friends. Great, but I really don't want to fall out with him just because of that, it's only fair right?

"Yeah sure tell Dibs and Shanks I said hello" I said lazily.

"You don't want to come?" he said with a slight pout.

"Not that I don't want to Graves it's just I'm tired and going to do some revision this afternoon, can you tell whoever is on duty that I'm staying here and that I'm fine please?" I said after taking a sip of my fresh orange juice.

"Oh okay then will do, you relax and I will see you later today for sure" he kissed me on the lips and walked towards the door then turned back and faced me.

"Nice orange juice by the way" he winked and shut the door behind him, I heard him talk to whoever is on duty then it was silent again after he walked down the stairs.

Hmm what to do today? My mind trailed off into random pointless thought for quite some time, something relaxing my mind told me so that's what I did. I took a quick shower and put on some simple clothes and trainers. Before I knew it I was jumping three floors landing smoothly with the aspect aiding me, walking through the balcony which I've only ever been through once before. Opening the only unlocked door, I walked into the middle of the ballet room as I call it and looked at my reflection in the mirrored wall.

Its only you Dru, it always has been and it always was.

So this was it, I choose Graves over Chris. A plot that has no other route than disaster, boy don't I know it.

I had nothing better to do with my time if I didn't want to be social for the day, so I did my katas and loosened up a bit with the recent events overpowering my mind the floor looked like the best place in the world to take a nap in this dusty room which I have taken quite a fancy for. I settled into a deep slumber when a vision swallowed me whole.

First I was back in target picking out wedding dresses. Yards of white lace and froth, while people stood around and commented. "No, too small . . .too big . . .will never fit into you . . . too classic, too tight . . ."

Until I felt like screaming because all I wanted was a dress that worked. Then I was trying to try them on and there was no dressing room because if I went in there I might disappear, so at the end of a row between the clearance racks I was struggling into one dress after another, and they all had holes. Big, wide, moth-eaten holes, my bra and skin peeking through, and someone said, "You'll have to pay for that"

I turned around in rage as the walls of the store receded, smears of red paint streaking them.

"Dru" someone tapped me on the shoulder, I pushed their hand away.

"Dru, come on" another tap.

"What!?" I shouted not looking back.

"Dru, come on time to wake up"

My body jumped out of my vision and two heads collided together, one being my own.

"Ouch…" was my reflex reaction even though it was barely painful.

Wait hold up a second. My vision I've had it before… wedding dresses? It was what my nan called "true-seeins" for sure and this is it the second time… shit let's just hope it was Graves because I defiantly wanted a dress that looked good on me, but what was with the moth holes? No clue, I guess I will just have to find out. Now onto the current matter of who I just hit heads with like a gong.


Well that's the best cliff hanger I've thrown out so far! You probably think I'm a disappointment but I'm at the final stages of high school and it's been my priority to use my time wisely for the future.

I can't promise you when the next chapter will be out but it's going to be interesting!

Drop a review if you feel like it