I'm not British, so I don't own Doctor Who. Sadly.

She just sits there for a moment, and he can almost see her heart break, and his hearts break for her, though he doesn't even know why. But she, showing a remarkable amount of self-control, just gets up goes on as if she can distract herself from the cracks the Doctor can practically see starting to etch their way through her heart.

The cracks get deeper when he tries to look into her diary, which he already hates. He's just curious, but like in the room off the rotunda, he immediately sees that he is hurting her. The way she looks at him when she says, "Your rules." The look that says that she has to look away, but can't. That she is still hoping that he will look up and suddenly be her Doctor. And his hearts break again, though he doesn't know why.

And then he realizes why. When she grabs his hand, and they run. He feels it. The little Time Lordy sense that is never wrong. The tingle he hasn't felt since the days of Galifrey. The one that tells him he is in the presence of a Child of Galifrey. And he realizes that this impossible woman, this River Song, is a Time Lady. And he doesn't know how, but he doesn't really care. Because for a few glorious moments he is not alone.

And then he is alone again. The handcuff rattles at his wrist as he fights. Oh, lord, does he fight. Because he has already lost his planet, and his people. He can't lose her. He just met her, but she means everything to him. Because through her, he is not alone. And her words don't do anything to comfort him, because once she dies, he is alone again. And he can't stand that. Not again.

But after he saves her, after it is all over, he is bizarrely happy. Because even though he knows that someday, the day will come that he will put on a suit, get a haircut, and go to the Singing Towers. He knows he will cry. But he is the Doctor, and he lives in the moment. And at the moment, He Is Not Alone.

A/N: If I get enough reviews, I'll add chapters with River's P.O.V and Donna's. If you want the complete version, look up He Is Not Alone . That includes this chapter and the two other promised chapters.