AN: Guess what?! For once I made my deadline! Woo! I think it might have to do with how much of a response I got when I posted chapter 9 last week. I mean… WOW! It was like half of reviewed or favorite/followed this story! So thanks to everyone, you're all so amazing… And we don't need a section for reader response this chapter since everyone who reviewed had an account! Just so you know those of you that are accountless and want to review… I accept anonymous reviews so you don't need to be shy, if you like it tell me in a review! But thank you so so so much to all of the people reading this who reviewed!

Kyouya: Their reviews were wasted, this story sucks.

Me: TT_TT Kyouya why are you such a bully?

Kaoru: Yeah Kyouya, don't be a bully! You completely stole my thunder you jerk!

Me: Pfft like it matters, it's not like Evelyn will know or remember who saved or carried her…

Kyouya&Kaoru: Excuse me?!

Me: Uh… Nothing!

Evelyn: I don't like the sound of this…

Me: Good, you're not supposed to. ON WITH THE STORY!

Kyouya POV

My mind couldn't seem to process what had just happened. All I knew was that as soon as they hit the ground I somehow ended up next to them, I had shoved someone out of the way to get there but in my panic I didn't know or care who it was. Luckily she was conscious… But in shock. And bleeding from the head. We got her in my car and I ordered the driver to go to the nearest hospital. I looked down at Evelyn, her head resting in my lap. She had her eyes closed, which could mean she had fallen unconscious or had just slipped into sleep. I hoped it was the later one, although her injury didn't look too serious she could've injured herself bad somehow and we just couldn't tell right now. I glanced at her still-bleeding head.

Why was it still bleeding? Could she have hit a vein when she fell? Whatever the reason, she probably shouldn't still be bleeding. I undid my tie and straightened it out, then started to wrap it around Evelyn's head where she was bleeding.

"What are you doing?" Kaoru asked, leaning over to see.

"I'm wrapping her cut, of course." I told him, not looking up. "She probably shouldn't still be bleeding, and if she doesn't stop the blood will drip onto the car seat. My father would be very upset if the seat was stained." That was why I was wrapping her head, right? I wasn't worried about her or anything; it was so I didn't get blood on the car. Kaoru looked shocked, then pissed, but he turned away without saying anything. Wow, I sounded like a total asshole… Who was I kidding; I didn't give a damn about the car seat! I just didn't want to see Evelyn hurt, for whatever reason.

Speaking of which, why did I react so much to her? If someone I didn't know was almost hit by a car I would be concerned, but certainly not concerned enough to sprint to them like a mad man to see if they were alright! And I even carried her back… What was wrong with me? Ever since I've known Evelyn I've been acting out of character. What was it about her that made me act this way?

We pulled into the hospital parking lot. I opened up the door and got out before reaching back in and carefully picking Evelyn up. Hikaru and Kaoru got out through the other door and Hiroshi turned off the car but stayed in it. His job was to drive me, not chaperone me everywhere I went. I lead the way to the front desk of the hospital.

"Hi there and welcome to the Sakura Medical Clinic, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked kindly.

"We need to get her checked out in emergency care immediately; she almost got run over by a car and crashed into some bushes. She also has a cut on her head that's still bleeding." I told her, attempting to keep my voice calm. The receptionist nodded.

"Alright, now if you'll just take a seat in the waiting room to the left. We'll check room availability and come see you in a few minutes. What name is this under?" I nearly growled in frustration. They expected Evelyn to wait just so they could check if they had rooms available? Bullshit, hospitals always kept five rooms open in case there was an emergency situation!

"I'm sorry miss, but my friend needs a room now. My father, Mr. Ootori, owns this hospital as well as most in this area. You wouldn't want me to tell him you're keeping injured people from treatment… Would you?" I kept my voice calm but dangerous, this usually worked on people… It worked. The woman paled, shaking her head.

"O-of course not, Mr. Ootori. Whose name shall we put the hospital bill under?" She stammered. It's about time we got to business.

"Just put it under Kyouya Ootori." I told her. She nodded her head, typing some things into the computer. Hikaru and Kaoru hadn't said anything this whole time; I looked behind me to see them next to the entrance. Hikaru was talking to someone on the phone and Kaoru was staring worriedly at me—or the person in my arms, Evelyn. I frowned. The way he looked at her like that pissed me off.

"Sir, are you Mr. Kyouya Ootori?" I turned to see a man in a lab coat, most likely a doctor, next to me. I nodded. "Alright, please follow me this way." He led me down a hallway. I saw Hikaru close the phone and he and Kaoru followed us. The doctor led us into a room with a bed and some medical examining machines. He gestured for me to set Evelyn onto the bed. I walked over to it and gently laid her down; making sure her head was cushioned by the pillow. The doctor walked over and started to remove my tie from her head. It was stuck to her head by the blood, and as the doctor peeled it off Evelyn grimaced, her eyes opening. She was awake/conscious! I nearly sighed in relief.

"What… Where am I?" Evelyn sat up, looking around the room; confusion clouding her gaze. She looked at the doctor, then Hikaru and Kaoru, then me. Her next question was like a slap in the face. "And... Who are you?"

Evelyn POV

I felt fuzzy… Like when you're waking up but you're not quite awake yet, you can hear and feel stuff around you but you can't seem to react to them. There was the warm sensation of someone carrying me; they were gentle so it was quite a nice feeling. Voices floated around me; I must be in a public place. I should probably get up; I must be getting stares being carried by someone in a public place… But they were so warm; I could wait a few more minutes. Then I was being set on something soft, probably a bed or couch. My head was propped up on a pillow. Whoever it was that was carrying me must've been nice, they were so careful.

Then I felt pain. Someone was pulling something off my head, and it hurt! I felt myself grimace and 'woke up'. I opened my eyes and sat up. The one pulling the thing off my head was next to me. I didn't recognize him. He had mousey brown hair and square wire glasses; he was holding a clipboard and was wearing a lab coat with a nametag that said "Dr. Hannel". A doctor? But then…

"What… Where am I?" I muttered, blinking and scanning the room for something familiar. There were weird-looking medical machines that were probably for taking x-rays and stuff in the room, as well as three other guys. Two must've been twins, and the third was probably their classmate or something. They all wore blue uniforms… From Ouran Academy! I went there now! Things were starting to make sense. The non-twin one who had black hair and glasses was missing the tie to his uniform, though… All three of them looked shockingly familiar, but I couldn't quite remember who they were or how I knew them…

"And… Who are you?" I asked. They all looked shocked, and I thought I saw a flash of something—hurt, maybe?—in the tieless one's eyes. Well I guess I was supposed to know them then…

"You don't know these boys?" The doctor asked. I hesitantly shook my head. "That's a shame… It is to my knowledge that one of them saved you from being run over by a car this morning." He said. My eyes widened. One of them saved me?! Suddenly, four more people burst into the room.

"Evelyn, we came as soon as Hikaru called! Are you alright?!" A blond got up in my face, spazziness and worry in his purple-blue eyes. OH! Tamaki! Finally, someone I recognize!

"Yes Tamaki, I'm fine!" I reassured him. Haruhi was right behind him… Yes, another person I knew! I must've just been disoriented from waking up and my head really hurt, but I remembered now!

"It's a good thing Kaoru was there to save you." Haruhi said, stepping up to me. I nodded. Wait a sec… Damn it! Kaoru… The name was familiar, but I didn't know who that was!

"We brought you some candy to cheer you up, Eve-chan!" A short blond boy told me, holding up a get well basket full of sweets. Who was this? I knew him, he was in his third year of high school and he was amazing at fighting even though he was so short… So I did know him if I remembered this, but I couldn't quite remember who he was… God, my head hurt so badly.

"Um, thanks…" Damn it, I still couldn't remember his name… The door opened once again, but this time it wasn't another person entering. The bespectacled, raven-haired boy was leaving. I almost tried to stop him, but the fact that I still didn't remember him made me hesitate. As the door closed behind him I felt a pang of sadness. Wait what the hell? I didn't even know him but I felt sad he was leaving?

"Excuse me, but will all of you please leave?" Doctor Hannel asked. I have to ask Evelyn some questions and check to make sure she doesn't have any serious injuries." With that, everyone reluctantly filed out of the room.

AN: So… What'd you think?

Evelyn: That's awful! Now I look like a complete jerk for not remembering anyone but Tamaki and Haruhi!

Kyouya: …

Hikaru: Well they are the most memorable of the group… But I'm disappointed you don't remember me or Kaoru.

Evelyn: … Who are you again?

Kaoru: *sighs*

Kyouya: …

Tamaki: Well go figure she'd remember me and my daughter, we're amazing!

Evelyn: Nah, you're just the most spazzy so you're hard to forget and I've known Haruhi for a while so of course I remember her.

Kyouya: …


Kyouya… Screw you.

Me: Wow, I guess he's really upset then… When will Kyouya stop sulking? Why hasn't Mori gotten a single line this whole fanfiction? Will Evelyn ever remember her love interests and/or the other hosts? How many questions will I ask? Find out this and more next time, in: MELTING HIS HEART OF ICE CHAPTER 11! (And in case you can't count… The answer to the last question was four.) Bye for now!
