Ziva felt Gibbs watching her, it should have bothered her considering he was ever vigilant, yet it never failed to comfort her. In the weeks following her rescue they had spent only moments apart. Most of that time had been spent locked in the house wrapped in each other's arms on the couch. They read, talked about the baby, talked about many things but they didn't discuss Haven, Locke or the days that had changed them forever.

The changes in Gibbs made her heart clench. He smiled less, still spent hours working in the gym or practicing weapons and even more watching the windows late at night. In public he was tense, unsettled looking for any threat. Though the security system had finally been installed and new locks placed on all the doors the memory of what had happened had a stubborn hold on them both. Locke might have died in a fiery blaze of vengeance but he was like a ghost walking the air around them.

Rocking in the chair Gibbs had made for her she surveyed the nursery. The baby could come at any time and when it did the cozy nest Gibbs had created would be waiting. Sage green walls, with touches of brown and pink it was warm and inviting. Despite the fact they declined to find out the gender of their child. In Gibbs' mind it was a girl and he'd prepared with her in mind. A large mural on the wall displayed a woodland scene complete with hedgehogs tucked here and there. The small carved hedgehog from Stillwater had been placed on a shelf joined by two larger ones. A prickly little family brought together through hard work. The irony of that wasn't lost on her. She'd wondered how he'd done it all but he'd only given her a mysterious half smile for an answer.

Those smiles were so infrequent that she often wondered if the man he'd been with her before would ever return. The changes in them both hadn't gone unnoticed by everyone else either. After the first week the team had been frequent visitors. But all of them approached with caution and kept the conversation light. They were back to playing poker on Friday nights but it wasn't quite the same. She doubted things would ever be the same again. It wasn't realistic; she wasn't the woman she'd been before she'd been taken. And Gibbs was far from the man he'd been. The occasional glance from Jackson during his many visits told her Gibbs was reminded of another woman and another loss. She'd been surprised that Gibbs had managed to keep from pushing his father away and that simple fact gave her hope.

She and Gibbs had been debriefed, a necessary part of any investigation. But it had been brutal the ripping off of a scab barely formed. It had forced every detail from her, laid bare all she had endured despite her instinct to hide it all. But Gibbs had killed a man and she had been safely away when he'd done so. If striping her soul bare was required it was a small price to pay for keeping him from the possibility of jail time. Ultimately though the investigation had been closed and at least from an NCIS stand point the matter was at an end. Too bad she still woke up silently screaming. Gibbs was always there, with a glass of water stroking her back soothing her without question until she could sleep again. There were nights she did the same for him, but in the morning they didn't talk about it, didn't mention it just moved on as though it were perfectly normal.

Sighing she pulled herself from the chair and walked toward the closet. A smile came easy for the frilly dresses, hair bows and indulgent accessories Gibbs had insisted on buying for the baby. There were indulgent blankets, tiny shoes, luxurious clothes every indulgence a baby could want or need. All of it spilled out of the closet in a rainbow of feminine colors boldly proclaiming Gibbs' insight. As she stroked her belly she knew if Gibbs was certain they were having a girl then it must be true.

Gibbs leaned against the door jamb, watching Ziva as she moved about the nursery. She never complained about his watchfulness, never argued when he went with her anywhere she had to go, neither did she seem upset by the quiet he found solace in. Together they could speak volumes without ever saying a word. And still there was the constant presence of all that had changed. He had tried to will it away yet it wouldn't leave. So for now he accepted what he couldn't change.

He had no other choice he was physically compelled to be with her as much as possible. It was as necessary as breathing for him now. Pushing up the sleeves of his sweatshirt he took in the full healed marks on his arms. She no longer flinched when she saw them but he knew they unsettled her. Still he knew she understood now even if she didn't agree. They'd gone back to Max's shop and underneath the marks scrolled the words that he'd said to her that night. Eshet Chayill lay in perfect symmetry with the bold hash marks. He watched Ziva rub her back and sigh.

It was early on a Sunday morning; soon their friends would join them for a late breakfast and as always all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms. The only time his mind was quiet was when he was touching her. The demons that had plagued him when she'd been missing had never truly left him. They hovered at the edges waited to combat any threat that should arise. Now and then in the dark of night they would whisper to him. He'd killed Locke DNA had confirmed the burnt remains they'd found had been his. The threat of him was well and truly gone. But the scars left behind were an ongoing reminder that he hadn't kept his promise to protect her. So the rage that he'd so embraced stayed close by in case such a threat ever came again.

Yet the joy that came with having her back, knowing their child would be born safely in their own home was there as well. Most days it was enough, enough to push away all that was ugly and dark. It was only in the wee hours when a noise woke him or after one of her soul searing nightmares that he had to push away the urge to kill a dead man. Regardless of the tension or the vigilance they both still felt, their love for each had never faltered and that was what he clung to when the dark nights grew long.

Walking into the room he stood behind her wrapping his arms around her shoulders, inhaling the sweet scent of her. "I love you Chayill."

Ziva sighed as she leaned against him. "And I you Neshama, more every day." Shifting against him she let out another sigh. "I think we will have to cancel our breakfast today."

Gibbs didn't have to work at the smile this time, "I thought perhaps you would say that. She's decided to come today?"

Ziva turned in his arms breathing deep only able to nod as a sharp pain passed through her abdomen. She held onto his hand that linked with hers until it passed. She allowed him to lead her to the chair and help her sit. For a long moment she simply focused on breathing clinging to his strength to help her through. Only when the pain had passed did he move to step away.

"I'm going to call the Midwife,…."

"And Ducky." She kept her eyes closed resting while she still could.

"Of course Ducky and set things up. I'll be back." He waited for her to nod grabbing at his cell phone as he walked toward their bedroom. He wasn't afraid and that surprised him. Instead he felt satisfaction in how they'd prepared. In moments he'd made the phone calls, prepared the room and their bed just as they had planned.

Ziva looked up from breathing through a contraction to see Gibbs smiling at her. The smile reached his eyes and touched her soul. The joy he felt was tangible and as she took his hand that joy traveled through her past the pain. He led her to the bedroom and helped her into the birthing gown Jackie had sewn for her. The small quiet baby shower the team had thrown her had included many precious homemade gifts from Vance's wife, who had also become a frequent visitor. As another contraction hit faster and stronger than the last he rubbed her back soothing her with the low timbre of his voice as he reminded her how much he loved her.

"I am not afraid Jethro." It was the truth she felt no fear just the anticipation of finally meeting their baby.

"I know, you've already overcome the worst this is a new beginning a new start for both of us." The words were far more mystical then he might normally share but for her they came easy. Again her face creased in pain and he was helping her breathe.

"They better get here quickly or you are going to be delivering this child Jethro. I did not think first time labors went this quickly." Another wave of pain hit fast on the heels of the last one barely giving her time to recover.

Gibbs had no doubt she was right and as the next contraction passed he helped her sway in place. She hadn't moved toward the bed so he followed her lead. Minutes passed and he felt her tense in his arms

"Oh boy, pretty sure my water just broke." The pain went from intense to lightening arcing through her body in seconds. She switched from deep breaths to short pants as she felt an overwhelming pressure in her lower body. It took more than a few seconds to realize Gibbs was easing her toward the bed.

Gibbs dropped a towel on the floor and helped her as she made her way toward the bed. A fine sweat had broken out on her forehead and she was humming long and slow deep in her throat. A prick of worry touched him as she propped up against the headboard and numerous pillows he'd stacked. She held tightly to his hand humming until finally it seemed she could breathe again. "Jethro all that talk about hours and hours of labor was crap. I am fairly certain your child is very close to meeting us both."

Gibbs glanced at his watch and saw it had only been twenty minutes since his call to the midwife. Before he could comment Ziva let out a low groan and drew her knees up. That prick of concern bloomed into action mode. He recognized the primal way she moved her body and knew without experience just what that meant. "I'm going to check Ziva," she didn't object just kept alternating between humming and panting.

Gibbs lifted her gown and felt tears spring to his eyes, midwife or not their child was in a hurry. "I see the head Ziva. I'm thinking you should push." He stood quickly to gather a few things from a drawer they had prepared in case of emergency before settling back down.

Ziva watched as joy burst over Gibbs again it pushed past the agony, the burning and gave her the strength to will her body to push. The quiet was eerie as all her focus centered on a strong but gentle push. She felt a fiery burning and then the sudden give of sensation. The pain wasn't gone was only censored as she watched the concentration mixed with awe on Gibbs' face.

Gibbs placed his hands gently on his child's head guiding it slowly towards the bed letting Ziva do all the work. His hands were steady but inside he shook with the enormity of the moment. As soon as the head was free he whispered gently for Ziva to stop pushing. Using a bulb syringe he cleared the baby's mouth trying to pretend he knew what he was doing.

Ziva looked at him forcing herself to breathe rather than push. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing Ziva she's just working her way out on her own." Gibbs eased the baby's shoulder as it pushed out and then his daughter was sliding into his waiting hands. "Oh my God Ziva she's beautiful."

Ziva heard the loud wail, saw the tears running down Gibbs' face and felt her own slide down her cheeks. Reaching between them she took their daughter into her arms and brought her up against her chest. She barely noticed when the Midwife, with Ducky close behind entered the room. All she knew was Gibbs and their daughter.

Gibbs savored the sound of his daughter's cries, loud and full of life he couldn't help but laugh. Her face scrunched up with fury at having been forced into a world so foreign; he knew exactly how she felt. Those strong cries showered over him washing him in the miracle of the tiny person making such noise. Reaching for her fingers he felt them wrap around one of his own. She held tight and as he and Ziva looked down at her she abruptly stopped crying and opened her eyes. The brilliant blue looked at them blinked slowly and tried to focus only to close again. In that moment Gibbs knew he'd seen his future. Those blue eyes pushed away the demons for good, pushed away the bad and allowed only the good.

Ziva glanced at Gibbs and saw he too felt what she did, a sense of rightness and calm. Things would be different now. This moment had been what they'd been waiting for; needing to get past the mire they'd been stuck in. The fog of the nightmare they had lived had lifted and in their arms was a whole new life to live.

Gibbs took the snips from the midwife and cut the cord making no effort to hide the joy running down his face. He knew Ducky was there helping, offering his comforting presence as they'd asked him. But he couldn't force himself to look away from his wife and daughter.

"I want to name her Zoya….it means life and that's what we have Ziva a new life, a new start."

Ziva choked back even more tears. "It is a perfect name Jethro….. Zoya Kelly Gibbs." She held back a breath waiting for his response. Even Ducky seemed frozen. Only the midwife finishing up the birthing tasks seemed unaware of why the sudden silence was so heavy.

Gibbs felt the familiar ache but it was quickly surpassed by the rightness of it. "Agreed, Zoya Kelly Gibbs it is."

"Congratulations Jethro, Ziva she's beautiful." Ducky took a chance and stepped closer to them. The happiness he saw as they turned to him was nothing like what he'd seen from them the past weeks. It was as if they had become new people before his eyes. And in fact they had they'd become parents. Ziva offered him the child wrapped in a soft pink blanket and he felt the depth of that trust as he took her in his arms. She was beautiful a full head of dark hair, a hint of her mother's dusky skin and as her eyes squinted open bright blue eyes that seemed already wise beyond her years. "Well hello there Miss Gibbs, you're one lucky lady. You've got some amazing parents."

Ziva tucked Gibbs hands close to her heart. Looking into his eyes she pushed back the smallest hint of sadness. "I did not know it could be like this, had no idea I could love like this."

Gibbs knew the words she wasn't saying, knew she was offering the understanding she only now fully had over the child he'd lost. And while the grief was there the reminder couldn't outshine the joy. Zoya was her own person even with the blessing of her sister's name. She was his future and a reminder of all the joys he'd had with Kelly. Perhpas it would be easier now to remember all those past joys. He took Zoya back in his arms as Ducky passed her to him. He glanced at the midwife watching for any signs of concern. "She doing ok?"

Elaine looked at Gibbs seeing a man inherently changed then the one she'd seen only one week earlier. "Ziva did beautifully, your daughter might have been in a hurry but she was very kind to her mother. Everything looks great."

Ziva winced a bit as she rearranged herself in the bed. "Ducky would you call everyone for us. Let them know how it went?"

"Of course dear I'll just run downstairs and take care of that, brew some coffee and maybe even make up some breakfast."

In moments they were alone and Ziva was watching Gibbs stare down at his daughter. "We made it Jethro, somehow after everything we came out the other side of it. I feel truly blessed."

Gibbs sat back in the bed with her handing Zoya over and watching as his daughter attempted her first meal. "We are blessed Ziva. We found each other, we didn't lose each other and we have her, those are all gifts."

"I did not think Jethro that I could love anyone as much as I love you, I think perhaps now I was wrong."

Gibbs grinned "I know the feeling, amazing how such a tiny thing can take such a big part of your heart."

"A new beginning right Jethro?"

"A new beginning one where we live, where we treat every day as special, one with no secrets."

Ziva met his eyes saw there everything she'd ever needed and nodded. "No more secrets."