Hey guys! Yay, new story! :D

I actually had this first chapter finished for a while. But you see, I typed it out on my cell phone. Mind you, I don't have a fancy phone with a fancy writing app of some sort. All it's got is a sliding keyboard. I had just been too lazy to copy it onto my laptop. I'm not a procrastinator, what are you talking about? :D /bricked

The fact that I'm now addicted to a little show called Doctor Who didn't help my typing speed either. XP

Anyway, please enjoy chapter one!

Chapter One: Meetings Are Pointless

Alfred checked his watch. About forty-five minutes left until the meeting ended. Fantastic. It was only the first day of a week-long set of meetings, and it already felt like he had been here for an eternity. Honestly, these things were endless. Maybe he could slip out early. Fake an illness. Or a national emergency. Or both.

No, he couldn't do that. It was Arthur's turn to host, and he was currently at the front of the room presenting something that looked like a budget plan. If he tried to sneak out early, Arthur would likely ream him for it later. He didn't need a earful from his former guardian. It usually included a good smack or two (or twelve) upside the head.

Why did these meetings have to last so long? No one ever enjoyed them, and it's not like much gets accomplished with them anyway. It's just something that had to be done for the sake of each of their countries, whether they liked it or not. Maybe he could just play a game on his phone under the table until it was over. Alfred was sure he wouldn't be the only one doing it.

He glanced over at his brother, Matthew. He had brought that polar bear of his again. Kuma something or other. Clutching it tightly to his chest, he had his face buried in the white fur on top of the bear's head. Alfred didn't think he had seen Matt move from that position for the entire meeting.

Poor Matthew, how come no one besides Alfred seemed to notice the Canadian? Matthew was kind, polite, understanding, and just pleasant to be around. The same couldn't be said for some of the others here. Many were the polar opposite. Maybe that was the secret to being noticed. You had to piss everyone else off. But not Alfred, of course. Heroes just get noticed naturally.

Arthur grumbled a few choice words under his breath. Damn that Francis. Must he always be such an irritating bastard? Or was that just an irreversible mental condition? When talking to Arthur, every other word out of that man's mouth was either an insult about the Englishman's looks or something highly suggestive and inappropriate. If he thought Arthur was so unattractive and ugly, why did Francis constantly have his hands all over him? It defies all logic.

If Francis wanted to play games, so could Arthur. During the break halfway through today's meeting, he snuck off to the Frenchman's hotel room. He pulled a small, worn leather book from his blazer pocket; one of his many spell books. This one contained just some basic spells, especially for occasions like this. Thumbing quickly through the yellowed pages, he pinpointed the enchantment he was looking for. A body switching spell. Whoever entered the room first after the spell as cast would switch places with whoever happened to come in second.

This would surely make Francis crazy. Being in the body of someone "less gorgeous than moi!" would be enough to get the Frog back. For now, at least.

Arthur grinned happily and pulled out his wand. It had a rather comical looking yellow star on the end that his brothers said made it look more like a child's toy than a device used for casting. Screw his brothers, this wand was trustworthy. It had withstood the test of many years, and was important to Arthur.

After uttering the words necessary for the spell and waving his wand a few times, the trap was laid. Arthur grinned triumphantly, a small laugh escaping his lips. All he had to do now was wait for Francis to come back and stumble into Arthur's waiting trap.

"And that's the last of this proposal. Any questions?" Arthur asked the room. No one made any move to speak. "All right. I guess we're finished for today. You're all dismissed." A small cheer sounded from the nations, and they all rose from their seats to collect their things.

Matthew got up from his seat and made his way over to Francis, Kumajiro trailing behind him.

"Bonjour, Francis. Are you ready to go eat?" he asked.

"Oh, mon cher! Yes, of course. I just have a few more things I have to take care of here." Francis responded, digging feverishly through his bag. "Ah, I must have left those papers in my room. Matthew, would you mind going to get them for me?"

"Of course not. Can I have your room key?" Francis pulled the card from his pocket and passed it to Matthew. "They should be on the desk next to the window."

"Oui. I'll be right back." Matthew walked off toward the doors. Just as he was about to place his hand on the knob, Alfred ran up and threw an arm over his brother's shoulders.

"Mattie! Just wanted to check if you were still on for video games in my room tonight with Kiku." he said, almost shouting in Matthew's ear.

"Yes, Alfred. As soon as I come back from dinner with Francis."

"Aww, okay. Say, where you going right now?"

"Francis asked me to go get a few papers for him from his room. I'll be back."

"Well, let me come with you. There's nothing interesting to do down here." That's just what Matthew needed. The obnoxious American following him. He was sure to cause chaos. Matthew wasn't quite sure how, but he would.

But he couldn't help the fact he was nice to everyone and didn't want to turn down an offer, no matter how annoying the person. "Fine. Let's go."

Matthew and Alfred stood in the elevator, the latter chattering away about a new video game Kiku had brought for them to play.

"It's this epic horror game! The zombies in it are so realistic, with blood and guts everywhere! It looks like they might actually come through the screen and attack you! It's amazing!" Alfred said excitedly. Matthew sighed and groaned to himself. He had the feeling that Alfred would be spending the night in his room. Most likely in the same bed as well. Lovely.

He knew Alfred enjoyed horror games. But after playing them so much, shouldn't he not be afraid of them anymore? Even Matthew of all people had built up an immunity to all the ghosts and gore.

The elevator suddenly came to a stop, the doors sliding open slowly.

"Okay, room 809. 809, 809, here it is.' Matthew slid the room key into the slot on the lock and pushed open the heavy door. The room was pretty standard for a hotel. Beige walls, beige carpet, and beige bedding. The most inoffensive color there is.

Francis's luggage sat in a neat pile on the couch next to the window. A stack of papers were strewn across the desk, like Francis had been in a hurry looking for something. Matthew scooped them all together, tapping them into a neat pile on the desk's surface.

"Alright, I've got what Francis needed. Let's-" Matthew said turning around. All of a sudden the whole room spun before his eyes. "Oh crap…"

Matthew fell face first against the wall, losing his balance. His head spun at a million miles an hour, and he was starting to feel nauseous. He clenched his fists, trying to get a hold of something, anything, to keep himself steady.

Matthew desperately looked over his shoulder to call out for Alfred, but he found his brother in a similar state to his. He had collapsed over by the bed, gripping the edge with both hands. His eyes were squeezed shut, pain written all over his face. Alfred looked up and locked eyes with Matthew.

Suddenly, each felt like they had left their bodies, like being suspended in midair. They drifted for a moment, like ghosts, in the air of the hotel room. They were then abruptly brought crashing back down to Earth and into their bodies. For a spit second, each realized in horror that they were looking at themselves, like peering into a mirror.

Then everything turned black.

England should know by now that something always goes wrong when he uses magic. XP

I hope you enjoyed chapter one. Please leave a review! I'll give you a cookie :D Well, a virtual cookie. Still pretty good.
