Beck was bursting with news. He could not wait to see Trina at school today and talk to her. Things were really starting to get exciting in his life, and if it worked out, he and Trina would be on their way. Beck's uncle in Canada was a successful businessman who had worked his way up from salesman to owner of one of the largest automotive electronics companies in the world. Since many of their items were purchased for the West Coast of the United States, he had decided to set up a distribution center in California. Beck had spent many summers and school vacations working with him in Canada and so was his first choice to head up the California operation. If Beck accepted the position it would mean hard work, but a commanding salary also; Just the ticket for a young man looking to be married and starting a family.

Beck hurried and got to school early so he could be there waiting when Trina arrived. He also made sure that he slipped a little package into his pocket. When Beck and Trina began to get really serious he had determined that she was the girl for him and had purchased an engagement ring for use at the proper time. This seemed like the time, he thought.

Beck had gotten his books ready and was standing by Trina's licker when she arrived with Tori. Trina's face brightened immediately upon seeing him.

Trina: Hey, babe, you are here early today.

They kissed briefly

Beck: Yes I wanted to see you the first chance I had, hi Tori, by the way.

Tori gave a quick wave and went off to her locker.

Trina: Why, what's up?

Beck: We need to talk.

Trina got serious and tried to read Beck's face for any hidden messages.

Trina: Was it something I said or did wrong? If it was I am sorry, it won't happen again, please forgive me; don't throw me out into the cold.

Beck: First of all it is already 80 degrees, outside but other than that your sense of drama is getting very good.

Trina: Thanks, that means a lot. So what is up?

Beck: You remember my uncle Frank who owns the factory in Canada.

Trina: Yeah you used to spend a lot of time with him.

Beck: Right, well his company is planning on opening a distribution center in California and he wants me to lead it.

Trina: Beck, that is wonderful, but what will that mean for your acting career?

Beck: Well it may slow it but once the company is going, as President I can make my schedule and see how it goes. The best part is that I will have a good job, and you know what that means?

Trina: That you can move out of the RV?

Beck: Well, there is that, but more importantly,

Beck gets down on one knee in front of Trina.

Beck: Trina Vega, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

Beck brought out the ring and slipped it on Trina's finger.

Trina: Oh my...Beck I don't know what to say?

Beck: Well, there are two choices that come to mind, yes or no.

Trina: I didn't mean about that, of course the answer is yes. I just thought I should have a fancy speech prepared for the occasion.

Beck: I just like yes, what it lacks in embellishment it makes up for in directness.

Trina: I can't wait to tell everyone, you have to come over tonight and talk to my mom and dad.

Beck: Of course I think your dad will be very happy. We have already begun discussing this situation.

Trina: Yes, as I recall right before our last date when we talked about me possibly not coming home until the next day.

Beck: That would have been the occasion!

Trina: It's time for our first class; I will see you later, Mr. Oliver.

Beck: Yes you will, Mrs. Oliver.

Trina: I do like the sound of that!

For the rest of the morning Trina was sharing the information about her engagement with anyone who would listen. By the time lunch rolled around everyone in the school had been informed.

Tori, Andre, Cat Robbie and Jade were already seated at a table when Beck and Trina appeared.

Tori: Hey Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, care to join us for lunch?

Trina: Don't mind if we do, oh have you seen the ring?

All in Unison: Yes we saw the ring!

They all sat and chatted, mostly about the upcoming wedding. Tori could not help but look up every now and then to see the look on Jade's face. She was worried that this would be tough on Jade, after all she and Beck had gone out for almost two years and now to have Beck marrying Trina must be hard on her. Tori was actually feeling a twinge or two herself. She had liked Beck from the first day they met and sometimes entertained thoughts of the two them being together, especially when Jade and Beck broke up.

Today though, that was all gone and Tori was trying her best to be happy for Beck and Trina. It was actually good to see Trina happy, and, Tori had to admit, Beck looked very happy too.

With lunch out of the way the rest of the day went by quickly and soon it was time to go home.

Trina drove her car with Tori and beck followed. For some treason today the trip seemed unusually short.

The three all met by the Vega's door and entered together. Holly was in the kitchen preparing supper and David was sitting on the couch.

Trina and Tori: Hey mom and dad!

Beck: Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Vega

Holly: Oh hi Beck, are you joining us for supper?

Trina: Can he mom?

Beck: If it is not too much trouble I would love to.

Holly: You know you are never a problem Beck, just have a seat in the living room and I will call you when things are ready.

David: Hello Beck, nice to see you again.

Beck: Hello sir, nice to see you also.

David: So Beck and Trina, have you guys picked a date yet?

Dead silence fell across the room; except for the kitchen where Holly had dropped the plate she was carrying.

Holly: Wait, what is going on?

David: I think you better sit down dear, I have a hunch that Beck and Trina want to tell us something.

Trina: Dad, how could you possibly know?

David: I am a cop Trina. You Beck and Tori all come in the house at the same time laughing and in a great mood. Beck is here and you did not ask your mom ahead of time if he could come for supper. Oh, and on Trina's finger is what looks to be about a 1 carat diamond engagement ring.

Beck: That was amazing sir.

David: It gets better, Beck, you and I talked before about you having some sort of job before you got engaged and here I just read in the financial section of the news that a Francois Oliver; owner of a Canadian electronics firm. is planning on building a distribution center in California. Would that be "Uncle Frank" Beck?

Beck: Again, amazing sir.

David: When you become a parent Beck you will find that you pay a great deal of attention to things that may affect your children... Trina?

Trina: Yes dad.

David: Would you please let your mother hug you? She is all excited about your engagement and I am afraid I have stolen your thunder.

Holly grabs Trina in a huge hug and begins crying with joy while David stands up and shakes Beck's hand.

David: Congratulations, son, of course you have my permission to marry my daughter and our blessing.

Beck: Thank you so much sir!

Holly: What a great evening this is turning out to be, I don't see how I could be any happier.

David: Trina, why don't you go and have a talk with Beck for a moment, then come back and talk to us.

Trina looked at her dad in shock.

Trina: You know?

David: I suspect.

Trina: Mom, Tori, Beck and I will be right back.

Trina grabbed beck by the hand and ran off to her bedroom. Once inside she closed the door.

Beck: Trina what is going on here? Are you ok?

Trina: remember a little while ago we had a special time together with some chocolate sauce and I asked you if you had time to pit on a rubber?

Beck: Yes and I said no, good thing you were still on the pill.

Trina: About that, I had run out of pills 3 days before that night.

Beck: So we had unprotected sex?

Trina: Yes.

Beck: Trina, are you…?

Trina: Yes, please tell me you are not angry with me!

Beck thinks a whole second and then hugs Trina.

Beck: I am so happy right now, if they weren't waiting for us out there, you would be naked on your bed with me on top of you.

They kiss again.

Beck: Well I guess we better get out there and tell them part two.