A/N: Hello All! Welcome to book two of Riley's adventures. Sorry it took so long to get up, but these past couple of weeks I've been really busy. Anyway I would like to thank everyone who reviewed/alerted/favorited on my last story. You guys are amazing and I really hope you enjoy this book; I've quite a bit planned. I'm already half way through chapter two so that should be up sooner rather then later. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter. Everything you recognize probably belongs to J.K. Rowling. But Riley is all mine.

Riley Langley and Her Seven Year Adventure: Book Two

Diary's are a Girls Worst Enemy

Chapter One; Rescue Mission 101

Chocolate plus microwave equals messy. Riley thought as she pulled out another failed attempt at making hot chocolate with a melted candy bar. She just couldn't figure out how Hermione's mom did it. Maybe I'm just putting it in too long… Riley shook her head; if she didn't know better she would say Mrs. Granger used magic. But that was impossible, Mrs. Granger was a muggle.

Or was she? Riley giggled as her mind drifted into a land where Mrs. Granger was some long lost relative of Gryffindors and she was in disguise as a muggle to protect her family from ol'Voldie.

She was brought out of her little dream land by an owl swooping down, dropping a letter on her head and promptly crashing into a hanging flower pot in the window with his leg getting caught in one of the vines. He hooted mournfully.

"Hey Batman, how's it hanging?" Riley said giggling at her pun. She hurriedly helped Batman out of his predicament, when the plant started to reel him in. "Bad Ralph. How many times must I tell you? No eating Batman."

Riley shook her head with a small smile as she set Batman down on the counter with some food and water for him. She started to absentmindedly pet the traumatized owl while she opened her letter and read;

Dear Princess,

It's been way too long since you last wrote to us. Where have you been?

You're still coming over on the 25th, right? You better; Fred is going nuts because he thinks you've been eaten by Ralph. I always said he was the insane one.

Riley could almost see George shaking his head in fake exasperation.

You missed a great prank we pulled on Ron the other day. Well, it's hard to explain on paper but let's just say that Ron may never look at pumpkin juice the same again. I'll explain more when I see you.

Say hi to your Aunt and Uncle for me.

See you soon,


P.S. Have you heard from Harry yet? Ron hasn't and apparently neither has Hermione. We're starting to worry.

Riley sighed. She hadn't really talked to any of her friends since her weekend at the Granger's two weeks ago. Andromeda had been keeping her busy with chores and other things. Riley suspected she was trying to keep Riley's mind off of what happened at the end of the school year. I mean, after getting hit with a stunning spell by a guy who had Voldemort on the back of his head (talk about split personality) and falling down a flight of stairs, you tended to have nightmares.

Andromeda, Tonks, and Remus had all tried to get her to talk about her nightmares and fears. But each time she refused, telling herself that dwelling on the past did nothing for her future. Really, she knew she was just hiding from the guilt she felt. She had gone down into that chamber to save Harry and ended up being the one to need saving. She knew she did everything she could. She was only a first year.

But it wasn't enough. Riley thought. Harry still got hurt. He almost died and I was just sleeping on the job. Riley shook her head of the traitorous thoughts. She didn't like to let herself dwell on her guilt, so instead took on every chore or job Andromeda and Ted sent her way.

But George was right; she had been so busy trying to distract herself that she forgot to write to her friends. So with that thought in mind, Riley sat down at the kitchen table and started to write.

To my beloved Knights,

I am terribly sorry that I have not replied in so long. My dear aunt Andromeda has been keeping me very busy with chores and making sure I completed my homework. I assure you, I have been dreadfully bored without your company. I can also assure you that to my knowledge, I have not been eaten by Ralph (though, I must say that would be an interesting way to leave this world.) and I will be at your home on the 25th, so you may be calm of mind dearest Fred.

I am intrigued to find out what it is you could have done to make Ron so upset at seeing Pumpkin juice, and can not wait to hear this seemingly great tale.

To your inquiry as to whether I have heard from our dear mutual friend, I have not and I am very worried as well. Please inform me if you do hear from him before I am to visit.

I find that I have not much else to say in this letter, so I must bid you both ado.

From your ever loving friend,

Princess Red.

P.S. I know your wondering why this letter is written as it is, and the answer to your question is one to be repeated. I am DREADFULLY bored.

Riley looked over her master piece and smiled. She hadn't lied, only bent the truth a little. Andromeda had been making her do lots of chores and homework, and it had kept her very busy. She just didn't tell them that it was by her own choice that she was so busy, because she wanted to drown out the guilt. They really didn't need to know about that.


Weeks passed and Riley started to write to her friends more often. Hermione's parents had apparently thought she was a delightful young woman and wanted her to come and stay with them more often. Riley had promptly burst into a fit of giggles at reading that, because she and Hermione had spent most of the last year hating each others guts. It wasn't until the end of the year that they finally agreed to disagree on most subjects.

Riley, Fred and George had already started plans for a big welcoming prank for the first years and a few for over the holidays, though they had to wait till she went to stay at their house to work out the kinks in the plans.

The only friend Riley hadn't heard from yet was Harry. Around the end of their first year, Harry had told Riley, Ron and Hermione that the muggle family he lived with didn't like him much. Over time Riley had noticed all the little things he would mention to them about his home life, added up to be something very bad. So as the beginning of July came and went and still no one had heard from him. Riley began to plan with the boys a way to get to see Harry.


"Are you ready to go yet?" Riley whispered as she tiptoed into the twins' room. It was around two in the morning and time to execute the plan to get Harry to the Burrow. Riley had been staying in a room with the youngest child and only daughter, Ginny. She had learned very quickly that the redhead slept like a rock. So Riley was able to sneak out of the room and wake the boys without an issue.

Riley, hearing only a muffled whine come from one of the lumps of blankets, rolled her eyes and grinned. Putting her many years of sneaking around to use, she tiptoed over to the bed and flopped on top of the lump. The whine turned into a grunt as Riley's elbow went into Fred's stomach.

"Oy! That hurt!"

"Shh! You'll wake your mum and you know what she's like when she finds me in here in the mornings."

Riley had only been at the Burrow for a little over a week and already she had made it onto Mrs. Weasleys bad side. The first night Riley was there, she and the twins had stayed up late planning and had fallen asleep while talking. Well, imagine Mrs. Weasleys surprise when she walked into her sons' room to find a girl she barely knew asleep on the floor between the two boys.

Then, later that same day, in an attempt to apologize, Riley had tried to make cookies. Well, one thing led to another and now Riley was forever banned from going near the cooking supplies ever again. Riley swore up and down that she really was a pretty good cook, and that the only reason it went wrong was because the twins had pranked her. But Mrs. Weasley was not in a listening mood.

Now Riley did her best to tread lightly around the Weasley matriarch and she didn't think Mrs. Weasley would appreciate her helping the boys sneak out.

Fred groaned again, but got up. Once both boys were up, Riley retreated to Ron's room to get him up also.

Half an hour later they were all set and ready to go. Together the four troublemakers put the old Ford Angela in neutral and pushed it far enough away that when they started it, the noise wouldn't reach the rest of the Weasleys. Soon they were off into the night; headed towards what they hoped would be a successful rescue mission.


They had been right in believing that Harry needed saving. When they got to number four, Privet Drive, Harry's window had been barred and he had been locked in his room. With Fred and George's skill and Riley's lock picking set, they managed to get all of Harry's stuff. Just as they started to pull Harry into the car, his Uncle Vernon had come barging in and they began a game of tug-o-war. But after a well aimed kick on Harry's part, they were on their way back to the Burrow.

As they drove Harry told them about the house elf named Dobby that had kept his mail from him and warned him not to go back to Hogwarts. He said that there was a plot for horrible things to happen at Hogwarts and that it was far too dangerous for Harry Potter to go back. Of course Harry wasn't going to accept that, so in order to get Harry to agree Dobby dropped a pudding on his Uncle's boss and his wife. After that Dobby vanished and Harry not only got a warning from the Ministry of Magic about using under age magic, but he was also locked in his room and starved.

"Very fishy." Fred said after a minute of shocked silence.

"Definitely dodgy," agreed George. "So he wouldn't even tell you who's supposed to be plotting all this stuff?"

"I don't think he could," said Harry. "I told you, every time he got close to letting something slip; he started banging his head against the wall."

He saw Fred and George look at each other, while Riley raised her eyebrows.

"What, you think he was lying to me?" Harry asked looking back and forth, from Fred and George in the front to Riley who was next to him in the back.

"Well," said Fred. "Put it this way — house-elves have got powerful magic of their own, but they can't usually use it without their master's permission. I reckon old Dobby was sent to stop you coming back to Hogwarts. Someone's idea of a joke. Can you think of anyone at school with a grudge against you?"

"Yes," said Harry, Ron and Riley together, instantly.

"Draco Malfoy," Harry explained. "He hates me."

"Draco Malfoy?" said George, turning around. "Not Lucius Malfoy's son?"

"Must be. It's not a very common name, is it?" said Harry.

"I've heard Dad talking about him," said George. "He was a big supporter of You-Know-Who."

"And when You-Know-Who disappeared," said Fred, craning around to look at Harry. "Lucius Malfoy came back saying he'd never meant any of it. Load of dung — Dad reckons he was right in You- Know-Who's inner circle."

Riley was unsurprised by this. She had heard Andromeda rant about the Malfoy's for years.

"I don't know whether the Malfoy's own a house-elf…" said Harry.

"Well, whoever owns him will be an old wizarding family, and they'll be rich." said Riley.

"Yeah, Mum's always wishing we had a house-elf to do the ironing," George agreed. "But all we've got is a lousy old ghoul in the attic and gnomes all over the garden. House-elves come with big old manors and castles and places like that; you wouldn't catch one in our house…"

"Hey! That ghoul is pretty funny, though he can get really loud sometimes." Riley commented.

George shrugged. "You learn to block it out after awhile."

"I'm glad we came to get you, anyway, Harry." Ron said changing the subject. "I was getting really worried when you didn't answer any of my letters. I thought it was Errol's fault at first—"

"Who's Errol?"

"Our owl. He's ancient. It wouldn't be the first time he'd collapsed on a delivery. So then I tried to borrow Hermes—"


"The owl Mum and Dad bought Percy when he was made prefect." said Fred from the front.

"But Percy wouldn't lend him to me," said Ron. "Said he needed him."

"Percy's been acting very oddly this summer." said George, frowning. "And he has been sending a lot of letters and spending a load of time shut up in his room… I mean, there are only so many times you can polish a prefect badge… You're driving too far west, Fred." he added, pointing at a compass on the dashboard. Fred twiddled the steering wheel.

After that they chatted a bit about Mr. Weasley and his obsession with Muggles, until they heard George say:

"That's the main road; we'll be there in ten minutes… Just as well, it's getting light…"

The sun was just starting to break over the horizon when the old blue Ford Angela touched down a little ways from the house. Fred put the car in neutral again and turned the car off. As quickly as they dared, the five underage wizards pushed the car back into the garage.

They were just starting to make their way back to the house when Fred and George both stopped dead.

"Ah," Fred said fearfully.

"Oh, dear," George agreed.

Riley looked around them to see Mrs. Weasley with her hands on her hips and a look of pure fury on her face, come to a halt in front of them. Riley had never truly appreciated just how terrifying a mama bear could be when she felt her cubs had been in danger, until that moment.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, fanfiction almost didn't let me post it with all the glitches going on with my account page.

Review please!