A/N: Written for KH-Drabble's Jealousy prompt. There are no names, but I think it's obvious who the two are. ;)

:: Kiss and Kill ::

"You are everything I want, because you are everything I'm not."

The mess of emotions are unexplainable. It leaves him feeling uneasy, his heart pounding so nerve-wrackingly in his chest. He sighs, and huffs, growls even, running his glove-clad fingers through his messy black hair.

Amber eyes stalk her every move, locking onto her very form. Long, slender, azure eyes with hair to match. He smirks at her beauty. Every time he sees her, she manages to become more striking.

"Don't look at me like that." She breathes, faces too close to even try to get her thoughts straight.

"Like what?" He growls.

It's a mixture of seduction and attack, she's not sure whether he's going to kiss her or kill her.

"Like I'm your prey." She scowls, kicking him off of her. "You're weak."

"I'm weak?" The boy chuckles, voice dark and husky. "You are my prey, darling. You are everything I could want." He whispers as he makes his way towards the woman, grabbing her by the chin. "Because you're everything I'm not."

She gasps, eyes widen. Her heart is beating fast, a mixture of fear and other emotions she doesn't like to acknowledge.

"W-What is that supposed to mean?" She murmurs.

"You are pure light, and I am your Darkness. You can't have one without the other… I feed off of you, just as you do me."

"You're insane." She argues back, spitting fire now. "You don't know what your talking about."

"I have to break it down for you, no?" He grins. "The light calls out to the Darkness. Hungry for it. Just as the Darkness calls out to the light. They thirst for one another. There is not one without the other, you see?" He smiles so mischievously.

"You are mine, and no one else could have you. I will very will make sure of that." He smiles. "The very thought of someone else having you simply drives me insane. You are mine forever, until I decide I get bored of you… and put an end to you."

"Sounds like some sick, jealous, psychotic love story." She spat.

"It is." He purrs.
