Hello! This is my first Outsiders fan fiction. There might be some events mentioned that also happen in the book, so full credit goes to S.E. Hinton for those and for the wonderful characters she created. Now that that's out of the way, here we go!

Jamie's POV

I sat down on the rusted metal bench that was placed just outside of the corner store and took a long sip from my Coke. There's nothing like a cold Coke on a hot summer's day. Especially an Oklahoma summer's day.

I was the new girl in east side Tulsa and had only arrived two days before. My dad was an English teacher and often had to move around since there would always be some new, young, hotshot teacher with a higher level of education than he had who applied to whatever school he was at. He really wanted to go back to university and get his Masters degree so that we wouldn't have to move from state to state every couple of years. But unfortunately, we didn't have the money. You don't get paid very well when you're in the teaching business. He should've gone into medicine or some wild thing like that.

Several minutes after sitting down and taking several sips from my Coke, I spotted two boys walking down the middle of the street in my direction. I assumed they were just going to the corner store so I just looked out at the sunset.

"Hey Pony, there's a cute one for ya," I heard one of the boys say when they were only about ten yards away. The area was pretty quiet except for a few cars bustling by so I could hear much of their conversation.

The one who spoke had light brown skin and dark hair. He looked like he was around sixteen or seventeen, but pretty short for that age. His friend was an inch or two taller than he was and looked about the same age. His hair was bleached blonde and was slicked back with grease.

In all the other states I had lived in (which included Texas, Arizona, Kansas and my home state of Florida), the boys I knew from school were all horny jerks that were most of the time just looking for a girl to sleep with. The girls were just a classier version of that. I was a virgin and felt like I was the only one. I had only had one boyfriend in my whole life, and that one tried to do it with me in the backseat of his used 1950 Land Cruiser one night after we had seen some Steve McQueen flick (which of course he had chosen to watch). Naturally, I broke up with his ass. In all honesty, I wasn't even that interested. And yeah, that was pretty much my only relationship-related experience with any boy ever.

I never really had many friends, either. It wasn't because I wasn't friendly; I was very friendly and always eager to talk to someone. My father was very strict and only let me hang out with the smarter kids. "It's either them or you hang out alone," he had once said. I chose staying alone.

I decided to pretend that I didn't hear the boys comment and looked back on the sunset, the beautiful, orange sunset.

Ponyboy's POV

"Hey Pony, there's a cute one for ya," Johnny said, playfully elbowing me in my side. I looked in the direction that he was looking at and saw a girl sitting on a bench all alone.

I smiled and slightly blushed. Yeah, she was pretty cute. She was dressed a bit like a greaser girl, yet I had never seen her before.

"Why don't you go talk to her?"

I shook my head, and looked down at the pavement. "Naw, you go talk to her." It wasn't that I was too shy to talk to girls, it's just that she was so darn cute and I was scared of makin' a fool of myself.

"Well, alright." I was surprised that Johnny actually accepted my challenge. He was usually about just as shy around girls as I was.

The girl was staring out into the distance. I don't think she so much as glanced in our general direction since the moment Johnny pointed her out to me. She was sitting there so quietly, her hair pulled into a messy ponytail, one leg crossed over the other. She was wearing real short jean shorts and a black tank top along with black high top Chucks. If she was a greaser girl, she was definitely one of the classier ones, that was for sure.

"What kinda coke you drinkin'?" Dang it, Johnny. We finally meet a cute girl who's our type, and you comment on what she's drinkin'?

She looked right at Johnny and half smiled. "Cherry."

Johnny nodded. She kept on lookin' at him, doing that half-smile thing. It drove me mad. I wanted to talk to her, but I wasn't sure of what to say.

"Well, my name's Johnny, and this here is Ponyboy. We saw you sittin' here alone and thought we'd join ya."

The girl nodded. "Ponyboy, that's interesting." Yeah, people always commentin' on the originality of my name when they first hear it. "I'm Jamie."

"You new round here?" I actually spoke to the girl. To Jamie.

"Yeah, just moved here the other day. Straight outta Texas." She smiled widely at me. My heart skipped a beat.

"You don't have an accent." What a dumb thing to say, Ponyboy.

She chuckled. "I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida."

"You live on the East side now? Or are you just a soc posin' as a greaser girl sent to spy on us?"

Before Jamie could answer, and just as I was about to kick Johnny for askin' her that, a car pulled up right next to the sidewalk. We all shifted our gazes to it, but we didn't need to do so to know that that car was full of loud greasers. Actually to be precise, it was the rest of Johnny and me's gang.

So that was the first chapter! Wow, when I typed this on Word it seemed a lot longer lol. Once I really get it going I should be able to tell how long to make the chapters.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter :) I should be updating several times a week, so check back soon for chapter 2! Please review!