As I looked across the valley I saw him there, his eyes watching me waiting for my reply. For years I have watched him, followed him with my eyes. I was always the one watching him.

Today though I was prepared to walk away from him, to never see him again, unless it be at opposite ends of a battlefield. But I had no real motive to fight him.

He cut me off as I tried to leave, punching me in the gut to stop me escaping and telling me he would drag me back to the village even if he had to force me. But I couldn't let him do this, I couldn't let him keep touching me, keeping a hope I needed crushed within me to flourish. That my love for him would be allowed to continue and that somehow we could have a happy ending. Looking into his eyes though I knew that there would always be a part of me that remember my love forever.

Harsh words were the only thing that kept me from admitting the truth. My blows to keep him away were the only touches I didn't delight in. I needed distance that he was no longer willing to give. I needed freedom once more to be able to do what must be done, but he would not back down from his promise. What was I supposed to do, beat him till an inch of his life and escape leaving him bleeding on the ground?

I released my cursed seal in hope it would help stop him faster, but he also had his special power. He got stronger faster. It pained me to hurt him so much, but I knew it would pain more if I did not leave soon. His eyes, oh those bright blue eyes, how I needed them to dull before I could leave. To acknowledge what we both knew must be. But oh how they burned with such hope, such desire.

In a last fit of hope that I could get away in my second stage form I produced chidori. The normal blue light was now a dark black from having the different chakra in it. I ran at him as he ran at me with his rasengan. Our attacks collide creating a large barrier of chakra dissipated from our attacks. I flew forwards and kept my arm extended and hit him in the stomach, but he sliced at my forehead protector with his nails. Blinding white light then enshrouded us as we were blown backwards.

When I came round, I saw him lying thereā€¦ still and silent on the ground. In my mind the same thought resounded, constantly asking 'Had I killed him?' I couldn't resist it I had to know, running over I stopping next to him searching for signs of life. As I did so my forehead protector fell off, landing just beside his beautiful face. It almost was like it knew exactly where I should be but could never be. The words almost slipped out before I was aware of what I had started to say.

"Naruto I... I l," I stopped; rain had started to run down my neck. Was the sky now crying for him? Were these the tears I could never shed? Suddenly the pain hit me; the fight had finally managed to catch up with me. I bent forwards tasting the warm metallic blood rush across my tongue. My face hovered over his. How easy it would have been for me to lean forwards and kiss his face, his cheeks, his lips again. I sensed that people were near and would come soon and I needed to go quickly. Struggling I managed to stand, staggering away from him.

Getting within the woods I looked back and sensed his chakra peaking as if he were awake. Thank God he was alive. Finally I uttered the words that had been haunting me, etching them into my heart for the rest of my life "I love you Naruto." With that a single tear that ran down my face and I left for good. The trees were the witness for my one and only love. The wind the only one to carry the words away and the rain to wash all ties so there would be a clean slate the next day. I would be different to my brother because I could not kill my most important friend, I loved him too deeply.