Towards the Edge

Summary: Bella moves to Forks because Charlie finally gets custody of his 16 year old mentally ill daughter, and gets her away from her psychotic mother and her care-taking husband. Nothing is as it seems with Bella. She's witty, smart, and down-right beautiful. There's something about her that gets Edward curious. That and he can't read her mind. Bella doesn't understand why Edward is drawn to her so much when she is so broken, but Edward hopes to change her view on herself as he vows to protect this vulnerable, too trusting, daring little creature with his immortal life. And maybe along the way, find out what on earth is after her. The downfall of Edward's plan; Bella can barely communicate without it being incoherent and jumbled. And also; something dangerous and terrifying is Bella's life and soul.

Rating of this chapter: ''T'' I guess. Nothing really bad, but it DOES have a mention of attempted suicide. That's why it's ''T''.

Pairing: Obviously it's Bella/Edward. Although I haven't fully decided when I'll put Edward into action.

Chapter Pairing: None. Just a prolog.

Disclaimers: Just to let you guys know: I'm terrible with these disclaimers. I ALWAYS forget to add them to the chapters. I'm a rebel like that! XD Well anyway – I don't own Twilight. It all belongs to S. Meyers and her publishing company, and all that. I'm not making money off this, though I wish I could… I don't own the characters of Twilight, I just play with them. The story plot is mine, and any other characters that I come up with. Feel free to message me about any of them.

Warnings: There are mentions of mental disorders in this story. Also mentions of attempted suicide caused by the mental disorders. I will try to add a link of the website I'm getting this information off of. I myself am diagnosed with one of her mental disorders, so I'm going off my experiences, and the doctor's information.

Chapter Warnings: None I think. Let me know if there should be.

Spoilers: I don't think there are any spoilers in this story. I will let you know if a chapter has spoilers. But for this chapter: none. I think…

A/N: Okie dokie. I had this in my head for a day and decided to get it out. I wanted a few chapters done before I posted this, so I could easily edit them and post them quickly. YES. I am still writing the other stories I am writing. I am just trying to think of how to put them down on paper, err computer. Feel free to message me about the other stories, but don't overwhelm me. My computer is freaking out on me now a day so I'm going slowly with it. My internet wigs out on me as well, so please bear with me.


Isabella Swan sighed in relief as she sat in a seat on the jet plane her dad sent for her. She had finally gotten away from her psychotic mother, and her husband, who Bella didn't like. Bella's mom, Renee Dwyer, was not much like her daughter. Bella was quiet and barely spoke a word to anyone, while Renee was the opposite. Renee talked all the time, a little too much in Bella's mind. Bella did not like loud noises, as they hurt her ears. She liked the quietness, but other times she loved the loud sounds of people. She loved learning new things every day. She loved it so much, that she tried to take pictures of things, just to remember them and study. Other times, she sketched things or people. She wished she had her camera and sketch book with her, but instead she had it packed away in a box to be shipped safely to Charlie's, her dad who now had custody of her. Not having her items made her twitchy. She wanted them badly, but knew she couldn't.

Renee didn't take Bella to the air port, neither did Phil her husband. Instead, one of Charlie's numerous nurses was sent to Phoenix to deliver her safely. The nurse was in the seat opposite from her with a clip board on his lap, along with a pen in his hands. His name was Danver. He was currently looking over papers that Bella thought useless. She hadn't been to the doctor in years, since she was fourteen at least. She was now sixteen. Danver lifted his blue eyes up towards Bella and smiled gently.

''The plane will start soon, Bella. Just relax.'' Danver told her.

Bella knew that tone very well. It was the careful tone that many people used with her. She didn't know why. She thought she was fine. She didn't talk very much, but that was only because people said they never understood what she was saying to them. She made perfect sense. They just weren't smart enough to understand her. Bella thought they were useless in her mind if they didn't understand the simplest of words. Bella spoke logically. She didn't understand humor that well, or figurative language. She used literal language, and meant what she said. Though every time she spoke, no one understood a word. They would have to listen carefully to her, or just humor her. So instead of talking, Bella used her hands and objects to get her meaning across. Sometimes she would bang loudly on things that made noises; just to hear what sound they made, or to get them to listen. Other times, she would create something for a visual. Bella knew people sometimes needed visuals, so she either drew them, or just used items to create what she meant. If they didn't understand those; Bella thought they were a lost cause.

The objects of her interest always confused people, besides Renee that is. Renee clearly knew what she meant with her objects, words, and creations. Renee was similar to Bella like that. Renee was smart. She understood everything and anything. Other times; she hadn't a clue. Bella would usually go to her mother to explain things. Renee would listen to her fully, and then copy her words to the other people around them. Bella loved her mother. She understood her, and never judged her actions. Renee liked the fact that she was the only one who really understood Bella. She thought it made it closer to her carbon copy of a daughter. That was another way Bella and Renee were alike. They looked exactly like each other.

There were of course several differences between the two. One of them being no one ever knew what Bella was thinking, while everyone knew what Renee was thinking of. Renee always let her thoughts out without even realizing. Bella would never let out her thoughts, or show them. There was something that both women have in common, though. There was rumored to be a haunted/possessed mansion in Forks, Washington. Renee talked of the house vaguely to Bella, never going into detail about the mansion that scared her so much. She had told Bella by accident that she had gone inside the mansion with her friends when she still lived in Forks as a teenager, before she got pregnant with Bella. Almost all of her friends had mysteriously died afterwards. Renee was one of two survivors of the outcome of the dare she had taken. Bella believed her mother, as she had never lied to her. While Bella didn't truly believe in the supernatural, or coincidences, Renee had proof that Bella was determined to see. It was all hidden in Forks, inside Bella's old room that she would be occupying.

Bella didn't think on the odd subject any longer as she ran her finger tips gently over her gauzed forearm. Both were gauzed from Bella's ultimate suicide attempt. Bella tried to say that she didn't do it on purpose. It had felt like to her that she hadn't a choice with the action. Renee understood, but Phil was convinced that Charlie had to intervene. That was part of the reason why Charlie was so adamant on getting this custody arrangement set up straight away. Danver saw Bella start to toy with the white gauze.

''Don't touch it, Bella. If it hurts, I can give you something. But you have to tell me the truth. Do the stitches hurt?'' Danver asked Bella, who was thinking on how to answer.

The stitches did burn, but how did she say that? It wasn't a hurting pain, but a burning pain. Bella used her small white hands to make a motion that Danver saw as an explosion of some kind.

''Does it feel like it's on fire? It burns?'' Danver corrected himself when Bella shook her head in the negative to his first question. Danver was updated on Bella's predicament. She wouldn't talk, but she would make signs of what she was trying to say. He knew teenagers and adults with Bella's conditions couldn't fully form words correctly. But with Bella as a young teenager with another illness, it made it even worse.

Danver nodded his head as he rose from his seat, putting his clipboard with Bella's information down along with the pen. He went to the over head with his medical bag that he had stocked up on pain relievers, sedatives; just in case Bella panicked, and just some common antibiotics. He wasn't sure what he would have needed; so he got the essentials. He grazed through the small black bag for a numbing medicine in a syringe. Danver knew this medication would make her very sleepy and most likely knocked out for several hours. Charlie had told him that when they landed at the airport; they were to take a Forks Hospital helicopter directly to the hospital for Bella to stay at for a day or two to be under surveillance for an infection. Danver uncapped the needle and got rid of any air bubbles and walked the little distance between him and Bella who looked a little wary at the needle.

''It's okay, Bella. It's a numbing medicine to get rid of the burn.'' Danver told her as he inserted the needle in her arm with ease. Bella didn't make a sound. She only looked at the needle the whole time with curiosity. According to Charlie; Bella was a very curious sixteen-year-old. She loved puzzles, and mysteries. Something to calm her overactive genius mind, or would distract her for awhile. ''You'll be very sleepy, so just relax and don't fight the medicine. Just take a nap, and we'll be in Forks before you know it.'' Danver finished and observed as his temporary patient's eye lids started to close.

Bella was feeling very tired, just like Danver said. She relaxed her head on the seat that she didn't notice went down all the way to allow her to sleep. Bella thought he must have planned this. Or her father did. Either way; she wasn't very happy, and would make it known after she got rid of this fatigue that felt like it was washing her away in a sea of blackness. The only thing she saw before succumbing to sleep were beady, terrifying red eyes watching her with a big mouth full of sharp teeth; black rotting wings that looked to be falling off; a big body with large dead claws on its' black rotting paws, and big, long snout. Bella tried to get away from it, but she just fell asleep.

Danver saw her start to shake a little, and decided to turn the heat on for her and cover her with a blanket for warmth. It was after all, December and it was going to get even colder in Forks. Just for her safety, Danver decided it was best to get the other female nurse that accompanied him to assist him in observing her, and to have assistance in strapping her to the specially designed bed/chair. Danver felt that this was going to be necessary as she had started to jerk her limbs.

As the female nurse named Amy came out from the back he had started to ease the straps into place. Amy went to tell the pilot to start the plane and take off as soon as possible. Amy returned from the cockpit and sat down in the available seat next to Bella with another clipboard of her own. Amy was going to monitor her vitals, while Danver monitored her actions and behavior. Amy was with Danver for the obvious rule of no male nurse or doctor would be alone with a female patient, and as a helping hand. Amy tied up her blond hair into a ponytail as she sighed as the plane roared to life.

''This will be a very interesting trip.'' Amy stated to Danver with a little grimace.

Danver got curious. ''Oh? Why is that?''

Amy looked a little fidgety. ''Well, honestly; I have heard little stories on Bella's mother.''

Danver lifted a black eyebrow for her to continue.

Amy sighed and shifted her light blue eyes to the sleeping Bella. ''Renee Dwyer is her name. She lived in Forks all her life, along with Chief Swan; Bella's father. Mrs. Dwyer had taken a dare from her friend to go inside and investigate a rundown mansion. It was said to be possessed by demons and haunted by the dead souls of their victims. Renee and four of her closest friends had gone inside and it was said that they saw something. One by one after they had left the mansion; they were all murdered except for a boy and Mrs. Dwyer. The teens were said to be murdered by an out of Towner that stalked them, who was released on a case with no evidence against him. The boy had left the town soon after from guilt playing a part in his mind of seeing his friends dead. Mrs. Dwyer had a mental illness like Bella's. She had slowly started to lose her mind after Bella had been born a few years later.''

Danver was skeptical on the story, but the deaths of the teenagers were a bit strange to him. ''That's terrible about their deaths. But remember, Amy; they're rumors. There is always a second part to every story, and it seems only that man, and Mrs. Dwyer knows it. It doesn't seem like Mrs. Dwyer is going to be able to logically remember it. I've seen her and her illness is getting to her.'' Danver told Amy who nodded her head as she accepted his explanation.

''I know, Danver. It's just a rumor, though. So it could easily be a lie. I just hope poor Bella here has a fighting chance in this town with all those people. People talk badly about Mrs. Dwyer in that town. Saying she was bad luck being born, and she gave Bella permanent bad luck.'' Amy said sympathetically.

Danver agreed with Amy that Forks always was a very gossipy town. He hoped that Bella had a chance in that town, too. He was sure Bella would have a chance, though. She was a clever girl, and knew everything. Danver was sure Bella would be just fine. Danver was curious, though. He looked to Bella who was still lightly twitching as he felt the plane start to move on the runway. Why would Renee Dwyer have given Bella permanent bad luck? And how was Renee bad luck being born? He decided not to think on it any longer. Bella was his patient who he was to look after and care for until he was released by Charlie. He would keep everything professional.


The flight from Florida to Washington had been a gentle, easy going flight. Danver and Amy were surprised that their patient had slept all the way through the four ½ hour flight with ease. Besides a couple fits of twitching; Bella did just fine. Danver had gotten off the plane when the captain had opened the plane door for him to give his report of the flight to his own superior; who happened to be there alongside the helicopter paramedics.

While Danver was talking to the helicopter captain, the paramedics went onto the plane to fetch Bella from Amy. The two male paramedics had no issues with lifting Bella off the plane as she weighed almost nothing. Her height was welcomed once again from the medics as it was quite easy getting her off the plane and onto the waiting gurney for transport. With Bella's miniature height at a solid five feet; she was an easy patient to manhandle. All the while Bella had slept; she dreamt of nothing but blackness and little colors that she always saw.

On the helicopter were the two paramedics, the flight captain, Danver, and Amy who was still watching over Bella with an odd look. Danver was curious on Amy's looks to Bella; but said nothing.

''So; this is the famous Bella Swan, eh? Kinda, small isn't she?'' The blond paramedic stated with a glance at the awakening Bella who looked out of it.

Danver narrowed his eyes a bit at the blond man who continued to look at Bella in a way that made him uncomfortable. He had to report this to the Chief; just in case.

''Yes; this is Bella. You were updated on her condition from the Chief yes?'' Amy asked professionally with a hint of steel in her voice at the look the man was giving her patient.

The blond man looked to the blond female who had nothing but a look of innocence on her face. ''Yes I was, ma'm. She has severe Schizophrenia along with Asperger's syndrome.'' The man replied non-chalantly.

The other man had brown hair and noticed his partner was thinking something dangerous. He knew the Chief well, and wanted no trouble with him. Charlie Swan was a man no one messed with if they wanted to live a happy, job-filled life.

''When was her last doses of medication, Danver?'' The brown haired man asked while taking Bella's pulse. Bella had her eyes opened, but still looked like she wasn't here with them as of now. She was wrapped in a thick blanket, as the weather was twelve degrees outside.

Danver looked to his old friend John. ''She's not on anything. She's untreated as of right now.'' Danver told him. John gained a shocked look as continued to check Bella's vitals. John had decided that if his partner was going to give a bad look at their special class A patient; he was going to do the work to make sure he did nothing to the vulnerable sixteen-year-old.

''The Chief won't like that very well, now will he, John?'' The blond man said with a grin to his partner.

John debated answering the blond man that he had been partnered with for three months. He couldn't tell if it was rhetorical, or just a question. John decided not to answer. Amy gave a wide-eyed look to her fellow nurse as a warning that they had to stay close to Bella with this man. Amy didn't like him. He wasn't the one who carried her, but the looks he gave were predatory. Danver agreed with Amy's untold order and nodded subtly back.

Danver decided to let the Chief know about this. It would turn out to be nothing as the man was only a paramedic and didn't work in the hospital, but the Chief deserved to know about the blond man's not so subtle, predatory looks.


Hahaha! How was this chapter? It's short, I know. But I wanted to see what kind of story I could write it was all those dang horror movies, stories, and manga. I'm super sorry if this turns out too much like another story or movie! You have to let me know, and tell me which parts are too similar. I have no wish to steal or copy! Well; as always, review!

-Col. Rage