Carlos danced around like a perfect gypsy would. His flowing skirt flying around him, making the dance seem much more mystical. I watched in awe with the crowd of people surrounding the boy. Although I've watched him do this same routine thousands of times, I was always captivated. The way Carlos would move his arms and stomach perfectly, or how his legs always seemed to know where to go. I was jealous of how great he was at dancing. Of how much money he was able to bring in without putting himself in danger.

Once his dance was over, Carlos smiled at me. The brown wig he was wearing covered half of his face but he looked too happy to care. Dancing always left in an elated mood.

"How did I do Logan?" He asked as if the money in the bucket in front of him wasn't a good enough answer.

"You did amazing Carlos, I was completely blown away." I told him honestly. A few of the lingering audience members chimed in agreement then begged him for another dance. Carlos, of course, happily obliged and went into his salsa routine. I always found this one too sexy for a fourteen year old boy to be doing but the crowd always loved it. Most importantly, Carlos loved performing it.

I looked to the analog clock placed on the side of some building that helped make up the wide alley we were in. It was nearing six which meant it was time for me to start doing my part in earning money. Carlos knew that he was to head to the closest motel once it started getting dark so I didn't bother to warn him. Plus he was working, I was not going to interrupt him.

It only took fifteen minutes to get from the tourist filled historical district of our town to what could be considered "the wrong side of the tracks" on foot. I stood against a filthy building and waited. There was women scattered around the area as well. All of them in neon mini dresses and high heels. I used to think of them as intimidating. They were all beautiful and sexy while I was average and boring. I eventually learned that there was no need for me to be sexy because I was the only one around with a penis. That simple little fact guaranteed me at least one job a night.

A black cadillac pulled up and a blond man called out for me. I walked up to his window casually and peered in. The man wasn't a looker but the gold rollex sure was.

"One-fifty for a night." I told him and he agreed by telling me to get in. I spent the entire car ride mentally preparing myself just like I always did. God, I really needed a new job.

"You're nothing but a whore. A dirty, lying whore. Your own mother doesn't even believe you. You should just die you fucking slut."

Carlos was watching old sitcoms when I found the mom and pop motel he chose. I didn't bother to greet him but instead curled up to him on the bed. He didn't know what I was doing for money and I tried my best to keep it that way. I'm sure he thought something was up, especially since I would leave at late hours and come back smelling like soap with a ton of money. He never questioned me though and I was grateful for that. I don't know how I would explain to my little brother that I was sleeping with men for money.

Carlos hit my head suddenly, like he just remembered something, just as I closed my eyes.

"I made a hundred and seventy two dollars today Logie! A man came by and gave me a hundred dollars just so I would do some dances for him!" Carlos told me excitedly. I murmured a good job before what he said actually sunk in.

"Carlos, what did I tell you about giving a single person special attention?" I scolded but it was obvious he didn't care.

"You said I shouldn't but Logie, he gave me one hundred dollars! He didn't touch me either! We're so much closer to getting an apartment now! We'll have an address!" Carlos was pretty much squealing. I gave up arguing only for the sake of his happiness.

"Whatever, just tell this man to leave you alone from now on."

"Oh, it wasn't a man, it was a guy about your age Logie. He was super cute too."

"Still, he's not some kid who wants to be your friend. I'm staying to watch you tomorrow to make sure this man stays away from you." Carlos smiled at me.

"You're a good brother but you can be too over protective sometimes. I'm fifteen, I can handle myself."

"You're still fourteen until the twenty-third and you can't handle yourself. You trust people too much." Carlos didn't retort with anything, but chose to go back to his sitcoms. I watched him watch television until I fell asleep.

"Logan, meet your new brother Carlos. I want you to be a good big brother and always protect him, okay? Make sure nothing bad ever happens to him."

We had more than enough for a breakfast at McDonalds. Carlos bought a whole bunch and ate like the growing boy he is. I was afraid he'll never grow as big as he possibly could. A good portion of our money went to feeding Carlos so one day he would be big enough to fend for himself. Although, the dresses, skirts and the many wigs he chose to wear would not make life easy for him. I used to make him dress like a boy when we first moved to the streets just so he wouldn't be bullied. But he became quiet and violent without his dresses. It was more painful to see Carlos upset than some strangers pick on him. I decided then that if female clothing is what made him happy then so be it. The salvation army ladies always gave him the best clothes anyways. His wardrobe was pretty impressive for someone who was homeless.

When we had both finished our meal, Carlos went to the wide alley to begin dancing. I sat on a nearby bench and watched him stretch in his little yellow sundress. He looked so cute stretching his arms in that dress that it made me nervous. I didn't want anyone else thinking this was cute. He pulled his old boom box out of his money bucket and plugged it into an outlet in the ground made for passer bys to sit down and maybe charge their cell phones and laptops.

Modernized traditional Indian music began playing and Carlos danced to it in his own style. The crowd was thin as it always was at this time. It was noon on a thursday, people were busy working or learning. At five, when Carlos was dancing to a pop beat, The crowd became huge. I could no longer see Carlos from my spot but I could tell he was doing amazing from the cheers. The boy was a dance prodigy.

Carlos came to me when the song was over and asked if I could buy him a water. He was drenched in sweat with a huge smile on his face. The crowd called him in for another show so I left to get the water he requested from a cafe nearby. The owner was an elderly man who used to feed me and Carlos when we were younger. His daughter was running the register today, however, which meant no discounts or freebies today. She was a rotten lady who called the police on us a few times, back when Carlos and I were twelve and seven and slept in the backroom during storms. I bought two waters and a sub sandwich from the store, all the while avoiding eye contact with the woman. She rang my food up and I left as quickly as I could. I needed to get back to Carlos, anyways. It was highly possible he found trouble in the minutes I was gone. The crowd was no longer there when I returned and that made me nervous. I ran to see what was up only to see Carlos sitting on one of the benches, talking to a boy who was sitting too close for my comfort. Carlos didn't notice me as I approached him until I cleared my throat. His head snapped up to look at me, his stupid little smile that always wins me over was on his face.

"Hey Logan, this is James. He's the one who paid me a hundred dollars to dance for him. James, this is my big brother Logan." Carlos introduced.

"Nice to meet you Logan, your brother is an amazing dancer. I've never seen someone move like him, and look so beautiful while doing it too." James said to me although he looked directly at Carlos as he complimented him. Carlos giggled, I rolled my eyes. It was just like Carlos to fall for some smooth talking creep like this guy.

"It's been nice meeting you as well. However, Carlos should really get back to dancing before it gets dark. Not all of us can afford to waste time talking." I said to him as polite as I could be. It obviously wasn't polite enough for Carlos, judging by the glare he was sending me.

"I can relax for a while, I already made a lot." Carlos defiantly said. "Fine, take a break." I dug through my bag and tossed him his water and sandwich. "I'm leaving, have fun." Carlos glared at me but then paid me no mind as I walked away.

Anyone who thought for a second that I would actually leave my little brother with this strange man is sorely mistaken. I hid in one of the shops in the alley and watched from the small bathroom window. They talked for a long time, neither of them were doing anything inappropriate and honestly, it irked me. I wanted this James guy to try and take advantage of Carlos just so I could be right. But he didn't, he left after he received a phone call. I watched as Carlos continued to sit there, fiddling with something in his hand. He put whatever the item was in his pocket like it was a huge secret. Whatever he was hiding, I knew it had something do with this James boy.

Carlos brought in too little so we slept in a small alley that night. We had the funds for a room, almost three hundred dollars saved up in a can, but that was our apartment money. We never touched it unless we had to. We were so close to our goal. One night in an alley over forty, almost fifty, bucks in a motel was for the best.

The next day Carlos began working super hard in fear of sleeping outside again. It was so cute to watch Carlos' little brown wig slip to show short black hair. His orange sleeveless dress looked amazing on him too. My brother was beautiful, I could understand why people liked him so much. Watching him dance was hypnotizing.

The sun went down and I told Carlos I was leaving and where to go once he was done. I walked to the street I worked on and stood. One of the girls around me offered some pills which I declined. Before Carlos and I ran away I was studying medical science. I knew the long term effects of those pills.

A silver convertible stopped for me. I knew who it was, this man has bought a night with me countless of times. His name is Dennis and he was a rich family man with a wife who spent too much time away with their kids. I didn't mind him as much as most of my clients only because he always said I was beautiful during sex. It may sound vain but hearing that you are attractive from at least one person makes you feel wonderful. Especially when you have a brother like mine.

When we got to his house, he kissed me like I was something special. I kissed back, my hands wrapping around his neck just like he liked me to do. When we pulled apart, he led me upstairs into his room. He looked miserable so I kissed him first and led him to the bed. He stripped me quickly, his hands exploring all of my body while I moaned like the whore I am.

Dennis wasted no time preparing me, his lubed fingers slowly thrusting into me as he whispered how I was so great and so beautiful. He was gentle in everything he did, even if he was in a bad mood or wanted to just get to it. I appreciated him so much. He fucked me twice that night and fell asleep after telling me I could help myself to anything in the house. Dennis knew I was homeless and always let me eat and shower before I left.

I went down stairs once Dennis started snoring, wearing nothing but my underwear. I snooped through his fridge hoping to find some leftovers I could eat. Sure enough, there was some pasta in a tupperware bowl so I threw it in the microwave and waited for hit to heat up. The worst thing about pasta has to be the time it takes to reheat. It always heats unevenly too. When my food was done, I took it out and turned to sit at the island only to seen a teenage boy staring at me. He was rather cute, and possibly around my age. Tall, blonde, and handsome. I assumed he was Dennis' son, seeing as they looked so much alike.

"Who are you?" He asked me. It was obvious he was angry and I couldn't blame him. If I saw a strange young boy practically naked and eating my food, I'd be pissed to say the least.

"I'm your dad's friend. You must be his son." I said with a mouth full of food. He watched me for a while and I studied him. He was honestly gorgeous, I couldn't believe it. I wonder if he can fuck better than his father.

"You're a prostitute, aren't you?" He asked me and surprisingly, didn't even seem angry.

"I guess I am." I mumbled, not really liking how crass he was with such a sensitive subject. Kendall took a seat across the island and stared at me. I started to feel really uncomfortable but I just ate my pasta rather than telling him.

"Why?" He asked a long pause. "I mean there's so many other things you can do that don't involve sleeping with random men."

"It's kind of hard to have a legitimate job when you don't Have an address." Maybe I said that a little too rudely but rich kids like him really bother me. They act as if everything is so simple.

"You're homeless?"


"Wow, it must be destiny that I met you. I was just about to run away. I fucking hate living in this stupid place or with my stupid mom. Maybe you can let me join you?" I couldn't believe a single word that just came out of his mouth. Was he serious? He lives in a giant house with all of the money he could possibly need and he wants to live on the streets? I got up and put the now empty tupperware in the sink.

"Like hell I'd let a spoiled kid like you who doesn't understand anything come with me." I said as I made my way up the stairs to get my clothes.

"Wait! My grandma left me almost five million dollars in a bank account when she died. I can't access it until my eighteenth birthday which is in five months but if you let me live with you I'll buy us a place to live." He shouted and I stopped in my tracks. If I deal with this kid for five months, I'll have an address and Carlos won't ever have to sleep outside again. He can go back to school. With a reluctant sigh, I turned to him.

"What's your name?" I asked, he looked at me like what I just asked was odd. He must of not noticed that he was begging to live with me without even us knowing each other's name.

"Kendall Knight, what's yours?" Kendall was smiling like I had already told him yes.

"I'm Logan Mitchell. Go wait outside, once I get my clothes and money, we're going to go." I heard him whisper a yes and I probably would have laughed if I didn't feel like I just made the biggest mistake in my life.

Wow... Chapter one is done...and I did it in a week! I have a good feeling about this story.

So this isn't what I planned on making my fist story but I read Luna by Julie Ann Peters and Almost Home by Jill what's her face and this was born. I really hope you guys like it.

Leave a review telling me what you think.