Hello Nekotalia fans~ I'm in a more chipper mood and I'm sorry about the pitifully short chapter yesterday. It won't happen again.


I'm pretty sure you know by now I do NOT, in fact, own Hetalia or Warriors.

The camp of the Axis was bursting with movement. The prey pile was building, the cats were parading around with happy yowls escaping from their jaws, having just won the battle they just had with the allies.

Meanwhile, a very out of it while not showing it Birdtooth was blindly walking through the camp, dazed and confused. He needed to know if Quietsong was okay. He was sure she was, but he just needed to be reassured. In that moment, Iceheart padded up to him, his head down. "Can I talk to you?" he whispered, Birdtooth could barely hear him.

"Sure. Where do you want to talk?" Birdtooth asked, puzzled why the newer warrior wanted to talk to him.

"Outside of camp. It's urgent."

Birdtooth nodded, taking the urgency to heart. What might have happened?

When they came to a secluded spot, Birdtooth turned to the young warrior, opening his jaws, but before the deputy could speak, Iceheart blurted, "I killed an apprentice."

"What?" Birdtooth asked without thinking.

Iceheart sighed. "I think I killed an Ally apprentice. Her name was Fariepaw. I snapped her neck. I feel horrible."

Birdtooth looked blankly at the young killer. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to join Allyclan. As like a sorry for the apprentice I… murdered," Iceheart said fast. "I just… I need to do this. Will you and Fishtail go with me?"

"Does Fishtail know?"

"She was the first one I told," Iceheart admitted, his head going down again. "I figured to tell you since you're the authority here that isn't Ironstar."

"I understand," Birdtooth said, his tail flicking. "We better go now, so you can face them while they're still mourning. Let them know you're sorry for what you did." Iceheart nodded.

Deep down in himself Birdtooth felt relieved, knowing that he could check on Quietsong. Tell her briefly how her kits were doing. The deputy sighed. "Shall we go?"

Iceheart nodded again.


Birdtooth sneaked through the woods, Fishtail and Iceheart in tow. Fishtail wasn't looking at her brother, not even when they came to get her. All the cats in the clan didn't know what happened, so they were all puzzled when the three cats started leaving their feast. Birdtooth had told everyone they had business to take care of, and left it at that. He would tell Ironstar later.

Meanwhile, the cats had reached the opening of the AllyClan camp. Peaking inside, you could see a bunch of cats huddled around a small, broken body. Iceheart shivered in knowing. Birdtooth put his tailtip to the warriors shoulder, trying to console. Fishtail still didn't look at him.

"Are you ready for this?" Birdtooth asked.

"Yes," Iceheart said reluctantly.

With Iceheart in tow, Birdtooth came to the camp entrance, instantly scanning for Quietsong as he looked. Many cats looked at them, the fur on their pelts rising. "We come with peace! We will not fight you!" Birdtooth looked at Iceheart. "We come with a message."

Iceheart stepped forward. "It was me. I killed Fariepaw. I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry. I have come to… to join your clan, so it can act like a condolence for your fallen apprentice."

Herostar stepped forward. "We take your apology. You know you will not be trusted, and we do not fully accept the apology yet, of course?"

Iceheart closed his eyes. Fishtail looked away again.


"Then welcome to AllyClan, Iceheart. Your heart is truly as ice, but hopefully it'll thaw into something new."

No yowls of approval came from any cat. All were just too stunned. Herostar accepted this cat that just killed his daughter?

Birdtooth turned, Fishtail walking out of the camp first. He looked back, one more time, to see Quietsong. She blinked at him.

He blinked back, to let her know.

How was THAT for a long chapter? Hah! That's probably the longest I've done so far, which is good. I plan to wrap up this story in the next few chapters, so just you wait!

Btw, I used the line, "Blink back to let me know," from the song, "Always" by Panic! At the Disco.