*SOB* noo! It's the last chapter! I wanted to make it last a bit longer but I realized then I was dragging it on and making it kind of vague. So anyway I hope you enjoyed the story. I certainly enjoyed writing it and reading the reviews. It's not my last story so there will be more stories to come in the future.

Anyways, I wanted to make a bunch of thank-you's. I wanted to thank first of all, everyone who stuck along all 16 chapters. Thank you for putting up with me :)

I want to thank everyone who posted a review because you all make my day when i check my inbox and see that another person posted a review. I don't think i would have been as motivated without you people :') Also, anyone who favorited it, or got alerts for it, thank you very much as well! Last but not least, thank you to mika-chan for the delicious cookies :D

Enjoy the chapter~

Celty pushed Erika out of the flat who was scribbling down rapidly in her notebook, which she had somehow managed to bring and pull out of her sweater.

She looked back into the kitchen before she stepped out the door and saw Izaya and Shizuo, sitting there in the midst of an awkward silence.

Closing the door, she continued to nudge an excited Erika to the elevator.

As the doors shut, she began to think. She hoped she hadn't ruined their relationship by telling Erika. But it had been inevitable. She just could not bring herself to hide from a fellow fujoshi like Erika about the situation. There was no way she could have told Shinra. He would have been disgusted at the idea of it.

"I've decided!" announced Erika, as they walked out of the elevator. "I'm going to make a doujin about those two!"

Celty stood there silently. Slowly pulling out her phone, she typed:

"Let me read it when you're done." And then felt immediately guilty about it. Then she thought again, It's not like the subject matter themselves are going to read it. But then again, what it Erika showed it to them?

She glanced at Erika who was skipping happily.

"You aren't going to, you know, show it to them, are you?" she typed.

Erika laughed. "That would be embarrassing! Who in their right mind would do that?"

Celty felt a wave of relief wash over her mind. Thank god.

They then continued to walk down the block and to Celty's flat.

Meanwhile, back at Izaya's flat, Shizuo was pacing around the living room, while Izaya continued to work on his computer, down the hall.

Shizuo was worried about many things. For one, he was worried about that crazy girl, Erika. He didn't want to murder her, but he wanted to make her stay away from him at all costs. She gave him an odd sort of chill. Ugh. The other thing that worried him, was telling his brother that he was gay, and dating Izaya. He didn't want to tell his brother, but he felt some extremely strong urge to.

He paced about. He should be happy. Why was he so stressed? He had finally gotten what he wanted, Izaya's love, but everything felt so strange.

At the same time, Izaya, who was supposively doing work, was sitting at his desk, looking blankly at the screen-saver. Ever since the beginning, he knew he was in for the risk, when he called Shizuo on that rainy day, to cause the accident, in an attempt to kill him. He knew he was taking chances by starting over with Shizuo after he woke up. But for some reason, although his plans always turned unexpectedly in odd directions, it never felt like failure now. Sure, it had felt like failure at the time he first had sex with Shizuo, and failure before that when he began losing control of his own feelings. But now that he looked back at it, was it really failure?

Sure, it was quite different. He never would have dreamed of himself embracing Shizuo and acting in ways that damaged his pride in front of him. But would it ever go back to normal? Would he ever be able to maintain a normal street fight with him like the old days, without being weakened by Shizuo's face?

He would have to see about that. He would need to test that theory out. But then he stopped again, as he swiveled around in his chair, the room blurring around him.

Why did he want to revert to the old days? Things had changed so much now, he was confused. How the hell was it possible that he could go from murder to love within a few weeks with Shizuo? It didn't seem humanly possible.

And then it hit him.

It hit him harder than the time that Shizuo flung his duffel bag at his face at the airport.

That was it.

He had been in love with Shizuo the whole time.

What did they call it? That feeling of hating someone so much, you love them? It was a dark feeling. He supposed he had hidden the love part of that feeling from Shizuo before the accident.

Being with Shizuo in a way that wasn't murderous, even though it was fake, brought out the love part of his love-hate feelings. It all made perfect sense now.

He spun around in his chair some more and laughed.

If he wanted to go back to the old days of fighting, it would be simple. He would just show off his immense love of Shizuo by cutting him up with his knife.

No, it wasn't that simple anymore. The thought was childish and didn't consider his feelings at all.

He sighed and rested his head on his hand.

With the way their relationship had turned, if they started fighting, it would turn from an intense battle of hate, to an intense passionate round of sex. Izaya's mind spun.

Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?

No matter how many times he repeated that question to himself, he could only laugh it off, thinking of Shizuo in the other room. He heard Shizuo pacing, and then talking on the phone.

Probably calling his brother.

He listened in carefully.

"Hey, it's me," said Shizuo. "I have to tell you something important."


"You…how did you know that? WHAT? It's been all over the news? Who did that? I'm going to kill them if it's that last thing I…hmmm…what? Is it true? Of course it is! Yes I'm gay! Now you know!"

He continued to jabber on the phone for quite a bit before Izaya heard a "bye" and the sound of the phone being flung at the sofa.

Footsteps were coming down the hall.

Quickly, Izaya nudged his mouse, making his screen re-appear and he turned his chair back to face it.

Strong, sturdy arms wrapped around his shoulders and he felt Shizuo peering over his shoulder.

"Apparently the fact that we weren't fighting together is breaking news all over the internet."

"It would be wise not to make any public appearances for awhile would it then," smirked Izaya, looking up at Shizuo's face. He reached up and yanked at his blonde hair, pulling him closer. "By the looks of it, I don't think it will be a problem."

Shizuo blushed. "What about food?"

"We can send someone to get it."

Shizuo sighed. "I'm not filing papers or praising your chess skills."

"Aw darn. I'm going to miss that. The sight of your bashful, smiling face saying, 'yes master! I will file your papers' or 'wow Izaya-kun! Your chest skills are faaabulous!' was incredibly entertaining."

"You bastard, Izaya kun!" roared Shizuo in a rage as he picked up a lamp and hurled it at Izaya's face. Izaya caught it before it hit his computer. He had an idea.

"Catch me if you can!" he called as he raced out of his office and out of the flat at full speed, clutching his trusty pocket knife.

Shizuo was enraged, and grabbed the sofa, taking it with him as he bounded after his boyfriend shouting "I'm going to fucking KILL you!"

They both ran out into the street in broad daylight and the folks of Ikebukuro stood around looking at the two men who, only moments before had made news of being seen together peacefully. Now, they were everything but.

Vending machines, streetsigns, and trashcans went scattering and broken across the city as the two went at it.

The headline news immediately became:

Sorry, the previous news article was false. Shizuo and Izaya are fighting again.

The people shook their heads and continued about their daily lives. It was to be expected.

All was well in Ikebukuro.

All was normal.

Well, except when it got dark. Shizuo and Izaya walked in opposite directions back to Izaya's flat, where they met up and shared a passionate kiss.

They were dating, but that was reserved for after hours, when it was dark.

When camera's and pedestrians could not see them making love in the back of an abandoned alleyway or back in their flat, curling up together on Izaya's bed.

No one suspected anything except the few who knew.

Erika was working on her doujin, which would not be finished for another few months, and Celty wouldn't see it until then.

Shizuo's brother accepted him and continued to carry out his career.

Everything worked out in the end.

It worked out unexpectedly strangely, but it was beneficial.

Izaya accepted his own feelings, and let them take over his mind. Shizuo became more tolerant of Izaya's indifference and evil personality. They both had many years ahead of them.

Many years to grow.

Many years to talk, to think, to wonder.

Despite those many years to do many things. There was one particular thing that was inevitable and desirable.

They had an eternity to love eachother.

And that,

they did.
