So just a little thing I worked up, this will be a series of 100 word drabbles focusing on fleshing out the characters. Be sure to review and let me know what you think. This first chapter is a bit of an intro, after this each chapter will focus on a specific character.

I don't own Young Justice

Costumes are more than just clothes they wear.

It's their battle gear. Their identity.

It's part of what makes them a beacon of hope.

Their uniforms mark them as a hero among men and soldier willing to fight the world for the innocent. They will stand strong for everyone. Uniforms make them easy to recognize so they are known to everyone else that help is near.

The uniform goes far beyond just that though.

It gives them a cover. Protects their families from association.

Their uniform even makes realize that sometimes they just aren't the hero they have to be.

Well thats all for now, remember R E V I E W! please? up next "Conner: Indestructible"