The Victors and The Princess

This is another fanfiction I'm working on. Totally unrelated to The Lost Tribute, which will be updated soon, I swear. This was just a little plot-bunny nagging away at me, so I had to write it. And ohmagawsh guys, I finally wrote a lemon! Don't expect dirty words and graphic detail, but it is, nonetheless, a lemon. This is a story about President Snow's granddaughter, her short relationship with Finnick Odair, and the subsequent events that transpire from that relationship. A new thing for y'all. Most likely in four parts. This is part one. Later pairing will be Nina/Haymitch, but for now it's Nina/Finnick. Please review!


My name is Nina Snow. Of course, Nina isn't my real name, but it's my public name, the name the whole of Panem knows me by. You've probably heard my last name before. That's because my Grandpapa is the President of Panem. Because of this, I, Nina Snow, can pretty much do whatever I want. Which is, right now, riding the elevator in the Hunger Games Headquarters to find struggling Mentors and sponsor their Tributes. While I'm at it, I might flirt with Finnick Odair a little. He's a good friend of mine.

I push my long hair back and straighten my navy blue, silver-sparkle tinted, utterly gorgeous dress, click my heels together, and grimace at my hair color. My mother was blonde, they tell me. So was my Grandpapa and my father who died before I could walk. He was a traitor, they say. Fancy that. The President's only son being a traitor. I did not inherit the blonde hair. Instead, my hair is a depressing shade of fire-orange. Though, recently, thanks to a certain Girl on Fire, orange has become quite the fashionable shade.

I step into the Control Room, eyes seeking out my target. He's kind of hard to miss, actually. Tall, muscular, tanned, athletic, and trademark bronze hair. Finnick Odair is sitting at his desk, cursing softly. His only remaining Tribute, a girl called Starfish, is part of the Career pack, but she's on the outskirt of it this year. They haven't given her any food.

A couple of Mentors wave at me, ask for my sponsorship. I wave back, but make a beeline for Finn. I notice Haymitch Abernathy and send an extra sweet smile his way. I quite like Haymitch, despite him being way older than me. He's kind of handsome, in a rugged, disheveled sort of way. Definitely not the sort of man my Grandpapa would approve of. But Finnick… now, he's a different story.

"Hey, Finn," I say sweetly.

Finnick grins at me.

"Oh, hey, Nina Snow," he says.

He has a habit of adding my last name after my first. I pretend it annoys me, but it kind of doesn't.

"Your Tribute doing OK?" I ask.

Finn shrugs.

"She'll be fine, as long as she gets some food soon."

I grin at him.

"I happen to have a credit card. And I'm looking for a Tribute to sponsor..." I say nonchalantly.

Finnick looks hopeful.

"You'd sponsor Starfish?" he asks.

I nod. We type in the amount and the type of food to be sent.

"Thanks, Nina," says Finnick.

I smile. "What use is being filthy rich, if you can't help people?" I ask.

Finn shakes his head.

"You're a mystery, Nina Snow."

I know why he's saying this. My grandfather, the President of Panem, is kind of a dick. Okay. That's an understatement. I am the exact opposite. I LIKE to help people. I especially like Finnick, but you'll never get me admitting that.

"I thought you were sweet on that boy from 2," says Finnick.

"Who? Cato?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah."

I shrug. I'm not ALLOWED to be sweet on any of the Tributes. However, Victors are a different story. I realize Finn's waiting for an answer. I blush.

"I'm not," I say.

Finnick grins.

"C'mon," he says, and stands.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

Finnick grins at me mischievously.

"Ever been to the Capitol Bar before?" he asks.

I am sixteen, so no. But I don't say this. He knows anyway, and grins.

"Mags, will you cover for me?" he asks. The old woman nods and takes over at the desk.

Finn grabs my hand and whisks me away from the Control Room.

I am dressed up in a navy blue dress studded with sparkles and diamonds here and there. My long, depressingly orange hair falls to my waist in heavy curls, and my sparkly heels click. People stare at us as we walk, arm in arm, down the road to the Capitol Bar.

The Capitol Bar, it turns out, is a nightclub, as well as a bar. Finnick grins at me.

"Ready for this, Nina?" he asks.

I return his grin.

"Sure thing honey," I smirk.

Finn pouts.

"That's my job," he pouts.

I smirk and lightly kiss his cheek.

As we approach the club, a swarm of cameras and press descends on us. The famous Finnick Odair and Nina Snow, Panem's Princess, out together.

We will make the front page, with speculations. Grandpapa will probably be annoyed, but he knows me and he knows Finnick wouldn't hurt me.

"Miss Snow! Over here!"



"Mr Odair!"

They don't give in until we're safely inside the club. Finnick grins at me, a regular occurrence by now.

"That was an adventure," he says.

I giggle at him and he offers me his hand.

"Shall we dance, Miss Snow?"

I giggle again and accept his hand. Unfortunately for us, people recognize us no matter where we go, so we're soon the centre of attention in the club.

"Shall we give them a show, princess?" asks Finn, lips at my ear.

"What do you have in mind, Finnick?" I ask, smirking at him.

In answer, he tilts his head down to capture my lips with his own, hands at my waist, on my back, in my hair.

It's not the first time I've been kissed, and not the first time by Finnick either, but it IS the first time we've kissed in public.

"Finn?" I whisper against his lips.

He doesn't answer, but takes full advantage of the opportunity presented by my whisper. His tongue slides over mine, sweeping, tasting almost. I've been kissed before, even by Finnick before, but never like this.

He's a god.

I cling to him, wind my body around his, because I've known how to be in the spotlight since I was a child. Finnick pulls away from me a little, but still holds my smaller body against his.

"Shall we take this somewhere else?" he asks, smiling.

I stare at him for a moment.

"I don't want Finnick-the-Capitol-whore." I say finally. And I'm not lying. I am attracted to the real Finnick, not the mask he wears in public.

He grins at me again, gently this time, and I know he won't wear the mask tonight.

"Yes," I say in response to his suggestion, "let's."

We sneak away from the club, although to be honest, with everyone watching, it's not really sneaking. We walk back to the mansion. Grandpapa will still be at the Control Centre, lecturing Seneca Crane or presiding over the Games. We sneak inside and up the stairs to my suite.

I don't even bother switching on the main light, just the lamp on my bedside cabinet.

Finnick smiles at me again and gently takes me in his arms. His lips meet mine again and before I know it, my hands are at the hem of his dress-shirt, his hands at the zip of my dress.

His shirt comes off first, followed swiftly by my dress. The dress pools at my feet, I step out of it and back into his arms.

My undergarments and his trousers follow swiftly after. He gently lays me down on the bed, lying beside me.

"Is this your first?" he asks quietly.

I nod, and he looks me square in the eye.

"Are you sure you want it to be with me then?" he asks carefully.

"I wouldn't rather it be anyone else," I say, and he draws me into his arms, kissing me gently and then progressively more heatedly.

To distract me from the pain, I think. I feel it anyway, but only for a moment. I gasp out from the shock of it, but he muffles my gasp with another kiss.

He gives me a moment to get used to it, his sea-green eyes boring into mine.

"I'll go easy on you, princess," says Finnick with a wicked grin.

"Do your worst, gorgeous," I retort.

He chuckles and kisses my collarbone.

"Believe me, princess, you're going to regret that," he says and he begins to move inside me.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he moves in and out of me, both of us moaning softly and whispering sweet nothings.

He does something or other that makes me see stars.

"Oh my GOD Finnick!" I moan, wrapping my legs tighter around his waist and kissing his lips roughly as he increases his pace slightly.

We keep going for longer than I expected, and when we finally tip the scales and land in a world of passion and ecstasy, I feel like every nerve in my body is on fire as I pull him closer and gasp his name.

"God, Nina!" Finnick moans and he joins me in the land of passion, collapsing on top of me.

It's the first time he's ever called me just simply Nina. I resolve to remember that.

"Stay with me til I sleep?" I ask.

"I'll stay til morning if you like," he says.

In answer, I rest one hand over his heart as he locks his arms around me. It's peaceful, lying there, listening to his heartbeat. He talks about his home, District Four. I tell him Four is one of my favorite Districts.

Finnick snickers at that.

"What? What's funny?" I ask, bemused.

"You," he says.

I ask him to elaborate.

"You live in the Capitol. You're the President's granddaughter, and yet you prefer the Districts. Hell, you even LOOK like a District girl," says Finnick.

I ponder this. "Is that a good thing?" I ask.

He smiles at me, as he always does.

"It means you're human. Same can't be said for your Granddaddy though," he says, smirking.

"Ooh, treason!" I mock.

Finnick sniggers. "So?"

"I should report you, gorgeous," I say, lazily trailing lines down his toned stomach with the tips of my fingers.

"You'd risk getting me executed?" he pouts, and rolls so he's on top of me again.

"I don't know," I joke, "What would I miss?"

He doesn't say anything, just kisses me heatedly. When he pulls away, I realize he's inside of me again. When I realize this, he just smirks at me provocatively.

"I don't know, Nina. This, perhaps?" he suggests wickedly and does the same thing from earlier which made me see stars.

"Finnick!" I moan, and he smirks at me, kissing my lips once and then continuing what he was doing.

He drags me to the land of passion again, and when we surface, I prop myself up on one elbow and look him in the eye.

"I wouldn't have you executed because I would miss you too much," I say.

Finnick grins cockily.

"You'd miss me? Or the sex?" he asks.

I pretend to think about it.

"Both," I concede, "but I'd miss you in general more than sex."

We sleep.


I wake in Finnick's arms, which surprises me, because I had expected him to leave whilst I was sleeping. He kisses me into full consciousness, which I reciprocate with a kind of dozy passion.

"Nina?" he says after a moment.


"Don't suppose you have a wardrobe I can borrow?"

I giggle at the question. Capitol wardrobes make clothes to order.

"Sure," I say, "it's over there," I pull him into another searing kiss before he saunters over to the wardrobe and keys in the combination for a plain, pale blue dress shirt. He dresses in that and finds his trousers from the previous night. Once he's dressed, he pulls me in for a final kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth. He pulls away leaving me breathless.

"Shall I see you later, then?" he asks, smirking.

I nod, "I will be at the Control Centre, I'm sure," I say.

He sneaks out. I quickly leap from the bed, throwing his shirt around my shoulders as a dress and shoving on some underwear. I hurry to the window and watch him leave. He gets out safe, thank god, and quickly blends into the crowd.

I return to my bed and doze until the sun fully rises and Vida, my Avox, and Sunny, my Governess, come in to wake me up.

When Sunny sees what I'm wearing, she orders Vida out. Vida tips me a tiny wink, though. Although she's an Avox, I quite like Vida.

"Nina," says Sunny in a voice that tells me I'm about to get a big lecture.

"Sunny," I mimic.

She puts her hands on her hips.

"Get dressed – properly – and then get to the Training Centre. The Mentors are desperate for sponsorship," she says, "and I'll say no more on this matter."

I beam at her. "Thanks Sunny!"


True to her word, Sunny doesn't say anything else about finding me wearing Finnick's shirt. In fact, she doesn't say anything about it at all.

Until about a month later, that is. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark from Twelve won the Games. Grandpapa isn't happy, and he intends to visit Katniss in five months' time before the Victory Tour. I wake up about two weeks after the Games have finished to the room spinning.

I sit up, and the dizziness vanishes. Bemused, I pad along the carpeted floor to my en suite bathroom, rummaging in the vanity cabinet for morphling tablets or ayspring tablets. I come across something else first. I count in my head.

Behind the box of tampons is a pregnancy test. Ignoring the tampons, I get the test box and sit on the edge of the huge bathtub. I repeat my counting, and then open the box.


You have to pee on the stick til the line goes pink or blue. The stick thing beeps when the line's colored itself in. If it's pink, you're pregnant. If it's blue, you aren't. I shut my eyes until the stick beeps.

I'm scared to look, but I force my eyes open. Pink.

It's pink.

I am pregnant with Finnick Odair's child.


Sunny comes in a bit later to find me curled up on the bathroom floor. She takes one look at me and the empty cardboard box beside me, and then comes and sits next to me, rocking me back and forth like she did when I was a little child.

"What are you going to do?" Sunny asks me, and my hands fly to my abdomen, where my precious child is growing. Sunny sees this, and smiles.

"Good choice, mi nina," she says. Mi nina – words in an old language called Spanish that means 'my child'.

Sunny smiles at me conspiringly. "We'll have to modify your clothes to hide it," she says.

I stare at her. "Well you can't tell your Grandpapa," says Sunny.

I nod, understanding. Grandpapa would kill Finnick.


I am two months pregnant when I see Finnick again. A few Victors have come to the Capitol, and I am waiting at the train station to greet them.

"Grandpapa," I said this morning by way of greeting as I walked into my Grandpapa's office.

"Nina, my child, what's wrong?"

"I was wondering if I may go to the train station to greet the Victors?" I hesitantly asked.

Grandpapa gave permission, and here I am.

Finnick steps off the train and runs a hand through his disheveled bronze hair. When he sees me, a slow, lazy grin crosses his face. I hurtle into his open arms and he kisses me right there in front of everyone. As he does so, I whisper my secret in his ear. It's so loud here that our chances of being overheard are slim. But Finnick hears me, and he whirls me around in his arms and kisses me again.

He might love Annie Cresta a whole lot more than me, but she cannot give him what I can.

I am loathe to leave Finnick's side for the rest of the day, but I must. When I return to the mansion it is to find Sunny waiting for me with a tearstained face and a note from my Grandpapa.

"I'm so sorry, mi nina, he threatened Julietta," says Sunny.

Julietta is Sunny's little sister. I understand at once. I walk briskly through the mansion, my heels clicking ominously. I tear the envelope and read what my dear Grandpapa has to say.


Perhaps it's time we have a little chat about that child you're carrying?

C. Snow.

My entire body is shaking with barely suppressed rage when I fling open the double doors to my Grandpapa's office. The doors collide with the walls, making an impressive bang noise. I stride into the room across the polished marble floor, my heels clicking.

My Grandpapa looks up from the papers he's been looking over.

"How did you find out?" I ask.

I wish all of a sudden I was like Katniss Everdeen. I wish I had that same spark she does. Katniss Everdeen wouldn't take this. She would fight.

"Your Governess told me," Grandpapa says calmly.

"After you threatened her family!" I exclaim.

"That was necessary," Grandpapa shrugs.

I scowl.

"That, and you've been so eager to see Finnick Odair recently…"

"Don't hurt him," the words fly from my lips before I can stop them.

Grandpapa chuckles darkly.

"I wouldn't dream of harming the father of my great grandchild," he says.

I somewhat doubt him, so I use the only card I have left.

"You will not harm him. Or I will kill myself, and my child with me," I say, each word precise and calm. In that moment, I am not joking.

My Grandpapa senses this, and sighs heavily.

"Nina, do not make this difficult," he says.

I frown at this. I am asking for one life to be spared. Hardly a great travesty.

But, because it is my Grandpapa and I am his only living descendent, he gives in. As soon as I am free to leave, I call Finnick and tell him that he knows. Finnick worries, but tells me that perhaps I will be safer now. I privately disagree.


I am allowed on the Victory Tour, where I become good friends with Katniss Everdeen and spend a lot of free time with Haymitch. It surprises me when I discover he's actually hilarious and quite intelligent. Not to mention handsome too.

I'm not allowed off the train very often, seeing as I'm six months pregnant and whatnot. But Haymitch is good company, and when we stop in Four, I get to spend a whole week with Finnick.

My pregnancy goes fairly easily, the first six months passing with ease. The people of the Districts love me, and I love being away from the stifling Capitol.


Three Months Later

I am in agony. The midwife is telling me I'll be fine, to just push. Finn holds my hand and tells me I'll be fine. Two more pushes, a hundred or more heartbeats later, and my daughter enters the world, crying and screaming, covered in blood, tiny and beautiful.

They clean her up, swaddle her in a golden blanket, and deposit her in my arms. Her head is covered in short bronze curls – she has her father's hair – but when she opens her eyes I see they're jet black. Like mine.

"She's so beautiful…" I say.

Finnick sits beside me, stroking my hair. "Thought of any names, princess?" he asks me.

I shrug, "Her middle name's gotta be Katniss," I tell him.

Finnick nods, "Absolutely. And for her first name… what about Rue?"

"The little girl who gave the Mockingjay her tune. Oh, Finnick, that's perfect!" I whisper.

And so, our daughter entered the world.

Rue Katniss Odair.



I was originally going to make this a one-shot, a super long one, but I've decided to make it a quartet-chapter fic. I'm working on part 2 right now.

Let me know, please, how I did writing my very first lemon?
