Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters they belong to Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat and the BBC I only own the part of the plot you don't recognise and the OMC and OFC I make no profit from the writing of this story it is for entertainment only please do not sue.

Summary: Everything has its time Doctor, and my time with the other you right outside those doors is just getting started. I will return, whether it is as your companion, lover, wife, or merely just your friend. I will be here to ensure you will never have to be alone again.

Everything has Its Time

Later that night Rose and The Doctor lay awake in bed together, The Doctor lay on his back while Rose used his chest as a pillow, and he wrapped his arms around her holding her close. This position was not anything new. Many times in the past after nightmares Rose or the original full Time Lord, Doctor would go to either his or her bedroom, the media room or the library seeking comfort, and listening to the forever present soothing humming of The TARDIS in the background.

The only difference now only one heartbeat heard beating steadily underneath her ear, rather than the alien sound of two hearts beating together that she had been more accustomed to. However she could not deny that The Doctor felt the same and smelt the same, even if his temperature was now warmer. However, he had not been partially human, nor had she been partially Gallifreyan for that matter either.

Of course, they were not on The TARDIS so the soothing sound of the old girl always in the background was not present. It left a loud silence that Rose had never quite gotten used to being without. Rose had no doubt that The Doctor was definitely feeling the loss of The TARDIS in many ways. She hoped he would be able to have a working TARDIS again as soon as possible for both of their sakes.

The Doctor on the other hand was thinking of how different their situation now was. When you took into consideration the sharing of a bed and cuddling was not so different. However, what was now different was the fact neither was concealing their feelings anymore. Their feelings had always been there though had remained unacknowledged with each other.

Sleep had not come easy for either The Doctor or Rose, especially after all that had happened in the last forty-eight hours. However tomorrow was another day which would be busy again, so luckily they did eventually managed to fall asleep still close together seeking warmth and comfort that only they seemed to be able to offer the other.

The next morning early Rose and The Doctor decided to head out for breakfast not wanting to deal with Jackie so early in the morning. They would probably eat lunch out to and only come back for the evening meal. They just hoped seeing as early as they had woken that Jackie would not be awake yet. Rose was pissed at her mum and The Doctor knew if she even looked at him wrong, he would not be able to keep his temper in check.

When they got in the car The Doctor asked, "Where are we going for breakfast?" Rose replied as she drove thorough the main gates, and said, "I know a diner half an hour from here. I fancy pancakes with cream and maple syrup, bacon, French toast, strawberries and banana, and scrambled eggs with cheese and loads and loads of coffee." The Doctor grinned and popped the p as he said, "Yep that sounds about right yum."

When they reached the diner, they placed an order to share between them of scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, French toast, and pancakes with thick cream, maple syrup with strawberries and banana chunks. Finally, Rose insisted on lots of hot milky coffee added to the order. The waitress inwardly raised a brow at the amount of food yet did not comment and left to give the cook their order and to pour their coffee.

Coffee arrived first and Rose practically dove on it as soon as the waitress left again. Rose practically inhaled the first few mouthfuls desperately needing the caffeine hit. The previous night had been less than stellar to say the least. Rose had spent the majority of the night silently fuming over her mum's reaction to her news. It was the reason they had woke extra early and left the mansion to get away from Jackie.

When breakfast arrived, they ate quietly until they were almost finished. Just as The Doctor ate his last bite, Rose said to him, "I know you hate clothes shopping, though you have two options. One you shop with me today at Boots opticians, moss bros and Calvin Klein as well as grabbing a new laptop. Option two you and I head out Saturday with mum and dad and we visit all of those stores I just mentioned."

The Doctor scowled and replied, "I am not happy about this, however, I choose the lesser of the two evils, option one. I refuse to shop with your mother, and honestly do not mind Pete, but your mother no way." Rose nodded and replied, "Yeah that is exactly what I thought you would choose." She paused before adding, "I will make a deal with you, we shop for some today, but will get the larger load online and have it delivered." The Doctor agreed liking that better than spending hours going from store to store.

He paused a thought suddenly occurred to him, and asked via their bond, 'Something has just occurred to me, how exactly I am supposed to have my eyes tested and buy glasses when I do not have an identity in this reality yet?' Rose felt like smacking herself for not realising such a valid detail. Of course, The Doctor would need to fill out paperwork, which would include a date of birth and national insurance number all of which The Doctor currently did not legally have.

She shook her head as she took out her iPhone and texted Pete asking how long until The Doctor's legal documents was ready. Pete texted back nine to ten days, which in turn Rose text back that they could not get The Doctor new glasses until he had the official paperwork. Pete had text back that he would try to rush through faster it if possible, it would cost him extra but needs must.

Rose replaced her iPhone in her jacket pocket, took some cash out of her wallet purse for their breakfast, and stood up. "Alright, let me pay the bill then we will drive to Moss Bros."Rose then made her way over to the counter whilst The Doctor put his coat back on ready leave when Rose was. He was not looking forward to more shopping, though this verses shopping with Jackie, ha, no bloody contest whatsoever.

Once they left the diner, Rose drove them to Moss Bros, and purchased an umbrella, gloves, and four belts, a wallet and cardholder and finally five scarves. He liked Moss Bros and said he would like to look online more thoroughly for some things like those that he had gotten from Savile Row. Rose agreed that Moss Bros was a lot like Savile Row. She did not push him to get more from Moss Bros, and was just content that he seemed to like what they had available.

Next, however was Calvin Klein, and when The Doctor looked in there he insisted he was not buying suits or blazers from there as they looked as if they fit a man in his twenties better. He was not keen on the polo shirts either and very few t-shirts caught his eye. He especially did not find any appeal in graphic t-shirts except for a few that had a small logo on.

Mostly it was shirts, some loungewear and underwear, which caught his eye. He preferred the socks from Savile Row and Moss Bros. He hated the shoes on sight and refused to choose any. Rose had to agree there were very few items that she could imagine The Doctor wearing. She did not push him to buy a lot in Calvin Klein, and figured it truly been miraculous he got anything from there at all.

It was after much debate they purchased five jumpers, three shirts and six pairs of jeans and finally six t-shirts. Their last store was apple to buy a Macbook pro 15, with a laptop skin and screen protector and a laptop bag. That was the limit of The Doctors shopping tolerance, he cashed in on their deal to shop online next month.

After leaving apple and placing The Doctor's things into the boot, Rose suggested they go somewhere to eat followed by the cinema. She said in a weary tone, "It will mean a couple more hours before we head back home and possibly deal with my mum again." The Doctor was more than quick to agree when she put it like that. He was not ready to deal with the death stares and more verbal abuse from Jackie for what had needed to happen.

For lunch, they chose a Mexican restaurant called Chiquito. Once seated, they looked through the menus, and Rose decided on a chocolate milkshake and The Doctor picked a strawberry milkshake. A waiter soon came to take their drinks order, and said he would be back to take their food order when he returned with their drinks.

Whilst the waiter was away getting their milkshakes, Rose and The Doctor scanned through the menu. Rose chose Bbq southern fried chicken strip, and The Doctor chose hot habanero chicken strips. The Doctor asked if Rose fancied sharing beef chilli fully loaded nachos. Rose agreed and asked what he was having as his main. The Doctor told her he fancied the Texan stack with extra burger, bacon and cheese. Rose grinned and said she was having the chicken & Bbq pulled pork with extra burger and the waiter returned with their milkshakes in tall glasses and placed them down in front of Rose and The Doctor, he took out is notebook and wrote down their order. He did not even raise a single brow at the amount of food ordered having known people to order twice as much as this. As soon as he wrote down the last of their order, he collected the menus, and said their starters would be ready as soon as possible.

As they waited Rose took out her phone and looked online for the film listing for the local cinema. After a mini debate over the pros and cons of each choice they both agreed to go and see Captain America: The First Avenger. Just as Rose had finished ordering the tickets online for the 3pm showing, tickets which they would collect at the box office, the waiter returned with their starters and sharing platter.

They ate and talked about anything in general until they had cleared their plates and the platter. The waiter who had stopped by to ask how everything was took away their plates and asked if they wanted another drink. Rose and The Doctor said they would order coffee after they had eaten. The waiter nodded and informed them their main meal would be ready in ten minutes.

As soon as the main arrived Rose took one look at hers and The Doctor's burgers and winced at the thought of the mess. She asked the waiter if he could bring extra napkins. Once the waiter left Rose took a chip off her plate and said, "This is going to be messy, the last thing I want is to go out in public covered in some kind of burger dressing and then some asshole with a camera takes my picture."

The Doctor rolled his eyes as he drank the last of his milkshake through two straws. He pulled back and said, "That is pathetic, you would think they had better things to be doing than taking pictures of someone with a stain down the front of their shirt." Rose snorted and said, "You would think that, but trust me if they can take pictures of others shopping for food and clothing, then they will take a picture of me with a food stain down the front of my top."

After they finished eating they skipped on desert and agreed to buy popcorn and sweets at the cinema. Once the empty plates with taken away they ordered large cups of latte. They sat drinking their latte and allowed their lunch to settle in their stomachs. They spent half an hour just drinking coffee and talking, trying to past some of the time before leaving for the cinema.

Rose said to The Doctor, "I have to go into work tomorrow, do fancy coming with me and looking around to get a feel for the place?" The Doctor nodded and said, "I suppose I could, it would get me out of the house and away from your mother for awhile." He added, "Besides, I need to speak with Pete tomorrow about when my training for field work will begin." Rose replied, "We can sort that tomorrow, as it not as if you can go looking for a job until your legal paperwork comes through."

As soon as they finished Rose paid the bill, which the whole order including the £5.00 tip for the waiter came to £74.89. Once they got back to the car Rose asked, "When we get back do you think you can stomach dinner with mum or do you want us to eat in the kitchen?" The Doctor frowned as he replied, "Depends on what mood she is in when we get back."

Rose nodded before she started the car, and they drove for fifteen minutes before arriving and finding a car space. Rose turned off the engine, looked at her watch, and said, "We have forty minutes before the start of the movie that should give us time to use the bathroom and collect the tickets before grabbing popcorn and sweets. Plus I want to grab Tony a poster, he is a comic book fan and loves the Marvel and DC movies."

Once in the cinema the first thing they did was head to the bathroom. Then they made their way over to the box office and used Rose's credit card to collect the tickets. Next, they picked up four different bags of sweets to share, one of those bags being jelly babies. They even grabbed a bottle of pop each, Dr Pepper for Rose and Orange Fanta for The Doctor.

Once Rose had spotted a large poster of the film they were about to see she grabbed a plastic covered rolled up version before heading for the till. Once there they chose a large bucket of sweet popcorn to share, and paid for the drinks, sweets, and the poster. It was not cheap The Doctor noted, however whenever he and Rose had visited the cinema in the other reality no matter the current date and time, it was still expensive.

They had a twenty-five minute wait before allowed to head into the room to watch the film. They spent those minutes waiting sat down on a nearby set of chairs. Rose decided seeing as they had the time she took The Doctor's new phone and transferred the numbers he would need. For example, Hers, Pete's, Jackie's and Jake's, including the number that would put him straight through to the phones for her office, Pete's and Jake's instead of having deal with the runabout he would no doubt receive in the beginning from the main reception sectaries'.

As soon as it was time to head in to watch the film, they turned off their phones and handed their tickets to one of the ushers to scan, who then returned the tickets to them. They then made their way into the room and climbed up the steps until they reached the back row of the stadium like set up plan. They checked their tickets for the correct seats numbers before taking a seat. Once seated, they removed their coats and placed the popcorn between them so they could both reach.

It was not long before the main lights were going out leaving them in darkness before the huge screen lit up and the advertisements and trailers started to play. After fifteen minutes of this the opening credits and scene of the film started. It was not longer before they were engrossed in the film, whilst munching on sweets and popcorn, and drinking pop.

During a scene between Steve and Bucky, Rose made note to talk to her dad about giving Solana Saturday off and suggest taking Tony and Isabella out to eat and to see Captain American. It would be good to get the children out of the house just in case they were noticing all of the ill feelings that would definitely be ongoing between her mum, herself, and The Doctor.

As soon as the movie was over they threw away their rubbish and headed for the toilet again. Once in the car Rose said, "Let's head home and hope dad has had a chance to speak with mum and she is in a better mood then she was last night." The Doctor reluctantly agreed and said, "Fine." He added saying, "Besides she won't be able to say and do much in less she wants Tony seeing and overhearing anything."

They drove for an hour listening to a local radio station playing the latest chart releases. The Doctor was searching through his phone becoming familiar with the new technology. He definitely noted how much better advanced than the technology from the other reality during this period. Yes he noted that this reality was not only three years ahead but also technology advanced as well.

As they arrived at the mansion Rose parked inside of the garage and she and The Doctor collected all the bags from their shopping. They made their way to the front main entrance of the house, and Solana let them in. Rose had rang ahead to say they were on the way back, and Pete had informed Solana to be ready to open the door for them.

Once they were inside, The Doctor said he was heading for the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom he planned to place all of his new things in Rose's room to put away later. Rose went to find Tony in order to give him the Captain America poster she had bought for him. Rose bumped into Jackie who had Tony in tow. Rose ignored her mum without seeming as if she was as she beamed at Tony and said, "Look what I got for you." She handed Tony the poster who quickly removed the wrapping and beamed when he saw it was the movie poster for Captain America: The First Avenger.

Jackie asked, "Where did you get that, and how come you left so early this morning?" Rose replied somewhat stiffly, "The Doctor and I went out to breakfast and did the last half of his clothes and laptop shopping. After we ate lunch we went to see a movie, which is where I picked up the poster for our Tony." Just as Jackie opened her mouth to speak again, she noted how Rose had paused and seemed to be looking through her. She wondered whether she was talking inside of her head with The Doctor.

Meanwhile, it is as The Doctor is returning from the bathroom, that he feels someone or something brushing against his shields he freezes and goes on immediate defence. He after a moment knows it is not Rose, as she would have spoken already. However, it does not take him long to discover the possible culprit, who is in the form of a little girl walking down the landing in his direction.

He wonders who she is, even as he quickly strengthens his shields, picks up Isabella, and said, "Oh dear that is not very polite to go snooping around inside of people's heads without their permission Missy." He adds as he walks down the stairs with her still in his arms and asked, "And who might you be little Missy?" Isabella looks sheepish as she replies, "I am Isabella." The Doctor beams at her and said, "Right Isabella, let's go and find your mum shall we."

On the way down he taps into the bond with Rose and said, 'Rose were you aware we have another telepath in the house, one that apparently might be a deliberate snoop or is too young to have proper shields and control her telepathy?' Rose who is talking with her mum and Tony freezes before replying, 'Our head housekeeper Solana and her daughter Isabella are not human and they are telepathic.' She added asking, 'Why are you asking?'

The Doctor replied, 'Oh I have just met little Miss Isabella when I felt something brushing up against my shields as if trying to gain access. Luckily for Isabella and me, my shields are strong, and not failing me anytime soon. She did not gain access and discovered anything she had no business knowing' He paused before adding, 'Rose she is not a touch telepath I had no physical skin on skin contact with her when I felt what I strongly suspect was an unintentional intrusion inside of my head.'

Rose sighed and said, 'Right I will find Solana and ask her to meet us and mum and dad in dad's office tonight once Tony and Isabella are in bed asleep. We do not want Tony overhearing, as he is not aware the housekeeper and his best friend are not human. Mum and dad want to wait until he is older and knows better not to talk and learns the importance of keeping certain secrets to himself.'

She added, 'I think the five of us need to have a talk and discuss with Solana the option of you helping Isabella to construct strong shielding and control her telepathy better. It is dangerous for both of them, for Isabella in particular, to have the accident she just did with you. Not everyone will be like you, they will more likely take her and her mum and strap them to a stainless steel table and dissect them to see how they tick.'

Later on that evening Pete calls Solana into his office where he, Rose, The Doctor and Jackie were waiting. When Solana asks what it is he wants, Pete introduces The Doctor, and says The Doctor is who needs to be speak with her. The Doctor properly introduces himself, and when he confronts Solana about Isabella, Solana naturally is horrified and immensely apologetic as she realises her daughter had exposed their secret.

She panics as she says, "I am so sorry sir, my daughter meant you no harm, and is at an age where she is having issues keeping her telepathy in check. I have tried to work with her to strength her mental shields, and tried to enforce the importance of keeping her abilities a secret, but she is too young yet to understand the importance of staying out others heads and keeping they in return out of hers."

The Doctor is quick to reassure her that he is not a threat and understands perfectly well the issue with telepaths at that age. He explains about Rose and him, and tells her, "Rose and I are part human and are touch telepaths, meaning as long as we have strong shields in place and avoid skin on skin contact with others then we can manage to keep others thoughts out of heads. However you and Isabella do not have that option and doubly need to have strong shields in place."

He added offering, "I am willing to work with Isabella at the same time I do Rose helping them to construct strong shields." He added, "I am offering for two reasons, one I do not need or want her snooping around inside of Rose's or my head and accidently learn things she should not. Secondly I do not want your daughter and yourself to end up being dissected to discover how you tick."

Solana is now relieved to no longer be the only none human in the household nor telepathic either. She and Pete both explain her story of how she came to be where she now is. It was after the Cyberman attack Pete explained how he had opened the first Torchwood branch at Canary Wharf. Less than four months after a small space ship carrying a man and woman crash lands on the Earth. The man did not survive the crash and killed on impact. However, the woman does and is heavily pregnant looking to be how a human woman looks around six months.

Pete continues to explain how he along with Jake and Mickey had soon discovered that the woman called Solana and her husband had not meant to land on Earth never mind crash land. Solana explained how they had been traveling in space when space pirates had attacked their ship crippling it and causing it to crash land on earth. Solana confirms that at the time she was six months pregnant and alone and had no family, her husband at the time was all she had until her daughter had been born.

She told of how she had remained in Torchwood for two days in medical when not being questioned, and how Pete had decided to take on a new housekeeper seeing as his previous one had been cyberised. He arranged for paperwork and a new identity and life for Solana and later on her daughter Isabella. He saw to it that Torchwood released her husband, and had arranged a false background and paperwork in order for her husband to have a death certificate and buried in the nearest cemetery. This had enabled Solana and Isabella a grave to visit and to take flowers.

The Doctor asked whether Jackie had been aware of this, Jackie shrugged and replied, "Yes I was told, Solana insisted she wanted the lady of the house to be comfortable with the concept of living with a housekeeper and her daughter that are not human. It was also taken into consideration whilst Isabella being Tony's playmate, Isabella as she got older might have trouble controlling her telepathy, which she obviously does."

Jackie frowned as she looked at Rose and asked, "Can you see inside of our heads and hear what we are thinking." Rose bit her lower lip before replying, "No as The Doctor has already explained, we can only hear your thoughts if we have skin on skin contact, particularly if certain fingers are touching your temples. Otherwise no we can't nor will snoop around inside of your head without your permission."

The Doctor added, "Only Rose and I can communicate with each other without physical touch, though touch does make our bond stronger and also allows for us to feel each other's emotions. It will be the same with any children we have, because we are family, share the same DNA, and the same species. So no Jackie I am suddenly not going to go on a tour through your head anytime soon without permission first."

Solana asked, "Yours and Rose's telepathy, hearing thoughts is that all you can do with it?" She added, "It is all I can do, I can't change or tamper with others memories, and definitely Isabella will not be able to do that either." The Doctor replied, "I can, and eventually Rose to will be able to not only hear thoughts with skin on skin contact, but will with permission be able to search through memories and help retrieve or suppress but next delete them."

He added turning to face Jackie and Pete when he said, "I forgot to mention that we can place ourselves in a healing sleep if we are badly injured as long as it is not the point of death. It all depends on how badly injured the longer the sleep will last. Though minor injuries will not require sleep and will heal naturally just at more accelerated speed compared to humans."

He continued aiming what he next said to Pete, "If Rose and I end up injured during working for Torchwood and require healing sleep then please try to get us the hell out of medical as fast as you can. A healing sleep that Rose and I will enter is not a coma trust me it is not something that humans do." Pete nodded firmly getting the seriousness of the situation loud and clear.

The Doctor looked grave, knowing Jackie especially would freak at learning what he would next reveal. He concluded, "Especially Rose, if she is injured badly enough to kill her, yes she will die but will revive. Do not let them take her to the bloody morgue that is last thing she needs to be subjected to waking up freezing in a damn draw."

As he expected Jackie freaked, "Oh my god, she is going to end up a table dissected." The Doctor shook his head firmly and said, "Not if I can help it nor have any say in the matter she bloody will not. Rose will have to be very careful out in the field to avoid any suspicion." He concluding saying, "Mostly though, we need a group of doctors we can trust only to see to Rose and myself, and not other doctor's. We do not need some idiot who we cannot trust to not harm us messing around with our blood or other bodily fluids."

Rose said, "I have two Doctor on my team, Martha Jones and Tom Milligan. I trust them with my life and my team's lives. I trust them not to let anyone near my medical files or yours either for that matter." The Doctor's eyes widened as he beamed and asked, "Martha?" Rose grinned and said, "Yes, that Martha, this realities version of her actually. That means I instantly recognised the Martha of the other reality when I saw her."

The Doctor was delighted, in a way it was regaining a friend, Sure he knew she was no more the Martha he knew and travelled, not any more so than Mickey and Rickey had been the same person. However if he could befriend this version of her, then all the better chance he might discover The Donna and perhaps Sara-Jane of this reality.