Helloooo my lovely readers!

I seriously hate to admit it, but I'm running out of trivia questions for you awesomesauce guys, so I decided to continue my questions unless someone - at least one person - answers them. So, if you're getting tired of seeing the same questions every time I update, them ANSWER THEM!

Continuing on since I have nothing else to say~


1.) How old was Nico in The Titan's Curse?

2.) Name three animals in the Triple G Ranch.

3.) Who was the school bully in The Lightning Thief?


Guest: Thanks, I guess. If there's anything else wrong, please, please, please, tell me. I need the constructive criticism.

Thanks, greekfreek101, 1lyndon, and Prophet of Shadow for adding my story to their Favorite Stories list.

Thanks, greekfreek101 for adding me to their Favorite Authors list.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the original Percy Jackson series in this story except for everything else I made up!

Chapter 15

(Zach's POV)

Recap: "Stay with me," Zach gently whispered, brushing my ebony hair out of my pale face. The last thing I saw before sinking into darkness was clear blue orbs that stared down at me with worry.

I paced up and down my cabin with worry.

Currently, it was Monday, meaning three days since Luna has been unconscious in the infirmary, and four more days until the Demigod Dance.

Honestly, I would be in the infirmary watching over Luna and praying to every god or goddess I could think of that she would be okay, but Will and a few of my other half-siblings literally dragged me out after last night. See, I'd been in the infirmary with Luna ever since Chiron took her in for healing that Friday night, not eating, showering, changing clothes, not even sleeping at all.

Will and my other siblings told me that it won't help if I become unhealthy, too, so they eventually tied my arms and legs together with some difficulty and dragged me outside.

Yeah, that's how worried I was for Luna, unlike someone I know. Yup, you guessed it, Chris.

He seemed to disappear on Friday after checking on Luna for a minute when Chiron was carrying her in to the infirmary. What a guy . . . claims he likes her, then doesn't even glance at her twice when she gets injured. Trust me, I've seen him around camp, and he seems perfectly fine without Luna.

I continued pacing up and down since I didn't have anything else to do. I swear, I think I'm wearing a hole in the yellow carpet.

Will walked in all sweaty, obviously coming back from swordplay.

"What's up, little bro. You okay?" he grinned.

I barely acknowledged him, just nodded once, and continued pacing around.

Will sighed heavily and forcefully made me stop. He stared at me straight in eyes and said, "Zach. You. Have. Got. To. Stop. Worrying. About. Luna."

Shaking his arms off my shoulders, I glared at Will and protested, "How can I not? The girl I lo-like is in the infirmary unconscious!"

He was about to protest and I prayed that he didn't notice my slip-up. "You were about to say 'the girl I love,' weren't you?" he said triumphantly.

Curse you, gods. And cue thunder . . .

My face glowed red and I stammered, "U-uh, well, I don't . . . uh, hate her, but, uh . . ." Will grinned and clapped me on the back. "Congratulations, little bro, you're in love," he grinned.

I sighed in defeat and mumbled, "Yeah, I am in love with Luna."

Will put his hands on his hips loosely and looked up at the ceiling of the cabin as if he wanted to say "What do I do with this kid?"

"From the looks that Luna gives you when you're not looking, I'd say she does love you too, but it won't make her happy to see you unhealthy because of her. Luna will probably blame herself," he elaborated.

When in the name of Hades did Will become a therapist?

I looked down at the floor, suddenly becoming interested in a small piece of yarn sticking out of the yellow carpet, and surrendered, "Fine. I'll stop worrying so much about Luna."

Will smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Hey!" I protested. He simply smiled wider and left the cabin with his bow and arrows, leaving me in deep thought about Luna.

Meanwhile . . .

(Chris's POV)

I hate to admit it, but yes, I was pushing Victoria, the camp slut, against a tree in the forest, making out with her.

What? You can't blame me. It was Luna's fault for pushing herself too far, and it's not like she'll ever know while she's unconscious. I'm a growing guy with raging hormones and Victoria was just . . . there.

I moaned as Victoria ran her fingers up and down my chest, pulling away slightly and angling her head to the right so I could lean down and suck on her neck, giving her hickeys.

She was out of breath, too, and randomly said, "You want that emo girl, Luna, right?"

Victoria was known for having one nightstands with guys around camp, so I knew she couldn't care less if I said yes. Slightly panting, I answered, "Yeah." I didn't really want to protest for the remark about Luna being emo since she technically is . . .


I can't deny the fact that it's true!

She moaned again when I sucked on her sweet spot and proposed, "Well, this works out beautifully. I have a very simple plan for us, and the outcome is what we both want. I get Zach and you get the freak."

I did think Luna was very sweet and hot, but I still didn't protest since she was also a freak.

"What's the plan?" I asked as my lips traveled upward again to meet her lips. We kissed for about two more minutes before Victoria broke away. She leaned up to my ear, slightly nibbling it so I sighed in pleasure, and whispered her plan to me.

I felt my smile growing as I heard the plan. It was pure genius and not difficult in the slightest.

The next day

(Luna's POV)

I was fighting myself for dominance. I had to wake up. I just had to.

Feeling someone holding my weak hand, my heart slightly fluttered since I knew it was probably Zack.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I tried squeezing the mysterious person's hand, making them shift.

"You can do it Luna. Wake up for me," a voice above me said.

My inner self frowned slightly.

That was definitely not Zach's voice.

Zach's voice made me feel weak everywhere. He made me feel special, like I had a part in the world and that I wasn't useless. His voice had the power to make me feel . . . loved.

This voice didn't change a thing about me inside.

Even so, I knew I still had to wake up no matter what. Gathering up my energy again, my eyes fluttered open weakly.

They felt lighter without the feel of mascara or eyeliner on them.

I realized that I wasn't wearing my "Young, Wild, and Free" tank top, shorts, studded belt, or my three rubber bracelets from Friday. Figuring that a nurse or someone else changed my clothes, I glanced down and inspected my outfit. Well, whoever changed my clothes, they had a good sense of my style.

My clothes were a loose tank top under a "Mustache" hoodie, purple skinny jeans, Converse, a rubber bracelet, my magic seashell necklace, and my huge black glasses were folded neatly on the drawer next to me. (Link on profile)

The person that was holding my hand let go and engulfed me in a hug. I couldn't hug back since I was still so weak, but I breathed the person's scent in and didn't smell Zach's usual cologne. And is that . . . perfume . . . ?

"I'm so glad you're okay, Luna," a masculine voice asked me.

I pulled away so that I could see the guy's face clearly and my heart dropped when I realized it was Chris, not Zach. I frantically asked, "Where's Zach?"

Chris's gaze seemed to lower slightly, but I had no time to feel bad.

Shouldn't Zach be here? I mean . . . he admitted that he liked me, so wouldn't it be common sense to at least check up on me once.

"Oh, um . . . Zach has been too busy hanging out with this Hecate girl. Cassandra, I think her name was? But anyway, Zach disappeared after you passed out Friday night, and I saw him laughing with Cassandra, but don't worry. I've been by your side this whole time," Chris explained.

I felt my heart turn stone cold again.

'He was with someone else while I was unconscious in the infirmary?' I thought, becoming a bit depressed. Chris simply nodded and pulled me back into a hug, but this time, I didn't pull away.

I thought sadly, 'If Zach never even bothered to check up on me, maybe being with Chris isn't such a bad idea after all.'

Chris mumbled into my hair, "We're still on for the dance in four days, right?"

The smaller part of me thought, 'Are you serious? You're worrying about a freaking dance right now? Zach wouldn't have done that . . .' while the larger, more dominant part of me said out loud, "Definitely."

He pulled away, rubbing my back in what seemed like an attempt to make me feel good, and grinned.

"Great," he said.

I tried my best not to feel digusted or grossed out - even though I was - and reached over to put on my glasses. I was stopped by Chris's hand.

He moved my hand to my lap and said, "Please don't put them on. You look way prettier and you don't look nerdy without them."

Again, I was hit by that feeling of disgust.

Was reputation all this guy cared about? Sure, Zach had once, but that was because of that slut, Sabrina, and it was high school hormones rubbing off on him. I resisted the overwhelming urge to slap Chris and yell at him, "You know what, Chris, I don't give a crap if other people think I'm nerdy. Just fuck off, because you clearly don't deserve me!"

I only swear that much when I'm really mad, and yes, that was one of those times.

Instead, since I'm such a nice but at the same time, clever person - cue laughing - I said as sweetly as I could, "Well, I lost my contacts a few days ago and I can barely see without them, so I need my glasses."

Chris looked incredibly disappointed - cue barfing and swearing from me - and mumbled, "Fine, I guess."

Triumphantly, I snatched up my glasses from the drawer again and put them on, feeling the comfort of knowing that Chris seemed to be annoyed. "So, what did I miss?" I asked a bit too casually.

"Well, you've been out for three days . . ." he trailed off.

I shot straight up like a rocket and screamed, "I've been out for three days?!" How did Oceanus knock me unconscious for three days? He didn't hit me emotionally that hard . . . did he?

Chris flinched visibly, which I mentally laughed at, and said quietly, "Well, yeah . . . By the way, Chiron had wants to see you if you're up for a bit of walking."

I sighed. What now? Knowing Chiron, it's probably bad news.

"Do you need me to help you walk outside?" Chris asked, hope shining in his blue eyes.

Whoa, how did I not know that Chris and Zach's eye color were the same? Even though they were the same sky blue, Zach's blue eyes were always playful and fun and always lit up whenever he was talking to his friends. Chris's eyes were like endless voids of a more dull blue, having no emotion at all.

Argh, I need to get Zach out of my mind. After all, he left with another one his toys, meaning that girl, Cassandra, I think, and didn't even bother checking up on me.

I tried for a weak smile even though it probably came out as a grimace, and answered, "I'll be fine. You can keep training or whatever."

He looked deflated, and the nicer part of me felt guilty, but the more dominant part of me yelled at me, "You don't even like the guy! It'll be better for him to be out of your way for now."

"Okay. I need to go brush up on my sword skills so I can actually compare to you," he joked.

Now that was actually pretty funny, hearing Chris admit that I'm better at him at swordplay.

He left without another glance and I shook my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts.

Why must I be in this situation? I'm not anything special besides the fact that I'm half mermaid. Take that away, and you have a regular, boring, everyday demigod that's had a very crappy childhood.

I sighed and spun so that my legs were hanging off the small cot. Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself off of the cot and nearly fell over in the one next to mine.

"Crap . . ." I mumbled, feeling my head get dizzy.

A deep voice that I immediately recognized as Chiron's chided, "Luna, you must not strain yourself."

I glared at the tall shadow that belonged to Chiron and snapped, "I don't give a crap and I'm not straining myself. I'm perfectly fine." I glanced up long enough to see Chiron shaking his head in a "I-can't-believe-this" way.

"Since it seems like you're 'perfectly fine,' I would like you to tell me everything that happened on Friday night, and I do mean everything," he said. Chiron trotted over and stood directly in front of me, a stern but somewhat kind look on his face.

I was very reluctant to, but I explained everything. From finding out that I'm half-mermaid to Oceanus's dreams he sent me to what happened on Friday.

When I finished, Chiron's face had turned an ashen gray and he seemed to age right in front of my eyes.

"I feared it would be like this . . ." he muttered.

My head snapped up and I frantically asked, "What would be like this?"

"Luna, my dear, your gift goes back to the first demigods of Greece. Not many people knew mermaids and demigods existed as one since they are very, very rare. But it's also because the gift is also a curse, in a way. Your power over water is incredibly strong, maybe even more so than Percy since mermaid abilities have been added to your regular Poseidon powers. That is why Oceanus sought you out, and that is why it is a curse," Chiron explained in a soft tone.

For some odd reason, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I've never felt so alone in my life. First, I know for sure that I'm even more of an outcast here than I was in the mortal world. Two, the person I trusted the most - Zach - leaves me with one of his whores. And now, I discover that I'm more of a mistake than Percy, and that's hard to accomplish, considering the Great Prophecy and all.

I choked out, "Why? Why me? I just want to be normal. No more gods, goddesses, monsters, or demigods in my life. That's what I want."

Chiron gave me a sympathetic look and replied in the same soft tone as if her were afraid I would break, "That's not the first time I have heard that."

I looked up with my teary eyes into Chiron's brown affectionate ones.


He nodded and sighed, gazing out at the door with a sad face, and elaborated, "Many heroes wish they had led normal lives because of the tragedies that had befallen them or because they did not want to be different than others."

Looking down, I nodded in total agreement. I do wish that none of this had happened because of Zach's two-timing skills, Chris's annoying behavior, being an outcast even here at camp, and knowing that Poseidon never wanted me as a daughter.

"Luna, I advise you to stay at camp at all costs. I've-" Chiron began, but I automatically cut him off, "Chiron, no. I will not stay here. Oceanus is looking for me, which means that I'll be putting everyone here at camp in danger, and I can't do that."

To my dismay, Chiron had the nerve to smile and chuckle. "I can certainly see the resemblance between you and Percy personality-wise," he commented.

I frowned.

I don't exactly like being compared to other people, and especially not to Percy, my idiot of a half-brother.

"So . . . can I go on Friday?" I asked hopefully.

His smile immediately vanished, and he firmly repeated, "The answer is no, Luna. I am very sorry, but I cannot risk you at danger, and you definitely will be in danger in the hands of Oceanus."

I wanted to keep arguing.

I do wish that this never had happened, but now that it already has, I don't want to sit here and do nothing. I want to do something with myself, make my life worth living, like that saying, "YOLO, You Only Live Once."

I can definitely do that by fighting Oceanus, winning, and coming back to camp a hero.

And yes, I seriously hate to admit it, but I want Poseidon to notice me. I want him to see that I'm not a fail and that he never should've left me. I mean, seriously, I was born a badass and I had to have gotten that personality gene from someone, and that is definitely not my mom. If my dad is as badass as I am, then a few rules about not visiting your own flesh and blood shouldn't stop him.

Like I said, badass is in my blood.

If Chiron won't let me go after the Demigod Dance to seek Oceanus, then I don't think that's stop me.

"Fine," I mumbled in fake defeat.

It's not like I'm going to listen anyway, but it's good to know that Chiron thinks I will listen to him.

He looked reluctant, but turned around with a sort of finality and glanced at the door like he was expecting a grenade to fly through.

Okay, maybe I was imagining that because of the medication the nurses gave me, but Chiron's look had an edge to it that I couldn't identify.

He walked out the door, but just after crossing the worn down threshold, he said to me without turning his head, "By the way, Luna, Zach has been wanting to see you. He's out on the porch."

Before I could explode with anger at the mere mention of Zach's name, Chiron added, "Oh, and one more thing. Do not trust that Chris boy."

Again, before I could explode with anger at Chiron since he obviously thinks I'm stupid if he thinks that I trust Chris, Chiron walked out, but Zach replaced him, walking in with a giant smile on his face that opposed my annoyed scowl.

"Hey, Luna. You feeling better?" he said happily.

My scowl simply deepened into a glare, but on the inside, those five words melted me and made me feel warm. Automatically, I thought, Why does this boy have this affect on me?

Meh . . .


Taekwondo tests and choir have had me busy for the past three weeks, so I completely understand if you're mad at me.

Trust me, I am trying my best at updating quicker. So please, please, please, review. It means a lot to me that you still read my stories even though I'm a very crappy updater and even though this is my first story and I see it as bad.

One more thing . . .

Do you guys like the trivia?

I mean, I used to get lots of reviews from you guys about the trivia questions and answers, but not so much nowadays. Do you like it or think it's crappy, because I need to know if I'm going to continue it or not.

Thanks! Read and review!
