Hanashi o suru, FMA and ATLA, Falling Raene, MikiMoke, Guest, Usagi-chan123, YouKnowItsBadWhen, starrydreamer813 and 98, thank you for the reviews

So, I have no more exams (yey!) but I'm a procrastinator so the chapters will come in there own time.

Halfway through, I was listening to 'Now we are free' which explains the somewhat depressing part.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.

Random guy: I bet you wouldn't even do anything even if you did

Me: … challenge accepted

"We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz~ Da, da, da, da, da, da, I don't know how the lyrics goes! Cos we're off to see the-"

"Alice," I stopped singing to face Ed, who was giving me a dirty look.

"Yeah?" I smirked inwardly, knowing what he would say.

"Shut up."

I rolled my eyes, "Well I'm kind of bored if you haven't noticed. And my legs hurt like a bitc-."

Armstrong intervened, "Miss Alice! A young lady shouldn't be using such bad language."

"….sorry it's a force of habit."

"That's not my problem," Ed growled, ignoring Armstrong's comment.

"Well, considering how we'll be travelling together for a while, yes, it is your problem too."

He scowled and muttered something among the lines of me acting like a 3 year old.

It had been like this all the way walking on the dusty path through Resembool. Unfortunately for everyone else, they learned through the hard way that I didn't like walking long distances. Wait, let me rephrase that, I HATED walking long distances with a fiery passion. To be honest, I thought I was acting pretty toned down, trust me I could say a lot worse. I was actually planning on asking someone for a piggy back ride, but Armstrong was holding Al and the thought of Ed carrying me made me laugh.

I decided to stay silent for a while, allowing everyone the silence they dearly deserved. I breathed in the heavenly scent of fresh grass and clean air, comparing it to the smell of the smoky train. Being stuck on that train and going to the countryside reminded me of how nice it was to live in the countryside. No noise or bad fumes just open spaces and fresh air. I smiled as I lifted my head back, watching pigeons fly through the radiant shade of blue sky. The brightness illuminating from the sun pierced through the white clouds, I could already tell that I would love staying here.

As we approached a wooden house, which sat on the small hill with vast land space spreading out, a black dog with patches of white ran up to Ed. I noticed that its left front leg was a prosthetic one, leaving me curious on how it was actually possible to have a prosthetic body part. Who knows, maybe in the future in my old world they might actually have created prosthetic body parts that worked as well as the ones over here. It was funny how despite everyone here having the technology to create something like this and having alchemy, they still hadn't made phones or the internet.

The dog walked close to me so I stopped and bent down, lowering my hand so that the dog could smell it. I remembered someone telling me that when you see a dog, you're meant to let the dog smell you so it knows your scent and that it remembers you next time… or something like that, honestly I can't remember. When the dog had sniffed me, I petted its head and continued to follow everyone. As we got closer to the house, a short old lady stepped out wearing glasses and smoking a pipe.

"Hey, we need your help again, granny Pinako," Then Ed pointed to Armstrong, "This is Major Armstrong."

"I'm Alice Goodall, it's nice to meet you" I said, whilst Pinako shook both of our hands.

"Pinako Rockbell, it's nice to meet you too," she turned to face Ed, "In the time that you've gone, you got smaller." I stifled a laugh, and started to cough to cover it up.




"Erm… Al, are they always like this?"

He sighed, "unfortunately yes, brother has a…err a height issue."

I snorted, "No kidding."

We all watched them lash out abuse at each other; it was hilarious to watch… if only I had popcorn with me.

All of a sudden, a feminine voice came from inside the house. "HEY! ED!"

A wrench flew from the house and smacked Ed on the head, causing him to fall on the floor and bleed. A blonde girl stepped out from the second floor wearing a jumpsuit that was unbuttoned from above the waist and was tied around her hips as well as wearing a black tube top.

She rested the palm of her hands on the rail of the balcony "Didn't I tell you to call at least once before you show up for maintenance check!"

"Winry, you Jackass!" wait, how come Ed can curse and I can't? "Are you trying to kill me!"

She laughed, "Welcome home!"

Ed pushed himself up and sat cross-legged on the ground, "Yeah."

"I'm home!" Al exclaimed.

I walked to Ed and rested my hand on his shoulder, before leaning down and whispering in his ear, "Your girlfriends got you whipped."

His head snapped towards mine, as a blush crept on his face, "S-s-she's not…"

I laughed, watching the conflicting emotions that grew on his red face. Either he has it bad for this girl or, by the looks of it, any romantic female interaction; I'll have to remember that to use against him next time. Everyone gave me a questioning look, but I just looked away trying to seem as innocent as I could. Pinako walked inside of the house, and the rest of us followed her.

When we had gotten inside, I was introduced to Winry. She seemed like a genuinely nice person and I was happy to talk to another female person after being stuck with a bunch of guys for such a long time.

"So how do you know Ed and Al?" Winry asked.

"I bumped into them on the outskirts of a town and then I met them again in East City."

She nodded, "I'm surprised that you're travelling with them. Ed doesn't usually like people hanging around him."

I smirked, "oh I know. Don't worry I have my ways."

She gave me a questioning look before fixing her gaze on Ed.

"Whaa!" Winry yelped pointing at Ed, who was sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee. She was shaking slightly from anger and her face was pale.

"Oh, sorry. It got busted up," he explained nonchalantly, as if it was something that was completely normal and happened often.

"Busted up? Wait one minute! Just how were you using that first-class automail that I had so pain-stakingly made?"

"Winry, maybe you should calm down a bit…" I suggested.

"Do you know how long it takes to make one?" She shouted, her eyes blazing with fury.

"Err…" I looked at Ed for help.

"Got smashed into little pieces," he remarked. With that comment, Ed earned a wrench thrown at his head by Winry.

"So what happened? Why's Al so busted up?" Al laughed awkwardly, unable to meet her eyes, "Just what are you guys doing?" She turned to face me, expecting me to answer as everyone else seemed so reluctant.

I put both my hands up in a surrender position, hoping that my answer wouldn't gain a wrench thrown at my head, "I don't really know, I didn't see what happened."

She frowned and glared at Ed, as he explained to her what we were planning to do after his arm and leg got fixed. The conversation soon moved on to his prosthetic body parts, and it was interesting to watch and to listen. Pinako had fastened on a spare leg for Ed to walk around with, but felt no need to get him a spare arm. She told him that it would only take 3 days to fix the broken parts, which surprised me. Shouldn't it take longer? I mean they were practically smashed to tiny pieces, I guess that's why people like Pinako and Winry are called professionals.

"Winry, could I watch you fix the parts?" I asked.

She looked surprised, "You're interested in automail?"

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck, "I've never really seen automail before, and it looks really interesting. I can fix clocks, but that's the closet thing to mechanics that I've done before."

Her eyes sparkled and she grinned, "Finally, someone else who appreciates the art of automail!" She leaned forward, clasping her hands together whilst grabbing mine, "I'd love to show you, and maybe you can tell me a bit the mechanics of clocks."

"I don't really know that much about it…"

Ed sneered, "Geez, give her a bit of space, engineering otaku."

Her eyebrow twitched with annoyance, "What did you say, pipsqueak?"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MOUSY LITTLE PIPSQUEAK?" Ed had pushed himself from the sofa and was staring directly in Winry's eyes; you could literally see the sparks that was flashing between them.

"Ed… she didn't say that." Wow, he really does have a bad height issue. I don't think I know anyone who has short issues as bad as he does.

"Brother, calm down." I sighed; thank goodness Al's there to calm everyone down.

Al was getting reassembled with the help of Armstrong, and a piece of white fabric was used to cover the gaping holes in the armour, so that it wouldn't raise suspicion from other people. I stared at them for a while, wondering how that happened to Al. I knew I shouldn't ask, but I couldn't help being curious. It's not everyday you meet someone who doesn't have a human body, and has armour instead. Al looked up and caught my gaze, making me quickly look away. I felt bad for staring at him, I should probably apologise later, but Winry dragged me away before I could say anything to him.

I had finally managed to drag myself from Winry after spending the whole day with her. Al joined us after a while, saying that Ed had gone off on a walk, so I apologised to him for staring and Al being the kind person he is, said it was fine and that he was use to it, making me feel even worse. After a few hours of listening to Winry, I got a bit bored. Its not that I didn't enjoy listening to her, I mean it was just as interesting as I had anticipated it to be but after a while it was kind of tiring and it didn't help that I had a short attention span. The day had really gone by like a blur; everything just went by so fast. It was hard to believe that it had already been a few hours, although by looking outside and seeing the sun move it was easy to tell.

I plodded into the living room, lifting my arms up and stretching before covering my mouth as I yawned. I plonked myself onto a bench, which was conveniently parked under a rectangular window, grabbing my legs and wrapping my arms around them so that they were pulled up to my chest. Leaning backwards a little, I watched as the sun started to set.

The crimson ball was hidden halfway between the hills; the clouds flashed colours of red and orange as it slowly floated by. The sky was gradually going from a lavender colour to a deep blue, and anything that was hit by the sunlight went up in flames of golden light. The breath taking sight was nostalgic, reminding me of the first time I was in this world, except this time I was inside a warm, safe environment and I no longer had the urge to cry.

I never understood the difference between crying and weeping. I remember my sister, Jade, telling me about it when she had seen my mum weep because of the divorce, although my mum tried her best not to cry around me. Jade would tell me that crying was when tears came out and you felt sad, however weeping was a completely different matter. To weep in sorrow, was when your eyes looked half crazed, you shake uncontrollably and you were able to think properly, only thinking about the feeling of emptiness that was eating you inside. She said to me it was the worst thing she'd seen in her life, to watch someone in utter despair and to know that no matter what you do or what you say, nothing would be able to cheer them up or help them. So all you can do is sit there and pick up the broken pieces. Of course I didn't remember much about what happened, with the brain tumour and everything, but I guess I'm thankful for that.

I sat there watching the sky shift colours until I heard the door in the room open. I didn't move, but instead stayed there as my eyes were glued to the beautiful landscape that was beyond the window. The door then closed and the sound of feet shuffling grew louder until it came to a stop, just a few feet away from me. I knew it was Ed; it was easy to tell by the sound of the clanking footstep from the metal leg.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?"

I smiled but still didn't move, "I could ask you the same thing."

He grunted and I heard the sound of the bench creaking from the other side. I shifted to my side slightly and peeked from the edge of my eyes to see that Ed was also looking through the window.

"So where have you been then? I ended spending the day with Winry so I didn't see you much."

"Just visiting some old places." This time I moved my head so that I was facing him. Ed's blonde hair was no longer in a plait that he always wore, but was just let down. He was wearing white shorts, which allowed me to see how much of his leg was prosthetic, and a baggy, grey sleeveless shirt. His elbow was placed on the window and his chin resting on the palm of his hand, with his finger curled towards him. The shimmering sunlight that streamed through the window, made his hair look even more golden, if that was even possible. I didn't even notice how long I was staring at him until he shifted his head, so that he was facing me. My brown eyes connected with his golden orbs, making me feel embarrassed for looking. I didn't even know why I was staring, I guess the lack of sleep and the excitement from the past few days had worn me down, I was really out of it at the moment.

He smirked, "take a picture, it lasts longer."

"Smartass," I muttered loud enough for him to hear. I knew his smirk would be even bigger since he won this fight.

I was too tired to think of a comeback. My eyes unconsciously wondered to the right side of his body, to where his arm should have been. I could see the stump, where the metal was. I raised my arm forward, so that I could get a better look, until my common sense smacked me on the side of my head, reminding me that I was acting rude. I dropped my arm to my side and looked away, murmuring 'sorry'.

"… It's fine. I'm use to it." Funny, how his brother said the exact same thing to me.

I looked up making eye contact with him again, "Do you think I could… you know, get a closer look. Since I've never actually seen anything like it before…" I trailed off. This is really unlike me, I must be exhausted.

He opened his mouth, and then he closed it. He sighed and the scratched the back of his head, "Fine, but this is only happening once. And you can't ask me for anything else."

My eyes widened, wow his actually letting me. He must be really tired or something, because there's no way he would normally let me do this, or maybe he feels bad for not telling me anything about what happened to him and his brother.

I edged closer to him, unsure how to approach him. This feels like the kind of awkwardness you get from trying to have your first kiss with someone, when you have no idea what to do. Wait, why am I even thinking about this? I shook my head, ignoring my weird/sleepy thoughts as I moved closer to him. I stopped when both the tips of our knees were touching. I slowly lifted both arms out, one hand pushing the sleeve of his shirt back, whilst the other hand inspected the metal. My finger tips trailed across the cool metal, against the bumpy yet smooth parts. I leaned forward even more, so that I could get a better look. It was fascinating to see, some of the parts I recognised from Winry teaching me, yet I had no idea what they were called or what and how it functioned.

Once again, my attention drifted off. My attention span gets a lot worse when I'm half asleep. I noticed the body heat that was emitting from Ed, and how close we actually were. I could hear his breathing which had accelerated, and the sound of his heart beat. Some how this scene was already familiar to me, being close to a boy without even noticing it… I remember at school when a guy was teaching me how to use this computer program, he had put his arm around me and had leaned really close to me, yet I didn't even notice until my friend told me afterwards.

I drew my hand back and looked up realising how close my face was to Eds. He actually smelled quite nice for a guy; it was fresh like he had come out of a shower or something, and his face was a little flushed. I leaned back, giving him some space, before pushing myself off the bench.

I stood up and yawned, "Thanks. Well, goodnight."

Ed didn't say anything but his face was still pink and he looked a bit confused. I just shrugged and walked out of the room, popping into everybody else's room to wish them a goodnight, before going into the guest room and throwing myself on the bed. I rested both my arms on my head a looked up at the ceiling, recalling what had just happened. I moved the hand that had touched the metal part, directly in front of me and stared at it for a while, feeling my face going red. Why did I do that?

Haha, did you think they were gonna kiss? Nah, that would be way too early. It was actually pretty hard to write how Ed would react… its going to be a bigger pain in the ass to write in the future.

Please review :P