Hello! I wrote this for Chit Chat on Authors Corner Orignal Character challenge. I was assigned the character Emily Prentiss and given the OC Hossain Karchanda. This is my first time having an OC as a main character (other than an UNSUB or other small character) and I'd love to hear what you think, or if you have any advice for me.

Warning: JJ/Emily femslash

I do not own Criminal Minds

Hossain Karchanda watched her. He'd been doing surveillance for years and was confident in his ability, but still took precautions. The person he was watching had been through the same training as him. She wouldn't be expecting anyone, but she knew his face, and he couldn't let her suspect anything was wrong.

He tugged at his dark beard as he watched her go inside. She had a pretty regular schedule if she wasn't gone on a case. She would go to work at seven and come home anywhere between six and ten. Sometimes he followed her to a bar, but other times it was too risky.

But one thing he knew was that he was going to get this right. He was not going to make the same mistake the other had, and he would not let this blow up in his face. He was going to do something that no one else had been able to.

He was going to kill Emily Prentiss.


When Emily walked into her house she set her bag on the counter and went into the kitchen. When she turned on the radio a Salsa song came on and Emily moved to the rhythm as she went around the house getting ready.

She cleared her books and papers from the dining room table and placed a white lace table cloth over the scratched wood surface. Her mother had mailed it to her last Christmas when she was posted in Turkey.

She preheated her oven for a frozen lasagna and pulled out a bag of green beans from the refrigerator. After dinner was on its way, Emily went upstairs and took a quick shower. She rinsed work of her skin and prepared herself to have a good evening. After she stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself she stood in front of her closet. Delicately she fingered through her abundance of clothing, looking for just the right thing to wear.

The Latin music drifted up the stairs and Emily continued to sway to it. She smiled as her hand landed on perfection. She took it off the hanger and pulled it over her slim shoulders.

Standing in front of the mirror, Emily dried her hair and added a small amount of make-up, only mascara and eye-shadow to compliment her eyes. She had learned the hard way in high school that wearing an abundance of make-up didn't make you pretty.

When she heard the oven beep to say it was pre-heated she hurried downstairs and threw the lasagna in. Then in the short time remaining she continued to pick up her house. She had been told it didn't matter, that her house didn't have to be perfect, but she preferred it this way.

She told herself she just liked to be neat, but in the back of her mind she knew that this way she could control what visitors saw.

When the clock read eight Emily went out to the window and waited for the familiar car to pull up. In the corner of her eye line she saw a black car and recognized it. But she immediately put it to the back of her mind when the car she had been waiting for turned into her driveway.


Hossain probably knew more about Emily then the rest of her team did. He recognized her need to keep her personal and professional lives separate; it had always been that way. He and Emily had never been friends, and they had never been on a team together, but they had talked.

Emily called him once or twice a year since she joined the FBI when she needed information the Bureau wouldn't have on file. He complied with her wants as long as they didn't obstruct his plans, this way they had a friendly relationship, something he could use to his advantage.

But all the time he had been around Emily he had never seen her in a relationship, but he understood more than anyone else would. He too was single. He never spoke to his family and he never made close friends. Life was easier that way. When there was a chance you would have to leave the country for weeks, maybe months, it was easier to not have to explain to someone. It was best not to love someone.

Love made you vulnerable, that was one of the first lessons he had been taught. Because in the profession he had, you had to not only be willing to give up your life, but the ones you love. That's what he had been taught anyway.

And so that's why he had been so surprised. Originally he thought they could just be friends, even after he witnessed their first kiss. But after visits got more frequent and their conversations got more intimate it became clear to him that there was something more than that.

And at first it had shocked him, maybe even appalled him some, but gradually that went away. Gradually he started to understand Emily Prentiss more. He understood that she tried to be a loner, and he understood why she had never talked about her love life at work. He even understood why she kept the relationship away from the team.

Because not only was it was another member of the team, but it was also a woman.


Emily opened the door and JJ walked in.

"Oh wow Em…" JJ gaped at the red dress that hugged Emily in all the right places. Emily smiled brightly in response.

"You look gorgeous Jayje," Emily said as they walked into the kitchen.

"But Emily, you look… just wow." JJ looked at her own sun dress. At the time she had liked her choice, but now she wished she was more dressed up.

Emily laughed at the woman's loss for words, "Go sit down, I'll be there in a minute."

JJ complied and once she was out of the room Emily pulled out the lasagna and ran the green beans in the microwave for a minute. She set the food on the table and then hurried back in the kitchen to get her bottle of wine, and as a last minute thought turned the music up a little.

When they were both seated comfortably Emily poured them each a glass of wine, but the low neck line on Emily's dress kept distracting JJ. She watched as Emily slowly took a sip of her wine, and the red stained her lips. JJ loved how Emily didn't wear a lot of make-up; she didn't know why she would ever want to cover up her beautiful face.

As they ate dinner they spoke some, but mostly just enjoyed each other's company. They had both been at work all day, so there was nothing new to tell each other.

JJ complimented Emily's cooking even though they both knew she hadn't made it. After they finished they both brought their plates to the kitchen. JJ was about to leave when Emily rested her hand on her shoulder.

The music from the radio was now playing a slow song that Emily loved.

"May I have this dance?" Emily asked seriously, but with a twinkle in her eye, and reached her right hand out.

JJ grinned and accepted the hand. Emily placed in on her shoulder and JJ did the same with her other. Once JJ had done so, Emily rested her hands on her hips. They moved closer together and swayed back and forth to the soft sound of the music.

Soon JJ moved and rested her head on Emily's chest as they continued to move with the beat. She closed her eyes and let the sound of the music and Emily's touch take her away.

Holding JJ close to her like this gave Emily a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. Knowing that she wasn't going to lose her like she once almost did was what kept her from pulling away. As JJ's hips swayed against her hands she sighed peacefully and gently rested her chin on the top of JJ's head. She could smell her vanilla shampoo, it was how JJ always smelled, and Emily loved it. It was so… her.

Emily held her close and even when the song ended, she didn't want to let go.


After the Doyle case, Hossain had been interested and hacked into Doyle's Interpol files. He read every page of it. He saw notes from various members of the team, but his eyes caught on Emily's. He read what she had done with him. He too would have done anything to move a case forward, but still, some part of him was disgusted.

But as he continued to read the file he started to identify with Doyle. A man whose job twisted his version of love, and had been betrayed by the woman he did open himself up to. A man whose son had been killed to get to him, and had been betrayed by all he trusted. A man whose freedom had been taken from him.

Doyle stayed in his mind for months, and then those turned into years. Hossain thought of how easily he could have been Doyle. How really the only thing that separated them was geographical distance. If he lived where Doyle did his talents could have brought him fame and fortune. But now all they brought his was a four by four cubicle.

So that's why when Hossain heard of Doyle's escape, he found him. He used information from the files, and his instinct. It even surprised Hossain that he had been able to do so quite as easily as he did, and then he wondered why no one else found him.

But that thought easily left as Hossain found Doyle alone and held a gun to his back.

He could have just as easily pulled the trigger, but that's not what he wanted. He wanted to meet the man that had taken over his mind since Hossain first heard the name Doyle.

They sat down across from each other at a bar and he was exactly how Hossain had imagined. He still had his thick accent, and he looked much like his pictures, except older. His eyes were dark and narrow. Hossain knew he had to keep it short if he wanted to talk before Doyle ordered his men to take him. Or kill him.

So he made his plea. Hossain said he wanted to help Doyle, but of course Doyle was skeptical. Why would an Interpol agent want to help him kill the agents who arrested him?

So Hossain told him the truth, and added some things he hadn't even thought about for years. Hossain told Doyle about how he had come to America from Lebanon. There had been an uprising against the government and the United States came to "help".

His father had fought back and had been beaten. Hossain had watched as American soldiers used the butts of their guns even when he stopped fighting back. But more than those images he heard his mother's tears and his sister's screams.

While the country was still in turmoil, the American government started to evacuate. They hadn't cared whether or not Hossain wanted to leave because his mother had signed papers for him to be taken away. After he arrived to America he could no longer find his family. He lived on the streets and eventually worked his way up to a small apartment.

Doyle then wanted to know why the United States government would hire a man like him.

Hossain told him about how once he got enough money he bought a laptop. He started searching for his sister. He did so by hacking into any and every government database. FBI, CIA, NSA, and eventually Interpol.

He finally found his sister, only to see she had been killed by a rebel before making it on the boat. It wasn't too long after that when people came knocking on his doors. He was interrogated for days, held in cellars, and refused food. All to see if he was a terrorist.

At this point Hossain hated America so much that he spat on any interrogator who came in. Eventually when the agents figured out he had no terrorist connections, they offered him a deal. He either works for them on a very short leash, or goes to jail.

But as he gained their trust, his leash lengthened. And now after fifteen years at Interpol he was a trusted and respected hacker.

Doyle had chuckled and let out a small smile. He liked and trusted this man. He told Hossain his targets and Hossain nodded eagerly.

But then Doyle said he didn't need help now, but if something were to happen where he couldn't finish his task, it was up to Hossain to do so.

He told Hossain he had to think of his father and his mother and his sister if it came to the point where he had to kill the woman who had killed him.

Doyle wanted her, he wanted to make her pay, but he had always thought ahead. So if he couldn't kill Emily Prentiss, he would do anything to make sure she was dead.

I'd love it if you'd review and tell me what you think! Either what you like, don't like, any advice, or really anything else.