As April gave way to May, the weather in Beacon Hills warmed drastically, grass began to sprout rapidly where all winter it had been barren, and Stiles was finding it harder to hide his baby bump. Stiles frowned at his reflection and he slid the elastic waist of the pregnancy jeans snug over his hips. Just one more week. He thought as he adjusted the back of the band. He sighed as he reached over to grab a baggy shirt, cringing as the elastic pinched him uncomfortably.

"Everything okay honey?" Derek asked as he came into the room carrying the clean laundry.

"No." Stiles was not pouting, thank you very much! "-These pants are so uncomfortable." Derek frowned.

"The sales lady said that kind were the most comfortable."

"Well their not." Just one more week and schools over. Stiles reassured himself as he pulled the shirt over his head. At least the shirt was bagging enough to hide his swollen stomach. His baby bump was high on his body, at least according to all the pregnancy books he'd read. Melissa had 'hm'd, patting his stomach before saying: "That just means it's going to be a girl." -Ha! Stiles had stuck his tongue out at Derek whom had just rolled his eyes and returned to reading his book when Melissa added, "It could still be a boy though." Now Derek stuck his tongue out back at Stiles jokingly. Stiles pulled his shoes on, grabbed his backpack, and stood to kiss his boyfriends lips before leaving.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" he stopped short of the bedroom door, turning back to look at Derek who was folding their clothes. "-I'm meeting with Mr. O'Grady today after first period with Jackson. I'll text you on what we decide?" Derek nodded.

"I trust your instincts." he smiled affectionately, "-Try not to maul anyone at school today." Stiles chuckled as he left.

"No promises!" he called over his shoulder. Derek shook his head - man, he loved Stiles.

Stiles and Jackson sat across from Mr. O'Grady, their salamander principal, listening as he explained to Stiles how his 'Constructively Present' marks for the next 3 weeks would work. While he wouldn't be in school, he was still going to receive credit for the class - the last term doesn't matter anyway - And it was up to Stiles if he wished to walk the stage for graduation, or receive his diploma in the mail. Either way, he supported him. The salamander showed Stiles where to sign the paperwork to make his leaving official, and - after Stiles completed the task - filed all the papers away.

"It's official, Your free to stop coming to school whenever you feel like it." Stiles threw his hands up.

"Yay!" he cheered happily, Jackson raised an eyebrow at his antics, Mr. O'Grady chuckled.

"Now, about the meeting meeting." Stiles calmed, slipping into Alpha Female mode seamlessly, as if he hadn't just been cheering like a toddler.

"I would like to propose we meet up soon. Prior to-" Stiles motioned towards his stomach. The man across from him nodded.

"I understand. I was going to suggest next Saturday. Does that work for you and your Alpha?" Stiles pulled his phone out, checking his and Derek's shared calendar, before agreeing.

"Now, about the time and place." Jackson started, speaking for the first time this meeting, "-I think it should be held somewhere private, less of a chance of exposing everyone."

"I think we should throw a party." Stiles offered, looking at Jackson. The blonde considered it while chewing on his bottom lip before he nodded.

"It would allow for a non-suspicious gathering." Mr. O'Grady agreed. "-Now the only question is, where do we host it?" The three of them thought it over for a few minutes before Stiles slapped the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

"The loft."

"The loft?" Jackson questioned, his eyebrows drawn together in concern.

"I've never heard of The Loft. Is their food any good?" The two teens turned to look at the man on the other side of the desk before Stiles burst out laughing.

"No, No. it's not a restaurant or a hall or anything like that. It's our Alpha's old place. He bought a loft."


"I don't know…" Jackson turned to Stiles. "-I mean, do you think it's a good idea to invite a bunch of unknown supernatural creatures to the loft? Where there are civilians?"

"Well, I mean, it's not like the civilians are going to be on Derek's floor. No one's bought the other unit yet. And if anyone on the lower levels get curious or nosey, we're having a party for…Erica?" Jackson looked like he was about to argue for a moment, before he nodded.

"That…actually sounds like a good idea."

"Hey!" Stiles protested. "-actually sounds like a good idea?!"

"You know what I mean." Stiles huffed and crossed his arms, pouting.

"That's quite the baby bump you've got there." Mr. O'Grady was staring at Stiles now noticeable baby bump. The teen uncrossed his arm and tugged the hem of his shirt down self-consciously.

"Uh, yeah." Stiles bit his lip. "-None of my clothes fit anymore." He pouted again, causing the adult to laugh.

"How far along are you now?"

"..five months?" Stiles questioned, turning to Jackson to confirm.

"Yeah, just about."

"Has it started kicking yet?" Mr. O'Grady's eyes widened hopefully. Most fae-folk, like himself, adored children.

Stiles fidgeted in his seat at the question; he had yet to tell Derek this, but he hadn't felt their baby move. Which, according to all his reading, he should have been able to feel around four months and Stiles was afraid something was wrong. He shook his head no. The salamander pouted momentarily. His people believed that children weren't alive yet until they first moved inside the womb, for that's when they got their souls. To him, Stiles child wasn't alive yet. "-Am I allowed to leave school now? Or do I have to finish out the day?"

"You can leave now if you so choose. I have all the required paper work."

"Can Jackson come with me for the day?" the man across from Stiles took a deep breath in through his nose before sighing.

"I don't see why not." He opened a draw in his desk and pulled out a bright orange piece of paper - Beacon Hills High early dismissal pass. He signed it and handed it to Jackson.

The two stood, thanked him, and left the office. Stiles had an appointment he had to get to.

Stiles sat on a table in the back room of the closed vet's office pants-less. Derek was sitting in a chair next to the table, holding Stiles hand with his left and griping the list of questions with hi right. Jackson was in the waiting room, probably flipping through one of the offered animal health pamphlets on dogs. Stiles chuckled at the mental image, causing both Derek and Deaton to look at him questioningly. He waved the looks off.

"Okay Stiles," Deaton started as he snapped the wrist of a rubber glove he was putting on, "-Let's start with an ultrasound, shall we?" Stiles nodded in agreement, laying back on the cold table.

"You coulda at least put down some warm blankets." he complained under his breath as he rolled up his shirt to expose his stomach. Deaton grabbed the bottle of blue gel and squirted a large amount on the exposed flesh. "-Son of a-" Stiles hissed out at the coldness of it, "Are you trying to freeze me to death?"

"My apologies." Stiles could hear the eye-roll as Deaton picked up the wand.

"Before you start," Stiles interrupted as he leaned up on his elbows, "-We don't want to know the sex."

"We don't?" Derek asked raising his eyebrow at Stiles.

"No. We want it to be a surprise." Stiles stared at his lover. "-I don't want to push gender norms on her. She's a fetus. She doesn't need to wear pink or play with dolls." Derek nodded.

"I understand. But for the record, it's perfectly okay for him to play with dolls." Stiles affectionately pinched Derek's arm.

"Okay, so no telling you the gender. Got it." Stiles laid back down as Deaton pressed the wand into Stiles stomach. The teen grunted; it wasn't painful, it was just…aggravating. The pressure of the wand being pushed against and around his stomach was annoying. Deaton was making 'mm's and 'ah's as he moved the wand around. He would stop every once in a while and push some buttons on the keyboard under the monitor that was faced away from the parents view. Then he was quiet for a moment, and then another. And yet another. His silence set Stiles on edge.

"Okay, why so quiet. What's going on? Is my baby okay?" Stiles pushed up onto his elbows again, Derek now stood next to the metal table.

"hmm? Oh yes." Deaton turned to look at them, "-You have a very healthy baby."

"I hear a 'but' coming."

"…I'm a little concerned as to how small," He paused for a moment, "-the baby…is. I'm sorry, it's very hard not to use gender pronouns."

"Just use 'they". How small are they?" Deaton's lip was a firm line.

"Well, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were only 3 months along. But I do know better." Stiles nodded, eyes never leaving the emissary. "-It is normal for were-children to be smaller than human children, as wolves can carry multiple pups at a time. But this?" Deaton looked back at the monitor. "-This is a concern, albeit a small one. I'm sure by supplementing your diet…they? Will plump up."

"So it's not something major? Just a poor diet?"

"Or a nutrient deficiency, which could be from a poor diet. Or." Deaton paused and turned to look at the two, "When did we find out you were pregnant again?" Derek scrunched his eyebrows together in thought.

"I'm…not sure?" Stiles pointed to his back pack.

"I have a planner in there. I wrote everything down." Derek left Stiles side to dig through the bag. He let out a soft 'Ah-ha!' as he pulled the planner from its place and brought it over to Stiles. The teen flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for and pointing to it on the page.

"Here. We found out I was pregnant in March."

"And it's only May." Derek added.

"and the knotting situation happened in," Stile turned the page back a few, "-In early February. Oh." Stiles looked at Derek before, "-Oh."

"Oh what Stiles?" The two turned to look at Deaton, who's mouth was also open in a silent 'oh'. "-Would one of you please tell me what this oh is about?" Deaton turned to look at Derek, a rare, bashful blush on his dark cheeks.

"It would seem I am mistaken. Stiles is only four months along, not five. So,"

"The baby isn't small." Derek finally understood. Deaton shook his head.

"I apologize for the scare." Stiles face broke out into a cheerful smile.

"It's okay. Our baby is okay." Stiles snaked his hand into Derek's and gave it a squeeze.

"Tell us more." Deaton smiled at the two.

"Well, they have two arms, and two legs. Ten fingers, and ten toes. And, oh, they're awake." Stiles bit his lip.

"Are they moving?" He asked softly, looking down at his stomach. Deaton turned the monitor around for the parents to see. There, right on the screen, their baby was turning around so their back was to the ultrasound. When Stiles teared up it was a mix of joy and despair.

"I..I can' feel them moving. Shouldn't I be able to feel them?" Deaton patted Stiles free hand; the teen gripped it on instinct.

"Like I said, it's a were-baby Stiles. It's still small for four months, so I'm not surprised if you can't feel it yet. I promise you, you'll feel them soon." Derek rubbed his partners head.

"How about we move onto the list?" Derek soothed Stiles with a soft, reassuring voice while he ran fingers through his hair. Stiles nodded. Derek unfolded the page and handed it Deaton. He pulled up an office chair and sat down in it as he looked over the list.

"Well, yes, you currently have a uterus, as there is a baby in there. Medically speaking, to someone outside of the mgical community, it's a 'none functioning uterus', a condition that effects a surprising number of males in the United States currently. I suspect it has to do with additives in food. Your ability to get pregnant is purely magical. In the sense that, if you were to try and procreate with a human, it would be impossible for you to get pregnant. If you were to sleep with a Beta, the change is extremely low. You, yourself, prior to becoming a werewolf had a spark of magic. That spark combined with Derek's alpha powers is what 'activated' your uterus. Any further questions on that?"

"So, your saying, I've always had a uterus?" Deaton nodded.

"Yes. None functioning uterus' vary in size, and most parents either don't tell their son about it, or opt to have it surgically removed when their still young. I'd have to see abdominal scans of yours from the past to see the original size of it, but it's quite possible neither your parents or doctor would have ever noticed it if you hadn't had scans taken." Stiles could remember when his tonsils had to be removed when he was seven, and the time he broke his arm trying skateboarding stunts from Jackass the Movie - even though the movie explicitly stated not to attempt them at home -vbut he couldn't remember ever having any scans of his stomach done; he still had his appendix. "Next question then?" Stiles hmm'ed and shifted on the table. Deaton regarding the page again.

"As for the means of birth, you don't seem to have a birth canal, nor are you equipped with a vagina, so we will have to schedule a C-section. Which we can do in a few months. I however, have a feeling that you'll go into labor. With you being an Alpha Female it changes things a bit, in a way that may be unpredictable. I recommend that if you don't go into labor by the first week of November, that's when we schedule the C-section. Have you read anything about them?"

"Ah, yeah, a little bit." Deaton nodded. Placing his index finger low on one of Stiles hips and swiping under the curve of his pregnant belly to his other hip.

"This is where I would cut. There are two incisions. One into your skin, muscle and fat, and a second one into the uterus itself. It's done that way to avoid any possible nicks to the baby or any vessel. Then, you'll get stitched up and your werewolf healing will do the rest." Derek addressed Deaton.

"Won't his healing get in the way of you doing the incisions?" Deaton nodded.

"Normally? Yes, it would. I am prepared to admonisher a small, diluted mixture of monkshood to help slow his healing without harming the baby. It's a delicate balance."

"And this small amount will be safe for the baby?" Stiles asked nervously. Derek could hear his heart fluttering with nerves.

"Yes, it's very safe. I will be coating the scalpels with the mixture. As long as I move quickly and carefully the baby won't be in any danger."

"And Stiles?"

"Will also be fine. Once the baby is out I will flush the wound with the antidote and close him up. I will also inject the cure into his i.v. to insure the monkshood is completely neutralized." He checked over the two to make sure they were content with the birth plan.

"You'll have this stuff ready early though, right? In case I go into an actually labor?" Deaton nodded.

"I also wanted to discuss with you having Scott there for the delivery." Stiles nodded.

"It's okay. I get it. He's your protégé, he knows how to help animals give birth. But may I also suggest having Melissa there as well? She's a nurse after all."

"That is a very good idea. I shall extend the information to her. We will also need to go over your pain plan." Derek raised an eyebrow.

"Pain plan?" Stiles was confused.

"Yes. You're a werewolf Stiles. Anesthesia may not work on you for long, and we will need to be very careful with how much we give you prior to the C-section, so we don't over dose the baby."

"I understand. Just uh, just do what you have to do to save the baby. If that means no pain killers, then I'm prepared to deal with that. You may need to strap me down though." Derek squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"I'll be there to help take some of your pain." Stiles smiled at him, the soft downturn of his eyes and the upturn of his lips conveying all the love he held for the older man. Derek kissed him gently on the tip of his nose, "-I love you too."

"This question here," Deaton pointed to the last one scrawled messily on the page, "-I will have to do an exam of your chest in two months. You have a none functioning uterus, but you may not have any milk ducts. We won't know for certain until we see if they develop. Which, if they do, means yes. You may, potentially, grow boobs. Or you may not. There's really no way of knowing until it happens." Stiles blushed, he had wanted to ask that away from Derek, whom, was laughing behind his hand.

"What? It was a valid question!" he protest at his chuckling lover.

"Anything else?"

"I think that's it." Deaton handed Stiles a damp cloth to clean off his stomach.

"You can get dressed and I want you to start taking pre-natal vitamins from now on, okay?"

"Understood." Stiles wiped off his stomach and hopped down from the table to pull on his uncomfortable pants, smiling happily. His baby was okay. She was safe and healthy.

The following Saturday morning found everyone at the loft, the whole pack was there, as was the Sheriff, Deaton and Mr. O'Grady, hanging decorations and moving furniture. Stiles sat on the sofa, bare feet propped up on the coffee tables and a plate of pickles with ketchup balanced on his stomach. Erica scrunched her nose in disgust every time she walked by.

"I don't get it." Danny said as he sat down next to Stiles, "-Your eating vinegar on vinegar." Stiles paused in his munching to look at his tanned friend.

"You know, you're right."


"Yeah. I need chocolate ice cream to go with this!" Danny could hear his stomach protesting in disgust, but fetched his food-craving pregnant friend chocolate ice cream from the freezer.

"Stiles," Derek chided, "-Didn't Deaton tell you to eat better." Stiles pouted.

"Yes. But the baby wants chocolate ice cream and pickles."

"The baby's never had chocolate ice cream and pickles before, how does it know it wants it?" Stiles pout deepened as he pointed his spoon at the father of his child.

"Are you the one pregnant and having food cravings? No? then mind your own business!" He scoop another spoonful into his mouth. John and Mr. O'Grady were laughing. The salamander and Sheriff had gotten along instantly, the two bonding over horrible eighties music. Erica crossed in front of Stiles again with her arms full of decorative pillows.

"Where do you want the pillow pit batman?" Stiles surveyed the room, pointing to the side of the room that currently housed no furniture or decorations. The she-wolf nodded and tossed the pillows where directed.

"What pillow pit?" Derek asked, popping his head back into the living room. Erica spared a glance at him before shrugging and turning to look at Stiles.

"For people to sit on Derek."

"How many people are you expecting to show up?"

"About thirty?" Mr. O'Grady pitched in as he finished laying out the tablecloth over the long wooden table that would hold all the food.

"Really?" Stiles placed his bowl in Danny's lap and stood with hands on his lower back, "-There's that many other Supernaturals living in Beacon Hills?" The salamander shook his head.

"No, there's more like a hundred?" Stiles jaw dropped. "-The ones who are coming today are the ones who can pass for human. The others are…a variety of creatures. From non-humanoid fae to water dwellers to animalistic beings." Stiles bit his lip and leaned back, pressing his thumbs into his lower back.

"You okay there son?' John, noticing Stiles fidgeting, crossed the room to rub his shoulders.

"Yeah." He paused to hiss out a breath. "-Just uh, my back hurts? And I don't know why?" Erica snickered.

"Do you also feel like crying for no reason, and, simultaneously, want to bathe in the blood of your enemies?" Stiles nodded.

"Uhhh, Yeah, actually."

"And do you just really want something sweet, salty, and chocolatey?" Stiles nodded again, eyes wide.

"It's like you're in my head." Lydia and Allison burst out laughing, Melissa soon joining in. "-What? What's so funny?!" Erica's lips twisted into a wicked grin.

"Well Batman, I think you have your period." John looked uncomfortable as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Stiles eyes were wide.

"…But's it's a none functioning uterus…" This caused the girls to laugh harder. Melissa, being the first to calm down, crossed the living room to pull the teen into her arms, rubbing his back in smooth circles.

"I doubt your having a period Stiles." She pulled back to look him in the eyes and he hand traveled down to the small of his back where she pushed. Stiles let out a little pleased groan before he slapped his hand over his mouth and his cheeks pinked in embarrassment. "-It's perfectly okay sweetie. Your hips are opening is all."

"What do you mean opening?"

"It's all part of pregnancy. Your body is male, and doesn't have child-baring hips. So you're hips are spreading to accommodate the baby."

"…But I don't have a birth canal…" He whispered defiantly. This was not fair!

"If I may?" Deaton cut in as he stepped next to Melissa. Stiles soon-to-be mom nodded and stepped back to make room. Stiles hissed at the loss of her hand on his back.

"Your body is flooding with hormones, specifically estrogen. Right now, your body doesn't care if you have a birth canal or not. Its doing what nature designed." Stiles wanted to retort - this is not what nature intended. He was male dammit! It died in his throat as Jackson cleared his, standing in the doorway between the living room and kitchen. Everyone turned to look at him.

"What's up Jax?" Stiles pressed his hands into his back again, stupid hips, stupid biology. Jackson was looking between the floor and Stiles, but never meeting his eyes.

"I uh, I have a confession to make." Derek raised an eyebrow and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "-I spoke with Mr. O'Grady the day after he met with me and Stiles, by myself." Stiles cocked his head to the side - Since Stiles had gotten pregnant Jackson had rarely done anything that wasn't in the best interest of the baby. Derek looked over at Mr. O'Grady, who's arms were crossed in front of his chest. "-I asked him to, uh, change the nature of this meeting." Jackson rarely ever looked so nervous; he had everyone's attention.

"It's okay Jax. You can tell us whatever it is you did. We won't be mad." Stiles assured his friend. Jackson's hands were behind his back, holding something out of everyone's sight.

"Well," Jackson pulled the item from behind his back and tossed it at Isaac whom was the closet to him. No, Stiles noted. Jackson had tossed one side of a medium sized banner at the other, and the two held it up. Across the pastel mint green banner, in the cutest bubble letters, alternating in blue and pink, 'It's a baby!'. Stiles, head still cocked to the side, scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"I don't get it."

"It's a baby shower." Jackson looked to Stiles hopefully; the pregnant teen un-scrunched his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes blurring with tears.

"Thank you Jackson!" He crossed the room and pulled his friend into a tight hug.

"It uh, it wasn't all my idea. Scott helped." Stiles kissed Jackson's cheek and moved on to hug Scott too.

"I made sure to let the families know to try and stick with gender neutral baby items. Jackson let me know that you weren't going to find out the sex of the baby." Stiles smiled at Mr. O'Grady, whom was currently shaking hands with his father.

"Thank you Mr. O'Grady."

"That being said, I'll need some help getting all the baby shower stuff out of my car." Jackson, Isaac and Boyd followed the principal out of the loft. When the four of them came back, carrying shopping bags, the pack got to hanging the decorations. Underneath stairs John set up another table with paints on it, and a bag full of white onesies. When Stiles asked what it was for, John smiled and pulled his son into a hug.

"It's a Stilinski tradition, a onesie decorating station. Each guest gets to paint a onesie for the baby." Stiles smiled. He couldn't wait to dress his baby up in cute home-painted onesies; regardless of whether they were blue or pink, his baby would wear each one of them.

The group had just placed the last of the food on the food table when a shy knock sounded on the loft door. Erica jogged over to open it, to reveal woman holding a wrapped box. A small head peaked out from behind her legs, and a bored looking teenager was leaning against the wall opposite the door.

"HI, We're here for the baby shower?" Erica nodded and moved out of their way to let them in. Mr. O'Grady crossed over to the room as Erica took the present and sniffed it.

"Amilee, I'm glad you could make it!" The woman smiled and gave the other a quick hug.

"There's no way I'd miss the chance to meet the Alpha's." The teacher lead her over to where Derek and Stiles were sitting.

"Derek, Stiles, this is Amilee."

"It's very nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out to Derek who shook it. Stiles noticed the shy head poke out from behind Amilee.

"And what's your name honey?" He keep his voice soft and soothing; the child was clearly nervous and Stiles didn't want to spoke him any further. The child's cheeks flushed red before he ducked back behind Amilee's legs. She pated his silver locks, the same shimmering color of Amilee's. Stiles would bet money that the broody teenager in the hoodie had the same hair.

"Sweetie, say hello to the Alpha's." the child shook their head.

"No, They're gonna eat me." Derek looked shocked and slightly concerned, Stiles burst out laughing.

"Why do you think we're gonna eat you?" Derek asked, leaning forward and resting his arms on his thighs.

"Cuz you're wolves. And wolves eat little girls." Amilee sighed and held her face in her hands, broody teenager was snickering. Stiles finally stopped laughing and rested his hands on his stomach.

"Is that what your brother told you?" Stiles rubbed his belly as he asked. The short silver locks on the child bobbed with a yes.

"And one ate little red riding hood." Stiles leaned forward as much as his pregnant belly would allow.

"how about this little one," The child looked past his mother's legs at him, "-If your brother picks on you again, or tells you any more scary lies, we'll eat him." The child, which Stiles could tell now was a little boy, stared him in the eyes. "-Deal?" He held his hand out to shake. The little boy nodded, smiled, and walked right past his outstretched hand to hug Stiles around the leg.

"I'm Amarion."

"It's very nice to meet you Amarion. I'm Stiles, and the guy with the caterpillars on his face is Derek."

"There not caterpillars, there eyebrows."

"Toby." broody teenager said removing his hood and nodded his head at the two Alpha's. Amilee sent him a mom look, one that said 'try again'. He sighed in the way only a broody teenager could. "-Attobias. Toby for short."

"It's nice to meet you broody teenager." Stiles said with a smile. Amilee laughed and Derek gave him his 'that was unprofessional but I love you anyway' caterpillar movement.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." There was another knock on the door, Mr. O'Grady pulled it open while Derek and Amilee chatted.

"It's probably rude of me to ask-" Stiles started leaning forward again to get a better look at Amilee.

"Then don't ask." Derek interrupted with a playful smirk. Stiles leaned over and gently nibbled on his bicep, making dramatic 'nom nom nom!' noises that had Amarion clutching his tiny sides in laughter.

"I don't mind." Amilee smiled and placed her cup on the table in front of her. "-What do you want to know?"

"Your hair, is that from you being whichever creature you are?" Her eyes widened slightly as she turned to look at Mr. O'Grady, whom was letting in a family of three, two of which had flaming red hair.

"Did Jared not tell you what we are a head of this?" Stiles and Derek shoot their head no.

"I believe he wanted everyone to introduce themselves." Amilee nodded in understanding.

"My children and I are Cloud Birds." Both Stiles and Derek cocked their heads to the side.

"Forgive me, but I've never heard of cloud birds before. May I ask?" Amilee smiled.

"Of course. Cloud Birds, thousands of years ago, were magical beast, descended from the 'Heavens' to aid magicians in their quest. The legend of the first Cloud bird is that a great sorcerer, longing for companionship, gathered the fallen clouds and infused it with his magic. Through thousands of years of evolution, and pollution, we've adapted to the world around us and " she gestured at herself, "-acquired human shapes." The family of three approached the Alpha's and, Stiles bit his lip, they honest to God just bowed, as if Derek and he were royalty. The older male introduced the group.

"My name is Allen, my wife, Pauleen, and our son Charles." Stiles and Derek greeted them, introducing themselves and exchanging pleasantries. Pauleen spoke next, smiling as she did.

"I'm a fire wielder, as is our son." Stiles couldn't help himself.

"I knew it had to be fire or heat related. I mean," he gestured to their hair. Pauleen laughed.

"Yeah, it sort of gives it away. My sister, Emilie, takes after our father, who is an ice wielder, and she has naturally blue hair. My brother however, had flaming red hair and is an ice wielder." Stiles eye drifted over to Allen, whom had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. "-Allen is human." Stiles blushed at being caught.

The loft soon started filling with people, most of whom looked perfectly human, which Stiles was relieved to see. He didn't know what he'd do if there were any other anime stereotypes living in beacon hills. So far, Stiles had met a six person family of Kelpies - all were blonde hair/blue eyed, a newly married Harpy couple who were so sweet Stiles swore he was going to get cavities being near them, a four family of Selkies - or rather half Selkie as the mother was human, a lone skin-walker, three shape-shifters, one humanoid mermaid, and an honest to God family of pure breed were-bunnies. Were-bunnies. Stiles had thought they were yanking his chain, until their youngest of eight children sneezed, and a two long, fluffy, white ears appeared atop her head.

"Aw man, not again!" She whined and half turned to look at the tuft of white fur protruding from the rip in her capris- her face tapered in drastically below her cheeks, causing her eyes to widen and the inner corners to tilt down. She was absolutely adorable, and Stiles wanted nothing more than to pull her into his chest and snuggle her. He refrained, but was unable to halt the 'awwwwwww!' that escaped his lips. Her eyes twitched in his direction and her tail wagged. She, clearly, loved the attention as she sidled up to him. This time Stiles didn't even attempt to stop his hands as he pet her head.

"Alice has some control problems. It's why she's being home school-" Alice's mothers explanation trailed off as she watch Stiles rub his cheek on the top of her head.

"Oh my god, your so cute!" Erica was laughing so hard she had to sit down. The Sherriff was shaking his head in a 'I know I taught him better than this' manner. Alice turned to look at Derek, who had been quite during Stiles snuggling of her, eyes immediately zeroing in on his mouth. She gasped and pointed at his mouth.

"You have bunny teeth too?! Are you a were-bunny?!" The room broke out in laughter as Derek covered his mouth with his hand, and Stiles could see his boyfriends eyes turning red in embarrassment.

"I am so sorry." Her mom said between laughs, Stiles shook his head.

"It's okay. Derek really does has the cutest bunny teeth." he turned to Alice, who he was still snuggling, "-He's not a bunny sadly. He's a werewolf, just like me."

"How come your so fat?" She asked innocently. Stiles pouted, and indignantly -

"I'm not fat." Alice patted his stomach gently as if to say 'oh no?'. Stiles sighed and held her at arm's length. "-I'm not fat, I'm having a baby." Her eyes lit up in excitement.

"A baby!?" Stiles nodded. "-Just like mommy!"

"Just like-" her father started, before turning to look at his wife, "-…you?"

"Surprise?" Correction, Stiles thought, were-bunny family of eleven.

"Congratulations!" Alice's father looked defeated. I guess they weren't trying to expand the hoard.

The party was in full swing when Alice, having run off to play with Amarion, returned to his side, climbing up next to him on the couch. She still hadn't shifted back to human, and Stiles was in no rush for her to; she was just so damn cute! He watched as she struggled to climb up onto the couch, ready to catch her if need be. Derek had gone off to socialize, leaving Stiles a plate of food, and a bowl with Marble cake with hot sauce on it in case he was hungry. Once Alice was seated with her butt on the cushion, she turned to him, peering up at him with those innocent eyes.

"Is it time to open presents yet?" She asked, her nose twitching as she spoke.

"Not yet." She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, "-I guess it could be." She immediately stopped pouting and smiled. Stiles smiled at her adorable face, before he leaned down to whisper in her ear. She nodded dramatically when he asked if she understood, before she slid off the couch and ran, full speed at Derek's legs, wrapping her tiny arms around them as she collided with them.

Derek stumbled into Johnny, the Selkie dad, as an unexpected projectile barreled into his legs. Johnny caught him by the shoulders looking panicked. Derek, as well as the other dad's he was speaking with, all turned their attention to the smiling face holding onto his legs.

"Stiles said its present time!" Derek raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"Yup. And he said to tell you 'I'm the one having a baby so I decide when it's present time'!" Alice then hopped off to tell everyone else. Derek sighed as the group of Dad's retreated back to the couch, the rest of the party doing the same as Alice made her way around the loft. Derek returned to his seat next to Stiles, taking his hand in his and kissing his knuckles. Stiles smiled at him and leaned forward to press his lips against the underside of his jaw. Once everyone was gathered around Isaac handed Stiles the first present. Stiles read the tag, and thanked the family of Kelpies before he tore open the paper. Inside the medium sized box was a glass mobile, adorned with glass seals in a rainbow of colors, hanging from the center was a glass grey wolf. Stiles and Derek thanked them again, passing the item off to Boyd to place somewhere safe.

The next box Stiles was handed was from the mermaid, containing an array of soft swaddle clothes. Ones that, when wrapped around the baby, would give them fake mer-tails. Stiles cooed at them. Stiles thanked them and moved on to the next one. Stiles thanked the giver of each gift as he opened them, cooing at all the tiny baby stuff as he did so.

Derek was enjoying watching Stiles opening the gifts, laughing at all the little noises he was making as he did. Derek joined him thanking each person when Stiles finished opening the present. He glanced around the rooms occupants, eyes landing on John, whom stood against the wall, arms folding across his chest and a soft, sad smile on his face. Melissa stood next to him, smiling as she watched her soon-to-be-son enjoying himself. Derek paused as he saw John's eyebrows pinch together in concern, his arms loosening in preparation to cross the room if need be. The couch, that had been gently bouncing due to his loves excitement had stilled. Derek turned his head to look at his doe eyed love, when Stiles stood from the couch, hands dropping the present he was holding as he did so. Derek reflectively reached out and caught the box on instinct, standing next to Stiles once it was firmly in his grasp. Stiles eyes were golden and wide as he stared ahead, clawed hands cradling his stomach.


"Shh." The teen pressed a clawed finger to Derek's lips to silence him. Derek could feel the tension in the room; the concern of Stiles and the baby's wellbeing. Derek reached to place his empty hand on Stiles stomach, and Stiles slapped it away, still staring straight ahead, head tilted in concentration as his fangs peaked out from the corner of his mouth.

"Son?" Derek hadn't seen the older man cross the room, but now he stood on Stiles other side. The teen shushed him.

"Everyone just, shush!" He placed the hand that had been on Derek's lips back on his stomach, palm flat and fingers spread wide. Derek was starting to get worried. Stiles is only four months along, there's no way he was in labor. Somethings wrong. Before Derek could demand an answer Stiles eyebrows un-pinched and a smile bloomed on his face - and damn it if Derek didn't mean it bloomed. It started small and contemplative, and grew slowly before his eyes into a wide, joyous smile full of human teeth. The teen turned to him, grabbed his hand and placed it right where his hand had been previously. No it was time for Derek to pinch his eyebrows. What was - oh. Derek could feel the toothy smile stretch across his face and he look up from Stiles stomach to his eyes. He heard the happy giggle escape his mouth, but couldn't care that it had.

There, under his palm, was the tiniest bump of his tiny child kicking, for the first time. He looked back down at Stiles stomach, moving his hand away and pushing Stiles shirt out of the way to watch the skin push upwards. It was barely anything, but he had felt it. His baby was kicking!

"I-" he looked back at Stiles, who was still smiling - he was sure he was too if his aching cheeks were any indication - and tried to express just how much he loved him. Express how much this moment meant, how much more in love he fell with him. Stiles nodded, as if he understood and kiss him before turning to his father and grabbing his hand.

"Dad you gotta feel this!" John obliged, and Derek watched the moment he felt his grandbaby kick; a smile that was so reminiscent of Stiles adorning his face. John leaned over until his face was close to his hand.

"You're going to be just like your papa, I can tell."

Derek took in the faces of his pack, smiling and pushing to get a turn to feel the baby kick, and was hit with a wave of nostalgia, remembering being seven years old when he had first gotten the chance to feel Cora kicking inside his mother's stomach. He could remember the way Laura, who was ten at the time, telling their father how she couldn't wait to play dress up with the baby, the way she had with Derek when he was young. He could practically hear Laura in his head, congratulating him. Her lips would tilt up in a half smile to try and keep her kick-ass attitude as she would place her hand on his shoulder. She would have gotten along with Stiles, teased him at every opportunity. She probably would've been able to help Erica with her self-confidence, without her turning into the leather wearing hard-ass she was now. It was moments like this that made him grateful peter was overseas doing whatever it was that he was doing; Derek feared that if he was here right now he would kill him for taking his sister from him - insane at the time or not.

But, Derek knew, everything was going to be okay. While he knew he could never replace the family he'd lost in the fire, he was starting his own. He fiddled with the box in his pants pocket.

He just had to ask Stiles to marry him.