Summary: This shows the sibling gathering mentioned in my other story, Dear Fred, Love Ginny as well as Fred's funeral. I love post-Deathly Hallows fics, so I figured I'd try it myself. Horrible summary, but I'm no good at things like that... As always, R&R

A/N: First ever Harry Potter chapter fic! As always, R&R! This chapter is an introduction of sorts, which I guess explains why it's so short. I don't really like this chapter, in my opinion it isn't very good. I post all my disclaimers on my profile. I don't think this is against the rules, but I really haven't looked into it, so tell me if it is... And you probably aren't even reading this, so on to the story!

"We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan; and a widower a man who has lost his wife, but that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence"

-Joseph Roux

Chapter 1

It was the day before Fred's funeral, and everyone at the Burrow was on edge. All they could think about was that terrible night, the night Fred and so many others had died: the night of the Battle of Hogwarts. Even though evil had been abolished, there was still a gaping hole in everyone's hearts. George felt the hole most of all. Everyone else was preparing for the funeral: cleaning, setting up chairs, cooking. George felt he just couldn't face all that. Fred had been his twin, his other half. George just could not believe that Fred was gone. Admitting the truth would cause George to break. He didn't know what would happen tomorrow, how he would be able to face the funeral. He supposed he would cross that bridge when he came to it.

During the day, George had sought out all of his remaining siblings, including Harry and Hermione, who were staying at the Burrow. To each he said the same thing: "Meeting in my room tonight at midnight, after everyone else is asleep." His siblings and friends looked puzzled, but they all agreed to come. George wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, especially not tonight.