Title: Run Away With Me

Rating: K+

Author: Meeeee (doctors gal1792)

Warnings: None as of right now.

Summary: Celina Roberts and her family are second class passengers on the Titanic. Their father has been offered the job of a lifetime in New York City, heading up his firms American offices. This is just what they need. Celina has had to be the lady of the house since her mother died three years previously. On the Titanic, Celina meets fourth officers Joseph Boxhall, who despite his immediate attraction to Celina, she tries to push him away because her responsibilities must come first. What will happen to this family as they travel to America, and will Celina finally put herself and her needs before everyone else's?

Disclaimer: I do not own Titanic or anything really. I own the characters of my own creation (The Roberts family) and no money was made off of the writing of this story.

Authors Note: Okay, so I had started this a while ago and then gave up on it…but given the 100th anniversary, I really wanted to write something. So, instead of coming up with a totally new idea, I decided to return to this with some tweaking in the plot and characters. No longer first person and no longer are they a family from Prussia…They are an English family of middle class standards…I really hope you will read this and enjoy it…I plan on really committing to this story, this time.

Chapter 1-A New Life

"Miss. Roberts, will you please answer the question?"

The girl looked up at the group of expectant men; she recalled briefly that they had asked her a question...something about the incident. Her brow furrowed in confusion, "I am sorry, can you please repeat the question?"

"Of course," Senator Smith said. Celina could tell he was trying to be kind but that he was also growing incredibly frustrated with her, "All I wanted to know is if you actually saw the ice berg, since you said you were up on deck looking for Officer Boxhall at the time of collision."

Celina thought again and her gaze caught Joseph's, he nodded encouragingly at her and somehow that pulled her enough out of her confusion to be able to look at the Senator, "Yes sir...I did see the ice berg when the ship hit."

"Thank you, Miss. Roberts. You may go, now."

She carefully stood to her feet and Joseph quickly moved to help her step down from the stand and over to her seat so she could rejoin her family.

In a matter of days, Celina Roberts went from having everything she could ever possibly want or need in life, to going through the days like an empty and hollow shell. If someone had told her three weeks previously how much her life would change, she would have laughed in their face. Now it was a miracle if you could get her to smile, at all.


"Celina, Greta, Ella...come here, quickly!" A voice called.

Celina looked up from where she had been sitting in the front sitting room of their home at the sounds of her father's voice. She got to her feet, carefully setting her needlework down and followed her younger sisters into the front hall where their father stood.

"Father, what is it? Is everything okay?" Greta asked concern laced in her voice.

"Everything is just wonderful!" The man was grinning and Celina honestly could not remember her father ever being this happy before, at least not since before their mother had died. "I have been promoted!" He announced to his three daughters.

Celina cried, throwing her arms around him, "Oh Papa, I am so proud of you!"

Mr. Roberts kissed his oldest on the cheek, "That's not just all. This promotion...it will mean a new life for us. The promotion is the head of the firm...in New York."

It took a moment for the words to sink in, Celina carefully working through the news, then her eyes lit up once more, "You mean...we are moving to America?" she whispered, smiling.

He nodded, "Yes...my dear sweet girls. My firm is paying for two single berth, second class rooms and one double berth, second class room, on the Titanic!" He cried.

Greta's eyes were wide, "Papa you mean..." she glanced down at the newspaper that was sitting on a table, still where it had been left abandoned earlier that morning. A picture of the Titanic was blaring across the front, announcing the departure day from Southampton, which wasn't but an hour's journey in carriage from their home. "Papa, you mean to say that not only will we be going to America...but we'll be going on the grandest ship in the world?"

"That's right, my girl!" He grinned and pulled Greta to him in a tight embrace.

The toddler did not quite understand why her family members were so excited, but the child applauded and cheered anyways. Celina looked at young Ella and picked her sister up, "Oh my dear baby sister!" She grinned and kissed the baby on the cheek.

Three years previously, when Eleanor Roberts was born, the girls lost their mother. After Eleanor had been born their mother survived for about a week, but due to the complications of the birth and not having the medicine she needed, Grace Roberts died. It had been a serious blow to their father and the responsibility of caring for the young baby had fallen on Celina, who was the oldest of the three girls. It had been very rough at first for her to get used to the new life, and she would be lying if she ever told you it had been easy. However, Celina faced the challenges and did the best she could with what she had. It was one of the main contributing factors to the reason why she was yet to be married. Being twenty-one years of age and being from a relatively high class family, it was considered unusual. But, Celina felt her duties to care for her sisters and to be the one to fix meals and clean the home was a much more pressing issue than who she would marry, even if it did cause people to whisper about her.

"The ship leaves at noon on the tenth," their father began, pulling Celina from her memories. "That means we have three days to pack what we need, and then the firm will be paying to arrange to have the rest of our things packed up and shipped over to us once we are settled in a bit at the new house."

"Well, if we only have three days left to pack, we should get started!" Greta announced, grinning before heading up the stairs.

Celina watched her sister run and shook her head, smiling, "Oh Papa, I'm so proud," she said as she looked back at him.

Her father held his arms out for the toddler who had begun to play with her sisters earrings and he carefully took little Ella into his arms, "Thank you, love. It means so much coming from you." He bounced his youngest, smiling at the child, "Now…you should go and begin packing as well! We have quite a lot to do and a very small amount of time to do it in."

"Yes papa," Celina said, smiling once more before carefully walking up the stairs and into her bedroom.

'America,' she thought. The land of opportunity and freedom, this was a new start and she couldn't be more excited."