Chapter 6

A few days later Serena and the girls were released from the hospital. When they got home, they were greeted by Sam and Alaynia. Alaynia pulled Serena into a hug as she entered the house. "I am so happy for you." She whispered. Serena hugged her tightly. "Thank you...I am so sorry about your baby." She said as she pulled out of the hug. "Me too..but it'll be okay. Sam and I are going to try again as soon as my doctor clears me." Alaynia said. "Good." Serena said with a smile. "So let me see my nieces." Alaynia said as Darien brought the girls in. Darien sat the two car seats on top of the coffee table. Alaynia and Sam both looked down on the sleeping babies. "They are so beautiful." Alaynia said softly. "Thank you." Serena said with a smile as Darien walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her back. Sam looked up at them. "What did you name them?" He asked. "Rini and Rena." Serena said softly.

Serena woke up to the sounds coming from the baby monitor. She slowly sat up and looked over to Darien's side of the bed. It was empty, She smiled as she got out of bed and headed towards the nursery. As she got closer to the door she could hear Darien talking to one of the girls. She gently pushed the door opened and saw Darien standing next to Rini's crib with her in his arms. She leaned up against the door way and crossed her arms over her chest as she watched him. After a few minutes Darien placed Rini back into her crib and turned towards the door. He looked up and saw her standing there smiling at him. He smiled as he made his way over to her. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked softly. "Not long." "Come on, lets go back to bed." He said as he led her back to their bedroom.

As they entered the bedroom Serena sat down on the bed and looked over at him as he sat down with his back to her. "Why didn't you wake me?" She asked. He turned around and stared into her eyes. "Because you looked so peaceful and I am capable of taking care of them." He said softly. She smiled as she laid back down on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. He laid back and snuggled up next to her.

Six months later...

She stood in front of a large mirror in her room and stared at her reflection. Everything in her life was perfect now. She four wonderful children and the man of her dreams. She couldn't be happier than she was right now. A knock at her door brought her out of her thoughts. "Serena, you ready?" Alaynia asked as she peeked in. Serena turned to her and smiled. "Yes." She said as she walked away from the mirror and towards the door. "Well lets go then everyone is outside waiting." Alaynia said softly. Serena nodded and followed Alaynia out the door. As they entered the kitchen, her father walked up to her. "You look beautiful, baby girl." He said as he pulled her into a hug. "Thank you daddy." She whispered as she hugged him tightly. He pulled out of the hug. "Well I guess it's time." He said as he turned and faced the back door. She smiled as she wrapped her arm in his. Alaynia smiled and opened the back door as they music started to play.

Darien stood outside and looked towards the back door as he watched Alaynia walk out the door first and down the aisle. They had decided to have the wedding in their back yard with their closest family and friends. Samuel stood next to Darien as his best man. He couldn't be happier for his sister. She had dreamed of this day for so long and now finally after a few hardships, they were finally coming true. Alaynia walked over to the other side and looked towards the door. Darien watched as Serena and her father entered the backyard. Everything was finally looking up for them and he couldn't be happier then he was right now. She smiled as she stared into eyes as she walked towards him. Her heart began to race as she reached him. She turned to her father and he placed a small kiss on her cheek before he gave her hand to Darien. He walked away and sat down next to his wife, who was holding the twin girls. Damien and Dane were sitting next to their grandparents as they watched their parents get married.

The preacher began and everyone watched in awe. Serena and Darien stared into each others eyes while the preacher began talking. "Darien, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse as long as you both shall live?" He asked. Darien smiled brightly. "I do." The preacher then turned to Serena and her the same question. "I do." She said happily. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." He said. "You may kiss the bride." With that Darien took Serena in his arms and kissed her passionately as their family and friends cheered and clapped.

The Reception...

After the wedding they all sat down and got ready to eat. Samuel tapped his spoon on his wine glass."Can I have everyone's attention?" He asked as he stood. Everyone stopped talking and looked over at him. "I would just like to say..." He began. Serena looked up at her brother. "I wish you two the best of luck and hope the rest of your lives are filled with happiness, God knows you deserve it after the ups and downs you two have been through over the years." He said softly as he looked down at them. Serena stood up and walked over to her brother and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." She whispered as she hugged him tightly. He held her close as he closed his eyes. "Your welcome, I love you sis." He whispered. She pulled out of the hug and stared into his eyes. "I love you too." She said softly. Everyone clapped as they sat down.

After they ate dinner and cake they spent the rest of the night dancing and catching up with old friends. Darien managed to pull Serena away from the crowd and they slipped into the house. "Darien, what are you doing?" She asked with a smile on her face. "Is it a crime to get a few minutes alone with my wife?" He asked as he pouted. "Well..maybe.." She said playfully as she moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her even closer to him. He leaned his forehead on hers and stared into her eyes. She stared back into his. "Darien, something wrong?" She asked with concern. "I just can't believe this is real, every since I really saw you for the first time back when we were teenagers, I knew you were my soul mate." Her eyes became glossy as heard his words. "This is very real and now finally we can start our life together as a family with our four beautiful children." She said softly. He smiled and nodded as he leaned in and kissed her passionately. She grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. It was finally the beginning of the rest of their lives...

The End!