A/N: So here we go, guys, the final chapter of Big Time Change *sniff* hopefully I'll be able to upload the sequel tomorrow or tonight :)


Happy Birthday Jeremy Shane!

Thank you to all of those who have stuck by this story, and especially those who've reviewed almost all of my chapters, and those who have favorited and followed my story, you guys mean the world to me (love heart) and hopefully you guys'll give my sequel a shot, and this won't be goodbye :) so here it is, the last chapter:

Chapter 35: Never

"You OK?" Jo asked as he put a hand on Kendall's bouncing knee.

"What?" he looked down at his knee and tried to keep it steady "Oh, yeah, I'm fine, what about you?"

" 'm fine," Jo mumbled, and Kendall sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder; she wasn't fine. Neither was he! He never thought he'd have to be back here again, sitting in those God uncomfortable chairs, waiting for news on his baby. As if on cue, a nurse from the pediatric ward appeared, smiling.

"Kendall Knight and Josephine Taylor?" she read from her clipboard as Kendall gave Jo a gentle nudge and she sat up. "If you both could follow me, please." Kendall looked up at the nurse, and then to his mother, who was sitting beside him, clutching his hand. Mrs Knight gave Kendall's hand one more squeeze before he got up and grasped Jo's hand, and they followed the nurse off down the hall. The walls of the pediatric ward were decorated with butterflies and flowers, as well as teddy bears and trains. They passed a number of open doors, and each one Kendall looked in contained a pale little face wrapped in a blanked and smiling at a bright eyed nurse who was playing games or reading to them. They pressed on until they reached a pale blue door at the end of the hallway, labelled 'infant ward'. The nurse held the door open for Kendall and Jo, and they slipped inside. The nurse led them down another hallway, turning a corner and stopping in front of room 7.

"She's in a stable condition, last time we left her, she was asleep." she whispered, letting the couple in. Lacey was asleep in a clear crib, wrapped in her pink blankets, and Kendall's heart lifted as he saw that she was no longer connected to any tubes.

"Where's the tubes?" Jo asked disbelievingly.

"They're gone!" Kendall breathed.

"She's able to breathe on her own now," said a friendly looking doctor with bright eyes "we just need to monitor this little lady for a bit longer to be sure she doesn't have any little attacks,"

"Attacks?" Jo asked, gripping Kendall's hand.

"I'm afraid you're daughter is an asthmatic," Jo gasped "it isn't serious, unless she goes into an asthmatic attack and she doesn't have her inhaler."

"How does she have asthmatic attack?" Jo asked in a small voice.

"Over exerting herself mostly," the doctor replied "so running excessively will result in a difficulty to inhale, which means she'll need her inhaler to breathe." the doctor handed Kendall a plastic device in a plastic bag. "Just place it in her mouth and push this button to release the medication."

"And what if it runs out?" Kendall asked, his heart skipping a beat.

"Any pharmacy or drugstore should be able to take care of that for you."

"Thank you," Kendall nodded, and handed the inhaler to Jo. "So, uh, can we stay with her?"

"Of course, I'll call for your friends," the doctor replied.

"Thanks," Kendall said, taking Jo's hand.

"Of course," the doctor smiled as he left the room.

"You hear that?" Kendall asked, turning to Jo and taking both her hands, his eyes filling with tears "She's stable! We can take her home this afternoon!"

"Yeah," Jo tried to smile "but did you hear what else he said?" her eyes began to fill with tears as she practically whispered. "She's asthmatic, Kendall, she's going to have trouble breathing!"

"I know," Kendall said gently, pushing a hair from Jo's face "but we can get through that together, what matters is that she's alive and she's gonna be, for a really long time!" he smiled, reaching down into the crib to hold Lacey to his chest and kiss the top of her forehead.

"Kendall!" Jo scolded in a whisper, looking around the room to be sure they were alone. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" Kendall demanded "She's my baby!" he pouted, holding Lacey closer to him as Jo chuckled.

"Alright, fine, but at least share," Jo smiled, holding her arms out for Lacey.

"No," Kendall pouted again, turning away from Jo.

"Kendall!" Jo stamped her foot on the ground "Don't be immature!"

"You don't be immature, stop throwing tantrums!" Kendall laughed.

"That doesn't make any sense and you know it!" Jo scolded "Now, let me hold my baby."

"Fine!" Kendall drew out the 'i' "but I'm next!"

"What, doesn't her favorite uncle get to hold her first?" James asked, flipping his hair as he entered the room, followed by the other guys, Camille and Kendall's family.

"Who says you're her favorite uncle?" Logan scolded him "How are you doin', man?" he patted Kendall's back gently.

"I'm great," Kendall replied absentmindedly, not taking his eyes off Lacey in Jo's arms.

"Whelp, we've lost Kendall," James announced, and he and Logan made their way over to see the baby.

Kendall sighed; he didn't mean to be so anti-social, he just couldn't believe the fact that his baby was alive and now awake in her mother's arms, gazing around at all the people flocked around her.

"Hey," Kendall felt someone beside him, and he looked over to see his mother standing in front of him, her eyes filled with tears "I'm so proud of you, Kendall," she smiled as he pulled her into a hug.

"Excuse me," the doctor had reappeared with a clipboard and pen in his hands. "I'd like to speak to you and Josephine for a moment, please," he said as Kendall and his mother broke apart. Kendall caught the attention of Jo, who handed Lacey off to Camille and came over.

"Since your baby is more than ready to go home," he smiled at the couple, who both mirrored each others excitement "I'd like to know what you've decided to name her, so that I can put it on her birth certificate and into the computer system, so what shall we put for your beautiful baby girl?"

"Lacey Marie," Jo supplied, lacing her fingers with Kendall's and smiling.

"Beautiful, now, er, this is a little awkward, but what last name will go on the records?"

"Taylor-Knight," Kendal said "until we're married, then it'll be Knight, can we do that?"

"Of course," the doctor nodded, smiling "Lacey Marie Taylor-Knight it is."

Within the next 2 hours, all the paperwork was filed, they were all checked out of the hotel and hospital and were all sitting in apartment 2J discussing Lacey while Jo stood in the corner of the room, trying p get her to sleep. Kendall made his way over to her, a copy of the new Pop Tiger clutched in his hand.

"Look at this," he said, snaking his arms around her waist and holding out the magazine. Jo shifted Lacey in her arms and looked down at the article;

'Is Kendall Knight giving up on his Big Time family? We spotted Knight's girlfriend, New Town Hight star Jo Taylor, heavily pregnant, in a restaurant with the rest of the BTR boys, as well as Kendall's family and Camille Roberts and friends. Our Pop Tiger reporters state that Kendall had a big announcement to tell the others, and apparently it left our fan fave, Miss Taylor in tears. She was spotted running into the bathroom, and leaving the venue at a sprint minutes later.' Kendall looked at the shots of Jo sitting in the restaurant, and then of Kendall standing up and calling after her as she ran. 'Kendall is seen here calling after his girl as runs from him, apparently adamant on ignoring his apologies. Has Kendall really left his pregnant girlfriend in the dirt, is he really abandoning his family for a life on tour?' Jo looked up from and magazine and laughed as Kendall tossed it onto to kitchen table.

"Never," he whispered as he watched his sleeping daughter nuzzle her head in her mother's arms.