Full Summary: Lilo dated Keoni and they decided to be friends. Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley return from Okinawa and run into Lilo. Can Lilo ever be true to herself and accept she loves Stitch or will Nani forbid them. When buried and hidden feelings come to surface as the one they love is in front of them. Can they ignore what their hearts say, or will they take the chance on their feelings. Feeling love is good, but experience the pain for that person's happiness is too much. How much suffering does one have to endure, seeing the one they love the most and yet can't even have them? Can't do anything to them; can't hug or kiss or any of those things. But what happens when the one you love is in danger, what would you do? AU Co-writer CrazyCommunist227. Please read and review.

Ch.1 Stitch's Back

Lilo has been waiting on the beach ever since she woke up. Today, Stitch was coming back along with Jumba and Pleakley. She couldn't help but give a nice, warm smile on the thought of Stitch being back from Okinawa. The thought of her ohana being together after losing Stitch for two years, this was the first time in those two years she actually smiled. She missed him so much, she felt so lost from when Stitch left. Then again, he left because she spent so much time dating with Keoni that he felt neglected. He felt like he has been forgotten, like he's been left behind. Kind of funny how Lilo was able to find Stitch and company, Cobra Bubbles contacted the Grand Councilwoman and she relay the information about their location.

Lilo was happy that Stitch had Angel with him, and another family to help heal the wound she made. A wound now found in her heart, Keoni and her didn't go so well. When she wanted to find Stitch, he would ignore it and try to play it off. So the two of them couldn't stand being next to each other and stop dating altogether, her heart was hurting. It was hurting with immeasurable pain, she never knew how much it hurt and didn't know if it was from Keoni and her breakup or the fact Stitch left without even saying a word to her.

But that's in the past now, Stitch was coming back and everything should be back to normal. She looks up and sees Jumba's ship in the horizon, the golden sun reflecting off the ship. It lands somewhere behind the jungle, she turns around back to the beach because she double-check on the object and it was just a regular plane.

"LILO!" A voice exclaims happily and loudly.

She turns her gaze from the beach to her left and sees Stitch running to her, she stands from her spot. She runs to Stitch while screaming, "STITCH!"

They both run and Stitch lunges Lilo into a hug, they both fall to the ground while laughing up a storm. Lilo and Stitch were hugging each other closely, Stitch was smiling and that made Lilo feel so much better.
They part and Lilo looks into Stitch's big black orbs, she takes in how mysterious they look. How nice his eyes were…Why was she so captivated with his eyes? She has seen them many times and never has she ever taken a notice to them until now.

Her mind was screaming at her, "What are you doing!"

She turns away from Stitch and for some reason, she wanted to look back into Stitch's eyes.

Stitch tilts his head in confusion, "Gaba wrong Lilo?"

He adds, "Youga not happy to see Stitch?"

Lilo looks back to Stitch and responds, "I'm happy you're back, really happy. You don't know how much I missed you. It broke my heart to hear you left, but now you're back and our ohana is whole once again. It's even bigger because of Yuna and her family."

Stitch smiles and hugs Lilo again, she rubs him and couldn't help but feel warmth crossing her face. She shook it off and continues rubbing him.

Stitch pulls away and says, "Stitch missed Lilo, misa missed Lilo."

He adds with droopy ears, "Meega thought youga be better without meega hagata."

Lilo retorts, "No, no. no. I'm sorry for ignoring you, truly and heart-fully sorry. I never mean to make you feel forgotten, that you were left behind. In fact, the day you left I planned a giant party for all of us."

She says while looking away from Stitch, tears swelling in her eyes, "But then you left me here without a goodbye, without anything."

She looks back to Stitch and wipes her tears away, "But now you're back. Everything will be good now."

Stitch wipes a stray tear from Lilo's cheek, "Meega soka for that. Meega promise to never leave youga again."

She asks, "Never?"

Stitch answers, "Never, meega never leave Lilo alone."

She then hugs Stitch and curls her fingers into his soft fur, Stitch rubs her back as she lightly sobs on her.

Her mind was saying, "Wow…I never realize how soft and fluffy he actually was. I never knew how comforting he is, how protective he is."

She pulls back and kisses his nose, like when Gantu captured them, and smiles.

She says happily, "My angel has returned home, nothing can go wrong."

They both stand and head back to Lilo's place.