((A/N: Okay it's midnight here but I've been listening to music and reading fanfics and UGH HERE HAVE ALL MY MUSE))

She could hardly keep her eyes open, but she willed herself otherwise.


The woman did not even care for time anymore. She never moved, never left, could never urge herself to even be seen. Her pencil ran along paper, black words being carved constantly into the white sheets. There was this urge, this instinct she had to purge her soul of the words, all those words, to scar the paper with what she could no longer bear.

Why, why, why, why…

By now it was furious, tearing, ripping into the paper, staining it with ink. She made no attempt made to calm herself. She repeated the word over and over, mentally causing it to lose any semblance of meaning it still had. She didn't want it within her. She didn't want anything within her.

Why was I born?

Why why why was she born why must she die why did she even exist at all why wasn't she dead already why didn't she just kill herself why was she such a disappointment why was she-

She snapped the pencil in her hand and flung it at the stained wall.

Covering her ears did nothing. She knew that already, but she couldn't stop. She could feel her fingernails digging into her scalp as she tried to shut them up, tried and failed, why did she even try there was no reason to try they were always there they would always be there she couldn't ever escape-

She didn't want the words. They hurt. She wanted to go back to being nothing, the nothing she was supposed to be. She didn't want to listen to the tears rolling down her face. All she had ever wanted was to be normal, some vague semblance of it, maybe somewhere deep in her heart…

I'm nothing, no one and not even worth caring about.

Still in pain, the female had regained only enough composure to grasp one more pencil and write in the line. Nothing. She'd never be known, never even be heard. Why was she born? Why should she die? If she was just going to be one more person, one more person who wasn't even worth supporting, what was she doing other than harm?

I was born alone and I will die alone.

She'd never be worth anything. Never. All she was, and would ever be was just one more girl, one more lonely girl. One more lonely girl who would never amount to anything, never contribute anything, never even give meaning to her own life…

All I've done in my life is harm.

All she would be was a waste of time, a waste of space, a waste of money that could be useful. She'd never amount to anything but one more girl, one more girl that they didn't trust, one more girl they had to put away. "For her own good" they said. "So you don't hurt yourself" they said.

It would be best for everyone if she had never existed.

Some days, I wish I could be nothing too.

She didn't exist. She never had existed. That was what they had told her. But the girl didn't want that to be the truth. Because she did exist. Without her, Satori had no reason to be alive. Why live? Why not live? Why even exist at all? Why… Why was she alone?

Why is it no one else can see?

…Why did they say she was alone?

I wish more people could understand that no one is always plural.

She wasn't alone. She never had been alone in the first place, see? Koishi was right here, right here with her. Satori was always with her sister. There was no reason to think she was ever alone. Koishi would always be by her side, wouldn't she? No one believed her. Why did no one believe her? She was her sister, Koishi. Yet, no one else ever even acknowledged her existence…

Because it wasn't me who wrote on these walls.