I own nothing created and or mentioned, by J.K. Rowling, in the books of Harry Potter. This story is a product intended for enjoyment not financial gain.

Rating: Mature
Sexual content, language content, and dark themes

If life ever had a lesson for Severus Snape it was to teach him just how cruel and unfair its essence could be. From his gaunt and angular frame to his obtrusive nose he was far from being counted among the handsome. Where the misfortune concerning his appearance ended his social adversity began. He was imbalanced, abrasive, and altogether socially awkward. With little friends to call close he lived a life of bitter solitude relishing the affiliations he had managed to form with an obsessive possession. Where one is lacking in companions one usually makes up for in family relations. Severus' family was small and painfully unsatisfying at best. His father: a belligerent drunkard of a muggle, with such a distasteful ambiance one could scarcely call him humane. His mother: an obstructive, and sour, pure-blooded witch who would sooner cut out her own tongue than use it to utter words of decency or kindness towards her only son. As a young boy Severus had eagerly dreamed of leaving his wretched parents and vile home behind to construct a more favorable continuation of life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With his hopes instilled in this future; this change of surroundings he was sorely disappointed when his situation at school mirrored that of his loneliness and hatred at home. He developed more enemies than friends and found himself more exquisitely bullied there then he had ever experienced from his parents at home. Ever desiring life to be more charitable to him, he lived on a day to day basis, steadily consternated, dreaming of a life that didn't so closely resemble hell. Barely at the age of sixteen Severus hadn't a clue in the world how to remedy his constant rut in life, to his insatiable chagrin. This being so he was uniformly depressed and invariably angry seeking solace in all the wrong places. Forever being dismayed when things never seemed to improve.

Like every other Friday the day had been long and arduous, manifested by the grey clouds that hung in the mid April sky. Double transfiguration with the Gryffindors had been a grueling enough task, proving to be a mere pin prick in comparison to the strenuous arithmancy exam that had followed. As the O. W. L.s were approaching in the next few weeks, the professors had been cracking down on lessons. Making them ever more rigorous while simultaneously increasing the work load. It was all any of the weary fifth years could do to simply stay on top of their assignments, prepare for their O. W. L.s, and maintain any strap of sanity.

Severus walked in a slump towards the great hall with a hunger so vigorous and blatant it could be considered as foreign, having never experienced anything quite like it before. Upon entering the great hall the noise of the many students within rang in his ears, triggering a dull ache at the front of his skull. He inched past a group of babbling Hufflepuffs on their way out from dinner and made his way to the end of the Slytherin table.

His heavy bag was wretched from his person and placed sloppily under the bench as he violently sat down with a jerk of his body. He sighed quietly, his stomach gurgling painfully, as he weighed the options of the food before him. Hesitantly selecting pork-chops, he forked a rather large scrap onto his plate followed by baked potatoes and pureed carrots. He cut up his meat and brought the apportioned pieces to his mouth, feeling at peace for the first time that day.

"Snape," Said Demitri Mulciber, as a word of greetings, taking a seat on the bench opposite Severus, who nodded his head in acknowledgement before filling his mouth with another bite of his dinner. As he continued to eat Severus grew discomforted and irritated for Mulciber sat across from him, staring, a rather smug grin etched on his face.

"What?" Snape asked after sometime, holding his fork and knife on either side of his plate in inquiry.

"Look at this," Mulciber said enthusiastically as he drove into his bag, exuberantly rummaging through it. He pulled out a book bound in brown worn-out leather with Russian letters painted on the front in chipping white paint.

Severus placed his cutlery down on the table and received the book from Mulciber's eager hands. He stared at the cover, realization coming over his face. It was Anatoly Malsalsky's book (an esteemed dark arts researcher, spell creator, and black magic practicer) who happened to be the inventor of the Cruciatus Curse and a personal hero of Severus'.

"Where did you find this? It's been out of print for decades. I've looked positively everywhere for it," Snape said opening the book and looking at the first few pages which were coincidently written in English despite its Russian title.

"My father ordered it for my birthday," said Mulciber smiling happily at Severus' obvious astonishment about having the book at hand in his midst. "Says it took him a lot of work and a pretty penny just to find it. Acquiring it was an even harder job."

"I don't doubt it," Snape agreed reading the first few pages in awe.

The book spoke of magical theorem and the interpretation of The Black Magic Doctrine, a theory stating that black magic holds all the powers of darkness, in other words, all the ill will and malcontent in the universe. This strongly contrasts with white magic, in other words, holding all benevolence and good will at your wand tip. Malsalsky spoke of the two branches as dualism and described them as being separate faucets of magic yet equal in intent.

"Well, aren't you lucky," said Severus coldly, handing the book back to its owner and returning to his meal.

"Only compared to some," stated Mulciber happily, stuffing the book back into his bag. "You can borrow it when I'm done."

"So, what, like the end of next year?"

"Shut up," Mulciber said as a matter of factually, grabbing a whole chicken breast from a pile of identical pieces and tossing it onto his plate.

The two boys ate in silence and finished quickly for Mulciber seemed to be just as ravenous as Severus had been.

"So, what have you got on tonight?" Mulciber asked as they both lifted their bags from the ground and began walking from the hall.

"I was going to meet Lily in a few minutes," said Severus looking down at his watch, noticing it was a quarter past seven. He had made plans to see her at seven thirty. Mulciber groaned loudly looking at Snape in utter disgust.

"You and that blast ended mudblood! Snape, I do not understand you."

"It isn't my concern wether you understand me or not," Snape said cooly as they began descending the stairs down into the dungeons.

"How can you stand being around her?" Mulciber asked. "She seems like a right bitch to me."

Severus said nothing, walking silently, simmering in his own personal fat of anger and resentment. He allowed Mulciber to berate Lily until they were at the entrance of the Slytherin common room.

"Baneberry," Snape uttered quickly as the wall concealing the Slytherin dungeon vanished, allowing the two boys access. Severus ushered in first, walking briskly through the common room, determined to ignore Mulciber, who was close in toe, still slandering Lily and Severus' friendship.

Snape, for one, was pleased upon entering their dormitory as it was vacant of the three other inhabitants. Had they been there he would surely have to hear their opinions (which he had already received one hundred times over) on the subject of his association with mudbloods.

"I just really don't know how you live with yourself, man," Mulciber stated aggressively, simultaneously kicking off his shoes and lying on his bed. "If I, for some reason, was cursed with the company of a mudblood I would slit my wrist with that little slasher spell you created in the beginning of the year."

"Your gifts of melodrama continue to serve you well," Severus said peeling off his watch and removing his books from his bag.

"I would drop her if I was you."

"You're not me," Severus chimed as he continued pulling his books out of his bag and placing them in a neat stack on his bedside table.

"Before you really regret it."

Snape scoffed before hanging his bag on his four-poster bed, "You're truly ridiculous Mulciber, she's muggle born! What could she possibly do to me that I would regret?"

"You mean besides steal your dignity? Oh wait, she's already done that," Mulciber said chuckling at his humorous joke.

"Oh shut it!" Said Snape sending the book in his hands soaring towards Mulciber who ducked a moment too late, causing the book to hit him painfully in the ear. Severus laughed whole heartily as he walked towards the door.

"You're such a bastard!" Mulciber enjoined rubbing his ear frantically and tossing the assaulting book to the floor.

"And proud of it," Severus said pompously before exiting the dormitory. . .

Lily, for all intents and purposes, was Snape's complete opposite. While life was cruel and unforgiving to Severus, it was kind and generous to her. Where he was hard and brusque she was soft and understanding. For every point he was ugly and rough she was fair and tender. Being the rarest of social butterflies, with a list of friends that could fill numerous feet of parchment, everyone adored her. The professors worshipped her because she was brilliant. Her peers admired her due to her being beautiful and mild tempered. Although her mother would never admit it, only a fool would deny, she was favored over her sister Petunia.

The reason as to why she occupied herself with the lonely Slytherin was beyond the rest of the school. At times she found herself questioning her acquaintance with him as well. He was once easy to stick up for. Her friends would interrogate her association with Severus and she would dismiss them effortlessly, saying that he might be rough around the edges but was truly good at heart. As of late he made her job of defending him severely difficult. He was becoming ruder, more standoffish and ever more submerged in the dark arts by the day. His embodiment, once merely stubborn and forlorn, was now angry and callous. The kind of person he was turning into was, in the lamest of terms, evil. Nonetheless she would meet him at seven thirty as preplanned. She wasn't one to ditch her friends, even if they were growing up to be somewhat depraved.

Lily sat at the shore of the lake beholding the view of the majestic water lapping the sides of the lumber covered mountains. The twilight breeze made ripples slide across the lake as leaves danced on the branches of the trees. She turned her head to look up at the large clock on the astronomy tower, reading it at seven forty. She sighed heavily and placed her elbow on her knee, resting her chin in her hand. She hated waiting.

"Hey," Severus said coming up from behind Lily and kneeling at her side.

Even though he had only seen her yesterday he had forgotten just how beautiful she was. The sun was on the verge of setting, enveloping Lily in a grey saturation that flourished her green eyes and accentuated her fair skin. Her long lustrous red hair was blowing elegantly in the breeze causing wandering strands to fawn over her perfect face. She had already changed out of her school robes and was wearing a skirt and blouse of her choice. She sat cross legged before him consequently making her skirt ride up, revealing her luscious upper thighs. Severus' eyes found the radiant exposure, almost immediately, making his head feel light. The whole refined image caused a tingling sensation to occur in his groin and stomach as a lump rose in his throat.

"Whats up, Sev?" She asked smiling, uncrossing her legs and shoving him lightly.

A perception of joy exploded in the pit of his stomach, as it always did, when she smiled at him. No matter how terrible he ever felt, no matter what Mulciber, Avery or anyone else said against her she always had a way of making him feel good.

"Nothing at all," he replied, his adam's apple bobbing from a hard swallow. He returned her happy expression with a light turn of his lips. "So what are we going to do tonight?" He asked after a few moments of silence (filled with internal happiness and love induced torture) had passed.

"We-e-e-e-ell," Lily said, a mischievous grin corrupting her delicate face. She dug into a small brown knit bag at her side and pulled out a small metal flask with the Gryffindor emblem on its surface. " We could drink this melon vodka."

"We could," he offered, a forced smile coming onto his face. He didn't care for the effects of alcohol so much. The taste was even less of a motivation to consume it. Regardless, he would drink a couple sips to appease Lily. If she wanted to drink thats exactly what they were going to do.

"Far out!" Lily exclaimed happily, unscrewing the flask and taking a hardy swing.

"Easy there," Severus said wrapping his hands around the flask as she guzzled a second healthy swallow.

Lily scooped some of the booze that was dribbling down the corner of her mouth and brought it to her lips. She sucked the liquor from her fingers and giggled at her own clumsiness.

Severus watched her greedily as he tipped the flask to his mouth, allowing the citrusy ethanol to slide down his throat. The sensation to cough was overwhelming as a burning feeling ripped down his esophagus and detonated within his abdomen.

"You should see your face," Lily chuckled receiving the little bottle and taking a small sip. "You look like you're in serious agony," she said smiling and swallowing another tiny gulp before passing the canteen back to Snape.

"I am," he said receiving the flask and sniffing back his sinuses which were running from the warmth of the alcohol. He took the smallest of sips and screwed the flask shut, setting it in between the two of them.

"So what did you do today?" She asked picking up the flask and drinking from it generously.

"I went to class, Lily. Same as you," he stated monotonously.

"Obviously," she said in between sips of liquor. "How was that?"

"You're asking me how class was?" He inquired incredulously at her meager attempts of small talk.

"Is there a problem?" Was all she could think to say as a retort.

"Other than you evidently boring me?"

"Sev!" She bellowed shoving him so that he was knocked off balance, having to catch himself with his elbow.

"What?" He asked defiantly.

"You're so rude," Lily said quietly with a diminutive smile on her face. She wanted him to take it in jest. She, however, was quite serious.

"What ever," he muttered taking the melon vodka and allowing more to spill down his throat. "So what's the word, Lily?" He closed the flask and passed it off to her. "Whats going on in the fascinating world of a Gryffindor?"

"We-e-e-e-ell," she began vivaciously, happy that he changed the subject instead of leaving it up to her like usual. "Emmeline Vance has been attached to Sirius at the lips. It was adorable at first, Emma having a boy friend and all. Now its borderline disgusting," she said grinning juicily.

"Thats foul," said Severus tearing a fallen leaf.

"You have no idea," Lily said shaking her head, taking a gulp of the vodka. "I'm thinking about joining th'choir whadda think bout that?" She continued, her words beginning to slur. Severus smiled wickedly, bringing his gaze from the leaf to meet her face.

"I think that's a brilliant idea, Lily."

"You do?" She asked surprised. For one: she couldn't sing and he knew this. Two: she was happy to see a glimpse of the old Severus. The Severus who didn't have a snide comment prepared for absolutely everything.

"I certainly do. I hate those inane choir performances. With you attempting to sing I'll have something to amuse me the whole ti—ah!" Lily had raised her hand and slapped his shoulder.

"You," whack, "are," swat, "so," slap, "bloody rude!" She finished with a finale of several blows to where ever her hands could find.

"Merlin, this is physical abuse!" Severus laughed as he attempted to fight her off. His efforts to stop her were lax for in Lily's violent outburst she had proceeded to knock him over and was consequently leaning over him to try and get her wallops in.

"Oh take it ya girl," she said smiling happily at her backhanded compliment. She turned her self around and sat nuzzled next to him. Severus propped himself up on his hands, palms lying flat on the ground. The two were so close his forearm was brushing against her lower back.

"Who's being rude now?" Snape joked, picking up the flask and drinking from it before passing it off to her as she indicated she wanted it. The vodka was almost gone now. Severus was somewhat shocked for he barely felt a buzz. This meant the majority of the flask's contents were swimming in Lily's stomach and bloodstream.

"Treat others how ya'wan ta be treated," she said jokingly wagging a finger at him.

She sighed happily and leaned her back against his torso, closing her eyes in contentment. Severus didn't dare move, in fear Lily may shift positions. He concentrated so diligently on remaining still he nearly forgot to breathe until his lungs begged him for air. So there he sat motionless, praying that his over zealous body didn't do anything that might shame him to death.

Lily could feel the alcohol swirling in her stomach and clouding her brain. Pleasant waves of delight radiated from every molecule in her body as she shifted herself so that her cheek was placed lightly on Severus' breast. The movement of his gentle breathing, the see-saw motion of his chest, elicited an unexpected feeling of ease within her. His heart pounded in Lily's ears as she brought her hand up to rest on his shoulder. Cocking her head up and looking into his face she found him already looking down at her, his black hair framing either side of his face. When her gaze met his eyes she discovered a glint in the obsidian orbs that she had never seen before. There was no explanation for what happened next, why she underwent the sudden urge that enveloped her. She wasn't even positive if she liked Severus as a person anymore. Nonetheless, that didn't stop her from bringing her lips up to his and kissing him.

Severus' body went rigid as he felt her angelic lips press ever so gently against his own. A small tremor of surprise jumped through him, causing his whole body to alight with fire. His mind was racing a mile a minute, unable to convince his consciousness that this wasn't all some kind of elaborate dream.

She pressed herself firmly against him and clutched his shoulder tightly as her leg moved to intertwine with his own. He brought his hand up to caress her cheek as his tongue prodded her lips, begging for entrance. A soft groan echoed in his throat as she granted him access, her tongue mingling with his own as his body tensed with pleasure.

Lily had maneuvered off of him, fastening her hands on the front of his robes, pulling him down on top of her. He was all too willing to acquiesce to her lead, positioning himself comfortably in between her legs. He pressed himself against her body as she deepened the kiss, moving her head to the side and moaning slightly against his lips.

The vibration of her voice in his throat made him delirious with arousal as he allowed his hands to roam her body. He explored under her shirt, his hands running over the smooth skin of her stomach, and running down the sides of her torso as his mouth greedily placed kisses on her neck and jaw line. Although unpracticed in such things, whatever he was doing Lily seemed to approve of for she cooed and muttered his name softly as her legs wrapped around his waist.

Severus propped one of his hands underneath her head, cradling her against the sandy shore, his free hand running from her stomach down over her skirt and up her thigh. He lightly moved his fingers over the exposed skin causing goosebumps to form on her flesh.

Lily's hands found their way through his billowy sleeves and snaked to his bare back, clawing at the skin as his lips returned to hers, his tongue slipping swiftly into her mouth. His free hand moved shakily to the buttons on her shirt, which were persistent to remain intact. After several minutes of fumbling pathetically, eager to not remove his lips from hers, he broke the heated kiss to unfasten the pesky buttons that were preventing him from living out his utmost dreams.

He held his breath as the shirt was parted, drinking in the newly exposed skin before returning to her mouth, eagerly continuing the passionate kissing. He removed his hand from beneath her head to run along her naked stomach, brushing his fingers up her arms. He maneuvered one of his tentative hands under the thin satin of her bra and could feel himself harden as his fingers made contact with the supple skin. Lily inhaled sharply as his mouth's attention shifted from her mouth to her breasts, worshipping each one as if they were some kind of divine goddess. He flicked his tongue around the most sensitive spots and left hungry kisses over the rest; sucking and kneading.

Lily buried one of her hands in his hair as he slowly kissed down her body, leaving no place untouched. Once he came to the holy territory of her waist he stopped and placed his fingers at the band of her skirt, slowly sliding it down her long legs before tossing it to the side.

Her stomach was rapidly rising and falling with her body's stimulation as she failed to stifle a moan while Severus brought his mouth down to her most private of area. His tongue worked impulsively as Lily's eyes rolled in back of her head and her mouth formed a circle in pleasure.

She closed her eyes tightly as she felt the penetration of Severus' fingers inside her. She writhed underneath his touch, bucking her hips in rhythm with his motions, whimpering and groaning erotically. Severus was panting erratically, mesmerized by the arousing sight of Lily moaning and tightening around his pumping fingers. He withdrew his fingers, causing Lily to cry out, as he went back to pleasuring her with his lips.

When she could stand the attention no further she grabbed his collar and roughly pulled him back on top of her. He was taken aback by her sudden movement but allowed his mouth to be locked in the recesses of her own once more as she pulled his robes from his body and hugged him to her.

"Do it," she murmured softly, digging her nails into his back and placing kisses on his cheeks and ear; his jaw.

Severus was startled by her sudden command but did not need telling twice. He quickly lost his underwear before positioning himself above Lily. Both shuddered and moaned in pleasure as he entered her. Severus rested only a few seconds, enwrapping himself in the harmonious moment of making love to Lily, before he began rhythmically thrusting his hips.

Everything was a haze of bliss as they moved as one, making each other moan and cry out in contentment. He would hold her legs against her chest filling a spot so sensitive both would bare their teeth and groan erotically. Lily would drag her nails down his back, eliciting a faster pace from Severus, grunting his utmost approval. The act didn't last long before Lily was pushed over the edge Severus following soon after, lost in a cloud of passionate ecstasy.

Time had stopped and nothing else would ever matter save this moment. Nothing would ever disservice Severus for he had Lily. No one could ever hurt him because she was his. All his suffering, his bitterness, and loneliness were all worthwhile because things were going to begin to go differently from this point on. Finally something had gone his way and he was eager to hold on to it for as long as he could.

Too bad life had proven to have a nasty habit of selling Severus Snape short— extremely short. . .

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story.