AN: Well, this is the first story here! This is one of the basic "Ash reaches his potential" stories, with some small twists. As of yet, no decided pairing. Enjoy!

And as a special treat, I'll do the disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, or anything else. Except a taco. But not for long.

A Single Sneeze

In the Hall of Origin

Five days before Ash leaves for Sinnoh

A babble of voices could be heard, almost down to Mt. Coronet. Lucky they didn't or someone might have wondered why they could hear screams of fury and pain. And anger, but mostly fury or pain.

"Damn it Kyogre, why did you have to send Manaphy into Kanto?"

"The bugger was in MY territory! I have rights!"

"You were in Sinnoh!"


"What do you think happens if Manaphy lands in a place like... I don't know... Saffron? That might be a bit confusing to the people there."


"... Did you think this through? 'Always think twice before you do something rash' I said. 'Don't go nuts randomly' I said. But did you listen? Nooo."

"Shut up." The sound of an angry titan of ice can be heard approaching.

"What's Articuno doing here?"

"How can you tell that it's her?"

"It's flapping wings. Lugia glides, we'd hear thunder if it was Zapdos, I don't hear a fire so Moltres is out, no rainbow equals no Ho-oh, Giratina's here, so's Reshiram, and that rounds up everybody who can fly with flapping wings."

"Not to mention that the air temp's dropped by about 30 degrees."

"Yeah, that helps."

" What. Exactly. Helps?"

"O-oh Articuno! W-what're you doing here?"

"I'm trying to figure out why I just had Manaphy, screaming for his life, fall out of the sky and hit me."

"Um... Funny story?"

"Kyogre? You gonna man up or what?"

"Shut up!"


"Oh Arceus, Articuno, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!"

"You're gonna be!"


"That's gonna leave a mark."

"Who knew that ice was strong against water?"

"...I envy."

"Groudon? You want to get beat up?"

"I don't envy Kyogre, who does? No I want to be like Articuno and be able to beat up Kyogre with ease." A whimper.

"...Is it over...?"

"Still alive? DIE!"

"... I can't believe how badly I want to give Kyogre a mercy kill."

"I'm gonna need bleach."

"You don't wear clothes and you don't have that much blood on you."

"For my eyes."

"Ah."A pause in which more violence can be heard.

"Nonononononononononono! AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!"

"How does that fit!"

"I pity Kyogre."

"No man deserves that."

"That can happen to a girl too."

"Right. Nobody deserves that."

"Why do you hate Odysseus?"


"Nothing." A little while longer.

"... What the hell?"

"My lord!"

"Kyogre hit Articuno with Manaphy."



"How? Never mind, I'll ask him."A crack.

"Nice shot."

"Should I stop this or should I keep watching and not miss this?"

"Rayquaza's been taping."

"Ray! Any chance of showing me that tape?"

"Sure Lord Arceus!"

"Thanks. Okay. WHAT IN MY NAME IS GOING ON HERE!"The assorted violence stops.

"L-lord Arceus! This isn't what it looks like!"


"So this isn't sexual tension?" Laughter.

"W-w-what! N-n-no!"

"Articuno, you're blushing!"

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend Kyogre!"


"Okay, jokes aside, what's going on?"

"Well, Lord Arceus, I was doing my normal runs over Kanto, making sure that it didn't overheat, and while I was over Mt. Silver I heard a scream before Manaphy plunged out of the sky and slammed into my face. I came here to find out what happened, and found out that Kyogre had ehem punted him from Western Sinnoh to Kanto. I was showing Kyogre what I felt about his action."

"...In my... territory...didn'...mean...sorry..."

"Why is this so bad Articuno, that Kyogre deserved... this?"

"As I said, Lord Arceus, I was working. I think there's an out of control whiteout occurring over Mt. Silver and nearby."

"...Who lives on Mt. Silver that this will affect?"

"Red. Oh."

"Yes. Kyogre, you're grounded."


On Mt. Silver

Next Day

Red stood near his Venusaur, watching the big pokemon shiver. The storm was so bad that it was hurting the starter, who he had trained to be just as resistant to his weaknesses as to water. This was not a good sign.

Truth be told, Red was feeling chilled too. Storms were common on this peak, but never this bad for this long. Yes, it had only been two days, but this one was bad. Had he gotten any legendaries angry lately?

None came to mind. If this kept up, Red planned to leave the mountain and go back to his hometown. That wouldn't be too bad. Better than the time he used a weak team to fight that kid- Gold? Never getting drunk again.

"Hey, big guy. Go back into your ball. I think we're going to visit Professor Oak."