Sakura's Boarding School Cliché: An Akatsuki x Sakura Fanfiction AU {Prologue}

I take out my banged up, ratty Nokia and look at it periodically as I finish the homework that was assigned earlier today.

4:32 PM MDT

I felt accomplished today. The norm for me is to wait until after dinner, late at night, and then start my homework. That works out about as well as you'd expect. You're braindead, want to go to sleep a.s.a.p, and regret not getting your work out of the way earlier; so then you do this half-assed rushing through all of it and get a mediocre grade the next day when it's due.

Not today. I was having a good day and when I have the occasional 'This motherfucker feels on top of the world.' day, I never feel like procrastinating. Scares everyone, actually, and that's always accompanied with at least a micro-amount of humor.

It's nice. Everything feels in order and I have the evening to myself. Well, myself and my Aunt Tsunade. She kinda took me in a few years back, and we're close and nothing is off the table for us, generally speaking. Although, she's got herself one hell of a temper so some things are best left alone.

Boyfriends are a good example, especially her old boyfriends. Minefield of a conversation, like seriously, back the fuck up; avoid at all costs.

Hopefully, she's in as good a mood as I am today.

'Praise. Although, you haven't mentioned why we're in such a chipper mood today, Outer.'

'Shh. Show don't tell, son. Inner, there's a reason why I'm the narrator and not you.'

"Oh, Sakura~…" Think of the She-Devil and she shall appear. Well, actually she's upstairs on the main level, and I'm down in my little bat cave basement. No, it's not actually a bat cave, it's your average upper-middle class basement with all your 21st century needs. I just like to call it that. You don't get to judge, shut up.

"Yes, Aunt Tsunade?" I call up to her in a tired, teenagerly way.

"Get your butt up hear, missy. I have something to ask you."

"You're already talking to me, can't you just ask without me having to get off my dead ass?"

"Sakura!" She sounded increasingly agitated.

"Coming!" I slunked not a word, don't care off of my bed, and hauled ass up the stairs. I found her leaning on the granite countertops in our nicely kempt kitchen. Because I'm in charge of cleaning it, not that I'm tooting my own horn or anything. *Faint mental tooting noises in the background*

'We're getting to the good part, right Outer?'

*Aggrivated sigh* 'Yes, Inner, and you mean good part as in getting my ass chewed out?'

'Yeah! That.'


"Alright, I found out why you're so unusually chipper today; school principal called. Not happy." Her body language is casual, but her gaze is that of a dead shark, and there's a noticeable vein popping out of her forehead.

"I can explain." My face is probably void of emotion, well that's what I'm trying for. Maybe I look a little constipate or something because this is awkward, and how does one hide emotions like how does that work? What does that even look like?

'C3PO? R2D2?'

I'm ignoring that.

"Shoot. You have 0.2 seconds."

"Okay, okay, so I was minding my own business and stuff, you know, being a responsible and non-troublemaking student, but then, all of the sudden, the fire nation attacked. Kidding. Seriously though, there was this redhead witch bitch picking on this poor freshman because she's a hot for the freshy's boyfriend and that poor girl looked about ready to cry and/or hit the road. So, I did the responsible thing, tapped on Red's shoulder, she turned around, and I decked her. You can hardly blame me, I mean words are great and all but this day and age, everyone is just so afraid of violence and they want everyone to make peace and-"

I pause to breath. "- some things need to be handled. Things happened, but I took care of it. No problemo. I mean, it's not like the first time I've done something like this. I don't know why everyone seems shocked by this or anything, plus, she didn't even bleed that much." My life is flashing before my eyes, she is getting to the point of no return at Mach speed.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.'

'Lmao. This is hilarious. Keep going, maybe she'll bite your head off your shoulders if you talk long enough, and I'll be free!'

'I'm fucked. I'm going to die today. Holy fuckballs.'

She cuts me off mid-spiel thank merciful Neptune.

"Sakura, you're rambling. Knock it off, alright? You're seventeen for cryin' out loud. This is it; this is the last straw. I love you Sakura, but you're being transferred to a boarding school. I'm going to be figuring out the details tonight, and on Monday you are heading out. You are always overreacting to something, and you need to get a grip. I have to step up on the parenting. I have to do my part, as your aunt, to discipline you and guide you so you can grow into a young woman who can depend on herself and be responsible on her own without having to be dug out of her own shit. Do you understand? I don't want you to turn out like I did!" A worried pleading flashes across her features, as if she remembers something she doesn't want to.

"What do you mean turn out like you did? You're fine! You're the best aunt a person could ask for." I pout slightly.

"You'll get it when you're older and when you're ready to know. Don't think too hard about that now. I have to get dinner ready, so you're dismissed, I suppose. We'll talk more at dinner." She chastises me, but her voice lowers down to an inside voice.

"Alright. I get it. I'm going to get a shower and think about some stuff. I'll be in my room by the time dinner's ready." I mumble.

Walking, or shuffling rather, I make my way downstairs to my room and grab some things for my shower. A towel, pajamas, my favorite lotion, and a couple other things. I'm kind of on autopilot right now. Today has just taken a turn for the weird; I mean, where did the boarding school idea come from? Also, I'm not sure what I'm feeling or what I'm supposed to feel. It's like indifference and uneasiness mixed together. I hope the shower will help. Maybe I'll get an inkling as to what to feel so I can deal with this. Or maybe I can figure out what to say to Tsunade at dinner and not be some unresponsive, apathetic noodle brain.

I keep thinking about the 'fight', if you could call it that. It was one (well-delivered) punch, and I don't care if I'm violent sometimes; my reasons for violence are just. Right? I mean, technically it's not even surface me.

It's my inner personality. She is my depth, my truth, my soul, my reservoir of sarcasm, and my fighting spirit. She is the concentration of who I am, and we communicate as two separate beings but it's not so. When situations get too hot to handle, I have to rely on her and relinquish my control. Wow, who knew narrating could be so damn cliché? Fuck this, it's shower time. See you freaks after my shower.

*Current time: Post-shower Sakura.*

I walk back into my room, pajama clad, and squeaky clean. I am still fuckin clueless over this whole school drama deal. The only real improvements is that now I smell real good and my pajamas are the comfiest mofos in sleepwear history. I lay on my bed, waiting for dinner to be called, I could guess that it's going to take a little while though, so I put in my headphones on my old as h*ck iPod shuffle, and pull out my sketchbook.

I decide to challenge myself, so I put my iPod on shuffle and decide to not allow myself to skip any songs. I struggle through a few songs, but I have hella good taste in music, so it isn't terrible. I mostly zone out anyways, and focus on shading this tattoo-esque pencil sketch I've been experimenting with. It's got a left-facing, jawless skull with three roses intertwined along the right side. I'll have to scan it later and clean it up, but so far, I'm a little proud of it.

I get absorbed in the shading of the eye sockets as I vaguely notice Sanitarium by Metallica fades and Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn starts up. I'm not really in a Korn kind of mood today, but this isn't a bad song. It soon fades to background noise, and then my boob vibrates. These pajamas are comfy, but they have no pockets. Gotta haul my phone in my bra. Bitches love bras.

I open the small, simple, ancient flip phone.

1 New Message

I open it and find I have a text message from my close friend Deidara.

Deidara: Hey, what's shakin' bacon, hmm?

Me: Not a whole bunch, other than my aunt planning to get me transferred to a different school.

Deidara: Why would she be doing that, I wonder? By the way, that's sarcasm, yeah.

Me: Yeah, so I punched a ho. Big frickin' deal, but this isn't just any school, she's talking about a boarding school.

Deidara: Ouch. You know how I go to a boarding school, hmm? It sucks, and you have to pay for everything and live on campus. Mine is an all guy school, so it's extra sucky, yeah.

Me: Gross. Glad I can't go there. I'm too cheap.

Deidara: *frowns* Yeah, and speaking of which, I have a school meeting to go to tonight. A bunch of the guys and I have to go, so I actually have to leave right about now. I'll talk to you later, Sak. Best of luck with your crazy aunt.

Deidara: Actually, best luck to her dealing with your crazy ass, hmm.

Me: Wow, thanks a ton, buddy. Whatever, talk to you later.

'Oh boy, I just can't wait for dinner, can you, Inner?'

'Nah, this'll be good.'

'So in other words, I'm fucked.'

'You sure are!'