Chapter One: All The Lovely Ballots


Today is the day that I, Avery Torres, am going to volunteer for the 74th annual Hunger Games.

Today is the day that I leave my mark on history.

The house was silent as I padded quietly around and got ready for the Reapings. No one was home; Mom and Dad were already at the town square. I moved quickly and swiftly—two things that came easily for me.

My rose pink dress fell to my knees and my light blonde hair fell into its natural waves as I examined myself in the mirror. Two steel gray eyes pierced through my reflection in the mirror, staring back at me, giving a look that would definitely scare a Peacekeeper. The beaded silver straps were tight against my bulky shoulders—a similarity between everyone in District 4—for the countless hours spent in the ocean.

Swiping the silver heels up in my hands, I slid down the stairs and out the front door, leaving Victor's Village behind without hesitation. I knew I would be returning soon.

Taking a detour, I walked along the rocky path leading to the cliffside. The salty sea air shrouds me; and I look down, at least 200 feet below me the waves crash against the rocky cliff. Setting my shoes down, I crouch down on the edge, pining to feel the mist across my face. The only thing keeping me from diving in is the fact that I wouldn't make it to the Reapings in time.

I've been waiting for this day to come since I was 5 years old. So have my parents. So has every family member in my family tree that has gone down this same road. The one I'm about to go down.

I inhale deeply as a fresh breeze comes in.

The day has finally come.

This was all I imagined my life to be, since my parents never gave me anything else to strive for, I never really had an option—after all, they were the ones to train me. My parents were both victors of their Games, and now it's my turn to follow in their footsteps.

My father has trained me in combat. He's taught me how to deal with all sorts of weapons over the years, but nothing could compare to the finesse in which I wield a sword. I've also been equipped with plenty of experience in survival skills...thanks Mom.

The town bell echoes in the distance, it echoed as if it were trying to penetrate the thick mist looming over District 4. With that, I grab my shoes and sprint towards the masses of people all heading to one place.

With the square in sight, I slip my shoes on and blend amongst the current of people moving towards the check in table. I'm quickly checked in and guided towards the 17 year old section.

"Helloo District Four! Hello, hello!" beams our District escort Zaelynn Bronze—a small woman who sports a tight gold dress adorned with a white wig and gold makeup. Her 5" stiletto heels echo as she steps up to the microphone.

With a heavy Capitol accent and an eerie smile, the Reapings officially begin. "Good morning District Four; I hope you all are as excited as I am! Welcome to the selection on one young man and woman to have the honor of representing District 4 as tributes in this year's 74th Hunger Games."

The Capitol anthem breaks the silence, filling every space of the square with the ballad of how the Capitol thinks they did us a favor. As usual, the promotional video from the Capitol is shown, and Zaelynn recites every word to herself and is the only one clapping when it's finished.

I roll my eyes, Capitol people…

Zaelynn pats her eye with a cloth. "Wasn't that wonderful? So inspiring…"

Yeah, totally. Makes me want to go into the arena and fight to the death.

But then again, that's exactly what I'm about to sign up for.

Zaelynn's high voice interrupt my thoughts, "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Why don't we do ladies first!"

My eyes intently watch her hand as it reaches into the deep glass bowl and grabs a ballot. I feel my heart drop into my stomach and my palms start the get clammy.

I can do this. I can't—no. I have to. I want to do this. I have to do this.

"And this year's female tribute from District 4 is…"

I close my eyes and open my mouth. My voice pierces and murders the silence, "I volunteer!"

Silence lingers once again and I open my eyes to see heads turned towards me. The longer the silence was, the more intense the chills were down my back. It was a balmy day, but I felt as though someone had poured ice down my spine.

"W-well, we have a volunteer!" Zaelynn gasps before motioning me up to the stage. "What's your name sugar?"

I clear my throat. "Avery Torres."

I get a round of applause—mainly people who think I'm a lunatic and a bit suicidal—before Zaelynn walks over to the other glass bowl.

"And the male tribute of District 4 is…"

"Chase Cummings!" says a boy's voice from the very back of the town square.

Zaelynn looks astounded, but before she can say anything, a lean, muscular boy with ashen blonde hair jogs forward and stands proudly on the stage. His deep green eyes meet mine and he holds my gaze, flashing me a smile of perfectly straight teeth. I keep my eyes at his level sans smile, we're not friends, he is in no position to receive a smile from me. In my eyes, all he is is another target for me to eliminate.

The fact that Chase is 6' 4" and is a solid 180 lbs of pure muscle, so if the guy were to say 'jump,' most people would probably go jump off a cliff just to make sure they don't piss him off. He was one of the kids that was sent to train in District 2 for a portion of their lives, just so their parents wouldn't have to train them themselves. My stomach flipped a bit at that thought.

But my Father's words echo in my head, 'You cannot let fear consume you.'

I was seven, and the clouds had been continuous and monotonous the entire day. Father had just returned from District 2 with a new set of training dummies. I made the mistake of hesitating before charging.

My father's stern voice rang throughout the room, "No Avery. Hesitation is the first step of fear. And fear will consume you. You will die because of your own stupidity." He took my shoulders tightly in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. "You cannot let fear consume you, for then you will not only ever see the last look of hope in a person's eyes; but you will be giving them the opportunity to see that look," he said before releasing his grip and walking silently out of the room, the door closing loudly behind him.

What can I say, Father wasn't exactly a loving guy, but then again—nothing's changed.

I stand up tall and give Chase a confident I'll-kick-your-ass smile to show that I'm not afraid of whatever skill he thinks he might have. He wanted a smile, I'll give him a smile.

Because I may look sweet and innocent, but looks are always deceiving.

I come out of my reverie and stare intently at my parents. I just want them to see that I'm doing as I was told. That they actually acknowledge what I'm doing.

They don't.

After all, it's just expected out of the Torres family.

"Well, let's give a big round of applause to both of our volunteer tributes of District 4: Avery Torres and Chase Cummings!" Zaelynn shouts into the microphone, her voice accompanied with much excitement.

I shake my head and exhale in annoyance as my parents make their way towards the train as Zaelynn finally finishes her speech. "Now go on you two, shake hands!"

I hold my hand out to Chase, and he takes it in his strong grip and pulls me in close enough to where he can whisper in my ear.

"You ready for the time of your life?" He says with a smirk before putting his arm around my waist to guide me past the Peacekeepers before we are ushered off to the private rooms.

Oh, you have no idea.

I sit down on the red velvet couch and toss my shoes to the side.

One hour to kill. Swell.

It's not like anyone would come see me anyways, I don't exactly have any friends. And my parents will be with me. But even if they weren't, they would expect that I remember the basics:

'Don't trust the Careers, you're stronger without them.'

'Find water as soon as you get your hands on a sword.'

'Once you run, don't stop until you're far away from another tribute.'

'Kill anything that gets in your way.'

All the classic stuff that comes from my parents.

Once the hour is up, the peacekeepers open the heavy door and I walk out of the room.

As soon as the door to outside opens, I see that many people are gathered around the train—waving with saddened looks on their faces.

"Looks like we get a going away party, huh?" Chase says as he comes up from behind me.

I turn my head in his direction, but don't acknowledge him as we walk up to the train.

With everyone in the luxurious car, the metal doors slide shut, blocking out all the noise and chaos from outside.

I gaze out the window and get one last look at the ocean before we zip away from District 4 in a blur.

Let the Games begin.